166 research outputs found

    Linguagens cifradas em torno do labirinto

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    Le labyrinthe, en tant que forme signifiante, construction aporétique, produisant des effets de sens, toujours pluriel, dans un langage chiffré. Etude de ses associations avec grottes, cavernes, coquilles, danses, talimans, en des régions aussi éloignées que la Chine ancienne et la Crète de Minos, pour aboutir au symbole congénère de l’Ouroboros, l’identifiant, ainsi que le parcours labyrinthi que du récit, dans les textes exemplaires de Joyce, Proust et Gide

    Recortes ideológicos na travessia do reinado de Luís XIV: Balizas Literárias

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    Aperçu des courants d’idées qui traversaient le règne de Louis XIV et mise enrelief de l’évolution de la critique socio-politique à travers l’oeuvre de trois écrivainshautement représentatifs de cette période: Bossuet, La Bruyère et Fénelon

    Sob o signo do Touro

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    En soulignant le rôle nucléaire du taureau dans la culture crétoise, en tant queforme adoptée par Zeus pour ravir Europe, on analyse, à travers la lecture de lalégende du roi Minos et de sa descendance, la répétition paradigmatique de labipolarité soleil/lune, depuis l’hiérogamie première et l’on essaie d’en dégagerles sens voilés

    Henri Michaux ou a consciência da exclusão

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    Présentation de l'oeuvre de l'écrivain contemporain belge-français Henri Michaux,encore mal connu parmi nous. Le binôme Modernité et Exclusion s'applique à merveille autant à l'oeuvre qu'à l'écrivain. L'une et l'autre se situent mal dans le contexte, respectivement, littéraire et existentiel qui les a vus naître et croître. D'où une écriture qui trahit la scission du sujet et le manque originaire,tentative transgressive de recréer lerée sur l'empreinte de l'imaginaire

    Indoor air quality in health clubs: Impact of occupancy and type of performed activities on exposure levels

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    Associations between indoor air quality (IAQ) and health in sport practise environments are not well understood due to limited knowledge of magnitude of inhaled pollutants. Thus, this study assessed IAQ in four health clubs (HC1-HC4) and estimated inhaled doses during different types of activities. Gaseous (TVOCs, CO, O3, CO2) and particulate pollutants (PM1, PM4) were continuously collected during 40 days. IAQ was influenced both by human occupancy and the intensity of the performed exercises. Levels of all pollutants were higher when clubs were occupied (p < 0.05) than for vacant periods, with higher medians in main workout areas rather than in spaces/studios for group activities. In all spaces, TVOCs highly exceeded legislative limit (600 μg/m3), even when unoccupied, indicating possible risks for the respective occupants. CO2 levels were well correlated with relative humidity (rs 0.534-0.625) and occupancy due to human exhalation and perspiration during exercising. Clubs with natural ventilations exhibited twice higher PM, with PM1 accounting for 93-96% of PM4; both PM were highly correlated (rs 0.936-0.995) and originated from the same sources. Finally, cardio classes resulted in higher inhalation doses than other types of exercising (1.7-2.6).This work was supported by European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through projects UID/QUI/50006/2013 and UID/EQU/00511/2013-LEPABE, by FCT/MEC with national funds and co-funded by FEDER in the scope of the P2020 Partnership Agreement. Additional financial support was provided by FCT through fellowship SFRH/BPD/105100/2014.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    (Ultra) Fine particle concentrations and exposure in different indoor and outdoor microenvironments during physical exercising

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    Although regular exercise improves overall well-being, increased physical activity results in enhanced breathing which consequently leads to elevated exposure to a variety of air pollutants producing adverse effects. It is well-known that one of these ambient air contaminants is ultrafine particles (UFP). Thus, this study aimed to (1) examine exposure to particle number concentrations (PNC) in size ranging from N20-1000 nm in different sport environments and (2) estimate the respective inhalation doses across varying activity scenarios based upon the World Health Organization recommendations for physical activity. PNC were continuously monitored (TSI P-Trak™ condensation particle counter) outdoors (Out1-Out2) and indoors (Ind1-Ind2; fitness clubs) over 4 weeks. Outdoor PNC (total median 12 563 # cm-3; means of 20 367 # cm-3 at Out1 and 7 122 # cm-3 at Out2) were approximately 1.6-fold higher than indoors (total median 7 653 # cm-3; means of 11 861 # cm-3 at Ind1 and 14 200 # cm-3 at Ind2). The lowest doses were inhaled during holistic group classes (7.91 × 107-1.87 × 108 # per kg body weight) whereas exercising with mixed cardio and strength training led to approximately 1.8-fold higher levels. In order to optimize the health benefit of exercises, environmental characteristics of the locations at which physical activities are conducted need to be considered.This work was financially supported by project UID/EQU/00511/2019 - Laboratory for Process Engineering Environment, Biotechnology and Energy–LEPABE and project UID/QUI/50006/2019 - Associate Laboratory Research Unit for Green Chemistry - Technologies and Processes Clean–LAQV, funded by national funds throughFCT/MCTES (PIDDAC).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Elegibilidade, caracterização e diagnóstico nas equipas de Intervenção Precoce do Alentejo

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    O diagnóstico é um processo fundamental das práticas de Intervenção Precoce. O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo conhecer a forma como as Equipas de Intervenção Precoce do Alentejo procedem à elegibilidade das crianças para os seus serviços, bem como a forma como fazem o seu diagnóstico e caracterização. Para o efeito, foi aplicado um questionário a 34 equipas de Intervenção Precoce do Alentejo, apontando os resultados obtidos para a necessidade de implementação de práticas mais consistentes de avaliação e diagnóstic

    Assessment of indoor air quality in health clubs: insights into (ultra)fine and coarse particles and gaseous pollutants

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    IntroductionExercising on regular basis provides countless health benefits. To ensure the health, well-being and performance of athletes, optimal indoor air quality, regular maintenance and ventilation in sport facilities are essential.MethodsThis study assessed the levels of particulate, down to the ultrafine range (PM10, PM2.5, and particle number concentration in size range of 20–1,000 nm, i.e., – PNC20-1000 nm), gaseous pollutants (total volatile organic compounds – TVOCs, CO2, and O3) and comfort parameters (temperature – T, relative humidity – RH) in different functional spaces of health clubs (n = 8), under specific occupancy and ventilation restrictions.Results and DiscussionIn all HCs human occupancy resulted in elevated particles (up to 2–3 times than those previously reported), considering mass concentrations (PM10: 1.9–988.5 μg/m3 PM2.5: 1.6–479.3 μg/m3) and number (PNC 1.23 × 103 – 9.14 × 104 #/cm3). Coarse and fine PM indicated a common origin (rs = 0.888–0.909), while PNC showed low–moderate associations with particle mass (rs = 0.264–0.629). In addition, up to twice-higher PM and PNC were detected in cardiofitness &amp; bodybuilding (C&amp;B) areas as these spaces were the most frequented, reinforcing the impacts of occupational activities. In all HCs, TVOCs (0.01–39.67 mg/m3) highly exceeded the existent protection thresholds (1.6–8.9 times) due to the frequent use of cleaning products and disinfectants (2–28 times higher than in previous works). On contrary to PM and PNC, TVOCs were higher (1.1–4.2 times) in studios than in C&amp;B areas, due to the limited ventilations combined with the smaller room areas/volumes. The occupancy restrictions also led to reduced CO2 (122–6,914 mg/m3) than previously observed, with the lowest values in HCs with natural airing. Finally, the specific recommendations for RH and T in sport facilities were largely unmet thus emphasizing the need of proper ventilation procedures in these spaces

    Educação, pobreza e programas de transferência de renda: A implementação do Programa Oportunidades no México

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    This article analyzes the implementation of the Oportunidades Program in Mexico based on the perspective of the local agents linked to the educational conditionality. By adopting the bottom up approach to analyzing implementation, Lipsky's (1980) formulation is the main reference for the study. Education professionals, community promoters and the representatives of the holders are those that correspond to the characterization of the author in this case. Forty-seven interviews were conducted: 9 with the strategic and managerial body at the national and state levels; 38 with local agents (2 with health professionals, 14 with school actors, 10 with agents linked to family support, and 12 with vocales.) The guidelines for the interviews were adapted according to their position in the hierarchy of the program and covered the following dimensions: institutional conditions and operation, perceptions about the program and its targets, impressions on the educational conditionality and the demands placed on local actors. Data show that budget constraints, oscillations in the hierarchy of social priorities and political control and dependence reveal aspects that are directly linked to the formation of the Mexican State and society.Este artículo analiza la implementación del Programa Oportunidades en México a partir de la perpectiva de los agentes de base vinculados a la condicionalidad educativa. Al adoptar el enfoque bottom up para analizar la implementación, la formulación de Lipsky (1980) es el referente que estructura el estudio. Los profesionales de la educación, los promotores comunitarios y las representantes de los titulares son los que corresponden a la caracterización del autor en ese caso. Se realizaron 47 entrevistas: nueve con el cuerpo estratégico y gerencial a nivel nacional y estatal; Con los agentes locales (dos con profesionales de la salud, 14 con actores de la escuela, 10 con agentes vinculados al acompañamiento de las familias y 12 con vocales. Los itinerarios para las entrevistas fueron adaptados según su posición en la jerarquía del programa, contemplando las categorías: diseño en el marco de la reforma agraria, en el marco de la reforma agraria y de la reforma agraria, de las limitaciones presupuestarias, de las oscilaciones en la jerarquización de las prioridades sociales y de la tutela y dependencia, evidenciando aspectos que están directamente ligados al proceso de formación del Estado y de la sociedad mexicanos.Este artigo analisa a implementação do Programa Oportunidades no México a partir da perpectiva dos agentes de base vinculados a condicionalidade educacional. Ao adotar a abordagem bottom up para analisar a implementação, a formulação de Lipsky (1980) é o referencial que estrutura o estudo. Os profissionais da educação, os promotores comunitários e as representantes das titulares são os que correspondem à caracterização do autor nesse caso. Foram realizadas 47 entrevistas: nove com o corpo estratégico e gerencial nos níveis nacional e estadual; 38 com agentes locais (duas com profissionais da saúde; 14 com atores da escola, 10 com agentes vinculados ao acompanhamento das famílias e 12 com vocales. Os roteiros para as entrevistas foram adaptados conforme sua posição na hierarquia do programa, contemplando as categorias: desenho institucional e sua operação; percepções sobre o programa e o público-alvo; impressões sobre a condicionalidade educacional e as exigências impostas aos agentes locais. Os dados revelam que a condicionalidade educacional mobilizou os agentes locais, apesar das dificuldades de cooperação institucional, das disputas políticas, das limitações orçamentárias, das oscilações na hierarquização das prioridades sociais e da tutela e dependência, evidenciando aspectos que estão diretamente ligados ao processo de formação do Estado e da sociedade mexicanos