68 research outputs found


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    Living mulch (LM) is a practice in which forages are grown simultaneously with the main crop, serving as a living cover throughout the growing season. The LM systems were developed to alleviate concerns of soil depletion and finding ways to reduce tillage negative effects on soil productivity. In addition, when legumes are use can decrease the reliance on N fertilizer. The use of corn in LM have been previously studied due to the crop being a large commodity in the U.S.; In addition, the ability to graze the LM after corn production can increase the land use efficiency. To determine the benefits of LM in the Southeastern U.S., two studies were developed in Spring Hill, TN from 2018 to 2021: [1] two LM species, WC (Trifolium pratense L. [WC]) and a mixture of crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) and cereal rye (Secale cereale L. [CCCR]), and cull cows were used for the grazing period of four weeks before planting and after harvest of corn to assess the ability of LM grazing, the study evaluated the botanical composition (BC), LM mass (LMM), nutritive value (NV), corn silage and grain production, and cows average daily gain (ADG); [2] WC LM was seeded with corn silage and grain in different N rates to determine the best level of fertilization when utilizing WC, it was assessed the production of corn at harvest, botanical composition, and LM mass throughout the corn growing season. Lastly, economic analysis was performed in both projects to determine the viability of the system

    Incidência de podridão de colmo causada por Fusarium moniliforme em genótipos de milho.

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    Trabalho apresentado no 42º Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

    Morning and Afternoon Sampling and Herbage Chemical Composition of Rotationally Stocked Elephant Grass cv. Napier

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    Nutrient intake by grazing animals depends on the amount of dry matter consumed and its chemical composition. Forage grasses, as with any other plants, produce assimilates during the day via photosynthesis to sustain live tissues, plant growth and organic reserves (Taiz and Zeiger 2013). In that context, herbage chemical composition may vary according to variations in the photosynthesis-respiration balance throughout the day. From dawn to dusk the balance increases and herbage dry matter content as well as concentration of soluble carbohydrates increase, the reverse happening from dusk to dawn. That could interfere with nutritive value and nutrient intake of grazing animals (Delagarde 2000), since for a given bite volume the amount of herbage and its composition could vary depending on the time of the day. That could have implications for rotationally managed pastures, indicating a potential effect of time of changing animals from one paddock to the other as a management strategy. Against that background, the objective of this experiment was to evaluate dry matter (DM) content and the concentration of soluble carbohydrates (SC), crude protein (CP), neutral (NDF) and acid (ADF) detergent fibre in herbage samples harvested during the morning and afternoon periods from rotationally stocked elephant grass cv. Napier

    Treatment of Persistent Large Gastrocutaneous Fistulas After Bariatric Surgery. Preliminary Experience with Endoscopic Kehr's T-Tube Placement

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    Purpose Post-bariatric surgery gastrocutaneous fistula is a chronic leak with an incidence of 1.7 to 4.0% and no standardized management. A large gastrocutaneous fistula (LGCF) is not indicated for treatment with pigtail drains. We aimed to evaluate results of a novel treatment using endoscopic Kehr's T-tube placement.Methods Only patients with a postoperative LGCF duration of >10 days and a flow rate of > 50 cc by external drainage after revisional surgery for sepsis were included. Endoscopic placement of Kehr's T-tube was performed. Patients had been reoperated with wash and drainage for severe sepsis after initial bariatric surgery in which no fistula had been discovered. Patients not reoperated, or with a fistula requiring intraoperative Kehr's T-tube placement, or a pigtail drain were excluded. Primary outcomes were endoscopic characteristics and results (LGCF closure rate, Kehr T-tube retention time, etc.).Results The study group included 12 women, 2 men; body mass index 43.1 +/- 4.5 kg/m(2). Interventions were SG (7), RYGB (2), OAGB (4), and SADI-S (1). Endoscopic assessment was carried out after a mean of 33.2 +/- 44.3 days after the bariatric procedure. The mean fistula orifice diameter was 2.0 +/- 0.9 cm. Kehr's T-tube was positioned at a mean 51.5 +/- 54.8 days after the bariatric procedure. T-tube tolerance was excellent. Mean additional days: hospitalization, 34.4 +/- 27.0; T-tube retention, 86.4 +/- 73.1; fistula healing, 139.9 +/- 111.5,LGCF closure rate, 92.9%. Complications: 1 pulmonary embolism, 2 T-tube migrations,1 drain-path bleed, 1 skin abscess. No mortality.Conclusions Endoscopic Kehr's T-tube placement was successful in closing persistent post-bariatric surgery LGCF in 92.9% of patients


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    OBJETIVOS DO TRABALHOBuscar-se-á expor o tráfico negreiro, a abolição, a forma que o capitalismo é visto no tocante à mão de obra desempenhada pelo empregado em condições análogas e as correlações com o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Ademais, como objetivo específico pretende-se elucidar que, mesmo após anos de abolição, os trabalhadores ainda estão sujeitos a trabalho escravo em inúmeras regiões do país. A precarização do trabalho é um dos maiores problemas da sociedade em desenvolvimento atual, sendo ocasionada principalmente pela busca excessiva de lucros em cima de classes menos favorecidas, com o intuito de maximizar os ganhos

    Vygotsky: uma base teórica para a proposta do ensino por meio de ciclos

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    Há muito tempo, o modelo de escola organizada por ciclo tem sido palco de discussões na comunidade educacional brasileira. Observa-se que existe alguma resistência da parte dos docentes, bem como uma visão distorcida da essência da referida proposta. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetivou analisar as concepções e as bases da escola ciclada, relacionando-as à teoria sociointeracionista de Vygotsky. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritivo-exploratória, alicerçada em pesquisa bibliográfico-documental. Foram utilizados, como autores basilares, Vygotsky (2015, 2013, 1998), Rego (2009), Mainardes (2009), além dos documentos oficiais de Mato Grosso (2010) e do Brasil (1996). A formação em ciclos implica à escola considerar o indivíduo como um ser histórico-social, levando em conta o ambiente no qual está inserido e, assim, desenvolver, no ambiente escolar, práticas pedagógicas que ampliem e desenvolvam as capacidades que ainda requerem ser apropriadas e compreendidas, a partir da interação social de cada sujeito. Conclui-se que a proposta das escolas organizadas em ciclos está sedimentada na teoria sociointeracionista de Vygotsky, todavia, alguns fatores são limitantes, dentre eles, a falta de formação suficiente dos professores, para executar a proposta.  Acredita-se que, se esta abordagem for bem trabalhada, será possível ter uma escola mais inclusiva, que tenha proximidade com a comunidade, na qual está inserida, que promova maior aproximação do aluno com o conhecimento científico, bem como o possibilite avançar no processo sócio-histórico de humanização, criando possibilidades para que seja um sujeito capaz de contribuir para uma transformação social.Palavras-chave: Sociointeracionismo. Vygotsky. Organização da escola em ciclos.Vygotsky: a theoretical basis for the proposal of teaching through cycles ABSTRACT For a long time, the school model organized by cycle has been the scene of discussions in the Brazilian educational community. It should be noted that there is some resistance on the part of teachers, as well as a distorted view of the substance of the proposal. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze the conceptions and the bases of the cycled school, relating it to the socio-interactionist theory of Vygotsky. This is a descriptive-exploratory research, based on bibliographical-documentary research. Basal authors Vygotsky (2015, 2013, 1998), Rego (2009), Mainardes (2009) Mato Grosso (2010) and Brazil (1996) were used as baseline authors. Teaching through cycles implies that the school considers the individual as a social-historical being, taking into account the environment in which it is inserted, and thus develop pedagogical practices in the school environment that expand and develop the skills that still need to be appropriate and understood from the social interaction of each subject. It is concluded that the proposal of schools organized in cycles is based on the socio-interactionist theory of Vygotsky, however, some factors are limiting, among them the lack of sufficient training of teachers, to execute the proposal. It is believed that if this approach is well worked out, it will be possible to have a more inclusive school that is close to the community in which it is inserted, that promotes closer approximation of the student with the scientific knowledge, as well as the possibility of advancing in the sociohistorical process of humanization, creating possibilities for it to be a subject capable of contributing to a social transformation.Keywords: Sociointeractionism. Vygotsky. Organization of the school in cycles. Vygotsky: una base teórica para una propuesta de enseñanza por medio de los ciclosRESUMENEl modelo de escuela organizada por ciclo ha sido escenario de discusiones en la comunidad educativa brasileña. Se percibió que existe cierta resistencia por parte docente, así como una visión distorsionada de la esencia de dicha propuesta. En ese sentido, este estudio objetivó analizar las concepciones y las bases de la escuela ciclada, relacionándola a la teoría sociointeracionista de Vygotsky. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva-exploratoria, basada en la investigación bibliográfica-documental. Ha sido utilizado como autores basilares Vygotsky (2015, 2013, 1998), Rego (2009), Mainardes (2009) Mato Grosso (2010) y Brasil (1996). La formación en ciclos implica a la escuela considerar al individuo como un ser histórico-social, teniendo en cuenta el ambiente en el cual está inserto y, así, desarrollar, en el ambiente escolar, prácticas pedagógicas que amplíen y desarrollen las capacidades que aún requieren ser apropiadas y comprendidas, a partir de la interacción social de cada sujeto. Se concluye que la propuesta de las escuelas organizadas en ciclos está sedimentada en la teoría sociointeracionista de Vygotsky, sin embargo, algunos factores son limitantes, entre ellos la falta de formación suficiente de los profesores, para ejecutar la propuesta. Se cree que si este enfoque for bien trabajado será posible tener una escuela más inclusiva, que tenga proximidad a la comunidad, en la cual está inserta, que promueve mayor aproximación del alumno con el conocimiento científico, así como lo posibilite avanzar en el proceso sociohistórico de humanización, creando posibilidades para que sea un sujeto capaz de contribuir a una transformación social.Palabras clave: Sociointeracionismo. Vygotsky. Organización de la escuela en ciclos.

    Long-Term Benefits from Early Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in HIV Infection

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    BACKGROUND: For people with HIV and CD4+ counts >500 cells/mm3, early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces serious AIDS and serious non-AIDS (SNA) risk compared with deferral of treatment until CD4+ counts are 500 cells/mm3, excess risk of AIDS and SNA associated with delaying treatment initiation was diminished after ART initiation, but persistent excess risk remained. (Funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and others.)

    An IoT Approach to Personalised Remote Monitoring and Management of Epilepsy

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    Most current studies of epileptic seizure detection disclose that "Despite the design of new anti-epileptic drugs, drug resistant epilepsy still lacks an ultimate solution" [1]. The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a timely chance for a more personalised approach to the monitoring and management of epilepsy. This is by integrating smart devices deployed at home and personal patient data into a unified monitoring system. However, because the data collected from monitoring epilepsy patients in hospital is constrained and the data semantic of the devices and patient are not unified, the integration of such data into meaningful information is difficult. A personalised approach has the potential to significantly improve the patients' daily lives whose seizures cannot be controlled by either drugs or surgery. This paper, provides an overview of a proposed personalised approach to not only promote this unification between patient data and devices but also to advocate that 'not one device fits all'. This way a personalised monitoring plan (PMP) for each individual epilepsy patient can be realised

    Miracles au Brésil

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    Peireira de Queiroz Maria Isaura. Miracles au Brésil. In: Annales. Economies, sociétés, civilisations. 11ᵉ année, N. 3, 1956. pp. 336-346