9 research outputs found

    Hierarchies, integration and complexity in biology: a possible framework for evo-devo

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    Históricamente, las jerarquías han servido para clasificar y organizar la vida. Actualmente, es claro que capturar conceptualmente la complejidad y diversidad de la vida, requiere más de una sola jerarquía. Aquí se abordan algunos de los principales retos que enfrentan las jerarquías al procurar aprehender la biodiversidad. Para resolverlos, se propone una red de jerarquías que sirven de descriptores de procesos con genidentidad y pluralismo ontológico, desde una perspectiva y nivel particulares. La red de jerarquías se concibe como un conjunto de ramas en crecimiento que pueden dividirse y unirse de múltiples maneras. Nuestra perspectiva resuelve varios de los problemas identificados e integra perspectivas multinivel justo lo que se requiere para construir del marco demandado por la evo-devo.Throughout history hierarchies have been useful for categorizing and organizing life. It is clear that one hierarchy is not enough for the conceptualization of the complexity and diversity of life as we currently understand them. In this paper we address some of the key challenges associated hierarchies when apprehending biodiversity. Furthermore, we propose a network which consists of different hierarchies that serve as descriptors of processes with genidentity and ontological pluralism. Each hierarchy describes a process from a particular perspective and level. Thus, this network is conceived as growing branches that can divide and join multiple ways. Our approach solves several of the identified challenges and it becomes a way of integrating thoughts to allow the construction of a framework required by evo-devo.Fil: Casanueva, Mario. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Folguera, Guillermo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Peimbert, Mariana. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; Méxic

    Jerarquías, integración y complejidad en biología. Un posible marco para la evo-devo

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    RESUMENHistóricamente, las jerarquías han servido para clasificar y organizar la vida. Actualmente, es claro que capturar conceptualmente la complejidad y diversidad de la vida, requiere más de una sola jerarquía. Aquí se abordan algunos de los principales retos que enfrentan las jerarquías al procurar aprehender la biodiversidad. Para resolverlos, se propone una red de jerarquías que sirven de descriptores de procesos con genidentidad y pluralismo ontológico, desde una perspectiva y nivel particulares. La red de jerarquías se concibe como un conjunto de ramas en crecimiento que pueden dividirse y unirse de múltiples maneras. Nuestra perspectiva resuelve varios de los problemas identificados e integra perspectivas multinivel justo lo que se requiere para construir del marco demandado por la evo-devo.PALABRAS CLAVEEVO-DEVO, DIVERSIDAD BIOLÓGICA, PLURALISMO ONTOLÓGICO, TIEMPO EN BIOLOGÍA, TEORÍAS MULTINIVELABSTRACTThroughout history hierarchies have been useful for categorizing and organizing life. It is clear that one hierarchy is not enough for the conceptualization of the complexity and diversity of life as we currently understand them. In this paper we address some of the key challenges associated hierarchies when apprehending biodiversity. Furthermore, we propose a network which consists of different hierarchies that serve as descriptors of processes with genidentity and ontological pluralism. Each hierarchy describes a process from a particular perspective and level. Thus, this network is conceived as growing branches that can divide and join multiple ways. Our approach solves several of the identified challenges and it becomes a way of integrating thoughts to allow the construction of a framework required by evo-devo.KEY WORDSEVO-DEVO, DIVERSITY OF LIFE, ONTOLOGICAL PLURALISM, TIME IN BIOLOGY, MULTI-LEVEL THEORIE

    Degradation of a benzene–toluene mixture by hydrocarbon-adapted bacterial communities

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    We examined the rate of degradation of a benzene–toluene mixture in aerobic microcosms prepared with samples of an aquifer that lies below a petrochemical plant (SIReN, UK). Five samples exposed to different concentrations of benzene (from 0.6 to 317 mg l−1) were used. Fast degradation (approx. 1–6 mg l−1 day−1) of both contaminants was observed in all groundwater samples and complete degradation was recorded by the seventh day except for one sample. We also identified the microbial community in each of the samples by culture-independent techniques. Two of the less impacted samples harbour the aerobic benzene degrader Pseudomonas fluorescens, while Acidovorax and Arthrobacter spp. were found in the most polluted sample and are consistent with the population observed in situ. Hydrogenophaga was found in the deepest sample while Rhodoferax spp. were recovered in an alkaline sample (pH 8.4) and may also be implicated in benzene degradation. Time series analysis shows that each of the samples has a different community but they remain stable over the degradation period. This study provides new information on a well not previously studied (no. 309s) and confirms that adapted communities have the ability to degrade hydrocarbon mixtures and could be used in further bioaugmentation approaches in contaminated sites

    Fileset: Exploring the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus) fecal microbiome, bacterial inhabitants of a worldwide pet

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    OTU tables in biom and tabular format, taxa profiles, and bioinformatic protocols used for the manuscript: <br><br><p> </p><p><b>Exploring the cockatiel (</b><i><b>Nymphicus hollandicus</b></i><b>) fecal microbiome, bacterial inhabitants of a worldwide pet</b></p><br><p>Authors: Luis David Alcaraz<sup>a</sup>, Apolinar M. Hernández<sup>b</sup>, and Mariana Peimbert<sup>b</sup>,*</p><p><sup>a </sup>Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad. Instituto de Ecología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. AP 70-275, Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM, 04510, Cd. Mx., México.</p><p><sup>b</sup> Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Cuajimalpa. Av. Vasco de Quiroga 4871, Col. Santa Fe Cuajimalpa, 05348, Cd. Mx., México. </p><br><p>Corresponding author</p><p>Mariana Peimbert</p><p>E-mail address: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> </p><p>Tel.: (5255) 5814 6500 ext. 3878</p><br

    A study of microbial diversity in a biofertilizer consortium.

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    Biofertilizers supply living microorganisms to help plants grow and keep their health. This study examines the microbiome composition of a commercial biofertilizer known for its plant growth-promoting activity. Using ITS and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, we describe the microbial communities of a biofertilizer, with 163 fungal species and 485 bacterial genera found. The biofertilizer contains a variety of microorganisms previously reported to enhance nutrient uptake, phytohormone production, stress tolerance, and pathogen resistance in plants. Plant roots created a microenvironment that boosted bacterial diversity but filtered fungal communities. Notably, preserving the fungal-inoculated substrate proves critical for keeping fungal diversity in the root fraction. We described that bacteria were more diverse in the rhizosphere than in the substrate. In contrast, root-associated fungi were less diverse than the substrate ones. We propose using plant roots as bioreactors to sustain dynamic environments that promote the proliferation of microorganisms with biofertilizer potential. The study suggests that bacteria grow close to plant roots, while root-associated fungi may be a subset of the substrate fungi. These findings show that the composition of the biofertilizer may be influenced by the selection of microorganisms associated with plant roots, which could have implications for the effectiveness of the biofertilizer in promoting plant growth. In conclusion, our study sheds light on the intricate interplay between plant roots and the biofertilizer's microbial communities. Understanding this relationship can aid in optimizing biofertilizer production and application, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices and improved crop yields

    Passenger-surface microbiome interactions in the subway of Mexico City.

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    Interaction between hands and the environment permits the interchange of microorganisms. The Mexico City subway is used daily by millions of passengers that get in contact with its surfaces. In this study, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to characterize the microbiomes of frequently touched surfaces and compare regular and women-only wagons. We also explored the effect of surface cleaning on microbial resettling. Finally, we studied passenger behavior and characterized microbial changes after traveling. Most passengers (99%), showed some type of surface interaction during a wagon trip, mostly with the hands (92%). We found microbiome differences associated with surfaces, probably reflecting diverse surface materials and usage frequency. The platform floor was the most bacterial diverse surface, while the stair handrail and pole were the least diverse ones. After pole cleaning, the resettling of microbial diversity was fast (5-30 minutes); however, it did not resemble the initial composition. After traveling, passengers significantly increased their hand microbial diversity and converged to a similar microbial composition among passengers. Additionally, passenger hand microbiomes resembled subway surfaces in diversity. However, microbial fingerprints were preserved within passengers after traveling

    Córdoba, 28 y 29 de junio de 2018

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    Actas del X Seminario Internacional de Investigación en UrbanismoEl seminario tiene como objetivo facilitar una instancia de reflexión compartida sobre las investigaciones en el campo del urbanismo y generar un intercambio entre investigadores sobre los fenómenos de la urbanización y la transformación urbana y territorial en distintos países iberoamericanos. Se propone analizar las características de los procesos de transformación del territorio y los factores que los explican, en relación con las estrategias de planificación, proyecto y renovación sostenible destinadas a ciudades y regiones. Se pretende integrar diferentes escalas y perspectivas de análisis, propias del planeamiento y la gestión urbana, metropolitana y regional, del diseño urbano y arquitectónico; de la geografía y la sociología urbanas, que habitualmente se examinan aisladamente en distintos foros. En el marco de este encuentro, y en conmemoración del primer centenario de la Reforma Universitaria iniciada en Córdoba –movimiento estudiantil que sienta las bases del actual sistema universitario nacional-se cree propicia la ocasión para reflexionar además sobre la relación entre ciudad y universidad, sobre ciudades universitarias, sobre la contribución desde la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y del resto de las universidades latinoamericanas al urbanismo de nuestras ciudades