605 research outputs found

    The QSR industry at all velocity

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    The QSR Industry has been using Technology, Delivery and Digital to fuel its transformation. The resilience of the segment has been allowing to overcome downturns.Still,more informed consumers have been demanding more quality,pressuring the industry to address distinct audiences: service and convenience. Customers- centric strategies pursuitby McDonald’shave been allowing for differentiated experiences while addressing customer’s needs. Still, the chain ability to predict trends and to quickly react to it, at global scale,has been positioning them to success. It’s all about strategy and consumers are “lovin’it”

    Development of an Orthosis to Compensate Volumetric Dysmetria of Feet

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    The concept of symmetry applied to the two halves of the human body has been the subject of reflection by anatomists. One of the most common inequalities is dysmetry of the lower limbs (LL), especially the legs and/or feet. In the case of a height difference in the legs, if it is very pronounced, it is necessary to develop strategies capable of correcting or reducing its impact on the quality of life of people who live with it daily. A rare type of dysmetria is the volumetric difference of the feet, not accompanied by changes in the length of the legs. In these cases, filling with conventional orthopedic insoles to improve the fixation of the foot inside the shoe is completely inappropriate because it slightly increases the length of the respective lower limb, which is reflected in changes in the spine that can degenerate into severe scoliosis. To solve these problems, a volumetric compensation orthosis applicable to this type of situation was developed. Using modern three-dimensional scanning and 3D printing techniques, an orthosis was customized for placement inside the shoes of an individual with this volumetric anomaly. To ensure walking comfort, a common flexible material (TPU) was chosen, and the printing parameters were studied based on feedback given by the user. As a measure of the effectiveness of the developed product and to analyze the effect produced, tests were carried out to compare gait patterns before and after the correction was established. The results found showed an approximation to standard gait patterns, a considerable improvement in the fixation of the foot inside the shoe and an interchangeability that allows the use of the orthosis in any type of footwear, such as classic shoes, boots or sneakers

    What is the value of value-at-risk after all?: A conditional approach using quantile regressions

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsIn this Work Project, I propose a new approach to VaR estimation based on quantile regressions which does not require any distributional assumptions. I assume that there exist some state variables that capture persistent changes in risk. This methodology intends to solve the problem of lack of conditionality in VaR models and to capture volatility clustering where existing VaR models currently fail. I compare the out-of-sample performance of existing methods in predicting daily VaR for the S&P 500. I conclude that none of the methodologies developed so far produce satisfactory results in timing unexpected increases in market volatility. Moreover, alternative out-of-sample evaluation techniques yield to opposite results regarding the best VaR model. Nonetheless, in general, the GARCH model outperforms all the remaining models

    Sexual violence in dating relationships: are college athletes at higher-risk?

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    Estudos internacionais realizados em contexto universitário apontam consistentemente para a sobrerrepresentação dos atletas como perpetradores frequentes de agressões sexuais nas relações íntimas. A literatura científica tem vindo a sustentar que há aspetos da cultura atlética que contribuem para a maior adesão a mitos socioculturais e a atitudes estereotipadas de género, aumentando a propensão dos atletas para a adoção de condutas sexualmente abusivas. Este estudo exploratório procurou analisar as possíveis diferenças entre duas amostras independentes de estudantes universitários do sexo masculino – atletas e não atletas –, a dois níveis: 1) grau de tolerância/aceitação face à violência sexual sobre as mulheres; 2) taxa de prevalência e tipologia de comportamentos sexualmente violentos perpetrados no contexto das suas relações amorosas não conjugais (namoro). Para a recolha de dados foram utilizados a Escala de Crenças sobre a Violação (ECV) e o Sexual Experiences Survey – Short­‑Form Perpetration (SES­‑SFP), que foram administrados a 50 atletas – praticantes de modalidades desportivas de competição de contacto –, e 50 não atletas universitários. Os resultados sugerem que os atletas não apresentam níveis superiores de legitimação da violência sexual contra as mulheres, nem evidenciam uma taxa superior de perpetração de atos de violência sexual na intimidade face ao grupo dos não atletas. No plano dos comportamentos, ambos os grupos apresentam taxas preocupantes de perpetração de atos sexuais severos na intimidade (e.g., violação).International studies developed at the university context consistently point out for the over­‑representation of athletes as frequent perpetrators of sexual assault in intimate relationships. The scientific literature has argued that there are aspects of the athletic culture that contribute to greater adherence to sociocultural myths and stereotypical attitudes to gender, increasing the propensity of athletes to commit more sexually abusive behaviors. This exploratory study sought to analyze the possible differences between two independent samples of male college students – athletes and non­‑athletes – at two levels: 1) degree of acceptance of sexual violence against women, 2) prevalence rate and types of sexually violent behaviors perpetrated in non­‑marital romantic relationships (dating). For the data collection we used the Beliefs Scale about Rape (ECV) and the Sexual Experiences Survey – Short Form­‑perpetration (SES­‑SFP), which were both administered to 50 college athletes of contact sports and to 50 non­‑athletes. The results suggest that college athletes do not report higher overall levels of legitimacy of sexual violence against women, and that they do not have higher rates of committing acts of sexual violence in the intimacy. In terms of behavior, there is empirical evidence that both college athletes, as non­‑athletes, report disturbing perpetration levels of severe acts of sexual assault in private (e.g., rape).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Observed classroom quality in first grade: associations with teacher, classroom, and school characteristics

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    The observation and assessment of quality of teacher–child interactions in elementary school settings are increasingly recognized as important; however, research is still very limited in European countries. In this study, we examined the quality of the interactions between teacher and children in first-grade classrooms in Portugal and the extent to which structural features at teacher-,classroom-, and school-level explained variation in this quality. One hundred fifteen classrooms participated in the study. Classrooms were observed through a standardized rating scale concerning emotional, organizational, and instructional support. Results indicated that the levels of emotional and organizational support in most classrooms were of moderate quality, but the levels of instructional support were low, suggesting that most observed activities did not encourage students’ higher-order thinking skills. An examination of the associations between teacher and classroom characteristics and the quality of teacher–child interactions indicated a small effect for teacher education. Teachers with an advanced degree were more likely to be more emotionally sensitive and to have better instructional interactions in the classroom. For school-level characteristics, findings showed that the classrooms in private and smaller schools were likely to provide higher levels of emotional, organizational, and instructional quality. The results suggest that focusing on the interactions between teacher and children can provide valuable information to enhance classroom quality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto de práticas breves de mindfulness no otimismo, vergonha interna e stresse percebido de estudantes do ensino superior

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    O presente estudo quasi-experimental analisou o impacto de práticas meditativas breves baseadas em mindfulness no otimismo, vergonha interna e stresse percebido de estudantes do primeiro ano de um curso de ensino superior da área das Ciências Sociais. Participaram 27 estudantes, distribuídos de forma não aleatória pelo grupo de controlo (n = 12) e pelo grupo experimental (n = 15). A intervenção foi desenvolvida em 15 sessões, utilizando práticas meditativas. Os/as estudantes (grupo experimental e grupo de controlo) foram avaliados antes e após a intervenção através de uma bateria de testes. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a eficácia da intervenção, atendendo às mudanças significativas verificadas a nível da vergonha interna, otimismo e stresse no grupo experimental em comparação com o grupo de controlo. Com efeito, verificou-se a diminuição da vergonha interna e da perceção de stresse e o aumento do otimismo. São discutidas implicações para a investigação e para a prática.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extração e Quantificação de Compostos Fenólicos presentes no Bagaço da Vitis vinifera L. e Avaliação das suas Bioatividades

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    A espécie Vitis vinifera L. pertence à família Vitaceae e inclui uma grande panóplia de variedades diferentes. Durante a produção do vinho são produzidas toneladas de bagaço da uva que é essencialmente constituído por peles, sementes e hastes das uvas. Estes componentes, nomeadamente as sementes, são ricas em compostos fenólicos que possuem diversas e excelentes atividades biológicas tais como antioxidante, antitumoral, cardioprotetora e antimicrobiana. Neste trabalho, foram avaliadas a atividade antioxidante, citotóxica e antimicrobiana das diferentes partes do bagaço da uva e os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que, de todas as diferentes partes constituintes do bagaço da uva, as sementes são uma melhor fonte de compostos fenólicos com propriedades bioativas. A identificação e quantificação dos compostos fenólicos presentes no bagaço foram realizadas usando a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a detetores de díodo e de espectrometria de massa, revelando que o composto presente em maior quantidade nas peles é o hexósido do ácido p–cumárico, enquanto que nas sementes e mistura do bagaço os compostos presentes em maior quantidade são derivados da (epi)catequina. A otimização do processo de extração dos compostos fenólicos indicou a combinação etanol:água 50:50 v/v como o melhor solvente e, para uma extração máxima de fenólicos são requeridas temperaturas entre os 75 ºC a 85 ºC por tempos compreendidos entre 60 a 90 minutos. Os resultados dos ensaios de extração usando um solvente verde, o lactato de etilo, indicaram que este é um bom solvente extrativo, podendo ser usado a temperaturas mais elevadas usando tempos de extração menores.Vitis vinifera L. species belongs to the family Vitaceae, which includes several varieties. During wine production tons of grape pomace are produced comprising essentially the skins, seeds and stems of grapes. These parts namely the seeds, are rich in phenolic compounds which in turn present diverse and biological properties such as antioxidant, antitumoral, cardio protective and antimicrobial. In this study, in vitro antioxidant, cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of the different constituents of grape pomace were evaluated. The results demonstrated that the seeds are the best source of phenolic compounds with bioactive properties. The identification and quantification of phenolic compounds present in grape pomace was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array and mass spectrometry detectors, revealing that p-coumaric acid hexoside is the most abundant compound in the skins extract, while derivatives of (epi)catechin are the major ones in the extracts of seeds and grape pomace mixture. The optimization process of the extraction of phenolic compounds indicated the mixture ethanol:water 50:50 v//v as the best solvent, for the maximum recovery of phenolic compounds, temperatures between 75 ºC and 85 ºC are required, while the times for extraction are between 60 and 90 minutes. The results of the extractions using ethyl lactate indicated that it is a good solvent of extraction that can be used at high temperatures for lower times of extraction

    Escolha de curso superior à luz do Behavioral Perspective Model (BPM)

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Processos Psicológicos Básicos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Comportamento, 2017.A escolha de curso superior tem sido estudada principalmente a partir de tradições de pesquisa da sociologia, economia e desenvolvimento de carreira/counseling. Entretanto, apesar da multidisciplinaridade e da convergência no que diz respeito ao reconhecimento do caráter econômico do fenômeno, a área é carente de integração teórica. Dados o êxito com que o Behavioral Perspective Model (BPM) vem sendo adotado para explicar escolhas em contexto de consumo e a potencialidade de uma análise da escolha de curso superior na perspectiva econômico-comportamental operante, avaliou-se a factibilidade de uso do modelo para uma interpretação integrada desse tipo de escolha. Para tanto, realizou-se uma análise econômico-comportamental operante da escolha de curso superior com base nas categorias de antecedentes situacionais (cenário e história de aprendizagem) e de consequentes (utilitários e informativos) do BPM, por meio de três estudos. No Estudo 1, de natureza teórico-conceitual, demonstrou-se a factibilidade teórica de uma interpretação integrada dos preditores típicos reportados pela literatura conforme as categorias analíticas do BPM. A teorização proposta foi exemplificada empiricamente por meio dos estudos subsequentes. No Estudo 2 segmentaram-se, com base em sondagem social via survey junto a uma amostra de 444 participantes do Distrito Federal, os cursos superiores de graduação presencial ofertados pela Universidade de Brasília, o que gerou três clusters agrupados conforme magnitude de reforço informativo, utilitário e preço sinalizados pelos cursos. Os padrões de consequenciação obtidos apresentaram ainda relação com a demanda pelos cursos e notas de corte no vestibular. Já no Estudo 3, testaram-se relações de predição envolvendo variáveis antecedentes e consequentes propostas pelo modelo, a partir da análise de dados referentes às escolhas de candidatos ao Vestibular de 2016 da UnB. Além da constatação de que os candidatos escolhem maximizando reforço utilitário, verificou-se que nível de preparação acadêmica, local de residência, status socioeconômico familiar (variáveis de cenário) e gênero (variável de história de aprendizagem) predizem, juntos, os padrões de consequenciação sinalizados pelos cursos escolhidos. Em conjunto, os três estudos demonstraram a factibilidade de uso do BPM como aparato teóricometodológico integrador para os achados da área de escolha de curso superior.College/University major choice has been investigated mainly by research traditions from sociology, economics and career development/counseling. However, despite the multidisciplinarity of the research field and its convergence concerning the recognition of the economic character of the phenomenon, it needs theoretical integration. Due to the success in which the Behavioral Perspective Model (BPM) has been adopted to explain choices in consumption contexts, and considering the potential of an operant behavioral economic analysis of major choice, the feasibility of the model’s adoption to interpret the phenomenon in an integrated fashion was evaluated. Therefore, an operant behavioral economic analysis of major choice based on the BPM categories of situational antecedents (behavioral setting and learning history) and utilitarian and informational consequences was performed by three studies. In Study 1, theoretical-conceptual in nature, it was demonstrated that it is possible to interpret, based on the BPM analytical categories, the typical predictors reported in the literature. The suggested interpretation was exemplified empirically through two subsequent studies. In Study 2, majors offered by University of Brasilia were segmented according to consequential patterns (magnitudes of price, utilitarian and informational reinforcement), based on survey data with a sample of 444 participants from the Federal District, what produced three clusters. The consequential patterns obtained also showed a relation to the demand for the majors and to the passing scores at the UnB entrance exam, which proves the viability of major segmentation based upon BPM consequent categories. In Study 3, in turn, prediction relations involving BPM antecedent and consequent variables were analyzed using data referring to candidates’ choices during the 2016 UnB entrance exam. In addition to the finding that candidates choose maximizing utilitarian reinforcement, it was found that academic abilities, place of residence, socioeconomic family status (behavioral setting variables), and gender (learning history variable) predict, jointly, the consequential patterns signaled by the chosen majors. Together, the three studies set forth the feasibility of adopting the BPM as a theoretical methodological apparatus able to integrate major choice findings

    Stresse, bem-estar, satisfação com a vida e mindfulness em estudantes do ensino superior

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    A adaptação ao Ensino Superior envolve um conjunto lato de mudanças e o confronto com tarefas múltiplas de índole psicossocial, académico e institucional (Almeida, Soares, & Ferreira, 2000) e, por isso, considerado como um processo vulnerável à ansiedade e ao stresse (e.g., Assadi, Nakhaei, Najafi, & Fazel, 2007). Exige a mobilização de um conjunto de recursos pessoais, sociais e instrumentais (Clare, 1995, como citado por Santos, 2011), que se vê influenciado pelas perceções dos sujeitos relativamente ao grau de stresse que este processo despoleta (Pritchard & Wilson, 2003).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Associations Between Early Family Risk, Children’s Behavioral Regulation, and Academic Achievement in Portugal

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    This study examined concurrent associations between family sociodemographic risk, self-regulation, and early literacy and mathematics in young children from Azores, Portugal (N ¼ 186). Family sociodemographic risk was indexed by low maternal education, low family income, and low occupational status. Behavioral aspects of self-regulation were assessed using a direct measure called the Head–Toes–Knees–Shoulders task. Results of structural equation modeling revealed that family sociodemographic risk had significant negative effects on behavioral regulation and academic achievement. Behavioral regulation was positively associated with academic achievement when we adjusted for the influence of family sociodemographic risk and child verbal IQ. Furthermore, behavioral regulation mediated the association between family sociodemographic risk and mathematics achievement. Practice or Policy: The results suggest the detrimental effect of family socioeconomic risk in Portugal and the potential importance of behavioral regulation for school success for Portuguese childreninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio