18 research outputs found

    Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax and bullous lung disease in cannabis and tobacco smokers. A case-control study.

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    Background The notion that smoking cannabis may damage the respiratory tract has been introduced in recent years but there is still a paucity of studies on this subject. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between cannabis smoking, pneumothorax and bullous lung disease in a population of operated patients. Methods and findings We performed a retrospective study on patients operated on for spontaneous pneumothorax. Patients were divided into three groups according to their smoking habit: cannabis smokers, only-tobacco smokers and nonsmokers. Cannabis lifetime exposure was expressed in dose-years (1d/y = 1 gram of cannabis/week for one year). Clinical, radiological and perioperative variables were collected. The variables were analyzed to find associations with smoking habit. The impact of the amount of cannabis consumption was also investigated by ROC curves analysis. Of 112 patients, 39 smoked cannabis, 23 smoked only tobacco and 50 were nonsmokers. Median cannabis consumption was 28 dose/years, median tobacco consumption was 6 pack/years. Cannabis smokers presented with more severe chronic respiratory symptoms and bullous lung disease and with a higher incidence of tension pneumothorax than both tobacco smokers and nonsmokers. Cannabis smokers also developed a larger pneumothorax, experienced prolonged postoperative stay and demonstrated a higher incidence of pneumothorax recurrence after the operation than nonsmokers did. The risk of occurrence of chronic respiratory symptoms and bullous lung disease in cannabis smokers was dose-related. Conclusions Cannabis smoking seems to increase the risk of suffering from respiratory complaints and can have detrimental effects on lung parenchyma, in a dose-dependent manner. Cannabis smoking also negatively affected the outcome of patients operated for spontaneous pneumothorax. A history of cannabis abuse should always be taken in patients with pneumothorax. There may be need for a specific treatment for pneumothorax in cannabis smokers

    Drug-drug interactions in the treatment for alcohol use disorders: A comprehensive review

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    Drug interactions are one of the most common causes of side effects in polypharmacy. Alcoholics are a category of patients at high risk of pharmacological interactions, due to the presence of comorbidities, the concomitant intake of several medications and the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interferences of ethanol. However, the data available on this issue are limited. These reasons often frighten clinicians when prescribing appropriate pharmacological therapies for alcohol use disorder (AUD), where less than 15% of patients receive an appropriate treatment in the most severe forms. The data available in literature regarding the relevant drug–drug interactions of the medications currently approved in United States and in some European countries for the treatment of AUD (benzodiazepines, acamprosate, baclofen, disulfiram, nalmefene, naltrexone and sodium oxybate) are reviewed here. The class of benzodiazepines and disulfiram are involved in numerous pharmacological interactions, while they are not conspicuous for acamprosate. The other drugs are relatively safe for pharmacological interactions, excluding the opioid withdrawal syndrome caused by the combination of nalmefene or naltrexone with an opiate medication. The information obtained is designed to help clinicians in understanding and managing the pharmacological interactions in AUDs, especially in patients under multi-drug treatment, in order to reduce the risk of a negative interaction and to improve the treatment outcomes

    Nabilone administration in refractory chronic diarrhea: A case series

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    Background: Daily cannabis assumption is currently associated with several physical and mental health problems, however in the past it was prescribed for a multitude of symptoms, including vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Through the years, the endocannabinoid system has been recognized in the homeostatic mechanisms of the gut, as well as in the physiological control of intestinal motility and secretion. Accordingly, cannabinoids may be a promising therapy against several gastrointestinal conditions, such as abdominal pain and motility-related disorders. Case presentation: We retrospectively analysed the efficacy and safety of a CB1-receptor agonist administered in six patients with refractory chronic diarrhea, between April 2008 and July 2016. After three months of therapy, oral nabilone improved the health of nearly all patients, with visible improvements in reducing diarrheal symptoms and weight gain. Most of the benefits persisted through the three-month follow-up. Only one patient interrupted the treatment after one month, due to severe fatigue and mental confusion; the symptoms disappeared in the follow-up period. Conclusions: These findings encourage the study of cannabinoids acting on CB1 receptors in chronic gastrointestinal disorders, especially in refractory chronic diarrhea, offering a chance for a substantial improvement in the quality of life of selected patients, with a reasonable safety profile

    Correlazione tra fumo di cannabis e pneumotorace spontaneo.

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    Scopo del lavoro. Lo scopo dello studio è di investigare le associazioni esistenti tra il fumo di cannabis e il pneumotorace spontaneo, analizzando una popolazione di pazienti giovani operati, prendendo in considerazione anche le interazioni con il fumo di tabacco. Materiali e metodi. Studio retrospettivo sui pazienti operati in videotoracoscopia per pneumotorace spontaneo recidivante o cronico tra il 2009 e il 2018, di età inferiore ai 40 anni e che abbiano eseguito una TC-torace prima dell’intervento. Sono state considerate variabili cliniche (età, sesso, sintomi respiratori cronici), tossicologiche (consumo di cannabis in dose/years, 1d/y=5mg di cannabis/settimana; consumo di tabacco in pack/years), radiologiche (gravità del pneumotorace sul radiogramma, grado di enfisema alla TC), perioperatorie (aspetto del polmone secondo Vanderschueren, durata intervento, numero cariche di suturatrice utilizzate per la bullectomia, complicanze postoperatorie, durata drenaggio e durata degenza, recidiva postoperatoria). Il consumo di cannabis è stato correlato con ciascuna delle variabili. Un confronto è stato inoltre eseguito tra 3 gruppi: fumatori di cannabis (più eventualmente tabacco), fumatori soltanto di tabacco, non fumatori. Risultati. 112 pazienti: 39 fumatori di cannabis (media 9.8d/y, 37 fumavano anche tabacco), 23 fumatori di solo tabacco (media 7.5p/y), 50 non fumatori. Il consumo di cannabis è risultato significativamente correlato con sesso maschile, presenza di sintomi respiratori cronici, severità dell’enfisema, gravità del pneumotorace, classe di Vanderschueren, numero di cariche utilizzate e recidiva del pneumotorace. I fumatori di cannabis hanno presentato sintomi respiratori e un grado di enfisema più severi, un pneumotorace di entità più grave e un maggior rischio di recidiva postoperatoria rispetto ai non fumatori e ai fumatori di solo tabacco. Conclusioni. Lo studio evidenzia l’associazione tra fumo di cannabis e pneumotorace, argomento poco studiato in letteratura. L’aggiunta di tabacco funge probabilmente da moltiplicatore degli effetti della cannabis. E’ auspicabile una maggiore consapevolezza da parte della popolazione dei danni polmonari indotti dal fumo di cannabis, ormai chiaramente dimostrati

    Pharmacokinetics and tolerability of oral cannabis preparations in patients with medication overuse headache (MOH)—a pilot study

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    Purpose: The recent release of a medical cannabis strain has given a new impulse for the study of cannabis in Italy. The National Health Service advises to consume medical cannabis by vaporizing, in decoction or oil form. This is the first study that explores the pharmacokinetics and tolerability of a single oral dose of cannabis as decoction (200 ml) or in olive oil (1 ml), as a first step to improve the prescriptive recommendations. Methods: This is a single-center, open-label, two-period crossover study designed to assess the pharmacokinetics and tolerability of oral cannabis administered to 13 patients with medication overuse headache (MOH). A liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was conducted for the quantification of THC, CBD, 11-OH-THC, THC-COOH, THC-COOH-glucuronide, THCA-A, and CBDA. Blood pressure, heart rate, and a short list of symptoms by numerical rating scale (NRS) were assessed. Results: Decoctions of cannabis showed high variability in cannabinoids content, compared to cannabis oil. For both preparations, THCA-A and CBDA were the most widely absorbed cannabinoids, while THC and CBD were less absorbed. The most important differences concern the bioavailability of THC, higher in oil (AUC0–24 7.44, 95% CI 5.19, 9.68) than in decoction (AUC0–24 3.34, 95% CI 2.07, 4.60), and the bioavailability of CBDA. No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Cannabis decoction and cannabis oil showed different pharmacokinetic properties, as well as distinct consequences on patients. This study was performed in a limited number of patients; future studies should be performed to investigate the clinical efficacy in larger populations

    Nummular headache: a gender-oriented perspective on a case series from the RegistRare Network

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    Background: Nummular headache (NH) is a rare headache disorder characterized by a small, circumscribed painful area of the scalp. The description of many cases in the last years has supported its re-classification as a primary headache from the International Headache Society, moving it from its previous placement in the Appendix of the International Criteria of Headache Disorders. Methods: Data were collected from a retro-prospective observational study about rare headaches promoted by the RegistRare Network, a collaborative group of seven Italian Headache Centres. According to the gender-biased profile of certain primary headaches, we have looked further NH patients from a gender perspective. Results: Nineteen NH patients (11 men, 8 women) have been enrolled in the study. Headache onset was at 39 years and preceded approximately 8 years the diagnosis. No clinically evident differences between men and women have been found, including treatment prescriptions and headache resolution. Of note, the mean time from the onset of NH to the first visit in a Headache Centre was longer in men, compared with women (13.5 vs. 0.9 years). NH attacks were efficaciously treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in 60% of patients receiving treatment. Headache prophylaxis with pregabalin and amitriptyline has been reported as effective in 40% and 67% of the treated patients, respectively. Conclusions: NH is a primary headache clinically heterogeneous in terms of temporal patterns and pain characteristics. Further research is needed to investigate the existence of male and female phenotypes, by clarifying whether it may be relevant for therapeutic purposes

    Nummular headache: a gender-oriented perspective on a case series from the RegistRare Network

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    Background: Nummular headache (NH) is a rare headache disorder characterized by a small, circumscribed painful area of the scalp. The description of many cases in the last years has supported its re-classification as a primary headache from the International Headache Society, moving it from its previous placement in the Appendix of the International Criteria of Headache Disorders. Methods: Data were collected from a retro-prospective observational study about rare headaches promoted by the RegistRare Network, a collaborative group of seven Italian Headache Centres. According to the gender-biased profile of certain primary headaches, we have looked further NH patients from a gender perspective. Results: Nineteen NH patients (11 men, 8 women) have been enrolled in the study. Headache onset was at 39 years and preceded approximately 8 years the diagnosis. No clinically evident differences between men and women have been found, including treatment prescriptions and headache resolution. Of note, the mean time from the onset of NH to the first visit in a Headache Centre was longer in men, compared with women (13.5 vs. 0.9 years). NH attacks were efficaciously treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in 60% of patients receiving treatment. Headache prophylaxis with pregabalin and amitriptyline has been reported as effective in 40% and 67% of the treated patients, respectively. Conclusions: NH is a primary headache clinically heterogeneous in terms of temporal patterns and pain characteristics. Further research is needed to investigate the existence of male and female phenotypes, by clarifying whether it may be relevant for therapeutic purposes

    Rare primary headaches in Italian tertiary Headache Centres: Three year nationwide retrospective data from the RegistRare Network

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    Background: Rare primary headaches are mainly included in Chapters 3, Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, and 4, Other primary headache disorders, Part One of the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition. Epidemiological data are scarce, mostly emerging from case series or small studies, with the exception of cluster headache. In order to overcome the knowledge gap about rare primary headaches, the RegistRare Network was launched in 2017 to promote research in the field. Methods: A retrospective cohort study including patients who, from April 30, 2014 to May 1, 2017, visited seven Italian tertiary Headache Centres, was undertaken to estimate in that clinical setting prevalence and incidence of headaches included in Chapters 3 and 4, Part One of the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition. Prevalent headache is defined as a headache recorded within the study timeframe, regardless of when the diagnosis was made. Incident headache is defined as a headache diagnosed for the first time in the patient during the study period. Results: Twenty thousand and eighty-three patients visited the participating centres, and 822 (4.1%) prevalent cases, of which 461 (2.3%) were incident cases, were registered. Headaches listed in Chapter 3 affected 668 patients, representing 81.3% of the total number of prevalent cases. Headaches listed in Chapter 4 affected 154 patients and represent 18.7% of the total number of prevalent cases. Cluster headaches represent the most frequently diagnosed rare headaches (70.4%). For 13 entities out of 20, no cases were registered in more than 50% (n ≥ 4) of the centres, and for 14 entities more than 50% of diagnoses were incident. Conclusions: This large, multicentre study gives the first wide-ranging snapshot of the burden in clinical practice of rare headaches and confirms that cooperative networks are necessary to study rare headaches, as their prevalence is often very low. The launch of a disease registry by the RegistRare Network will favour research in this neglected population of headache patients. Trial registration: NCT03416114

    Quality indicators in headache care: an implementation study in six Italian specialist-care centres

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    Background Headache disorders are highly prevalent, and have a substantial and negative impact on health worldwide. They are largely treatable, but differences in structure, objectives, organization and delivery affect the quality of headache care. In order to recognize and remedy deficiencies in care, the Global Campaign against Headache, in collaboration with the European Headache Federation, recently developed a set of quality indicators for headache services. These require further assessment to demonstrate fitness for purpose. This is their first implementation to evaluate quality in headache care as a multicentre national study. Methods Between September and December 2016, we applied the quality indicators in six Italian specialist headache centres (Bologna, Firenze, Modena, Padova, Roma Campus Bio-Medico and Roma Sapienza). We used five previously developed assessment instruments, translated into Italian according to Lifting The Burden’s translation protocol for hybrid documents. We took data from 360 consecutive patients (60 per centre) by questionnaire and from their medical records, and by different questionnaires from their health-care providers (HCPs), including physicians, nurses, psychologists and nursing assistants. Results The findings, comparable between centres, confirmed the feasibility and practicability of using the quality indicators in Italian specialist headache centres. The questionnaires were easily understood by HCPs and patients, and were not unduly time-consuming. Diagnoses were almost all (> 97%) according to ICHD criteria, and routinely (100%) reviewed during follow-up. Diagnostic diaries were regularly used by 96% of physicians. Referral pathways from primary to specialist care existed in five of the six clinics, as did urgent referral pathways. Instruments to assess disability and quality of life were not used regularly, a deficiency that needs to be addressed. Conclusion This Italy-wide survey confirmed in six specialist centres that the headache service quality indicators are fit for purpose. By establishing majority practice, identifying commonalities and detecting deficits as a guide to quality improvement, the quality indicators may be used to set benchmarks for quality assessment. The next step is extend use and evaluation of the indicators into non-specialist care