35 research outputs found

    L'accomplissement de l'intimité en présence d'autrui

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    Condition cardiorespiratoire et profil métabolique : importance du tissu adipeux viscéral

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    Le prĂ©sent projet de recherche a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans le but d'Ă©valuer la contribution du tissu adipeux viscĂ©ral dans la relation entre la condition cardiorespiratoire (CCR) et certains paramĂštres du syndrome mĂ©tabolique Les travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s ont permis d'Ă©valuer la relation entre la condition cardiorespiratoire, le tissu adipeux viscĂ©ral et le profil de risque cardiomĂ©tabolique dans un groupe de femme d'Ăąge moyen. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que les femmes caractĂ©risĂ©es par une faible CCR avaient significativement plus de tissu adipeux viscĂ©ral que celles caractĂ©risĂ©es par une CCR Ă©levĂ©e ainsi qu'un profil mĂ©tabolique plus dĂ©tĂ©riorĂ©. Toutefois, aprĂšs appariement sur la base de l'accumulation de tissu adipeux viscĂ©ral, plus aucune diffĂ©rence significative n'Ă©tait observĂ©e au sein des femmes caractĂ©risĂ©es par une CCR faible ou Ă©levĂ©e. En somme, ces travaux suggĂšrent que l'accumulation de tissu adipeux viscĂ©ral pourrait ĂȘtre un Ă©lĂ©ment central expliquant les liens entre la capacitĂ© cardiorespiratoire et les Ă©lĂ©ments du syndrome mĂ©tabolique

    Rééducation périnéale et pelvienne : guérir une contraction à la fois

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    Travail d'intĂ©gration rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113.L’incontinence urinaire constitue un problĂšme grandissant et de plus en plus prĂ©occupant en raison du vieillissement de la population canadienne. En effet, Ă©tant donnĂ© la croissance de sa prĂ©valence avec l’ñge (1), son Ă©volution concordera avec l’augmentation de la proportion de personnes ĂągĂ©es dans la population qui devrait d’ailleurs dĂ©passer celles des jeunes aux alentours de 2015 (2). Toutefois, malgrĂ© la hausse de prĂ©valence, l’incontinence urinaire reste une condition sous-estimĂ©e et souvent non-identifiĂ©e puisque moins de 50% des patients atteints rapportent leurs symptĂŽmes Ă  un mĂ©decin (6). En effet, celle-ci est souvent perçue comme Ă©tant une condition normale associĂ©e au vieillissement (6). Il est d’autant plus important d’aborder ce sujet Ă©tant donnĂ© les nombreux impacts physiques et psychologiques qui y sont associĂ©s incluant les infections, les plaies de pression, la dĂ©pendance, la pauvre estime de soi et la perte de qualitĂ© de vie (3,4). De plus, elle est frĂ©quemment associĂ©e Ă  la dĂ©pression, l’anxiĂ©tĂ©, la stigmatisation, l’isolement social et l’épuisement des proches aidants (3,4). Enfin, l’incontinence urinaire reprĂ©sente la deuxiĂšme cause d’admission dans un centre de soins de longue durĂ©e immĂ©diatement aprĂšs la dĂ©mence (5). Dans les diffĂ©rentes parties qui suivront, nous aborderons d’abord l’épidĂ©miologie, la physiologie de la continence, la pathophysiologie ainsi que les facteurs de risques possibles. Par la suite, nous dĂ©taillerons les diffĂ©rents traitements conservateurs en physiothĂ©rapie, leur efficacitĂ© ainsi que leurs avantages

    Preliminary effects of parent-implemented behavioural interventions for stereotypy

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    Objective: The purpose of our study was to replicate and extend previous research on using multicomponent behavioural interventions designed to reduce engagement in stereotypy by examining their effects when implemented by parents over several months. Methods: We used an alternating treatment design to examine the effects of the parent-implemented interventions on engagement in stereotypy and appropriate behaviour in three children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Results: The parent-implemented multicomponent treatments reduced vocal stereotypy in all three participants and increased engagement in appropriate behaviour in two participants. These effects persisted up to 24 weeks following the parent training sessions. Conclusions: Altogether, our preliminary results support (a) the involvement of parents as behaviour change agents to reduce engagement in stereotypy and (b) the scheduling of regular, but infrequent (i.e. weekly to monthly), follow-up meetings to monitor the effects of behavioural interventions in outpatient and home-based service delivery models

    Effects of multiple interventions for reducing vocal stereotypy: Developing a sequential intervention model

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    Despite the availability of several interventions designed to reduce engagement in vocal stereotypy, few studies have compared two or more interventions together. Consequently, practitioners have limited amount of data to make informed decisions on whether an intervention may be more suitable than another to begin treating vocal stereotypy. The purpose of the study was to address this limitation by examining the direct and collateral effects of multiple interventions in 12 individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities in order to guide the development of a sequential intervention model. Using single-case experimental designs, we conducted a series of four experiments which showed that (a) noncontingent music generally produced more desirable outcomes than differential reinforcement of alternative behavior, (b) differential reinforcement of other behavior reduced vocal stereotypy in two participants for whom noncontingent music had failed to do so, (c) the addition of simple prompting procedures may enhance the effects of the interventions, and (d) the effects of noncontingent music may persist during sessions with extended durations. Based on these results, we propose a sequential intervention model to facilitate the initial and subsequent selection of an intervention most likely to reduce vocal stereotypy while producing desired collateral outcomes

    Rebuilding Babel: a constitutive approach to tongues-in-use

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    The argument that communication constitutes organizations (also known as CCO) is increasingly accepted in communication studies. However, what tongue – idiom – is being used and how it relates to the constitution of the organization seems to be overlooked to a large degree. In this paper, we suggest that the Montreal School (TMS) tradition of organizational communication offers a fruitful analytical framework that allows to better take into account the way people practically deal with plurilingual situations as they go on with their daily activities and contribute to shaping their organizations. We identify six core features of TMS and show their analytical power in studying plurilingual interactions. TMS, we argue, is conceptually well equipped to reveal the ways in which multiple tongues are dealt with in everyday organizational settings and to uncover the constitutive nature of tongue-in-use

    Le ModÚle global de santé mentale publique et les mentors de rétablissement

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    PubliĂ© pour la premiĂšre fois en 2009 et rĂ©visĂ© en 2013, le ModĂšle global de santĂ© mentale publique (MGSMP) est d’abord une hybridation conceptuelle entre le rĂ©tablissement et la promotion de la santĂ© selon l’OMS. Le MGSMP sert Ă  paramĂ©trer l’intervention des mentors de rĂ©tablissement en tant que traceurs de changement en santĂ© mentale publique. Le changement peut ĂȘtre d’ordre personnel, interpersonnel, culturel, socio-Ă©conomique ou politique. Ce modĂšle est en effet dit global notamment du fait que les niveaux supranational et individuel se renforcent mutuellement en se relayant avec ; a) un ensemble de rĂšgles juridiques et de conventions internationales relatives aux droits de la personne ; et b) les mentors de rĂ©tablissement qui canalisent leur savoir expĂ©rientiel en Ă©voquant ces conventions pour le dĂ©veloppement d’une capacitĂ© de changement continu. D’un forum citoyen Ă  l’autre, cette capacitĂ© d’influence transformationnelle s’est affirmĂ©e au profit d’un effet d’émulation en cascade. Les rĂ©sultats de cette intervention sont ici rapportĂ©s sous forme de recommandations intersectorielles visant Ă  sensibiliser et mobiliser la communautĂ© pour une meilleure prise en compte des dĂ©terminants sociaux de la santĂ© et du rĂ©tablissement que sont tout particuliĂšrement l’emploi et le travail. Tandis que la rĂ©vision du MGSMP de 2013 prenait appui sur le 3e forum citoyen consacrĂ© au logement, celle-ci s’articule au 4e forum citoyen de 2016. IntitulĂ© « La santĂ©, ça nous travaille ! », il fut animĂ© du dĂ©but Ă  la fin par des mentors de rĂ©tablissement selon une approche mĂ©thodologique par cas traceurs, ici traceurs de trajectoire de rĂ©tablissement inter et multisectorielle.Objectives The aim of this paper is to revisit the Global Model of Public Mental Health (GMPMH) in light of the 4th Civic Forum. Recovery mentors of the University of Recovery chaired this public event, which was held in East-end Montreal, Canada, in 2016. The University of Recovery is a concept of co-learning among its members.Methods Being able to refer to international conventions and human rights standards is a key component of a genuine global approach that is supportive of individuals and communities in their quest for recovery and full citizenship. The GMPMH was inspired by the ecological approach in public health and health promotion programs, while adding to that approach the recovery mentors, as agents of mental health policies and legislation transformation. The GMPMH integrates recovery- and citizenship-oriented practices through the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion of the World Health Organization. Indeed, here the GMPMH is said to be global in that the supranational and individual levels reinforce each other, taking turns with a) a set of legal rules and international conventions on human rights, including those of disabled persons, and b) the active involvement and agency of recovery mentors who can evoke these rules and conventions as part of a plea for the recognition of their personal and collective capacity for change; they acted as tracers of recovery trajectories during the Civic Forum. The GMPMH was first published in 2009, and revisited in 2013. While this latter revision was based on the 3rd Civic Forum, in this paper we use the same approach to revisit the GMPMH as underpinned by the findings and recommendations of the 4th Civic Forum, which discussed questions related to work and employment.Results Updating the GMPMH in light of the Civic Forum underlines the need for a more inclusive type of governance regarding policy and systems transformation. Local communities and persons in recovery can reach each other to promote change and capacity building, for instance through quality assessment, and evaluation of human rights’ level of respect in healthcare facilities and more broadly. People with mental health challenges ought to be “included in the community” – as this is a right, not a reward (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, art. 19). This is achievable if the community is informed and welcoming, for instance in getting involved with a Civic Forum and its organizing committee. The degree to which a transformational agenda is participatory is revealed as a predictor of the degree to which the broader community can be reflexive about its own inclusiveness for a genuinely global approach of public mental health, and with a cascading emulation effect.Conclusion Transition from social marginalization to full citizenship represents a daunting challenge in public mental healthcare. Creating access to the valued roles which individuals will be able to occupy in community and workplace settings requires capacity building and inter-sectorial synchronicity, as suggested by recovery mentors who can act as tracers to reveal obstacles and gateways in the recovery journey. Public intervention and debate are required to promote and monitor the bond of citizenship that connects people to their communities, and the quality of this bond needs to be included in the scope of public mental health for continuity and equity of access

    Reproduction de l’esturgeon jaune dans la riviĂšre Saint-François : un exemple de participation des peuples autochtones Ă  la conservation d’une espĂšce emblĂ©matique

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    La reproduction de l’esturgeon jaune (Acipenser fulvescens) Ă  la centrale hydroĂ©lectrique de Drummondville, sur la riviĂšre Saint-François, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e par la communautĂ© abĂ©nakise d’Odanak de 2012 Ă  2018. Les zones de dĂ©position d’oeufs ont Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©es et le contingent reproducteur, la production larvaire ainsi que le pourcentage de succĂšs reproducteur ont Ă©tĂ© estimĂ©s. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  dĂ©terminer si les diffĂ©rences interannuelles de l’abondance des reproducteurs et des larves Ă©taient influencĂ©es par le dĂ©bit ou la tempĂ©rature de l’eau. De 54 Ă  188 reproducteurs ont utilisĂ© 3 sites de dĂ©position d’oeufs. Le nombre de larves produites variait de 8 953 Ă  44 218, selon les annĂ©es, reprĂ©sentant un succĂšs reproducteur variant de 0,29 % Ă  4,59 %. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que l’abondance des reproducteurs Ă©tait influencĂ©e positivement par le dĂ©bit pendant la migration printaniĂšre et que les nombres de reproducteurs et de larves n’étaient pas influencĂ©s par la tempĂ©rature de l’eau. Les plus grandes abondances de larves ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es lors de dĂ©bits stables d’environ 85 m3/s durant la dĂ©rive larvaire. GrĂące aux travaux effectuĂ©s par la communautĂ© abĂ©nakise d’Odanak, la prĂ©sente Ă©tude a permis d’orienter la gestion de la pĂȘche et du dĂ©bit afin de soutenir la conservation de cette espĂšce.The Abenaki First Nation of Odanak studied lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) reproduction in the Saint-François River (QuĂ©bec, Canada), just downstream of the Drummondville hydroelectric plant, from 2012 to 2018. The spawning population was assessed, egg deposition sites were located, and larval production and reproductive success were estimated. This study aimed to determine if interannual variability in the abundance of spawners and larvae were influenced by water flow rate and temperature. Between 54 and 188 spawners used 3 separate sites for egg deposition. The number of larvae produced differed between years, ranging from 8,953 to 44,218, representing a reproductive success ranging from 0.29% to 4.59%. The results suggest that the river flow rate during migration positively influenced annual spawner abundance. However, water temperature did not affect the number of spawners or larvae. The highest larval abundance values were observed under a stable flow rate of 85 m3/s during larval drift. Thanks to the work conducted by the Abenaki community of Odanak, it has been possible to inform and guide fishery and water flow management to support and enhance lake sturgeon conservation

    De la proximité à la tyrannie : dynamiques relationnelles et pratiques de gestion des femmes cadres

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    Depuis les derniĂšres annĂ©es, la question du leadership des cadres retient l’attention des chercheurs et des professionnels (Alvesson et al., 2017; Leroux et al., 2019; Wainsztok, 2017). L’objectif de cet article est de comprendre les dynamiques relationnelles et les pratiques de gestion des femmes cadres. Cette recherche s’appuie sur une thĂ©orie du travail humain afin de saisir les dynamiques relationnelles et les rapports sociaux vĂ©cus dans le travail. La mĂ©thodologie repose sur un devis de recherche qualitatif Ă  partir de 51 entrevues individuelles avec des femmes cadres. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent quatre grandes catĂ©gories de pratiques de gestion : 1) des relations de proximitĂ© avec les Ă©quipes et le partage du travail rĂ©el; 2) des relations fusionnelles marquĂ©es par la sollicitude zĂ©lĂ©e et le care dĂ©valorisĂ©; 3) la mise Ă  distance des Ă©quipes et du travail rĂ©el; 4) des rapports de contrĂŽle et de surveillance, et la dictature/tyrannie. La contribution de cet article consiste Ă  montrer la diversitĂ© des pratiques de gestion qui peuvent ĂȘtre mobilisĂ©es par des femmes cadres, au-delĂ  des dĂ©bats qui persistent, Ă  savoir si les pratiques de gestion des femmes sont diffĂ©rentes ou similaires Ă  celles des hommes.The issue of executive leadership has recently been attracting the attention of researchers and professionals alike (Alvesson et al., 2017; Leroux et al., 2019; Wainsztok, 2017). The purpose of this article is to help understand female managers’ relational dynamics and management practices. This research relies on a theory of human work to grasp the relational dynamics and social relationships experienced at work. The methodology relies on a qualitative research design based on 51 individual interviews with female managers. The results reveal four main categories of management practices: 1) close relationships with teams and sharing of real work; 2) fusional relationships marked by zealous solicitude and devalued care; 3) distancing from teams and real work, 4) relationships of control and supervision, and dictatorship/tyranny. This article’s contribution consists in showing the diversity of management practices used by female managers beyond the persisting debates on whether female management practices are different or similar to those of men

    Concurrent Validation of MI-CAT(V), a Clinical Metrology Instrument for Veterinarians Assessing Osteoarthritis Pain in Cats, through Testing for Firocoxib Analgesic Efficacy in a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, and Blinded Study

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    Veterinarians face the lack of a rapid, reliable, inexpensive, and treatment-sensitive metrological instrument reflecting feline osteoarthritis (OA) pain. The Montreal Instrument for Cat Arthritis Testing, for Use by Veterinarians (MI-CAT(V)) has been refined in 4 sub-sections, and we proposed its concurrent validation. Cats naturally affected by OA (n = 32) were randomly distributed into 4 groups of firocoxib analgesic (Gr. A: 0.40; B: 0.25; C: 0.15, and P: 0.00 mg/kg bodyweight). They were assessed during Baseline, Treatment, and Recovery periods using MI-CAT(V) and objective outcomes (effort path, stairs assay compliance, and actimetry). The MI-CAT(V) total score correlated to the effort path and actimetry (RhoS = −0.501 to −0.453; p p < 0.05). The MI-CAT(V) suggested a dose-(especially for Gr. B) and cluster-response. Cats in the moderate and severe MI-CAT(V) clusters responded to firocoxib with a remaining analgesic effect, while the mild cluster seemed less responsive and experienced a negative rebound effect. The MI-CAT(V) was validated for its OA pain severity discriminatory abilities and sensitivity to firocoxib treatment, providing a new perspective for individualized care