18 research outputs found


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    Students' Mathematical Connection Based on Levels of Mathematical Abilities: Qualitative Study in SLETV

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    Abstract: This research aims to illustrate the way for stu-dents to apply mathematical concepts to the given problem, for example, System of Linear Equations with Two Variables (SLETV). There were three students of SMP Negeri 3 Watansoppeng getting engaged to be research subject. There were two instruments used in this research which are math ability test and mathematical connection capability test. The results of this study showed that the ability tests of mathematics, three stu-dents classified into the ability of higher, middle and lower. With problem of SLETV given, subject with a high level of mathemati-cal ability was able to connect with both the mathematical con-cept known by the given problem, compared with students who have other ability in mathematical connections. In addition, the ability of mathematical connections affects the answers given by the subject, i.e. there were the right answer and wrong answer, and no response at all

    Identification of Representation Ability in the Topic of Space Analytical Geometry for Student in Higher Education

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    This study aims to identify the representation ability of prospective mathematics teacher students by exploring the material of Space Analytical Geometry. The type of research is design research involving 38 students of the Mathematics Department, FMIPA UNM. The research instruments used are Lesson Plan and e-Task. The e-Task is the instrument combining the LMS Syam-OK and Gdrive for collecting the outputs of these activities. From the results provide an important note that 1) the methods and materials of student representation depend on the knowledge they have, the wider the knowledge they have the various presentation information provided. 2) The method and material of representation shown by students will be more developed if the questions given are challenging. 3) From some of the problems given, the analytical method will be used if the problem requires pictures to be shown in its solution. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan representasi mahasiswa calon guru matematika dengan mendalami materi Geometri Analitik Ruang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah design research yang melibatkan 38 mahasiswa Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNM. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah Lesson Plan dan e-Task. E-Task adalah instrumen yang menggabungkan LMS Syam-OK dan Gdrive untuk mengumpulkan output dari kegiatan ini. Dari hasil memberikan catatan penting bahwa 1) metode dan materi representasi siswa bergantung pada pengetahuan yang dimilikinya, semakin luas pengetahuan yang dimilikinya maka berbagai informasi presentasi yang diberikan. 2) Metode dan materi representasi yang ditunjukkan siswa akan lebih berkembang jika soal yang diberikan menantang. 3) Dari beberapa masalah yang diberikan, metode analitik akan digunakan jika masalah tersebut membutuhkan gambar untuk ditampilkan dalam penyelesaiannya


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    This qualitative research with a descriptive approach aims to describe the learning opportunities provided and the mathematical literacy skills achieved by eighth-grade students at Public Junior High School 14 in Makassar. The subjects of the study were one teacher and 28 students. Data collection techniques included observation, tests, and interviews. The research instruments included observation sheets, tests of mathematical literacy skills, and interview guidelines. The data validation technique applied was source triangulation. The data analysis techniques in this study were: 1) data condensation, 2) data presentation, and 3) drawing conclusions. The results of the research showed that the learning opportunities provided by the teacher were not sufficient to support students' learning activities, including content coverage, content emphasis, content exposure, and the quality of instructional delivery. This had an impact on the students' achievement of mathematical literacy skills, which were still predominantly in the low category. Teachers need to innovate in the area of learning opportunities to support students with diverse abilities, capacities, and the availability of facilities that support learning activities.Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesempatan belajar yang terlaksana dan kemampuan literasi matematika yang dicapai siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 14 Makassar. Subjek penelitian adalah 1 orang guru dan 28 orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu, pengamatan, pemberian tes dan wawancara. Instrumen penelitian memuat lembar pengamatan, tes kemampuan literasi matematika dan pedoman wawancara. Teknik validasi data yang diterapkan adalah triangulasi sumber. Adapun teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu, 1) kondensasi data, 2) penyajian data, dan 3) penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesempatan belajar yang diberikan oleh guru belum cukup mendukung aktivitas pembelajaran siswa, meliputi cakupan konten, penekanan konten, paparan konten, dan kualitas penyampaian instruksional. Hal ini berdampak pada capaian kemampuan literasi matematika siswa yang masih didominasi oleh kemampuan kategori rendah. Guru perlu melakukan inovasi pada bagian kesempatan belajar yang dapat mendukung siswa dengan ragam kemampuan, kapasitas, dan ketersediaan fasilitas yang mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran


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    This study aims to show the content of students' argumentation in building their creative reasoning and the relationship between argumentation content and students' mathematical literacy skills. The type of research applied is descriptive qualitative research involving 27 junior high school students in Toli-Toli City, Central Sulawesi. The research instrument used was a like-mathematical literacy test and an assessment rubric. The collected data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis which was used to analyze text data. The results of the research show that 1) The content of students' arguments in building their creative reasoning is supported by using simple statements, complex statements, completed by syntax or no syntax in building mathematical arguments, and 2) the ability of students to show their argumentation in the problem solving is the level of their capacity to interpret and to represent their knowledge and learning experience related with the problem. The breadth and depth of content of students' mathematical literacy give them the flexibility to argue. Students' mathematical literacy ability by simply giving simple statements has a different breadth and depth than those who are able to give complex statements. Likewise with the shrewdness of using syntax in constructing problem-solving plans.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan isi argumentasi mahasiswa dalam membangun penalaran kreatifnya dan hubungan antara konten argumentasi dengan kemampuan literasi matematika mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian yang diterapkan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang melibatkan 27 siswa SMP di Kota Toli-Toli, Sulawesi Tengah. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes literasi serupa-matematis dan rubrik penilaian. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan analisis isi kualitatif yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data teks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Isi argumen mahasiswa dalam membangun penalaran kreatifnya didukung dengan menggunakan pernyataan sederhana, pernyataan yang kompleks, dilengkapi dengan sintaksis atau tanpa sintaksis dalam membangun argumen matematika, dan 2) kemampuan peserta didik untuk menunjukkan argumentasinya dalam pemecahan masalah adalah tingkat kapasitas mereka untuk menafsirkan dan mewakili pengetahuan dan pengalaman belajar mereka yang terkait dengan masalah tersebut. Luas dan dalamnya isi literasi matematika siswa memberi mereka fleksibilitas untuk berdebat. Kemampuan literasi matematika siswa dengan hanya memberikan pernyataan sederhana memiliki keluasan dan kedalaman yang berbeda dengan mereka yang mampu memberikan pernyataan yang kompleks. Begitu juga dengan kelihaian menggunakan sintaksis dalam membangun rencana pemecahan masalah