570 research outputs found

    En direct de Pékin : la production d'information des journalistes étrangers en Chine à travers trois crises internes, 1958, 1989, 2003

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    Staffing, skill mix, shortage, and survival in the NICU and PICU: pediatrics quo vadis?

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    Dépenses des ménages pour leur mobilité quotidienne - une approche par les formes urbaines

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    RÉSUMÉLa mobilité quotidienne est au coeur des réflexions sur la durabilité des villes. Moyen de réaliser ses activités quotidiennes et clé de voute des relations sociales, elle engendre également d’importantes externalités. Ses aspects économiques, et notamment ce que doivent dépenser les ménages pour se déplacer, sont un enjeu actuel majeur. Les contraintes financières relatives au système de déplacements urbains sont en effet croissantes : dépendance automobile au sein de certains territoires, variabilité importante des prix du carburant, mise en place de politiques de mobilité et de stationnement en centre-ville et phénomène d’étalement urbain.----------ABSTRACT Daily mobility is at the heart of the debate on urban sustainability. A mean to carry out our daily activities and a key to social interactions, daily mobility is also the cause of numerous externalities. Economic aspects and especially household expenditures linked to mobility are a major current issue. Financial constraints relative to the urban mobility system are growing: car dependency in some territories, high variability of gas costs, mobility and parking management policies and urban sprawl.This thesis proposes a discussion on the interactions between urban form and daily mobility through mobility expenditures. The notion of urban form allows for the assessment of both morphological and functional characteristics of the territory. This notion is also relevant for an analysis at different scales: from a local vision with the built environment near the living place, to a more global and metropolitan vision and finally a multiscale approach

    Speciation Success of Polyploid Plants Closely Relates to the Regulation of Meiotic Recombination

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    Polyploidization is a widespread phenomenon, especially in flowering plants that have all undergone at least one event of whole genome duplication during their evolutionary history. Consequently, a large range of plants, including many of the world’s crops, combines more than two sets of chromosomes originating from the same (autopolyploids) or related species (allopolyploids). Depending on the polyploid formation pathway, different patterns of recombination will be promoted, conditioning the level of heterozygosity. A polyploid population harboring a high level of heterozygosity will produce more genetically diverse progenies. Some of these individuals may show a better adaptability to different ecological niches, increasing their chance for successful establishment through natural selection. Another condition for young polyploids to survive corresponds to the formation of well-balanced gametes, assuring a sufficient level of fertility. In this review, we discuss the consequences of polyploid formation pathways, meiotic behavior and recombination regulation on the speciation success and maintenance of polyploid species

    Revisiting proximity effect using broadband signals

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    Experiments studying mainly proximity effect are presented. Pink noise and music were used as stimuli and a combo guitar amplifier as source to test several microphones: omnidirectional and directional. We plot in-axis levels and spectral balances as functions of x, the distance to the source. Proximity effect was found for omnidirectional microphones. In-axis level curves show that 1/x law seems poorly valid. Spectral balance evolutions depend on microphones and moreover on stimuli: bigger decreases of low frequencies with pink noise; larger increases of other frequencies with music. For a naked loudspeaker, we found similar in-axis level curves under and above the cut-off frequency and propose an explanation. Listening equalized music recordings will help to demonstrate proximity effect for tested microphones.Paper 7106 presented at the 122th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Wien, 200

    New indices to characterize drawing behavior in humans (Homo sapiens) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

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    Techniques used in cave art suggest that drawing skills emerged long before the oldest known representative human productions (44, 000 years BC). This study seeks to improve our knowledge of the evolutionary origins and the ontogenetic development of drawing behavior by studying drawings of humans (N = 178, 3- to 10-year-old children and adults) and chimpanzees (N = 5). Drawings were characterized with an innovative index based on spatial measures which provides the degree of efficiency for the lines that are drawn. Results showed that this index was lowest in chimpanzees, increased and reached its maximum between 5-year-old and 10-year-old children and decreased in adults, whose drawing efficiency was reduced by the addition of details. Drawings of chimpanzees are not random suggesting that their movements are constrained by cognitive or locomotor aspect and we cannot conclude to the absence of representativeness. We also used indices based on colors and time and asked children about what they drew. These indices can be considered relevant tools to improve our understanding of drawing development and evolution in hominids

    Interférences politiques et médicales : le rôle de l’UNRRA à la lutte antipaludique en Grèce

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    L’étude concerne le programme antimalarien de l’UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Réhabilitation Administration), un exemple de l’introduction des récents exploits médicaux Occidentaux en Grèce d’après guerre. Cette expédition sanitaire coïncide avec la période de la guerre civile grecque (1946-1949) et doit être étudiée dans le contexte diplomatique et géopolitique du début de la Guerre Froide. L’histoire des exploits importés de la médecine Occidentale, comme celui de l’introduction du miraculeux DDT dans la lutte antimalarienne en Grèce, peut être considérée comme un cas d’intervention humanitaire dans un pays souffrant. à l’époque, le pays était envahi par des tourments politiques et militaires. Les erreurs donc qui ont été commises en Grèce par le passé peuvent servir de leçons utiles pour organiser des futures campagnes sanitaires internationales et des actions humanitaires.The study presents the antimalarial program of UNRRA (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) as an example of the introduction of recent Western medical achievements in post-war Greece. The period of this sanitary expedition coincides with the Greek Civil War (1946-1949), and the case must be studied within the broader diplomatic and geopolitical context of the early Cold War. The story of the import of Western medical achievements, such as the introduction of the miraculous DDT in the Greek antimalarial struggle, is a case of a humanitarian intervention in a country under political and military turmoil. The mistakes of the past can provide useful lessons for the design of modern international health campaigns and humanitarian actions