25 research outputs found

    Amiodaroonravist tingitud naha hüperpigmentatsiooni taandumine

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    Kirjeldasime 2003. a veebruarikuu Eesti Arstis (1) 71-aastasel mehel amiodaroonravi harva esinevat kõrval toimet – naha sinakashal l i hüperpigmentatsiooni. Patsient tarvitas aastatel 1988–2002 sagedase ventrikulaarse ekstrasüstoolia raviks amiodarooni (Cordarone®) 200 mg päevas. Pigmentatsiooni teke amiodaroonravi kõrvaltoimena kinnitati naha histoloogilisel uuringul spetsiaalvärvingutega. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (7): 50

    Amiodaroonravi harva esinev kõrvaltoime – naha hüperpigmetatsioon

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    Naha hüperpigmentatsioonid võivad tekkida erinevatel põhjustel, sealhulgas ka ravimite kõrvaltoimest. Üheks selliseks ravimiks, mis võib põhjustada nahapigmentatsiooni, on laialdaselt kasutatav amiodaroon. Artiklis on käsitletud pikaaegse amiodarooni tarvitamisel tekkinud nahapigmentatsiooni juhtu, mille diagnoosimisel oli abiks nahabiopsia ja histoloogiline uuring erivärvingute kasutamisega. Eesti Arst 2003; 82 (2): 105–10

    First report of highly pathogenic Echinococcus granulosus genotype G1 in dogs in a European urban environment

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    BACKGROUND: Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis are tapeworm parasites of major medical and veterinary importance, causing cystic and alveolar echinococcosis, respectively. Both diseases are listed among the most severe parasitic diseases in humans, representing 2 of the 17 neglected diseases prioritised by the World Health Organisation. However, little is known about the role of urban animals in transmission of both parasite species. FINDINGS: A sensitive non-invasive genetic method was used to monitor E. granulosus and E. multilocularis infection among dog faecal samples collected from an urban area in Estonia in 2012–13. Out of 181 dog faecal samples analysed, 2.2% tested positive for E. granulosus, determined by sequencing as genotype G1. None of the samples tested positive for E. multilocularis. CONCLUSIONS: We report contamination of an urban environment with highly pathogenic E. granulosus G1 disseminated by dogs, and a potential risk to human health


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    Haploidised fasta sequence generated by mapping Illumina short reads to the reference genome assembly of the giant panda, then randomly selecting a single high quality nucleotide from the read stack for each position of the reference genome. See the original publication for full details. The raw sequencing data is also available from the European Nucleotide Archive. Note that this file will contain abundant errors in comparison to a consensus base call from high coverage data


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    Haploidised fasta sequence generated by mapping Illumina short reads to the reference genome assembly of the giant panda, then randomly selecting a single high quality nucleotide from the read stack for each position of the reference genome. See the original publication for full details. The raw sequencing data is also available from the European Nucleotide Archive. Note that this file will contain abundant errors in comparison to a consensus base call from high coverage data


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    Haploidised fasta sequence generated by mapping Illumina short reads to the reference genome assembly of the giant panda, then randomly selecting a single high quality nucleotide from the read stack for each position of the reference genome. See the original publication for full details. The raw sequencing data is also available from the European Nucleotide Archive. Note that this file will contain abundant errors in comparison to a consensus base call from high coverage data


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    Haploidised fasta sequence generated by mapping Illumina short reads to the reference genome assembly of the giant panda, then randomly selecting a single high quality nucleotide from the read stack for each position of the reference genome. See the original publication for full details. The raw sequencing data is also available from the European Nucleotide Archive. Note that this file will contain abundant errors in comparison to a consensus base call from high coverage data