35 research outputs found

    DNA isolation from dry samples of broomrape - the effect of isolation method and sample storage on DNA yield and quality

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    Accurate characterization of broomrape races is of a great importance for creation of sunflower hybrids resistant to this parasite. In molecular diversity studies, it is necessary to isolate sufficient quantity of good quality DNA. As collecting and transporting fresh broomrape tissue and seed samples for molecular analyses can be problematic, we have tested the possibility of DNA isolation from dry tissue of mature broomrape plants, with the aim to find optimal method for sample storage and isolation of sufficient quantity of DNA for multiple PCR reactions needed for diversity studies. Mid parts of dry broomrape stalks were collected and stored in four different ways. Ten DNA isolation protocols were tested and the obtained results compared. The best results regarding DNA yield and quality were obtained with dry samples stored at room temperature in ventilated space. DNA suitable for RAPD analysis was isolated with three of ten tested methods. As protocol of Somma (2006) is labour intensive and produced the lowest DNA yield, only DNA isolation with DNeasy (R) Plant Mini Kit, Qiagen and protocol by Rogers and Bendich (1985) could be recommended for future studies

    Elektrohemijsko generisanje katalizatora za Majklovu adiciju dikarbonilnih jedinjenja i cijanida na akriloilferocen

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    Michael addition of diethyl malonate, ethyl acetoacetate, acetylacetone, and cyanide anion to acryloylferrocene promoted by a catalyst in situ generated from a sacrificial zirconium anode is described. Most of the obtained compounds were identified by comparison of their spectral and physical data with those published elsewhere, whereas the only newly synthesized compound - diethyl 2,2-bis(3-ferrocenyl-3-oxopropyl)malonate - was completely characterized by spectral (IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR), physical and crystallographic (single-crystal X-ray) data.Opisana je Majklova adicija dietil-malonata, etil-acetoacetata, acetilacetona i cijanidnog anjona na akriloilferocen pomoću katalizatora generisanog in situ sa rastvorne anode od cirkonijuma. Većina dobijenih jedinjenja je identifikovana poređenjem njihovih fizičkih i spektroskopskih podataka sa literaturnim, a jedino novo jedinjenje je potpuno opisano spektroskopskim (IR, 1H- i 13C-NMR) i fizičkim podacima, kao i podacima iz kristalografske analize X-zracima

    Analitička greŔka kod izbora referentnog stanja u termodinamici idealnog gasa

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    The paper is based on the fact that the internal energy, enthalpy and enthropy as most important thermodynamic state functions, can not be determined in absolut terms without reference state slections. It is demonstrated that to determination must be approached very cautiously. The reason for this is possibility of errors that are not permissible. The beginning conditions of measurement can be adopted. It is also necessary to pay attention to the beginning the measurement of the adopted reference value. For a case to be simultaneous determination of multiple state functions, it should take to account the beginning of the measurement of each of these functions, since this start may different. In this way the calculated state function vares, depending on refenece state is adopted. At the end, in one convenient example, in the case internal energy and enthalpy, as a characteristic state function, is pointed to possiility errors, which could occur if there is no detailed analysis of adopted reference of ā€žzeroā€œ state.U radu je, polazeći od činjenice da se unutraÅ”nja energija, entalpija i entropija kao najvažnije termodinamičke veličine stanja, ne mogu odrediti u apsolutnom iznosu bez izbora referentnog stanja, pokazano da je pri ovom određivanju potrebno pristupiti veoma obazrivo. Razlog za ovo je mogućnost greÅ”aka koje nisu dopustive. Pri ovome usvojeni početak merenja može u opÅ”tem slučaju biti različit. Neophodno je takođe obratiti pažnju na definisanost određene veličine stanja za usvojenu referentnu vrednost. Za slučaj da se vrÅ”i istovremeno određivanje viÅ”e veličina stanja, treba voditi računa o početku merenja svake od ovih veličina, s obzirom da ovaj početak može biti različit. Na ovaj način izračunata veličina stanja zavisi od toga koje referentno stanje je usvojeno. Na kraju rada, koristeći praktičan računski primeru, za slučaj unutraÅ”nje energije i entalpije, kao karakterističnih veličina stanja, ukazano je na mogućnost greÅ”ke, koja se može javiti ukoliko se ne izvrÅ”i detaljna analiza izbora referentnog, odnosno ā€žnultogā€œ stanja.XI Conference of Chemists, Technologists and Environmentalists of Republic of Srpska, Teslić / Xi savjetovanje hemičara, tehnologa I ekologa Republike Srpske, 14.07.2016

    Grafičko predstavljanje energetskih veličina idealnog gasa u karakterističnim dijagramima na način koji nije uobičajen

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    In this paper, for characteristic polytropic change of state of ideal gas is given graphical planimetric graphical representation of the most important energy values in workplace and thermal diagram, trough the appropriate area. In this paper, we used differential forms of the First and Second law of thermodynamics and basic equation which define the observed change of state, written in a suitable form. The results for the polytropic change of state, are applied to the isobaric and isochoric change of state. It is shown that any of the energy values ( q12, w12, wt12, Dh12, Du12) can be present in both workplace (p, v) as well as thermal (T-s) diagram. Graphical solutions, compared to the analytical, provide efficient theoretical explain and presentation of various thermodynamic processes of ideal gas with different aspects and greatly assist a clearer view of the problem and enhance each other living arrangement. Graphical representation of external influences or energy values shown in the diagrams, make it possible to more clearly we see connection between these effects, change of state, as well as their each other relations. This is particularly evident in the case when there are (p, v) and (T-s) diagram for a par tic u lar ideal gas, which is common in technical practices (e. g., air as an ideal gas).U radu je za karakterističnu politropsku promenu stanja idealnog gasa dato grafičko planimetrijsko predstavljanje najvažnijih energetskih veličina u radnom i toplotnom dijagramu, preko odgovarajućih povrÅ”ina. Pri ovome koriŔćeni su diferencijalni oblici prvog i drugog zakona termodinamike, kao i osnovne relacije koje definiÅ”u posmatranu promenu stanja, napisane u pogodnom obliku. Dobijeni rezultati, za politropsku kao opÅ”tu promenu stanja, primenjeni su na izobarsku i izohorsku, kao karakteristične promene stanja. Pokazano je da bilo koju od energetskih veličina (q12, w12, wt12, Ī”h12, Ī”u12) moguće predstaviti kako u radnom (p-v), tako i u toplotnom (T-s) dijagramu. Prikazana grafička reÅ”enja, u odnosu na analitička, omogućuju efikasnije teorijsko razmatranje i predstavljanje različitih termodinamičkih procesa idealnog gasa sa različitih aspekata i znatno pomažu jasnijem sagledavanju problema i poboljÅ”avaju međusobno sporazumevanje. Grafički prikazi spoljnih uticaja, odnosno energetskih veličina u prikazanim dijagramima, omogućuju da se joÅ” jasnije uoči veza između tih uticaja, promena stanja, kao i njihovi međusobni odnosi. Ovo posebno dolazi do izražaja za slučaj kada postoji (p, v) i (T-s) dijagram za određeni idealni gas, Å”to je čest slučaj u tehničkoj praksi (na primer za vazduh kao idealan gas)

    Uticaj hroničnog trovanja olovom na aktivnost nekih enzima u krvnom serumu pacova

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    In this paper, the influence of chronic lead intoxication on the activity of serum enzymes aspartate and alanine aminotransferases (AST and ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was examined. The experiment was performed on 130 adult female DA rats and 80 young rats. Rats were treated by lead-acetate 100 and 30 mg Pb per kg body weight for 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 days. Young rats (offspring of studied female rats) were treated with lead only through the placenta and mother's milk. The activities of serum AST, ALT and ALP were determined spectrophotomerically by IFCC method. The activity of examined serum enzymes was significantly increased in conditions of chronic lead intoxication in female rats and their offspring in relation to the control group. The activity of serum AST, ALT and ALP was in a positive correlation with the time of intoxication. There were no significant differences between the activities of enzymes AST and ALT in the serum and the amount of lead. The activity of ALP was significantly higher in serum of rats treated with higher amounts of lead. Increased AST, ALT and ALP activity in serum is most likely the consequence of lead hepatotoxicity.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja hroničnog trovanja olovom na aktivnost enzima aspartat i alanin aminotransferaze (AST i ALT) kao i alkalne fosfataze (ALP) u krvnom serumu pacova. Eksperiment je izveden na 130 ženki pacova i njihovih 80 mladunaca. Ženke su tretirane olovo-acetatom oralno putem pijaće vode u dve doze-100 i 30 mg/kg TM dnevno u trajanju od 10,20,30, 40, 50 i 60 dana, dok su njihovi mladunci olovo primali samo preko placente i putem mleka. Nakon žrtvovanja, od životinja je uzimana krv i u krvnom serumu je spektrofotometrijski, na automatskom analizatoru Hitachi 911, određivana aktivnost enzima AST, ALT i ALR Dobijeni rezultati su ukazali da hronično trovanje olovom ima za posledicu značajno povećanje aktivnosti enzima AST, ALT i ALP u krvnom serumu ženki pacova, pri čemu se aktivnost navedenih enzima linearno povećavala sa povećanjem vremena intoksikacije. Nisu zapažene značajne razlike u aktivnosti enzima AST i ALT u odnosu na primenjenu dozu olova, dok je u slučaju ALP ustanovljeno da veća doza olova ima za posledicu značajnije povećanje aktivnosti ovog enzima u krvnom serumu. U mladunaca ženki koje su tokom trudnoće i laktacije primale olovo, takođe je ustanovljeno značajno povećanje aktivnosti navedenih enzima u krvnom serumu u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Nisu ustanovljene značajne razlike u aktivnosti AST, ALT i ALP u serumu mladunaca u pogledu doze olova koje su njihove majke primale. Povećanje aktivnosti enzima AST, ALT i ALP u krvnom serumu ženki i mladunaca je najverovatnije posledica hepatotoksičnog dejstva olova udruženog sa intrahepatičkom holestazom


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    Michael addition of diethyl malonate, ethyl acetoacetate, acetylacetone, and cyanide anion to acryloylferrocene promoted by a catalyst in situ generated from a sacrificial zirconium anode is described. Most of the obtained compounds were identified by comparison of their spectral and physical data with those published elsewhere, whereas the only newly synthesized compound - diethyl 2,2-bis(3-ferrocenyl-3-oxopropyl)malonate - was completely characterized by spectral (IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR), physical and crystallographic (single-crystal X-ray)Ā  data.Ā ELEKTROHEMIJSKO GENERISANJE KATALIZATORA ZA MAJKLOVU ADICIJU DIKARBONILNIH JEDINJENJA I CIJANIDA NA AKRILOILFEROCENOpisana je Majklova adicija dietil-malonata, etil-acetoacetata, acetilacetona i cijanidnog anjona na akriloilferocen pomoću katalizatora generisanog in situ sa rastvorne anode od cirkonijuma. Većina dobijenih jedinjenja je identifikovana poređenjem njihovih fizičkih i spektroskopskih podataka sa literaturnim, a jedino novo jedinjenje je potpuno opisano spektroskopskim (IR, 1H- i 13C-NMR) i fizičkim podacima, kao i podacima iz kristalografske analize X-zracima.Ā HIGHLIGHTSMichael addition of diethyl malonate, ethyl acetoacetate, acetylacetone, and cyanide anion to acryloylferrocene is described.Reaction was promoted by a catalyst in situ generated from a sacrificial zirconium anode.Diethyl 2,2-bis(3-ferrocenyl-3-oxopropyl)malonate, a new compound, was completely characterized by spectral, physical and crystallographic data.Other obtained compounds were identified by comparison of their spectral and physical data with those published elsewhere.Ā 

    The unity of music and surgery: Music application in the perioperative period

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    Application of music has positive effects on physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, stress reduction, patients' and medical staff mood improvement, making the work environment more pleasant for both patients and staff. The aim of this narrative review is to present facts about perioperative music implementation and effects on patients and medical staff. In highly developed countries, music provided by professionals in the form of music therapy is incorporated in patients' care on the wards or in the recovery room to improve their mood, prevent depression and enable physical rehabilitation and relaxation. Perioperative music application decreases postoperative pain intensity and anxiety level, and increases patient's satisfaction. So far, music therapy application was studied in patients undergoing gynecological procedures, Caesarean section, breast surgery, urological procedures, cardiovascular surgery, abdominal surgery, orthopedic and maxilofacial surgery and different kinds of diagnostic and interventional procedures. Moreover, in real life, music is present on daily bases during performances in the operating rooms all over the world. There is an open question about music's influence on surgical team performance. In the operating room, choice of music and its perception differs depending on professional status and medical specialty. Music can improve surgeons' performance in the operating room. Type of music and its volume needs to be carefully chosen if music is used in the operating room, to prevent distraction of medical staff during performance. In surgical patients, music as nonpharmacological method can be safely used in the perioperative period as adjuvant therapy to pain medications, for anxiety and pain relief

    Two quality evolutions: Industry vs. health care

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    Paper explains evolution of Global Quality Management Theory through changes of different quality management approaches in time and compares it to the evolution of Quality Management in Healthcare. Authors relied on already existing information and data sources published in scientific journals to define evolution paths and conduct their comparison to identify gaps and recommend improvements in Healthcare Quality Management. Additionally, four major activities that could improve healthcare quality management emerged from analysis, such as: mechanism for constant and systematic tracing errors, managing quality of supportive processes, control of outsource organizations and application of IT for quality assurance

    Improving thin film flexible supercapacitor electrode properties using ion-track technology

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    A novel self-supporting carbon thin film flexible supercapacitor electrode with high volumetric and areal capacitance was developed. The increase in capacitance performance is achieved by introducing channels across the carbon thin film using ion-track technology. In the first step of the electrode synthesis, latent tracks are inscribed in the starting polyimide (Kapton) foil by irradiation with 253 MeV Kr ions. Next, macropores in the form of cylindrical channels are formed by selective chemical etching with NaOCl along the ion tracks, creating ion-track polymer. With subsequent carbonization and activation of the ion-track polymer, activated ion-track carbon is produced. A range of samples are obtained by varying the chemical etching time of the irradiated polymer. In addition to channel formation the chemical etching time influences the composition of surface functional groups. The best results are obtained by chemical etching for 40 min, the thickness of the sample is 21 A mu m with channel density 2.4 x 10(6) cm(-2) and average channel diameter 430 nm. Beside cylindrical macro channels this material is mainly microporous with 0.62 nm pore diameter and shows the highest areal (494 mF/cm(2)), volumetric (224 F/cm(3)) and gravimetric (178 F/g) capacitance. As a consequence of channel formation, the rate capability of the supercapacitor was also increased

    Anodic generation of a zirconium catalyst for Ferrier rearrangement and hetero Michael addition

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    An efficient catalyst for Ferrier rearrangement and hetero-Michael addition was successfully generated from a sacrificial zirconium anode into media containing reactants for these reactions. Thus, the catalyst generated, successfully promoted the allylic rearrangement of peracetylated D-glucal in the presence of a suitable S-nucleophile, giving the corresponding 2,3-unsaturated D-glucopyranose (pseudoglycal) in good to high yields. This catalyst was also shown to be capable of promoting hetero-Michael conjugate addition of S- and N-nucleophiles to the carbon-carbon double bond of methyl vinyl ketone, resulting in new carbon-sulfur and carbon-nitrogen bond formation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved