699 research outputs found

    Regge description of high energy pion pion total cross sections

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    We have recently presented a Regge description of pion-pion total cross sections valid above 1.4 GeV, consistent with the few existing experiments, factorization and crossing symmetry. In this note we show how it also describes a further large data sample obtained from an analysis of experiments on π±pXΔ++\pi^\pm p\to X\Delta^{++} and π±nXp\pi^\pm n\to Xp.Comment: 3 pages. To appear in the proceedings of the MESON 2004 workshop, Krakow, July 2004, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Green's Dyadic Approach of the Self-Stress on a Dielectric-Diamagnetic Cylinder with Non-Uniform Speed of Light

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    We present a Green's dyadic formulation to calculate the Casimir energy for a dielectric-diamagnetic cylinder with the speed of light differing on the inside and outside. Although the result is in general divergent, special cases are meaningful. It is pointed out how the self-stress on a purely dielectric cylinder vanishes through second order in the deviation of the permittivity from its vacuum value, in agreement with the result calculated from the sum of van der Waals forces.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to proceedings of QFEXT0

    The Inverse Amplitude Method and Adler Zeros

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    The Inverse Amplitude Method is a powerful unitarization technique to enlarge the energy applicability region of Effective Lagrangians. It has been widely used to describe resonances from Chiral Perturbation Theory as well as for the Strongly Interacting Symmetry Breaking Sector. In this work we show how it can be slightly modified to account also for the sub-threshold region, incorporating correctly the Adler zeros required by chiral symmetry and eliminating spurious poles. These improvements produce negligible effects on the physical region.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Chiral extrapolation of light resonances from one and two-loop unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory versus lattice results

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    We study the pion mass dependence of the rho(770) and f_0(600) masses and widths from one and two-loop unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory. We show the consistency of one-loop calculations with lattice results for the M_rho, f_pi and the isospin 2 scattering length a_20.Then, we develop and apply the modified Inverse Amplitude Method formalism for two-loop ChPT. In contrast to the f_0(600), the rho(770) is rather sensitive to the two-loop ChPT parameters --our main source of systematic uncertainty. We thus provide two-loop unitarized fits constrained by lattice information on M_rho, f_pi, by the qqbar leading 1/N_c behavior of the rho and by existing estimates of low energy constants. These fits yield relatively stable predictions up to m_pi\simeq 300-350 MeV for the rho coupling and width as well as for all the f_0(600) parameters. We confirm, to two-loops, the weak m_pi dependence of the rho coupling and the KSRF relation, and the existence of two virtual f_0(600) poles for sufficiently high m_pi. At two loops one of these poles becomes a bound state when m_pi is somewhat larger than 300 MeV.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Three-Body Dynamics and Self-Powering of an Electrodynamic Tether in a Plasmasphere

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    The dynamics of an electrodynamic tether in a three-body gravitational environment are investigated. In the classical two-body scenario the extraction of power is at the expense of orbital kinetic energy. As a result of power extraction, an electrodynamic tether satellite system loses altitude and deorbits. This concept has been proposed and well investigated in the past, for example for orbital debris mitigation and spent stages reentry. On the other hand, in the three-body scenario an electrodynamic tether can be placed in an equilibrium position fixed with respect to the two primary bodies without deorbiting, and at the same time generate power for onboard use. The appearance of new equilibrium positions in the perturbed three-body problem allow this to happen as the electrical power is extracted at the expenses of the plasma corotating with the primary body. Fundamental differences between the classical twobody dynamics and the new phenomena appearing in the circular restricted three-body problem perturbed by the electrodynamic force of the electrodynamic tether are shown in the paper. An interesting application of an electrodynamic tether placed in the Jupiter plasma torus is then considered, in which the electrodynamic tether generates useful electrical power of about 1 kW with a 20-km-long electrodynamic tether from the environmental plasma without losing orbital energy

    Enhanced non-quark-antiquark and non-glueball Nc behavior of light scalar mesons

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    We show that the latest and very precise dispersive data analyses require a large and very unnat- ural fine-tuning of the 1/Nc expansion at Nc = 3 if the f_0(600) and K(800) light scalar mesons are to be considered predominantly quark-antiquark states, which is not needed for light vector mesons. For this, we use scattering observables whose 1/Nc corrections are suppressed further than one power of 1/Nc for quark-antiquark or glueball states, thus enhancing contributions of other nature. This is achieved without using unitarized ChPT, but if it is used we can also show that it is not just that the coefficients of the 1/Nc expansion are unnatural, but that the expansion itself does not even follow the expected 1/Nc scaling of a glueball or a quark-antiquark meson.Comment: Discussion disfavoring a glueball interpretation added. Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Surface Divergences and Boundary Energies in the Casimir Effect

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    Although Casimir, or quantum vacuum, forces between distinct bodies, or self-stresses of individual bodies, have been calculated by a variety of different methods since 1948, they have always been plagued by divergences. Some of these divergences are associated with the volume, and so may be more or less unambiguously removed, while other divergences are associated with the surface. The interpretation of these has been quite controversial. Particularly mysterious is the contradiction between finite total self-energies and surface divergences in the local energy density. In this paper we clarify the role of surface divergences.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, submitted to proceedings of QFEXT0

    Evaluation of the changes in working limits in an automobile assembly line using simulation

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    The aim of the work presented in this paper consists of the development of a decision-making support system, based on discrete-event simulation models, of an automobile assembly line which was implemented within an Arena simulation environment and focused at a very specific class of production lines with a four closed-loop network configuration. This layout system reflects one of the most common configurations of automobile assembly and preassembly lines formed by conveyors. The sum of the number of pallets on the intermediate buffers, remains constant, except for the fourth closed-loop, which depends on the four-door car ratio (x) implemented between the door disassembly and assembly stations of the car body. Some governing equations of the four closed-loops are not compatible with the capacities of several intermediate buffers for certain values of variable x. This incompatibility shows how the assembly line cannot operate in practice for x0,97 in a stationary regime, due to the starvation phenomenon or the failure of supply to the machines on the production line. We have evaluated the impact of the pallet numbers circulating on the first closed-loop on the performance of the production line, translated into the number of cars produced/hour, in order to improve the availability of the entire manufacturing system for any value of x. Until the present date, these facts have not been presented in specialized literature. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    m_π and N_c dependence of rho and σ mesons from unitarized chiral perturbation theory

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    We review the N_c and m_π dependence of the rho(770) and σ (or f_0(600) resonances generated with the Inverse Amplitude Method. The σ N_c behavior is at odds with being dominantly a q̅q̅ state, but there is a hint of a subdominant q̅q̅o component with a mass above 1 GeV. We find fair agreement with lattice results for the chiral extrapolation of the ρ mass, and that the ρ π π coupling is almost m_π independent whereas the σ π π depends strongly on m_π