362 research outputs found

    Material Studies for Thermal Responsive Composite Envelopes

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    Aspetti clinici e molecolari nella lipodistrofia congenita generalizzata: descrizione di una mutazione in una paziente con Sindrome di Berardinelli-Seip.

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    Il termine “lipodistrofia” identifica un gruppo eterogeneo di sindromi contraddistinte da anomalie del tessuto adiposo, perdita generalizzata o parziale del grasso corporeo, alterazioni del metabolismo glucidico e lipidico, importante resistenza all'insulina endogena ed esogena e disordini immunologici. La lipodistrofia congenita generalizzata o Sindrome di Berardinelli-Seip, è una malattia rara a trasmissione autosomica recessiva caratterizzata dall’assenza quasi totale di tessuto adiposo fin dalla nascita. La prevalenza stimata è di 1 caso su 10 milioni di nati vivi e attualmente il numero di pazienti descritti in letteratura è di circa 200. I geni responsabili del 95% dei casi di lipodistrofia congenita generalizzata sono l’1-acil-sn-glicerol-3-fosfato aciltransferasi beta (AGPAT2) e il gene denominato Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy 2 (BSCL2), entrambi coinvolti nel processo di differenziamento adipocitario. AGPAT2 è localizzato sul cromosoma 9q34 e codifica per l’enzima 1-acil-sn-glicerol-3 fosfato aciltransferasi, responsabile della conversione dell’acido lisofosfatidico in fosfatidato. BSCL2, localizzato sul cromosoma 11q13, codifica per la seipina, una proteina che se mutata risulta responsabile delle forme più gravi della malattia. In questa tesi viene presentato il caso di una paziente italiana di 54 anni giunta al Dipartimento di Endocrinologia nel Luglio 2009 per diabete mellito di tipo 2 scarsamente controllato con terapia insulinica. Nata da genitori consanguinei (cugini di primo grado), la donna presentava sin dall’infanzia fenotipo acromegaloide, lipoatrofia diffusa e pseudoipertrofia muscolare. Venivano inoltre riscontrate ipercolesterolemia, ipertrigliceridemia, ipoleptinemia (0,76 ng/ml) e ipoadiponectinemia (1,10 ng/ml). Tali caratteristiche orientavano verso la sindrome di Berardinelli-Seip (BSCL). Al fine di confermare questa impressione diagnostica venivano analizzate le sequenze dei due geni candidati. Il DNA della paziente veniva estratto dai leucociti di sangue periferico ed amplificato mediante PCR. Dallo screening genetico non risultavano mutazioni nella sequenza del gene BSCL2, mentre veniva riscontrata una variante in forma omozigote nell’esone 3 del gene AGPAT2, che determina la sostituzione dell’aminoacido prolina in posizione 112 con l’aminoacido leucina (P112L). I risultati ottenuti dallo screening genetico hanno permesso di confermare la diagnosi di sindrome di Berardinelli-Seip e di identificare per la prima volta la mutazione P112L in un soggetto di razza caucasica

    SAM - Simulation Airways Models

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    SAM is a digital and material tool for advanced training in interventional pneumology. This idea combines the design culture to the specialized disciplines of pulmonology. The research aims at achieving three major design goals such as interactivity, performance and traceability of educational processes. SAM consists in a navigable 3D model of the human airways. The process facilitates the pulmonary physicians in their didactic training course and in their skills’ acquisition through realistic simulation. These skills are traced and then evaluated in different simulations such as clinical case histories. SAM includes video animation, application of augmented reality to the model, a design model for dummies and a mediastinal and bronchial plastic model with support base. All these systems are managed by a specific App. SAM can be applied to each apparatus and pathology and it’s a modular and modifiable tool that could be applied for any training needs and situation

    Fire Weather Index application in north-western Italy

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    International audiencePiedmont region is located in North-Western Italy and is surrounded by the alpine chain and by the Appennines. The region is covered by a wide extension of forests, mainly in its mountain areas (the forests cover 36% of the regional territory). Forested areas are interested by wildfire events. In the period 1997?2005 Piedmont was interested by an average 387 forest fires per year, covering an average 1926 ha of forest per year. Meteorological conditions like long periods without precipitation contribute to create favourable conditions to forest fire development, while the fire propagation is made easier by the foehn winds, frequently interesting the region in winter and spring particularly. The meteorological danger index FWI (Fire Weather Index) was developed by Van Wagner (1987) for the Canadian Forestry Service, providing a complete description of the behaviour of the different forest components in response to the changing weather conditions. We applied the FWI to the Piedmont region on warning areas previously defined for fire management purposes. The meteorological data-set is based on the data of the very-dense non-GTS network of weather stations managed by Arpa Piemonte. The thresholds for the definition of a danger scenarios system were defined comparing historical FWI data with fires occurred on a 5 years period. The implementation of a prognostic FWI prediction system is planned for the early 2008, involving the use of good forecasts of weather parameters at the station locations obtained by the Multimodel SuperEnsemble post-processing technique

    Fire Weather Index Implementation in the Alpine Area

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    Piedmont region is located in North-Western Italy and is surrounded by the alpine chain and by the Apennines. The region is covered by a wide extension of forests, mainly in its mountain areas (the forests cover 36% of the regional territory). In the period 1997–2007, Piedmont gained interest by an average of 378 wildfire events per year, covering an average of 1767 ha of forest per year. Meteorological conditions like long periods without precipitation contribute to create favourable conditions to forest fire development, while the fire propagation is made easier by the foehn winds, frequently interesting the region in winter and spring particularly. We applied the Fire Weather Index FWI (Van Wagner, 1987) to the Piedmont region on warning areas previously defined for fire management purposes (Cane et al., 2008). Here we present a new technique for the definition of thresholds in order to obtain alert levels more suited with the local conditions of the forest fire warning areas. We describe also the implementation of the prognostic FWI prediction system, involving the use of good forecasts of weather parameters at the station locations obtained by the Multimodel SuperEnsemble postprocessing technique

    Bortezomib with Thalidomide plus Dexamethasone Compared with Thalidomide plus Doxorubicin and Dexamethasone as Induction Therapy in Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma Patients

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    We conducted a retrospective study to compare thalidomide, bortezomib and dexamethasone (VTD) with thalidomide plus doxorubicin and dexamethasone (TAD). Until now, first-line treatment with these combinations has not been reported in any comparative study. The principal objective of this study was to determine whether VTD would improve the complete response (CR) and CR plus very good partial response rates compared with TAD. Second, using additional methods, such as flow cytometric assays and polymerase chain reaction technology, we evaluated the molecular residual disease in the subgroup of patients that obtained CR. Our study shows that VTD is a superior induction regimen compared with TAD, with a higher response rate after induction, translating into greater CR plus very good partial response
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