968 research outputs found

    Capturing Panoramic Depth Images with a Single Standard Camera

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    In this paper we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables the stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with the step defined by an angle equivalent to one column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. We focused mainly on the system analysis. The system performs well in the reconstruction of small indoor spaces

    Slovenian Virtual Gallery on the Internet

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    The Slovenian Virtual Gallery (SVG) is a World Wide Web based multimedia collection of pictures, text, clickable-maps and video clips presenting Slovenian fine art from the gothic period up to the present days. Part of SVG is a virtual gallery space where pictures hang on the walls while another part is devoted to current exhibitions of selected Slovenian art galleries. The first version of this application was developed in the first half of 1995. It was based on a file system for storing all the data and custom developed software for search, automatic generation of HTML documents, scaling of pictures and remote management of the system. Due to the fast development of Web related tools a new version of SVG was developed in 1997 based on object-oriented relational database server technology. Both implementations are presented and compared in this article with issues related to the transion between the two versions. At the end, we will also discuss some extensions to SVG. We will present the GUI (Graphical User Interface) developed specially for presentation of current exhibitions over the Web which is based on GlobalView panoramic navigation extension to developed Internet Video Server (IVS). And since SVG operates with a lot of image data, we will confront with the problem of Image Content Retrieval

    Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard Camera Approach

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    In this paper we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with a step defined by the angle, equivalent to one pixel column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from the system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric pixel columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. The search space on the epipolar line can be additionaly constrained. The focus of the paper is mainly on the system analysis. Results of the stereo reconstruction procedure and quality evaluation of generated depth images are quite promissing. The system performs well for reconstruction of small indoor spaces. Our finall goal is to develop a system for automatic navigation of a mobile robot in a room

    Mosaiced-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera

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    In this article we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables the stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with the step defined by an angle, equivalent to one column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. We focused mainly on the system analysis. Results of the stereo reconstruction procedure and quality evaluation of generated depth images are quite promissing. The system performs well in the reconstruction of small indoor spaces. Our finall goal is to develop a system for automatic navigation of a mobile robot in a room

    An Automatic Human Face Detection Method

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    This article contains a proposal for an automatic human face detection method, that tries to join several theories proposed by different authors. The method is based on detection of shape features (eye pairs) and skin color. The method assumes certain circumstances and constraints, respectively. Therefore it is not applicable universally. Given the constraints, it is effective enough for applications where fast execution is required. Test results are given and at the end some directives for future work are discussed

    Using computer vision in security applications

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    In this paper we present projects developed in the Computer Vision Laboratory, which address the issue of safety. First, we present the Internet Video Server (IVS) monitoring system [5] that sends live video stream over the Internet and enables remote camera control. Its extension GlobalView [1,6], which incorporates intuitive user interface for remote camera control, is based on panoramic image. Then we describe our method for automatic face detection [3] based on color segmentation and feature extraction. Finally, we introduce our SecurityAgent system [4] for automatic surveillance of observed location

    Ko stroj postane umetnik

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    Na nedavnem mednarodnem festivalu računalniških umetnosti v Mariboru je bil bržkone največ pozornosti deležen projekt »15 sekund slave« – gre seveda za analogijo slavnega citata pop-art umetnika Andyja Warhola: »V prihodnosti bodo vsi ljudje doživeli svojih 15 minut slave.« Portreti – avtorji projekta so s Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko v Ljubljani (Franc Solina, Borut Batagelj, Samo Juvan, Peter Peer) – so bili prikazani v Warholovem slogu, z zmanjšanjem časovnega intervala pa so avtorji želeli opozoriti na hiter tempo današnjega življenja in dejstvo, da je slava naključna in minljiva

    Influence of segmentation on deep iris recognition performance

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    Despite the rise of deep learning in numerous areas of computer vision and image processing, iris recognition has not benefited considerably from these trends so far. Most of the existing research on deep iris recognition is focused on new models for generating discriminative and robust iris representations and relies on methodologies akin to traditional iris recognition pipelines. Hence, the proposed models do not approach iris recognition in an end-to-end manner, but rather use standard heuristic iris segmentation (and unwrapping) techniques to produce normalized inputs for the deep learning models. However, because deep learning is able to model very complex data distributions and nonlinear data changes, an obvious question arises. How important is the use of traditional segmentation methods in a deep learning setting? To answer this question, we present in this paper an empirical analysis of the impact of iris segmentation on the performance of deep learning models using a simple two stage pipeline consisting of a segmentation and a recognition step. We evaluate how the accuracy of segmentation influences recognition performance but also examine if segmentation is needed at all. We use the CASIA Thousand and SBVPI datasets for the experiments and report several interesting findings.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, submitted to IWBF 201

    Introducing Game Development into the University Curriculum

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    Integrating computer games development into computer science curriculum is gaining acceptance. However, the question is how this should be done. In our course on computer game development we present all necessary steps that a game project has to address, from design to publication and marketing, from the theoretical to the practical point of view. The goal is that each student makes a casual game for Apple iOS platform and possibly publishes it. The games are built on our xni framework for iOS, which is a subset of Microsoft’s xna. We take an iterative incremental approach to teaching game development, where we discuss a number of selected topics from various categories, such as gameplay design, graphics and artificial intelligence, each week. Thereafter the students receive mandatory and non-mandatory assignments that force them to add functionality to their game and, thus, steadily progress towards their goal. At the end of the course more than 20 % of all projects were ready for the Apple App Store, which, together with student pools saying that the course was one of the best executed courses they attended, confirms the viability of the suggested scheme

    Ustvarjanje panoramskih globinskih slik s standardno kamero

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    V clanku je predstavljen sistem za gradnjo globinskih panoramskih slik s postopkom mozaicenja standardnih slik zajetih z eno kamero. Zaradi odmika opticnega centra kamere iz sredisca vrtenja sistema, lahko z eno kamero zajamemo paralakso gibanja, ki omogoca stereo rekonstrukcijo. Panoramske slike ustvarimo tako, da rotacijsko roko vrtimo za kot, ki ustreza premiku za eno kolono zajete slike. Iz geometrije sistema je lepo razvidna enacba za izracun globine. Za izracun globine pa moramo najti korespondencne tocke na paru stereo panoram, zato moramo izracunati epipolarno geometrijo. Teza clanka je predvsem v analizi zmogljivosti sistema. Sistem daje dobre rezultate pri rekonstrukciji majhnih prostorov