3,106 research outputs found

    Distributed Computing in the Asynchronous LOCAL model

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    The LOCAL model is among the main models for studying locality in the framework of distributed network computing. This model is however subject to pertinent criticisms, including the facts that all nodes wake up simultaneously, perform in lock steps, and are failure-free. We show that relaxing these hypotheses to some extent does not hurt local computing. In particular, we show that, for any construction task TT associated to a locally checkable labeling (LCL), if TT is solvable in tt rounds in the LOCAL model, then TT remains solvable in O(t)O(t) rounds in the asynchronous LOCAL model. This improves the result by Casta\~neda et al. [SSS 2016], which was restricted to 3-coloring the rings. More generally, the main contribution of this paper is to show that, perhaps surprisingly, asynchrony and failures in the computations do not restrict the power of the LOCAL model, as long as the communications remain synchronous and failure-free

    A Mean-field Approach for an Intercarrier Interference Canceller for OFDM

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    The similarity of the mathematical description of random-field spin systems to orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme for wireless communication is exploited in an intercarrier-interference (ICI) canceller used in the demodulation of OFDM. The translational symmetry in the Fourier domain generically concentrates the major contribution of ICI from each subcarrier in the subcarrier's neighborhood. This observation in conjunction with mean field approach leads to a development of an ICI canceller whose necessary cost of computation scales linearly with respect to the number of subcarriers. It is also shown that the dynamics of the mean-field canceller are well captured by a discrete map of a single macroscopic variable, without taking the spatial and time correlations of estimated variables into account.Comment: 7pages, 3figure

    Dynamic and Multi-functional Labeling Schemes

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    We investigate labeling schemes supporting adjacency, ancestry, sibling, and connectivity queries in forests. In the course of more than 20 years, the existence of logn+O(loglog)\log n + O(\log \log) labeling schemes supporting each of these functions was proven, with the most recent being ancestry [Fraigniaud and Korman, STOC '10]. Several multi-functional labeling schemes also enjoy lower or upper bounds of logn+Ω(loglogn)\log n + \Omega(\log \log n) or logn+O(loglogn)\log n + O(\log \log n) respectively. Notably an upper bound of logn+5loglogn\log n + 5\log \log n for adjacency+siblings and a lower bound of logn+loglogn\log n + \log \log n for each of the functions siblings, ancestry, and connectivity [Alstrup et al., SODA '03]. We improve the constants hidden in the OO-notation. In particular we show a logn+2loglogn\log n + 2\log \log n lower bound for connectivity+ancestry and connectivity+siblings, as well as an upper bound of logn+3loglogn+O(logloglogn)\log n + 3\log \log n + O(\log \log \log n) for connectivity+adjacency+siblings by altering existing methods. In the context of dynamic labeling schemes it is known that ancestry requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) bits [Cohen, et al. PODS '02]. In contrast, we show upper and lower bounds on the label size for adjacency, siblings, and connectivity of 2logn2\log n bits, and 3logn3 \log n to support all three functions. There exist efficient adjacency labeling schemes for planar, bounded treewidth, bounded arboricity and interval graphs. In a dynamic setting, we show a lower bound of Ω(n)\Omega(n) for each of those families.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    On the Shapley-like Payoff Mechanisms in Peer-Assisted Services with Multiple Content Providers

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    This paper studies an incentive structure for cooperation and its stability in peer-assisted services when there exist multiple content providers, using a coalition game theoretic approach. We first consider a generalized coalition structure consisting of multiple providers with many assisting peers, where peers assist providers to reduce the operational cost in content distribution. To distribute the profit from cost reduction to players (i.e., providers and peers), we then establish a generalized formula for individual payoffs when a "Shapley-like" payoff mechanism is adopted. We show that the grand coalition is unstable, even when the operational cost functions are concave, which is in sharp contrast to the recently studied case of a single provider where the grand coalition is stable. We also show that irrespective of stability of the grand coalition, there always exist coalition structures which are not convergent to the grand coalition. Our results give us an important insight that a provider does not tend to cooperate with other providers in peer-assisted services, and be separated from them. To further study the case of the separated providers, three examples are presented; (i) underpaid peers, (ii) service monopoly, and (iii) oscillatory coalition structure. Our study opens many new questions such as realistic and efficient incentive structures and the tradeoffs between fairness and individual providers' competition in peer-assisted services.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, an extended version of the paper to be presented in ICST GameNets 2011, Shanghai, China, April 201

    Embedding Employability Skills into the Marketing Curriculum; A Rationale & Description

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    London South Bank University is a large metropolitan institution with a broadly diverse undergraduate intake and an active widening participation policy. Teaching and learning strategies focus on employability, often through creative and innovative techniques. This paper reports the findings of three strands of research and the subsequent development of a new first-year undergraduate unit, A Practical Introduction to Marketing. Faced with broad diversity amongst new marketing students, a number of important challenges have been met by embedding core skills within its teaching and learning. These include easing transition into higher education, and developing the skills needed both for effective further study and for employability. A description and brief evaluation are offered

    Locally Optimal Load Balancing

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    This work studies distributed algorithms for locally optimal load-balancing: We are given a graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta, and each node has up to LL units of load. The task is to distribute the load more evenly so that the loads of adjacent nodes differ by at most 11. If the graph is a path (Δ=2\Delta = 2), it is easy to solve the fractional version of the problem in O(L)O(L) communication rounds, independently of the number of nodes. We show that this is tight, and we show that it is possible to solve also the discrete version of the problem in O(L)O(L) rounds in paths. For the general case (Δ>2\Delta > 2), we show that fractional load balancing can be solved in poly(L,Δ)\operatorname{poly}(L,\Delta) rounds and discrete load balancing in f(L,Δ)f(L,\Delta) rounds for some function ff, independently of the number of nodes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Beeping a Maximal Independent Set

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    We consider the problem of computing a maximal independent set (MIS) in an extremely harsh broadcast model that relies only on carrier sensing. The model consists of an anonymous broadcast network in which nodes have no knowledge about the topology of the network or even an upper bound on its size. Furthermore, it is assumed that an adversary chooses at which time slot each node wakes up. At each time slot a node can either beep, that is, emit a signal, or be silent. At a particular time slot, beeping nodes receive no feedback, while silent nodes can only differentiate between none of its neighbors beeping, or at least one of its neighbors beeping. We start by proving a lower bound that shows that in this model, it is not possible to locally converge to an MIS in sub-polynomial time. We then study four different relaxations of the model which allow us to circumvent the lower bound and find an MIS in polylogarithmic time. First, we show that if a polynomial upper bound on the network size is known, it is possible to find an MIS in O(log^3 n) time. Second, if we assume sleeping nodes are awoken by neighboring beeps, then we can also find an MIS in O(log^3 n) time. Third, if in addition to this wakeup assumption we allow sender-side collision detection, that is, beeping nodes can distinguish whether at least one neighboring node is beeping concurrently or not, we can find an MIS in O(log^2 n) time. Finally, if instead we endow nodes with synchronous clocks, it is also possible to find an MIS in O(log^2 n) time.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1108.192

    Normal scaling in globally conserved interface-controlled coarsening of fractal clusters

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    Globally conserved interface-controlled coarsening of fractal clusters exhibits dynamic scale invariance and normal scaling. This is demonstrated by a numerical solution of the Ginzburg-Landau equation with a global conservation law. The sharp-interface limit of this equation is volume preserving motion by mean curvature. The scaled form of the correlation function has a power-law tail accommodating the fractal initial condition. The coarsening length exhibits normal scaling with time. Finally, shrinking of the fractal clusters with time is observed. The difference between global and local conservation is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure