8,410 research outputs found

    Verification of the observer property in discrete event systems

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    The observer property is an important condition to be satisfied by abstractions of Discrete Event System (DES) models. This technical note presents a new algorithm that tests if an abstraction of a DES obtained through natural projection has the observer property. The procedure, called OP-Verifier, can be applied to (potentially nondeterministic) automata, with no restriction on the existence of cycles of 'non-relevant' events. This procedure has quadratic complexity in the number of states. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated by a set of experiments

    Neon and Sulfur Abundances of Planetary Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds

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    The chemical abundances of neon and sulfur for 25 planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Magellanic Clouds are presented. These abundances have been derived using mainly infrared data from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The implications for the chemical evolution of these elements are discussed. A comparison with similarly obtained abundances of Galactic PNe and HII regions and Magellanic Clouds HII regions is also given. The average neon abundances are 6.0x10(-5) and 2.7x10(-5) for the PNe in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds respectively. These are ~1/3 and 1/6 of the average abundances of Galactic planetary nebulae to which we compare. The average sulfur abundances for the LMC and SMC are respectively 2.7x10(-6) and 1.0x10(-6). The Ne/S ratio (23.5) is on average higher than the ratio found in Galactic PNe (16) but the range of values in both data sets is similar for most of the objects. The neon abundances found in PNe and HII regions agree with each other. It is possible that a few (3-4) of the PNe in the sample have experienced some neon enrichment, but for two of these objects the high Ne/S ratio can be explained by their very low sulfur abundances. The neon and sulfur abundances derived in this paper are also compared to previously published abundances using optical data and photo-ionization models.Comment: 13 pages, 4 tables, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Marcadores microssatélites para o cafeeiro.

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    O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de testar e adaptar marcadores microssatélites para serem rotineiramente utilizados nos trabalhos de genética e melhoramento do cafeeiro. Para isso, foram ajustadas as condições de amplificação de 24 primers microssatélites de café, disponibilizados na literatura. Estes primers, desenvolvidos para Coffea arabica, foram também testados em outras espécies de cafeeiro de importância para o melhoramento visando verificar sua utilidade como primer heterólogo. A adaptação das condições de reação e de amplificação permitiu o uso de 18 primers, sendo que a maioria deles amplificou as três espécies analisadas. O nível de polimorfismo desses microssatélites foi investigado pela amplificação de 60 genótipos, incluindo C. arabica, C. canephora, C. eugenioides e Híbrido de Timor (HT). Observou-se um alto polimorfismo e uma variação de 2 a 9 alelos por marcador. Metade dos primers testados apresentou polimorfismo em C. canephora e 33,3% deles foram polimórficos entre os HT. Foi possível discriminar todos os acessos de C. canephora analisados. Os HT, em geral, apresentaram padrão de bandas semelhante ao dos C. arabica, sendo que seis primers apresentaram polimorfismo, possibilitando a discriminação de 13 acessos, não diferenciados em estudos anteriores com marcadores RAPD. Os resultados demonstraram o potencial dos microssatélites para diferenciar indivíduos geneticamente próximos. Em trabalhos futuros, pretende-se desenvolver novos microssatélites a partir das ESTs do Genoma/Café. Esses novos marcadores, juntamente com os primers adaptados neste trabalho, constituirão em uma importante ferramenta para os estudos genéticos do café no Brasil

    Draft genome sequence of multidrug-resistant vibrio parahaemolyticus strain PH698, infecting penaeid shrimp in the Philippines

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    The emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains in diverse settings has been reported globally. In the Philippine shrimp aquaculture industry, antibiotics are used for the treatment of bacterial diseases during the production cycle. We report the draft genome of Vibrio parahaemolyticus PH698, a multidrug-resistant strain isolated from a Philippine shrimp farm

    Genetic characterization of an elite coffee germplasm assessed by gSSR and EST-SSR markers.

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    Coffee is one of the main agrifood commodities traded worldwide. In 2009, coffee accounted for 6.1% of the value of Brazilian agricultural production, generating a revenue of US$6 billion. Despite the importance of coffee production in Brazil, it is supported by a narrow genetic base, with few accessions. Molecular differentiation and diversity of a coffee breeding program were assessed with gSSR and EST-SSR markers. The study comprised 24 coffee accessions according to their genetic origin: arabica accessions (six traditional genotypes of C. arabica), resistant arabica (six leaf rust-resistant C. arabica genotypes with introgression of Híbrido de Timor), robusta (five C. canephora genotypes), Híbrido de Timor (three C. arabica x C. canephora), triploids (three C. arabica x C. racemosa), and racemosa (one C. racemosa). Allele and polymorphism analysis, AMOVA, the Student t-test, Jaccard?s dissimilarity coefficient, cluster analysis, correlation of genetic distances, and discriminant analysis, were performed. EST-SSR markers gave 25 exclusive alleles per genetic group, while gSSR showed 47, which will be useful for differentiating accessions and for fingerprinting varieties. The gSSR markers detected a higher percentage of polymorphism among (35% higher on average) and within (42.9% higher on average) the genetic groups, compared to EST-SSR markers. The highest percentage of polymorphism within the genetic groups was found with gSSR markers for robusta (89.2%) and for resistant arabica (39.5%). It was possible to differentiate all genotypes including the arabica-related accessions. Nevertheless, combined use of gSSR and EST-SSR markers is recommended for coffee molecular characterization, because EST-SSRs can provide complementary information

    First genomic microsatellite markers developed for Platonia insignis (Clusiaceae), a Brazilian fruit tree.

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    Platonia insignis is a fruit tree native of Brazil with allogamous and asexual reproduction. The production of fruits is mainly obtained by exploitation of natural populations and the impact of genetic structuring on plant production may be evaluated. For this purpose, codominant and multiallelic markers such as microsatellite are the most suitable, but they need to be developed for this species. Thus, the aim of this work was to develop and validate microsatellite markers for P. insignis. We used Roche 454 GS FLX sequencing platform of a single P. insignis genotype and 1702 microsatellite sequences were identified. Based on some pre-requisites, we could develop 50 primer pairs to be tested. Twenty-two primer pairs successfully amplified fragments and they were tested in 31 genotypes of P. insignis that belong to a germplasm bank and were sampled in the northeast of Pará State, Brazil. Thirteen primers were polymorphic and the number of alleles per loci varied from 5 (PI18 and PI27) to 2 (PI08, PI25, PI31, PI33 and PI 37). Expected heterozygosity (HE) varied from 0.74 (PI27) to 0.12 (PI31)b and observed heterozygosity (HO) varied from 1.00 (PI25) to 0.00 (PI08, PI31, PI33 and PI37). Principal coordinates could separate the genotypes of P. insignis in clusters and we can conclude that the primers can estimate the genetic diversity of P. insignis populations.Short Comunication