90 research outputs found

    Clinical, laboratory and immunohistochemical characterization of in situ pulmonary arterial thrombosis in fatal COVID-19

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    Background: COVID-19 patients carry an increased rate of thrombosis. It is controversial to which extent thrombi in the pulmonary arterial tree really contribute to disease severity with hypoxemia secondary to microvascular/lung parenchymal damage with viral alveolitis considered to play the main role in critical disease. Objectives: The primary objective was to compare post-mortem lung disease from fatal COVID-19 pneumonia in patients with macroscopically evident pulmonary arterial tree thrombosis and patients without, by characterizing the immunohistochemical nature of thrombi, and by comparing clinical and laboratory features of these patients with other COVID-19 patients who died but without evidence of pulmonary arterial thrombosis (controls). Patients and methods: 13 COVID-19 pneumonia cases (mean age ± standard deviation: 74 ± 6.5 years) with macroscopically visible pulmonary arterial thrombosis were compared to 14 controls. Hematoxylin and Eosin stained slides were reviewed choosing those with visible pulmonary thrombi which were further characterized by immunohistochemistry, in particular for the inflammatory infiltrates. Ante mortem serum markers relevant to pulmonary embolism were evaluated in both groups. Results: Twenty arterial thrombi (5 cases with multiple thrombi) were selected for study and were composed by white blood cells (WBC) [median, IQR range: 10 % (5–12.25)], mainly neutrophils [58 % (35.2–64.5)]. Cases with thrombosis showed significantly higher levels of platelet count [median, IQR range: 195000/mmc (157750–274,500) vs 143,500 (113000–175,250), p = 0.011], LDH [854 U/L (731–1315) vs 539 (391.5–660), p = 0.003] at admission, and D-dimer at ICU transfer [25,072 FEU (6951–50,531) vs 1024 (620–5501), p = 0.003]. Conclusions: Immunothrombotically driven arterial thrombi in COVID-19 patients are associated with D-Dimer and LDH elevations, thus linking inflammation, coagulopathy and organ damage in fatal COVID-19

    Multimodal assessment shows a mostly preserved cognitive status in incidentally discovered low grade gliomas: A single institution study

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    Incidentally discovered low-grade gliomas (iLGGs) are poorly reported in the literature. Still less is known about iLGG patients\u2019 neuropsychological profile: It is unclear whether iLGG patients are cognitively proficient, thus further confirming the concept of asymptomatic. From our monoinstitutional cohort of 332 patients operated for LGG from 2000 to 2017 we selected those who underwent a neuropsychological testing (n = 217, from 2008 to 2017), and identified 24 young (mean age 38.5 \ub1 1.06) patients with iLGGs (16 of 24, left hemisphere iLGGs, 8 of 24 right hemisphere iLGGs). The maximum lesions overlap occurred in the left inferior frontal gyrus and in the right anterior cingulate/superior medial frontal gyrus. Patients were cognitively preserved except mild to borderline difficulties in a few of them. The analysis of the equivalent scores (a score laying below or equal to the external nonparametric tolerance limit of adjusted scores corresponding to 0, 1, 2 and 3 are intermediate) highlighted the presence of additional borderline performances. Molecular class correlated with a normal function at visual\u2013spatial intelligence (p = 0.05) and at spatial short-term memory (p = 0.029). Results indicate that at this time of tumor growth, patients\u2019 cognitive abilities are still functional, but are slowly approaching the borderline level

    Thyroglossal Duct Lipoma: A Case Report and a Systematic Review of the Literature for Its Management

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    Thyroglossal duct (TGD) remnants in the form of cysts or fistulas usually present as midline neck masses and they are removed along with the central body of the hyoid bone (Sistrunk’s procedure). For other pathologies associated with the TGD tract, the latter operation might be not necessary. In the present report, a case of a TGD lipoma is presented and a systematic review of the pertinent literature was performed. We present the case of a 57-year-old woman with a pathologically confirmed TGD lipoma who underwent transcervical excision without resecting the hyoid bone. Recurrence was not observed after six months of follow-up. The literature search revealed only one other case of TGD lipoma and controversies are addressed. TGD lipoma is an exceedingly rare entity whose management might avoid hyoid bone excision

    Quantitative Evaluation of Hypomimia in Parkinson's Disease: A Face Tracking Approach.

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurological disorder that mainly affects the motor system. Among other symptoms, hypomimia is considered one of the clinical hallmarks of the disease. Despite its great impact on patients' quality of life, it remains still under-investigated. The aim of this work is to provide a quantitative index for hypomimia that can distinguish pathological and healthy subjects and that can be used in the classification of emotions. A face tracking algorithm was implemented based on the Facial Action Coding System. A new easy-to-interpret metric (face mobility index, FMI) was defined considering distances between pairs of geometric features and a classification based on this metric was proposed. Comparison was also provided between healthy controls and PD patients. Results of the study suggest that this index can quantify the degree of impairment in PD and can be used in the classification of emotions. Statistically significant differences were observed for all emotions when distances were taken into account, and for happiness and anger when FMI was considered. The best classification results were obtained with Random Forest and kNN according to the AUC metric

    Machine learning to improve interpretability of clinical, radiological and panel-based genomic data of glioma grade 4 patients undergoing surgical resection

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    Background: Glioma grade 4 (GG4) tumors, including astrocytoma IDH-mutant grade 4 and the astrocytoma IDH wt are the most common and aggressive primary tumors of the central nervous system. Surgery followed by Stupp protocol still remains the first-line treatment in GG4 tumors. Although Stupp combination can prolong survival, prognosis of treated adult patients with GG4 still remains unfavorable. The introduction of innovative multi-parametric prognostic models may allow refinement of prognosis of these patients. Here, Machine Learning (ML) was applied to investigate the contribution in predicting overall survival (OS) of different available data (e.g. clinical data, radiological data, or panel-based sequencing data such as presence of somatic mutations and amplification) in a mono-institutional GG4 cohort. Methods: By next-generation sequencing, using a panel of 523 genes, we performed analysis of copy number variations and of types and distribution of nonsynonymous mutations in 102 cases including 39 carmustine wafer (CW) treated cases. We also calculated tumor mutational burden (TMB). ML was applied using eXtreme Gradient Boosting for survival (XGBoost-Surv) to integrate clinical and radiological information with genomic data. Results: By ML modeling (concordance (c)- index = 0.682 for the best model), the role of predicting OS of radiological parameters including extent of resection, preoperative volume and residual volume was confirmed. An association between CW application and longer OS was also showed. Regarding gene mutations, a role in predicting OS was defined for mutations of BRAF and of other genes involved in the PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling pathway. Moreover, an association between high TMB and shorter OS was suggested. Consistently, when a cutoff of 1.7 mutations/megabase was applied, cases with higher TMB showed significantly shorter OS than cases with lower TMB. Conclusions: The contribution of tumor volumetric data, somatic gene mutations and TBM in predicting OS of GG4 patients was defined by ML modeling

    Heterogeneity matters: Different regions of glioblastoma are characterized by distinctive tumor-supporting pathways

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    The glioblastoma microenvironment plays a substantial role in glioma biology. However, few studies have investigated its spatial heterogeneity. Exploiting 5-ALA Fluorescence Guided Surgery (FGS), we were able to distinguish between the tumor core (ALA+), infiltrating area (ALAPALE) and healthy tissue (ALA-) of the glioblastoma, based on the level of accumulated fluorescence. The aim of this study was to investigate the properties of the microenvironments associated with these regions. For this purpose, we isolated glioma-associated stem cells (GASC), resident in the glioma microenvironment, from ALA+, ALA-PALE and ALA-samples and compared them in terms of growth kinetic, phenotype and for the expression of 84 genes associated with cancer inflammation and immunity. Differentially expressed genes were correlated with transcriptomic datasets from TCGA/GTEX. Our results show that GASC derived from the three distinct regions, despite a similar phenotype, were characterized by different transcriptomic profiles. Moreover, we identified a GASC-based genetic signature predictive of overall survival and disease-free survival. This signature, highly expressed in ALA+ GASC, was also well represented in ALA PALE GASC. 5-ALA FGS allowed to underline the heterogeneity of the glioma microenvironments. Deepening knowledge of these differences can contribute to develop new adjuvant therapies targeting the crosstalk between tumor and its supporting microenvironment

    Longitudinal transcriptomic and genetic landscape of radiotherapy response in canine melanoma

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    Canine malignant melanoma (MM) is a highly aggressive tumour with a low survival rate and represents an ideal spontaneous model for the human counterpart. Considerable progress has been recently obtained, but the therapeutic success for canine melanoma is still challenging. Little is known about the mechanisms beyond pathogenesis and melanoma development, and the molecular response to radiotherapy has never been explored before. A faster and deeper understanding of cancer mutational processes and developing mechanisms are now possible through next generation sequencing technologies. In this study, we matched whole exome and transcriptome sequencing in four dogs affected by MM at diagnosis and at disease progression to identify possible genetic mechanisms associated with therapy failure. According to previous studies, a genetic similarity between canine MM and its human counterpart was observed. Several somatic mutations were functionally related to MAPK, PI3K/AKT and p53 signalling pathways, but located in genes other than BRAF, RAS and KIT. At disease progression, several mutations were related to therapy effects. Natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity and several immune-system-related pathways resulted activated opening a new scenario on the microenvironment in this tumour. In conclusion, this study suggests a potential role of the immune system associated to radiotherapy in canine melanoma, but a larger sample size associated with functional studies are needed

    Application of an artificial intelligence algorithm to prognostically stratify grade II gliomas

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    (1) Background: Recently, it has been shown that the extent of resection (EOR) and molecular classification of low-grade gliomas (LGGs) are endowed with prognostic significance. However, a prognostic stratification of patients able to give specific weight to the single parameters able to predict prognosis is still missing. Here, we adopt classic statistics and an artificial intelligence algorithm to define a multiparametric prognostic stratification of grade II glioma patients. (2) Methods: 241 adults who underwent surgery for a supratentorial LGG were included. Clinical, neuroradiological, surgical, histopathological and molecular data were assessed for their ability to predict overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), and malignant progression-free survival (MPFS). Finally, a decision-tree algorithm was employed to stratify patients. (3) Results: Classic statistics confirmed EOR, pre-operative-and post-operative tumor volumes, Ki67, and the molecular classification as independent predictors of OS, PFS, and MPFS. The decision tree approach provided an algorithm capable of identifying prognostic factors and defining both the cut-off levels and the hierarchy to be used in order to delineate specific prognostic classes with high positive predictive value. Key results were the superior role of EOR on that of molecular class, the importance of second surgery, and the role of different prognostic factors within the three molecular classes. (4) Conclusions: This study proposes a stratification of LGG patients based on the different combinations of clinical, molecular, and imaging data, adopting a supervised non-parametric learning method. If validated in independent case studies, the clinical utility of this innovative stratification approach might be proved

    A novel comprehensive clinical stratification model to refine prognosis of glioblastoma patients undergoing surgical resection

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    Despite recent discoveries in genetics and molecular fields, glioblastoma (GBM) prognosis still remains unfavorable with less than 10% of patients alive 5 years after diagnosis. Numerous studies have focused on the research of biological biomarkers to stratify GBM patients. We addressed this issue in our study by using clinical/molecular and image data, which is generally available to Neurosurgical Departments in order to create a prognostic score that can be useful to stratify GBM patients undergoing surgical resection. By using the random forest approach [CART analysis (classification and regression tree)] on Survival time data of 465 cases, we developed a new prediction score resulting in 10 groups based on extent of resection (EOR), age, tumor volumetric features, intraoperative protocols and tumor molecular classes. The resulting tree was trimmed according to similarities in the relative hazard ratios amongst groups, giving rise to a 5-group classification tree. These 5 groups were different in terms of overall survival (OS) (p < 0.000). The score performance in predicting death was defined by a Harrell\u2019s c-index of 0.79 (95% confidence interval [0.76\u20130.81]). The proposed score could be useful in a clinical setting to refine the prognosis of GBM patients after surgery and prior to postoperative treatment
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