293 research outputs found

    Signatures of the superfluid to Mott insulator transition in equilibrium and in dynamical ramps

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    We investigate the equilibrium and dynamical properties of the Bose-Hubbard model and the related particle-hole symmetric spin-1 model in the vicinity of the superfluid to Mott insulator quantum phase transition. We employ the following methods: exact-diagonalization, mean field (Gutzwiller), cluster mean-field, and mean-field plus Gaussian fluctuations. In the first part of the paper we benchmark the four methods by analyzing the equilibrium problem and give numerical estimates for observables such as the density of double occupancies and their correlation function. In the second part, we study parametric ramps from the superfluid to the Mott insulator and map out the crossover from the regime of fast ramps, which is dominated by local physics, to the regime of slow ramps with a characteristic universal power law scaling, which is dominated by long wavelength excitations. We calculate values of several relevant physical observables, characteristic time scales, and an optimal protocol needed for observing universal scaling.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Relaxation of Fermionic Excitations in a Strongly Attractive Fermi Gas in an Optical Lattice

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    We theoretically study the relaxation of high energy single particle excitations into molecules in a system of attractive fermions in an optical lattice, both in the superfluid and the normal phase. In a system characterized by an interaction scale UU and a tunneling rate tt, we show that the relaxation rate scales as Ctexp(αU2/t2)\sim Ct\exp(-\alpha U^2/t^2) in the large U/tU/t limit. We obtain explicit expressions for the exponent α\alpha, both in the low temperature superfluid phase and the high temperature phase with pairing but no coherence between the molecules. We find that the relaxation rate decreases both with temperature and deviation of the fermion density from half-filling. We show that quasiparticle and phase degrees of freedom are effectively decoupled within experimental timescales allowing for observation of ordered states even at high total energy of the system.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Competition between pairing and ferromagnetic instabilities in ultracold Fermi gases near Feshbach resonances

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    We study the quench dynamics of a two-component ultracold Fermi gas from the weak into the strong interaction regime, where the short time dynamics are governed by the exponential growth rate of unstable collective modes. We obtain an effective interaction that takes into account both Pauli blocking and the energy dependence of the scattering amplitude near a Feshbach resonance. Using this interaction we analyze the competing instabilities towards Stoner ferromagnetism and pairing.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 4 figure

    Charge transfer excitons in optical absorption spectra of C60-dimers and polymers

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    Charge-transfer (CT) exciton effects are investigated for the optical absorption spectra of crosslinked C60 systems by using the intermediate exciton theory. We consider the C60-dimers, and the two (and three) molecule systems of the C60-polymers. We use a tight-binding model with long-range Coulomb interactions among electrons, and the model is treated by the Hartree-Fock approximation followed by the single-excitation configuration interaction method. We discuss the variations in the optical spectra by changing the conjugation parameter between molecules. We find that the total CT-component increases in smaller conjugations, and saturates at the intermediate conjugations. It decreases in the large conjugations. We also find that the CT-components of the doped systems are smaller than those of the neutral systems, indicating that the electron-hole distance becomes shorter in the doped C60-polymers.Comment: Figures should be requested to the autho

    Proposal for Coherent Coupling of Majorana Zero Modes and Superconducting Qubits Using the 4π Josephson Effect

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    We propose to use an ancilla fluxonium qubit to interact with a Majorana qubit hosted by a topological one-dimensional wire. The coupling is obtained using the Majorana qubit-controlled 4π Josephson effect to flux bias the fluxonium qubit. We demonstrate how this coupling can be used to sensitively identify topological superconductivity, to measure the state of the Majorana qubit, to construct 2-qubit operations, and to implement quantum memories with topological protection.Physic

    Magnetic field enhancement of superconductivity in ultra-narrow wires

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    We study the effect of an applied magnetic field on sub-10nm wide MoGe and Nb superconducting wires. We find that magnetic fields can enhance the critical supercurrent at low temperatures, and does so more strongly for narrower wires. We conjecture that magnetic moments are present, but their pair-breaking effect, active at lower magnetic fields, is suppressed by higher fields. The corresponding microscopic theory, which we have developed, quantitatively explains all experimental observations, and suggests that magnetic moments have formed on the wire surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Structure and properties of the stable two-dimensional conducting polymer Mg5C60

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    We present a study on the structural, spectroscopic, conducting, and magnetic properties of Mg5C60, which is a two-dimensional (2D) fulleride polymer. The polymer phase is stable up to the exceptionally high temperature of 823 K. The infrared and Raman studies suggest the formation of single bonds between the fulleride ions and possibly Mg-C-60 covalent bonds. Mg5C60 is a metal at ambient temperature, as shown by electron spin resonance and microwave conductivity measurements. The smooth transition from a metallic to a paramagnetic insulator state below 200 K is attributed to Anderson localization driven by structural disorder

    Lifetime of double occupancies in the Fermi-Hubbard model

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    We investigate the decay of artificially created double occupancies in a repulsive Fermi-Hubbard system in the strongly interacting limit using diagrammatic many-body theory and experiments with ultracold fermions on optical lattices. The lifetime of the doublons is found to scale exponentially with the ratio of the on-site repulsion to the bandwidth. We show that the dominant decay process in presence of background holes is the excitation of a large number of particle hole pairs to absorb the energy of the doublon. We also show that the strongly interacting nature of the background state is crucial in obtaining the correct estimate of the doublon lifetime in these systems. The theoretical estimates and the experimental data are in fair quantitative agreement