98 research outputs found

    Post-soviet changes in nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in two large non-stratified lakes and the impact on phytoplankton

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    The post-soviet period in Eastern Europe brought about fast changes in economy, land use, and environmental protection, whereas legacy effects of the previous era of heavy contamination continued emerging in the status of water bodies. In this paper, we analysed the post-soviet (since 1992) changes in catchment nutrient loadings and stoichiometry of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in two large non-stratified lakes in Estonia – Võrtsjärv and Peipsi. The drastic reduction in the application of P-fertilisers and P discharges with wastewaters since the early 1990s reduced P loadings and increased N/P loading ratio into both lakes. However, it was hard to find clear evidence of reduced in-lake nutrient concentrations and improved water quality. In both lakes, water transparency constantly decreased and phytoplankton biomass increased. Over the years, the difference in N/P ratio between the two lakes became smaller while the large differences in the cyanobacterial community composition remained. Although common thresholds in nutrient ratios favouring N2-fixing species could be revealed in both lakes, the phytoplankton in Võrtsjärv, strongly dominated by Limnothrix spp., remained mostly light-limited and the relationship with N/P stoichiometry was indirect. Random Forest analysis indicated an important role of light limitation in both lakes. Constantly lower levels of N in the deeper Lake Peipsi favoured N2-fixing species, which, as a paradox, became P-limited. As climate warming reinforces eutrophication phenomena in lakes by increasing internal nutrient loading and favouring bloom-forming cyanobacteria, more stringent measures would be needed to further limit nutrient loads (especially that of P) to lakes through improved wastewater treatment and increased efficiency of fertiliser application.Main financial support for EMU: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, Innovative Training Networks, European Joint Doctorates.Project name, acronym and grant number: Management of climatic extreme events in lakes and reservoirs for the protection of ecosystem services, MANTEL, grant agreement No 722518.Publication date and, if applicable, length of embargo period: 20.11.2020, no embargo period

    Eesti Vabariigi Keskkonnaministeeriumi ja Eesti Maaülikooli vahel 02.09.2020 sõlmitud töövõtuleping nr 4-1/20/131

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    Seni kehtinud EL veepoliitika raamdirektiivile (VRD) vastav vee ökoloogilise kvaliteedi hindamise üldraamistik Peipsi-Pihkva järve veekogumite kohta töötati välja 2006. aastal (Nõges & Nõges 2006). See hindamissüsteem lähtus arusaamast, et järve seisund on halvenenud peamiselt liigsetest toitainetest põhjustatud eutrofeerumise tõttu, kus peamiseks surveteguriks on fosforisisalduse kasv. Seetõttu ehitati hindamissüsteem üles fosforist lähtuvale mudelile, mille kohta oli olemas usaldusväärne meetod võrdlustingimuste ehk inimmõjust puutumatu loodusliku seisundi kirjeldamiseks (Vighi & Chiaudani 1985). See meetod põhineb nn morfoedaafilisel indeksil (MEI), mis on arvutatav kui üldaluselisuse ja järve keskmise sügavuse suhe ja mis korreleerub tugevasti üldfosfori kontsentratsiooniga inimmõjust puutumata järvedes. Teiste seisundinäitajate klassipiirid määrati regressioonidest üldfosfori kontsentratsiooniga. Näitajate suurt sesoonset varieeruvust arvestades olid esialgu väljapakutud kriteeriumid sesoonsed, st iga kuu näitudele vastas erinev skaala. See süsteem osutus aga praktikas liiga keeruliseks ja 2009. a keskkonnaministri määrusega kinnitati klassipiirideks sesoonsete klassipiiride geomeetrilised keskväärtused ja lisati eraldi hindamisskaalad Pihkva järve ja Lämmijärve (veekogum S7-1 kohta). Hindamisskaala väljatöötamisest saadik on kogunenud palju uusi mõõtmistulemusi ja ilmnenud ka mõned vastuolud erinevate näitajate (näiteks klorofüll-a ja fütoplanktoni biomass) alusel saadud hinnangutes. Aja jooksul suurenesid ka vastuolud järvede ja neisse voolavate jõgede kvaliteedihinnangutes. Kerkis üles küsimus, miks elustikunäitajad ei parane ehkki jõgede kaudu tulev toitainekoormus on oluliselt vähenenud. Kõik see nõudis järve seisundi uut analüüsi, seisukohavõttu hindamiskriteeriumite paikapidavuse kohta ja vajadusel soovitusi muudatuste tegemiseks. On viidatud ka vastuolule järve ja sealt väljavoolava jõe seisundite vahel, mis justkui ei tohiks erineda. See on siiski pseudoprobleem, kuna VRD hindab veekogumeid kui ökosüsteeme, mitte lihtsalt vee kvaliteeti ja samade keemiliste näitajatega vesi võib erineva morfoloogia ja hüdroloogiaga keskkondades anda erinevaid bioloogilisi reaktsioone. Vastavalt lähteülesandele vastatakse järgnevatele küsimustele: 1. Millised on pikaaegseid andmeridu arvestades veekogutüüpide S7-1 ja S7-2 fütoplanktoni kvaliteedinäitajate (klorofüll a sisaldus, fütoplanktoni biomass, sinivetikate osakaal biomassis) väga hea ja hea, hea ja kesise, kesise ja halva ning halva ja väga halva klassi piirid ja millised seni kehtinud piirid vajavad muutmist? 2. Millised on pikaaegseid andmeridu arvestades veekogutüüpide S7-1 ja S7-2 füüsikaliskeemiliste kvaliteedinäitajate (pH, Nüld, Püld, vee läbipaistvus) väga hea ja hea, hea ja kesise, kesise ja halva ning halva ja väga halva klassi piirid ja millised seni kehtinud piirid vajavad muutmist? 3. Milline on veekogutüüpide S7-1 ja S7-2 fütoplanktoni kvaliteedinäitajate (klorofüll a sisaldus, fütoplanktoni biomass, sinivetikate osakaal biomassis) ökoloogilisele kvaliteedisuhtele 1 vastav väärtus? 4. Milline on veekogutüüpide S7-1 ja S7-2 füüsikalis-keemiliste kvaliteedinäitajate (pH, Nüld, Püld, vee läbipaistvus) ökoloogilisele kvaliteedisuhtele 1 vastav väärtus? 5. Milline on veekogutüüpide S7-1 ja S7-2 fütoplanktoni kvaliteedinäitajate (klorofüll a sisaldus, fütoplanktoni biomass, sinivetikate osakaal biomassis) ökoloogilise kvaliteedisuhte klassipiirid? 6. Milline on veekogutüüpide S7-1 ja S7-2 füüsikalis-keemiliste kvaliteedinäitajate (pH, Nüld, Püld, vee läbipaistvus) ökoloogilise kvaliteedisuhte klassipiirid

    Phytoplankton responses to meteorological and hydrological forcing at decadal to seasonal time scales

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    One of the challenges for predicting global change effects on aquatic ecosystems is the vague understanding of the mechanisms of multiple controlling factors affecting phytoplankton dynamics at different time scales. Here we distinguish between hydrometeorological forcing of phytoplankton dynamics at time scales from days to decades based on a 54-year monthly phytoplankton time series from a large shallow Lake Võrtsjärv (58 160N, 26 020E) in Estonia, combined with daily data on forcing factors— thermal-, wind-, light- and water-level regimes. By using variance partitioning with linear mixed effect modelling (LME), we found a continuum from the large dominant K-selected filamentous cyanobacteria with strongest decadal scale variation (8–30%) to r-selected phytoflagellates with large stochastic variability (80–96%). External forcing revealed strong seasonal variation (up to 80%), while specifically water level and wind speed had a robust decadal variation (8% and 20%, respectively). The effect of external variables was proportionally manifested in the time scales of phytoplankton variation. Temperature, with a clear seasonal variation, had no impact on the dominant cold tolerant filamentous cyanobacteria in Lake Võrtsjärv. We found the LME as a reliable method for resolving the temporal cross-scale problem. It yielded quantitative results that matched our intuitive understanding of the dynamics of different variables.Supplementary Information The online version of this article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-021-04594-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.This study was funded by MANTEL ITN (Management of climatic extreme events in lakes and reservoirs for the protection of ecosystem services) through European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 722518 and by the Estonian Research Council grants (PRG1266 and PRG1167). We would also like to thank Estonian Environment Agency for the long-term data used on this study.This study was funded by MANTEL ITN (Management of climatic extreme events in lakes and reservoirs for the protection of ecosystem services) through European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 722518 and by the Estonian Research Council grants (PRG1266 and PRG1167). We would also like to thank Estonian Environment Agency for the long-term data used on this study

    Catchment land cover and soil as predictors of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus levels in temperate lakes : [presentation]

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    The presentation took place at the 10th International Conference on Shallow Lakes in 2021.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963. This study was funded by the Estonian Research Council grants PUTJD954, PRG705, and PRG709, and by the European Regional Development Fund through Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project “Value-chain based bio-economy”. The Estonian Ministry of Environment and the Estonian Environment Agency supported data collection in the national monitoring program.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963. This study was funded by the Estonian Research Council grants PUTJD954, PRG705, and PRG709, and by the European Regional Development Fund through Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project “Value-chain based bio-economy”. The Estonian Ministry of Environment and the Estonian Environment Agency supported data collection in the national monitoring program

    An estimation of diel metabolic rates of eight limnological archetypes from Estonia using high-frequency measurements

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    We employed a Bayesian model to assess the metabolic state of 8 Estonian lakes representing the 8 lake types according to the European Union Water Framework Directive. We hypothesized that long-term averages of light-related variables would be better predictors of lake metabolism than nutrient-related variables. Model input parameters were in situ high-frequency measurements of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and irradiance. Model simulations were conducted for several (5–12) diel cycles for each lake during the summer season. Accounting for uncertainty, the results from the Bayesian model revealed that 2 lakes were autotrophic for the duration of the experiment, 1 was heterotrophic, and 5 were balanced or had an ambiguous metabolic state. Cross-comparison with a traditional bookkeeping model showed that the majority of lakes were in metabolic balance. A strong coupling between primary production and respiration was observed, with the share of autochthonous primary production respired by consumers increasing with light extinction and nutrient-related variables. Unlike gross primary production, community respiration was strongly related to light extinction, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total phosphorus. These findings suggest that a drastic decrease in light-limited primary production along the DOC gradient counter-balanced nutrient supply in the darker lakes and thus blurred the relationship between primary production and nutrients. Thus, contrary to our hypothesis, both light and nutrient-related variables seemed to be good predictors of lake respiration and its coupling to lake primary production

    How warming and other stressors affect zooplankton abundance, biomass and community composition in shallow eutrophic lakes

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    We aimed to investigate the influence of environmental factors and predict zooplankton biomass and abundance in shallow eutrophic lakes. We employed time series of zoo- plankton and environmental parameters that were measured monthly during 38 years in a large, shallow eutrophic lake in Estonia to build estimates of zooplankton community metrics (cladocerans, copepods, rotifers, ciliates). The analysis of historical time series revealed that air temperature was by far the most important variable for explaining zooplankton biomass and abundance, followed, in decreasing order of importance, by pH, phytoplankton biomass and nitrate concentration. Models constructed with the best predicting variables explained up to 71% of zooplankton biomass variance. Most of the predictive variables had opposing or antagonistic interactions, often mitigating the effect of temperature. In the second part of the study, three future climate scenarios were developed following different Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tem- perature projections and entered into an empirical model. Simulation results showed that only a scenario in which air temperature stabilizes would curb total metazooplankton biomass and abundance. In other scenarios, metazooplankton biomass and abundance would likely exceed historical ranges whereas ciliates would not expand. Within the metazooplankton community, copepods would increase in biomass and abundance, whereas cladocerans would lose in biomass but not in abundance. These changes in the zooplankton community will have important consequences for lake trophic structure and ecosystem functioning.This research was supported by the Estonian Research Council Grants PSG32, PRG709 and institutional research funding IUT 21-2 of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.This research was supported by the Estonian Research Council Grants PSG32, PRG709 and institutional research funding IUT 21-2 of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research

    Spatio-temporal variations in sediment phosphorus dynamics in a large shallow lake: Mechanisms and impacts of redox-related internal phosphorus loading

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    The role of redox-related sediment phosphorus (P) release in shallow polymictic lakes remains poorly understood. Our previous studies in large and shallow Lake Peipsi suggested the importance of the redox-related P release in internal P loading. In the current study, we explored the validity of this hypothesis by also considering organic sediment P (Org-P). We analysed spatio-temporal changes in diffusive P flux and sediment P forms determined by P fractionation and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in summer 2021. Using 1997–2021 data, we computed internal P load (IL) by two methods and studied their relationships with several water quality variables. Anoxia of sediment surfaces and P release progressed with an increase in water tem- perature during summer. In the long-term, IL estimates by two methods were similar (mean values: 315 and 346 mg/m2/year) and correlated with the predicted anoxia of sediment surfaces (AApred). A contribution of sediment iron-bound P (Fe-P) to P release was indicated by the positive correlation of Fe-P with orthophosphate (NMR) in the short-term studies. No similar evidence was found for Org-P, which contradicts the common tendency to attribute internal P loads largely to Org-P in eutrophic lakes. Nevertheless, organic matter seemed to support reductive dissolution, because seasonal changes in sediment Org-P correlated with those in Fe-P, and organic matter content and diffusive P flux were negatively correlated over different sites. Complex bottom morphology and hydrology affected spatial distribution of the sediment P forms and masked the relationships between sediment P variables and P release. Finally, the importance of redox-related release was reflected in significant relationships between AApred and associated IL with Secchi depth transparency, chlorophyll a concentration, and the biomass of phytoplankton and cyanobacteria. To our knowledge, this is the first time when such direct ev- idence was provided for a large polymictic lake.This study was funded by the Estonian Research Council grant PRG1167 and Estonian Ministry of Environment 4-1/21/76. Also, this project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963.This study was funded by the Estonian Research Council grant PRG1167 and Estonian Ministry of Environment 4-1/21/76. Also, this project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963

    Generalist invasion in a complex lake food web

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    Invasive species constitute a threat not only to native populations but also to the structure and functioning of entire food webs. Despite being considered as a global problem, only a small number of studies have quantitatively predicted the food web-level consequences of invasions. Here, we use an allometric trophic network model parameterized using empirical data on species body masses and feeding interactions to predict the effects of a possible invasion of Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii), on a well-studied lake ecosystem. We show that the modeled establishment of Amur sleeper decreased the biomasses o ftop predator fishes by about 10%–19%. These reductions were largely explained by increased larval competition for food and Amur sleeper predation on fish larvae. In contrast, biomasses of less valued fish of lower trophic positions increased by about 0.4%–9% owing to reduced predation pressure by top piscivores. The predicted impact of Amur sleeper establishment on the biomasses of native fish species vastly exceeded the impacts of current-dayfishing pressures.H2020 European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: COMPLEX-FISH770884; Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Numbers: 317495, 325107,340901; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Estonian Research Council, Grant/Award Numbers: PSG32, PRG1167, PRG709, MOBJD29; Estonian University of Life Sciences, Grant/Award Number: P190254PKKH; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant/Award Number: TREICLAKE 951963H2020 European Research Council, Grant/Award Number: COMPLEX-FISH770884; Academy of Finland, Grant/Award Numbers: 317495, 325107,340901; Natural Sciences and EngineeringResearch Council of Canada; EstonianResearch Council, Grant/Award Numbers: PSG32, PRG1167, PRG709, MOBJD29; Estonian University of Life Sciences, Grant/Award Number: P190254PKKH; European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant/AwardNumber: TREICLAKE 95196

    Keystone species Chydorus sphaericus in shallow eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv (Estonia) – 56 years of continuous zooplankton monitoring and research

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    Presentation at the 11th International Shallow Lakes Conference, Estonia 11.-16.06.2023.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963, by Estonian Ministry of the Environment through the state monitoring programme, and also from the Estonian Research Council grant PRG1167.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951963, by Estonian Ministry of the Environment through the state monitoring programme, and also from the Estonian Research Council grant PRG1167
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