46 research outputs found

    Will current rotational grazing management recommendations suit future intensive pastoral systems?

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    This review aimed to determine whether current grazing management practices will suit future intensive rotationally grazed pastoral systems. A review of literature on grazing management recommendations found that there was good agreement on the ‘principles’ required for optimal grazing management. While these management practices have stood the test of time, it is concluded that shifts in external pressures (e.g., climate, plant selection and breeding, system intensification) compared to the period when farm-level grazing recommendations were first developed, may necessitate a rethink of current grazing recommendations. Examples include greater pasture masses (e.g., around 4000 kg dry matter (DM)/ha vs. the recommended range of 2600 to 3200 kg DM/ha) where short-rotation (annual, biennial) and tetraploid ryegrasses are sown, provided a consistent post-grazing residual can be maintained (possibly between 40- and 70- mm height). Milder winters and the use of ryegrass cultivars with higher growth rates in late winter/early spring may necessitate either lower target pasture covers at calving or shorter rotation lengths during winter. Longer grazing rotations (well beyond the 3-leaf stage, i.e., equivalent to deferred grazing) can be recommended for select paddocks from mid-spring into summer, to increase seasonal resilience across the farm. Longer residuals (even up to 70 mm - i.e., almost double the recommended height) might improve plant survival during periods of high stress (e.g., heatwaves, droughts). Lastly, diverse species pastures may require specific management to suit dominant species other than perennial ryegrass

    Modelling the resilience of forage crop production to future climate change in the dairy regions of southeastern Australia using APSIM

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    A warmer and potentially drier future climate is likely to influence the production of forage crops on dairy farms in The southeast dairy regions of Australia. Biophysical modelling was undertaken to explore the resilience of forage production of individual forage crops to scalar increases in temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and changes in daily rainfall. The model APSIM was adapted to reflect species specific responses to growth under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. It was then used to simulate 40 years of production of forage wheat, oats, annual ryegrass, maize grown for silage, forage sorghum, forage rape and alfalfa grown at three locations in southeast Australia with increased temperature scenarios (1, 2, 3 and 4 °C of warming) and atmospheric CO2 concentration (435, 535, 640 and 750 ppm) and decreasing rainfall scenarios (10, 20 or 30% less rainfall). At all locations positive increases in DM yield compared with the baseline climate scenario were predicted for lucerne (2·6–93·2% increase), wheat (8·9-37·4% increase), oats (6·1–35·9% increase) and annual ryegrass (9·7–66·7% increase) under all future climate scenarios. The response of forage rape and forage sorghum varied between location and climate change scenario. At all locations, maize was predicted to have a minimal change in yield under all future climates (between a 2·6% increase and a 6·8% decrease). The future climate scenarios altered the seasonal pattern of forage supply for wheat, oats and lucerne with an increase in forage produced during winter. The resilience of forage crops to climate change indicates that they will continue to be an important component of dairy forage production in southeastern Australia

    Modelling forage yield and water productivity of continuous crop sequences in the Argentinian Pampas

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    In recent years, the use of forage crop sequences (FCS) has been increased as a main component into the animal rations of the Argentinian pasture-based livestock systems. However, it is unclear how year-by-year rainfall variability and interactions with soil properties affect FCS dry matter (DM) yield in these environments. Biophysical crop models, such as Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM), are tools that enable the evaluation of crop yield variability across a wide of environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the APSIM ability to predict forage DM yield and water productivity (WP) of multiple continuous FCS. Thirteen continuous FCS, including winter and summer crops, were simulated by APSIM during two/three growing seasons in five locations across the Argentinian Pampas. Our modelling approach was based on the simulation of multiple continuous FCS, in which crop DM yields depend on the performance of the previous crop in the same sequence and the final soil variables of the previous crop are the initial conditions for the next crop. Overall, APSIM was able to accurately simulate FCS DM yield (0.93 and 3.2 Mg ha−1 for concordance correlation coefficient [CCC] and root mean square error [RMSE] respectively). On the other hand, the model predictions were better for annual (CCC = 0.94; RMSE = 0.4 g m−2 mm−1) than for seasonal WP (CCC = 0.71; RMSE = 1.9 g m−2 mm−1), i.e. at the crop level. The model performance to predict WP was associated with better estimations of the soil water dynamics over the long-term, i.e. at the FCS level, rather than the short-term, i.e. at the crop level. The ability of APSIM to predict WP decreased as seasonal WP values increased, i.e. for low water inputs. For seasonal water inputs, <200 mm, the model tended to under-predict WP, which was directly associated with crop DM yield under-predictions for frequently harvested crops. Even though APSIM showed some weaknesses in predicting seasonal DM yield and WP, i.e. at the crop level, it appears as a potential tool for further research on complementary forage crops based on multiple continuous FCS in the Argentinian livestock systems

    Climate change effects on pasture-based dairy systems in south-eastern Australia

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    Increases in temperature, along with possible decreases in rainfall will influence the production of forage on Australian dairy farms. A biophysical simulation study was undertaken to compare the performance of perennial pastures and annual forage cropping systems under historical and two possible future climate scenarios for three key dairy locations of south-eastern Australia. Pastures and forage cropping systems were simulated with the biophysical models DairyMod and APSIM, respectively for a location with a heavy reliance on irrigation (Dookie, Victoria), a location with a partial reliance on irrigation (Elliott, Tasmania) and a dryland location (Terang, Victoria). The historical climate scenario (baseline scenario) had no augmentation to climate data and an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 380 ppm, while the two future climate scenarios had either a 1oC increase in temperatures (with an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 435 ppm) and a concurrent 10% decrease in rainfall (+1/-10 scenario) or a 2oC increase in temperatures (with an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 535 ppm) and a concurrent 20% decrease in rainfall and (+2/-20 scenario). Mean annual dry matter (DM) yields (t DM/ha) at Dookie of the forage cropping options and the pasture systems increased under both the future climate scenarios but more irrigation was required. At Terang, the forage cropping systems increased yield while the yield of the pasture systems decreased under the future climate senarious. At Elliott, irrigated pastures and cropping systems increase yield while there was minimal or a negative impact on dryland pastures and cropping systems yields under the futre climate senarious. At all three locations forage production in the colder months of the year increased with a decrease in production during the warmer months. This study indicates that double cropping and irrigated pasture systems at all three locations appear resilient to projected changes in climate, however, for irrigated systems this assumes a reliable supply of irrigation water. The systems implications of how a shift in the seasonality of forage supply within these options impacts on the farm system as a whole warrants further investigation

    Transcriptome sequencing of lentil based on second-generation technology permits large-scale unigene assembly and SSR marker discovery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lentil (<it>Lens culinaris </it>Medik.) is a cool-season grain legume which provides a rich source of protein for human consumption. In terms of genomic resources, lentil is relatively underdeveloped, in comparison to other Fabaceae species, with limited available data. There is hence a significant need to enhance such resources in order to identify novel genes and alleles for molecular breeding to increase crop productivity and quality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tissue-specific cDNA samples from six distinct lentil genotypes were sequenced using Roche 454 GS-FLX Titanium technology, generating c. 1.38 × 10<sup>6 </sup>expressed sequence tags (ESTs). <it>De novo </it>assembly generated a total of 15,354 contigs and 68,715 singletons. The complete unigene set was sequence-analysed against genome drafts of the model legume species <it>Medicago truncatula </it>and <it>Arabidopsis thaliana </it>to identify 12,639, and 7,476 unique matches, respectively. When compared to the genome of <it>Glycine max</it>, a total of 20,419 unique hits were observed corresponding to c. 31% of the known gene space. A total of 25,592 lentil unigenes were subsequently annoated from GenBank. Simple sequence repeat (SSR)-containing ESTs were identified from consensus sequences and a total of 2,393 primer pairs were designed. A subset of 192 EST-SSR markers was screened for validation across a panel 12 cultivated lentil genotypes and one wild relative species. A total of 166 primer pairs obtained successful amplification, of which 47.5% detected genetic polymorphism.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A substantial collection of ESTs has been developed from sequence analysis of lentil genotypes using second-generation technology, permitting unigene definition across a broad range of functional categories. As well as providing resources for functional genomics studies, the unigene set has permitted significant enhancement of the number of publicly-available molecular genetic markers as tools for improvement of this species.</p

    Effect of defoliation interval and height on the growth and quality of Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo

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    The effect of defoliation on Amarillo (Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo) was studied in a glasshouse and in mixed swards with 2 tropical grasses. In the glasshouse, Amarillo plants grown in pots were subjected to a 30/20°C or 25/15°C temperature regime and to defoliation at 10-, 20- or 30-day intervals for 60 days. Two field plot studies were conducted on Amarillo with either irrigated kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) in autumn and spring or dryland Pioneer rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) over summer and autumn. Treatments imposed were 3 defoliation intervals (7, 14 and 28 days) and 2 residual heights (5 and 10 cm for kikuyu; 3 and 10 cm for rhodes grass) with extra treatments (56 days to 3 cm for both grasses and 21 days to 5 cm for kikuyu). Defoliation interval had no significant effect on accumulated Amarillo leaf dry matter (DM) at either temperature regime. At the higher temperature, frequent defoliation reduced root dry weight (DW) and increased crude protein (CP) but had no effect on stolon DW or in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD). On the other hand, at the lower temperature, frequent defoliation reduced stolon DW and increased OMD but had no effect on root DW or CP. Irrespective of temperaure and defoliation, water-soluble carbohydrate levels were higher in stolons than in roots (4.70 vs 3.65%), whereas for starch the reverse occured (5.37 vs 9.44%). Defoliating the Amarillo-kikuyu sward once at 56 days to 3 cm produced the highest DM yield in autumn and sprong (582 and 7121 kg/ha DM, respectively), although the Amarillo component and OMD were substantially reduced. Highest DM yields (1726 kg/ha) were also achieved in the Amarillo-rhodes grass sward when defoliated every 56 days to 3 cm, although the Amarillo component was unaffected. In a mixed sward with either kikuyu or rhodes grass, the Amarillo component in the sward was maintained up to a 28-day defoliation interval and was higher when more severely defoliated. The results show that Amarillo can tolerate frequent defoliation and that it can co-exist with tropical grasses of differing growth habits, provided the Amarillo-tropical grass sward is subject to frequent and severe defoliation

    Utilising leaf number as an indicator for defoliation to restrict stem growth in rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) cv. Callide

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    A plot experiment examined the yield response of a nitrogen-fertilised rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) sward to defoliation using the production of a set number of leaves after the last defoliation, as the indication, for defoliation harvesting. Two factors, defoliation frequency and nitrogen, fertiliser rate, were imposed on the rain-grown sward in south-east Queensland over 2 defoliation cycles. Defoliations occurred when an average of 2, 4, 6 and 8 leaves were produced on tillers, and the rates of nitrogen fertiliser were 150 and 300 kg/ha N. Total and leaf yields of rhodes grass were unaffected by defoliation frequency (P>0.05). Stem yield increased only once 4 leaves had been regrown; hence, leaf: stem ratio was highest at the 2- and 4-leaf defoliation intervals. This response was most pronounced when coupled with the higher rate of nitrogen fertiliser. The results suggest leaf number per tiller can be used as an indication of time to harvest rhodes grass pastures to limit the production of stem and increase the leaf: stem ratio. Further studies are required to examine this principle under grazing

    Yield and water-use efficiency of contrasting lucerne genotypes grown in a cool temperate environment

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    In Tasmania, Australia, forage production is maximised by the use of irrigation. However, availability of water for irrigation is often limited, making the water-use efficiency (WUE) of a species/genotype an important consideration when designing forage systems. Field experimentation and an associated modelling study was undertaken to determine the WUE and environmental factors influencing WUE for contrasting lucerne (Medicago sativa) genotypes across six dairying regions within Tasmania. In the field experiment a significant genotype influence on WUE was identified under irrigated conditions and modelling identified a genotype influence on WUE in three out of six regions. WUE was related to the amount of water received (irrigation plus rainfall). The marginal response to the application of irrigation water (MWUE) was greatest for the highly winter-active genotype in the field experiment; however, modelling did not identify a consistent genotype influence on MWUE across regions. MWUE was negatively associated with the amount of deep drainage. The present study identified that lucerne has the potential to improve the WUE of forage systems across six different Tasmanian regions. The linkage of MWUE and deep drainage highlights that deficit irrigation practices could further improve the WUE of this forage crop, particularly in environments prone to deep drainage

    Longer defoliation interval ensures expression of the ‘high sugar’ trait in perennial ryegrass cultivars in cool temperate Tasmania, Australia

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    Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars have been developed to express higher levels of leaf water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC), but expression of this ‘high sugar’ trait varies between environments and is likely to be further influenced by the extent of plant re-growth. The herbage WSC concentration and the ratio of WSC to crude protein (WSC: CP) in high sugar cultivars AberMagic and SF Joule were therefore compared with a control cultivar, Arrow, under cool temperate Tasmanian conditions and two defoliation interval treatments. The irrigated cultivars were subjected to defoliation at either the 1·5-leaf or 3-leaf stage of re-growth, and additional components of nutritive value (fibre concentrations and metabolizable energy content) and dry matter (DM) yields were measured throughout a 12-month period (March 2011 to March 2012). The high sugar trait was consistently expressed in AberMagic, which under both the 1·5-leaf and 3-leaf stages defoliation intervals, displayed the highest WSC concentration (mean 194 and 247 mg/g DM, respectively, compared with 153 and 178 mg/g DMfor Arrow) and highest WSC:CP ratio (mean 0·74 and 1·29, respectively, compared with 0·58 and 0·85 for Arrow). Defoliation at the 3-leaf stage of regrowth ensured greater expression of the high sugar trait in both AberMagic and SF Joule, as measured by the increase in WSC concentration and WSC:CP ratio as a result of increasing defoliation interval. The strength and consistency of trait expression in AberMagic under the 3-leaf stage defoliation interval warrants further research to investigate its effect on rumen nitrogen (N) partitioning and milk production in this environment