11 research outputs found

    Application of Geographical Information Systems for calculating the eruptive volume of materials issued in the 1971 eruption of the volcano Teneguía (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are becoming day to day an essential tool in the field of Geology. To show its potential, we have used a three-dimensional spatial analysis in ArcGIS 10.0 from triangulated irregular networks (TIN) formed by topographies for the volcano Teneguía (La Palma, Canary Islands) before and after its eruption in 1971. The purpose of the study is to calculate the surface eruptive volume, discuss the measures carried out after the eruption in 1974, and try to get a more accurate volumetric resultLos Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) son una herramienta cada día más indispensable en el campo de la Geología. Para demostrar su potencial, se ha realizado un análisis espacial tridimensional en ArcGIS 10.0 a partir de redes irregulares de triángulos (TIN) formados por las topografías previa y posterior a la erupción del año 1971 del volcán Teneguía (La Palma). La finalidad del artículo es calcular el volumen eruptivo en superficie, discutir las medidas llevadas a cabo en el estudio de la erupción en 1974, y tratar de conseguir un resultado volumétrico más exact

    Improving the Chemical Properties of Acid Sulphate Soils from the Casamance River Basin

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    [EN] The anoxic conditions produced after the reflooding of acid sulphate soil (ASS) can reduce sulphate and/or Fe(III) with a consequent rise in pH. This study aimed to compare the effect of different amendments on ASS remediation and to analyse the effect on soil pH and exchangeable aluminium. Two mid-term incubation experiments were carried out to analyse the effect of amendments and water management on ASS. Soil samples were taken in the Santak Valley from four agricultural plots. During the first experiment, each soil sample was subject to two water management systems (flooded and non-flooded) and three amendment types (rice straw, manure, and lime). During the second experiment, the flooded condition was performed with three organic amendments (rice straw, manure, and biochar). In the first experiment, the amendments with organic matter (rice straw, and manure) increased the pH more under the flooded conditions, and manure was effective in reducing exchangeable aluminium (Alex) to 45% in the control soil. In the second experiment, all the organic amendments reduced soluble Al, but whereas straw increased soluble Fe, biochar diminished it. The amendment addition increased the soil pH and reduced Alex. The Alex reduction was greater for the stabler organic amendments: manure and biochar.The authors acknowledge the Centre for Development Cooperation of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (CCD-UPV) for providing funds as part of Project AD1810-UPV.Bautista, I.; Oliver Talens, J.; Lidón, A.; Osca Lluch, JM.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN. (2023). Improving the Chemical Properties of Acid Sulphate Soils from the Casamance River Basin. Land. 12(9):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/land1209169312012

    Life Cycle Thinking for the environmental and financial assessment of rice management systems in the Senegal River Valley

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    [EN] Rice is a staple food in Senegal, which however imports more than 70% of the rice consumed annually to meet its domestic demand. Despite governmental efforts to increase rice self-sufficiency, both rice supply and yields remain low. Senegalese farmers face challenges related to irrigation infrastructure and fertiliser access, besides those derived from climate change. This study applies Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) combined with financial Life Cycle Costing (LCC) to evaluate alternative scenarios for rice management in the Senegal River Valley and identify sustainability hotspots and potential improvements. Specifically, rice cultivation in Ross Be & PRIME;thio (Saint Louis, Senegal) is assessed based on the observed agricultural practices during the dry seasons of 2016 and 2017. Two scenarios capturing conventional (CONV) and intensive (INT) practices are compared to two reference scenarios (SAED scenarios) according to the recommendations of the official agricultural advisory service. The INT scenario generates the lowest impacts per kg of paddy rice in seven out of thirteen impact categories, including climate change, freshwater and marine eutrophication, ozone depletion and water scarcity. This is due to the higher yields (7.4 t ha(-1)) relative to CONV (4.8 t ha(-1)) and the two reference SAED scenarios (6.0 t ha(-1)). The two latter scenarios show the lowest values in the remaining categories, although they also generate slightly lower profits than INT (138 euro t(-1) vs. 149 euro t(-1)) due to increased labour costs for additional fertilisation treatments. The results from both LCA and LCC underline the importance of increasing yields to decrease environ -mental impacts and production costs of rice when estimated per kg of product. Well-designed fertiliser application doses and timing and increased mechanisation can deliver further environmental benefits. Additional improvements (e.g. in irrigation, crop rotations, straw management) could be considered to promote the long -term sustainability and profitability of rice production in Senegal. LCA in combination with financial LCC is identified as a decision-support tool for evaluating the sustainability of alternative crop management practices. Life Cycle Thinking can still benefit from experiential learning based on information exchange between farmers, researchers and extension agents to contribute to a sustainable agriculture and ultimately to food security in Africa.Authors acknowledge the Office of Development Cooperation of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (CCD-UPV) for providing funds as part of the project AD1511-UPV. Authors also thank the support of Caritas Spain (especially Vittoria Garoffalo, Soledad Gutierrez, and Pablo Reyero) and Caritas Senegal (especially Alex Tendeng, Andre Diarigne Sene and Michael Diedhiou) for facilitating its implementation.Escobar, N.; Bautista, I.; Peña, N.; Fenollosa Ribera, ML.; Osca Lluch, JM.; Sanjuán Pellicer, MN. (2022). Life Cycle Thinking for the environmental and financial assessment of rice management systems in the Senegal River Valley. Journal of Environmental Management. 310:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.11472211531

    Características geoquímicas del complejo de Cadalso-Casillas de Flores (Sierra de Gata). Un granito tardi-hercínico peralumínico y rico en fósforo

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    The Cadalso-Casillas de Flores granitic complex is a peraluminous, phosphorus rich, late-hercynian epizonal granite. It is composed of six major units representing two different intrusions, where four of the units belong to the first intrusion. Concentrations of MgO, AI2Oy CaO, TiO}, Fe203t, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, REE and Th decrease with the evolution in the units of the first intrusion. Nevertheless, in the second, there is no observable evolutionary trend and only Rb, Nb and LREE dearly increase from one unit to the other. Moreover, the contents of Na20, Al2Oy P2Os, K20, Rb, Nb and U are higher in the units of the second intrusion and that of MgO, Si02, CaO, TiOy Fe203t, Sr, Y, Ba, REE and Th are lower. High normative corundum and the presence of muscovite and andalusite, both of magmatic origin may indicate the peraluminous character of the generating magma. Early crystallization of uraninite, presence of ilmenite, absence of magnetite and the magmatic crystallization of accessory sulphides, is typical of peraluminous granites generated and crystallized under low f02El complejo granítico de Cadalso-Casillas de Flores es peralumínico, rico en fósforo, epizonal y tardi-hercínico. Está compuesto de seis unidades mayores representantes de dos intrusiones distintas, cuatro de las cuales pertenecen a la primera intrusión. Las concentraciones de MgO, Al2Oy CaO, T/0„ Fe2Ost, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, REE y Th decrecen con la evolución en las unidades de la primera intrusión. Sin embargo, en la segunda, no se observa trend evolutivo alguno, y solamente Rb, Nb and TRL aumentan claramente desde una unidad a la otra. Además, los contenidos de Na20, Al203, P2Oy Kfl, Rb, Nb and U son más altos en las unidades de la segunda intrusión y los de MgO, SiO¿, CaO, TiO,, Fe203t, Sr, Y, Ba, REE and Th más bajos. El corindón normativo alto, y la presencia de moscovita y andalucita, ambos de origen magmàtico, podrían indicar el carácter peralumínico del magma generador. La cristalización temprana de uraninita, presencia de ilmenita, ausencia de magnetita y la cristalización magmàtica de sulfuros accesorios, es típico de granitos peralumínicos generados y cristalizados bajo f02 baj

    Mineralogy of Cenozoic sediments from Guadiana Basin

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    Se ha estudiado la composición mineralógica de los depósitos terciarios de la Cuenca del Guadiana a partir del análisis mediante Difracción de rayos X de 137 muestras. Los depósitos de la Cuenca del Guadiana presentan una gran homogeneidad mineralógica al estudiar la roca total. Están formados por filosilicatos, cuarzo y feldespato en menor proporción Esta aparente homogeneidad en la sucesión terciaria desaparece al analizar la fracción <2μm, poniéndose de relieve las diferencias en el contenido en carbonatos y en las asociaciones de minerales de la arcilla que son correlacionables con las unidades litoestratigráficas definidas en la cuenca: la asociación illita(predominante)- esmectita-caolinita caracteriza la Secuencia Deposicional Inferior (SDI); la presencia de carbonatos y la asociación esmectita(predominante)- illita-caolinita caracteriza a la Secuencia Deposicional Superior (SDS); la asociación paligorskita-dolomita caracteriza la base de la Secuencia Deposicional Superior; por último, la asociación calcita-paligorskita caracteriza los niveles carbonatados a techo de la Secuencia Deposicional SuperiorThe mineralogical composition of 137 samples collected from the tertiary sediments in the Guadiana Basin has been studied by X-Ray Diffractometry. The mineralogical composition for the whole-rock samples is remarkably homogeneous being rich in phyilosilicates, quartz, with minor feldspars. However, this homogeneity disappears when studying the fraction <2μm revealing large differences in clay mineral assemblages among the samples These assemblages together with the presence of some carbonates, indicate different sedimentary successions that can be correlated with the lithostratigraphic units defined in the basin: illite (predominant)-smectite-kaolinite assemblage characterizes the Lower Depositional Sequence (SDI); the presence of carbonates and smectite(predominant)-illite-kaolinite assemblage characterizes the Upper Depositional Sequence (SDS); the palygorskite-dolomite mineral assemblage characterizes the base of the Upper Depositional Sequence; finally, the assemblage calcite-palygorskite characterizes the carbonate levels located at the top of the Upper Depositional Sequenc

    Fibrolita hidrotermal de alta temperatura en el 'Granito de El Payo', complejo granítico de Cadalso-Casillas de Flores (Salamanca-Cáceres, España)

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    Subsolidus replacements of fibrolite after biotite, muscovite, andalusite and feldspars have been recognized in El Payo granite near the contact with the more evolved Casillas granite. Both granites form part of the late-Variscan Cadalso-Casillas de Flores plutonic massif. Replacements follow microfractures and grain boundaries and are associated with fibrolite-quartz and less commonly fibrolite-tourmaline intergrowths. The limits of the altered zone are imprecise but the latter seems to be a thin band normal to the contact between the two granites. Base-cation leaching caused by the action of high temperature acidic hydrothermal residual fluids expelled from Casillas granite is thought to be responsible for the formation of fibrolite. Fibrolite repalcement after andalusite might probaly be indicative of metastable formation of the former within the andalusite stability fieldEn el granito de El Payo, junto al contacto con el gamito de Casillas, que es más evolucionado, se han observado reemplazamientos subsolidus de fibrolita a partir de biotita, moscovita, andalucita y feldespatos. Los dos granitos pertenecen al complejo plutónico tardi-Varíscico de Cadalso-Casillas de Flores. Los reemplazamientos siguen microfracturas y bordes de granos y están asociados con intercrecimientos de fibrolita-cuarzo y con menos frecuencia de fibrolita-turmalina. La zona afectada, aunque de limits imprecisos, parece ser una delgada lámina perpendicular al contacto entre los dos granitos. La (ibrolitización es probablemente el resultado de un lixiviado acido de la roca producido por un fluido hidrotermal de alta temperatura procedente del granito de Casillas. El reemplazamiento de andalucita por fibrolita podría ser indicativo de la formación metastable de esta ultima, dentro del campo de estabilidad de la primer

    Neonatal Infection Due to SARS-CoV-2: An Epidemiological Study in Spain

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    Objective: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continue to increase worldwide. Although some data from pediatric series are available, more evidence is required, especially in neonates, a group with specific characteristics that deserve special attention. This study aimed to describe general and clinical characteristics, management, and treatment of postnatal-acquired (community and nosocomial/hospital-acquired) COVID-19 neonatal cases in Spain. Methods: This was a national prospective epidemiological study that included cases from a National Registry supported by the Spanish Society of Neonatology. Neonates with postnatal SARS-CoV-2 infection were included in this study. General data and infection-related information (mode and source of transmission, age at diagnosis, clinical manifestations, need for hospitalization, admission unit, treatment administered, and complementary studies performed, hospital stay associated with the infection) were collected. Results: A total of 40 cases, 26 community-acquired and 14 nosocomial were registered. Ten were preterm newborns (2 community-acquired and 8 nosocomial COVID-19 cases). Mothers (in both groups) and healthcare workers (in nosocomial cases) were the main source of infection. Hospital admission was required in 22 community-acquired cases [18 admitted to the neonatal intermediate care unit (NIMCU) and 4 to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)]. Among nosocomial COVID-19 cases (n = 14), previously admitted for other reasons, 4 were admitted to the NIMCU and 10 to the NICU. Ten asymptomatic patients were registered (5 in each group). In the remaining cases, clinical manifestations were generally mild in both groups, including upper respiratory airways infection, febrile syndrome or acute gastroenteritis with good overall health. In both groups, most severe cases occurred in preterm neonates or neonates with concomitant pathologies. Most of the cases did not require respiratory support. Hydroxychloroquine was administered to 4 patients in the community-acquired group and to 2 patients in the nosocomial group. Follow-up after hospital discharge was performed in most patients. Conclusions: This is the largest series of COVID-19 neonatal cases in Spain published to date. Although clinical manifestations were generally mild, prevention, treatment, and management in this group are essential