35 research outputs found

    Determining the parameters of a random telegraph signal by digital low pass filtering

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    We propose a method to determine the switching rates of a random telegraph signal. We apply digital low pass filtering with varying bandwidth to the raw signal, evaluate the cumulants of the resulting distributions and compare them with the analytical prediction. This technique is useful in case of a slow detector with response time comparable to the time interval between the switching events. We demonstrate the efficiency of this method by analyzing random telegraph signals generated by individual charge tunneling events in metallic single-electron transistors.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Optimized proximity thermometer for ultra-sensitive detection

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    We present a set of experiments to optimize the performance of the noninvasive thermometer based on proximity superconductivity. Current through a standard tunnel junction between an aluminum superconductor and a copper electrode is controlled by the strength of the proximity induced to this normal metal, which in turn is determined by the position of a direct superconducting contact from the tunnel junction. Several devices with different distances were tested. We develop a theoretical model based on Usadel equations and dynamic Coulomb blockade which reproduces the measured results and yields a tool to calibrate the thermometer and to optimize it further in future experiments

    Extreme reductions of entropy in an electronic double dot

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    We experimentally study negative fluctuations of stochastic entropy production in an electronic double dot operating in nonequilibrium steady-state conditions. We record millions of random electron tunneling events at different bias points, thus collecting extensive statistics. We show that for all bias voltages the experimental average values of the minima of stochastic entropy production lie above −kB-k_B, where kBk_B is the Boltzmann constant, in agreement with recent theoretical predictions for nonequilibrium steady states. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the experimental cumulative distribution of the entropy production minima is bounded, at all times and for all bias voltages, by a universal expression predicted by the theory. We also extend our theory by deriving a general bound for the average value of the maximum heat absorbed by a mesoscopic system from the environment and compare this result with experimental data. Finally, we show by numerical simulations that these results are not necessarily valid under non-stationary conditions.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Suppression of the critical current of a balanced SQUID

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    We present an experimental study of the magnetic flux dependence of the critical current of a balanced SQUID with three Josephson junctions in parallel. Unlike for ordinary dc SQUIDs, the suppression of the critical current does not depend on the exact parameters of the Josephson junctions. The suppression is essentially limited only by the inductances of the SQUID loops. We demonstrate a critical current suppression ratio of higher than 300 in a balanced SQUID with a maximum critical current 30 nA.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Microwave quantum diode

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    The fragile nature of quantum circuits is a major bottleneck to scalable quantum applications. Operating at cryogenic temperatures, quantum circuits are highly vulnerable to amplifier backaction and external noise. Non-reciprocal microwave devices such as circulators and isolators are used for this purpose. These devices have a considerable footprint in cryostats, limiting the scalability of quantum circuits. We present a compact microwave diode architecture, which exploits the non-linearity of a superconducting flux qubit. At the qubit degeneracy point we experimentally demonstrate a significant difference between the power levels transmitted in opposite directions. The observations align with the proposed theoretical model. At -99 dBm input power, and near the qubit-resonator avoided crossing region, we report the transmission rectification ratio exceeding 90% for a 50 MHz wide frequency range from 6.81 GHz to 6.86 GHz, and over 60% for the 250 MHz range from 6.67 GHz to 6.91 GHz. The presented architecture is compact, and easily scalable towards multiple readout channels, potentially opening up diverse opportunities in quantum information, microwave read-out and optomechanics.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Bolometric detection of coherent Josephson coupling in a highly dissipative environment

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    The Josephson junction is a building block of quantum circuits. Its behavior, well understood when treated as an isolated entity, is strongly affected by coupling to an electromagnetic environment. In 1983 Schmid predicted that a Josephson junction shunted by a resistance exceeding the resistance quantum RQ=h/4e2≈6.45\mathbf{\textit{R}}_\mathrm{Q} = h/4e^2 \approx 6.45 kΩ\mathbf{\Omega} for Cooper pairs would become insulating since the phase fluctuations would destroy the coherent Josephson coupling. Although this prediction has been confirmed in charge transport experiments, recent microwave measurements have questioned this interpretation. Here, we insert a small junction in a Johnson-Nyquist type setup, where it is driven by weak current noise arising from thermal fluctuations. Our heat probe minimally perturbs the junction's equilibrium, shedding light on features not visible in charge transport. We find that while charge transport through the junction is dissipative as expected, thermal transport is determined by the inductive-like Josephson response, unambiguously demonstrating that a supercurrent survives even deep into the expected insulating regime. The discrepancy between these two measurements highlights the difference between the low frequency and the high frequency response of a junction and calls for further theoretical and experimental inputs on the dynamics of Josephson junctions in a highly dissipative environment.Comment: Typo corrected in the ending discussion, with added discussion on the results of ref.[16] cited in the main tex

    Interplay of the Inverse Proximity Effect and Magnetic Field in Out-of-Equilibrium Single-Electron Devices

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    We show that a weak external magnetic field affects significantly nonequilibrium quasiparticle (QP) distributions under the conditions of the inverse proximity effect, using the single-electron hybrid turnstile as a generic example. Inverse proximity suppresses the superconducting gap in superconducting leads in the vicinity of turnstile junctions, thus, trapping hot QPs in this region. An external magnetic field creates additional QP traps in the leads in the form of vortices or regions with a reduced superconducting gap resulting in the release of QPs away from the junctions. We present clear experimental evidence of the interplay of the inverse proximity effect and magnetic field revealing itself in the superconducting gap enhancement and significant improvement of the turnstile characteristics. The observed interplay and its theoretical explanation in the context of QP overheating are important for various superconducting and hybrid nanoelectronic devices, which find applications in quantum computation, photon detection, and quantum metrology

    SQUIPT - Superconducting Quantum Interference Proximity Transistor

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    We present the realization and characterization of a novel-concept interferometer, the superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor (SQUIPT). Its operation relies on the modulation with the magnetic field of the density of states of a proximized metallic wire embedded in a superconducting ring. Flux sensitivities down to ∼10−5Φ0\sim 10^{-5} \Phi_0Hz−1/2^{-1/2} can be achieved even for a non-optimized design, with an intrinsic dissipation (∼100\sim 100 fW) which is several orders of magnitude smaller than in conventional superconducting interferometers. Our results are in agreement with the theoretical prediction of the SQUIPT behavior, and suggest that optimization of the device parameters would lead to a large enhancement of sensitivity for the detection of tiny magnetic fields. The features of this setup and their potential relevance for applications are further discussed.Comment: 5+ pages, 5 color figure