431 research outputs found
Fiiberureterorenoskoopia neerukivitõve ravis
Neerukivitõve ravis on kogu arenenud maailmas juhtival kohal endoskoopiline ja väheinvasiivne kirurgia. Peamisteks tänapäevasteks ravimeetoditeks on kehaväline kivipurustus, perkutaanne nefroskoopia ja ureterorenoskoopia, mis Eesti Uroloogide Seltsi andmetel 2007. a moodustasid kivitõve ravis Eestis vastavalt 28, 10 ja 60% tehtud operatsioonidest. Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla (PERH) uroloogiaosakonnas alustati fiiberureterorenoskoopiaga 2007. aastal. Protseduur on väheinvasiivne, tüsistusi esineb nii operatsiooni ajal kui pärast seda vähe. Ureterorenoskoopia ravitulemus neerukivitõve ravis on võrreldav kehavälise kivipurustusega, mis on tänu tehnoloogia arengule viimastel aastatel tõusnud sellele oluliseks alternatiiviks.
Meie esmasele kogemusel tuginedes on fiiberureterorenoskoopia näidustatud just alla 1 cm neerukivide, hulgikivide, adipoossete patsientide, antikoagulantide tarvitajate ja alumise neerukarika kivide ravis.
Eesti Arst 2009; 88(5):340−34
Conodont dating of some Telychian (Silurian) sections in Estonia
Several Telychian–Sheinwoodian strata exposed in Estonia are precisely dated using conodont biostratigraphy. The beds in the Valgu-1 section correspond to the uppermost Distomodus staurognathoides and Pterospathodus eopennatus ssp. n. 1 zones. In the Valgu-2 and Valgu-3 sections only the P. eopennatus ssp. n. 1 Zone is exposed. The strata in the Velise-Kõrgekalda section correspond to the Lower subzone of the P. amorphognathoides angulatus Zone. Marlstones in the Jädivere section are assigned to the P. a. lennarti Zone. In the Avaste section part of the P. a. lithuanicus Zone is exposed. On the Saastna Peninsula two stratigraphical intervals, the lower corresponding to the Upper subzone of the P. a. amorphognathoides Zone and the upper to the Upper Kockelella ranuliformis Zone, crop out along the shoreline. In Saastna the exposed strata are separated by a covered interval corresponding to five conodont zones, from the Lower Pseudooneotodus bicornis Zone to the Lower K. ranuliformis Zone
Use of hard gelatin capsules and sodium alginates in peroral prolonged-release formulations
Ravimpreparaatide väljatöötamise tulevikusuunad
Kui veel eelmise sajandi kaheksakümnendatel aastatel räägiti ja kirjutati “revolutsioonist” ravimpreparaatide arengus 21. sajandil ning seostati seda eelkõige bioloogiateadustes toimuvate murranguliste avastustega, siis praegu ollakse kaugeleulatuvate prognooside tegemisel ettevaatlikum
Revision of Silurian vertebrate biozones and their correlation with the conodont succession
The first vertebrate-based subdivisions of Silurian strata were mainly drawn on material from outcrops in Britain and drill cores from the southern Baltic. Nearly twenty years ago the first vertebrate biozonal scheme was developed on the basis of vertebrate distribution in several continuous drill core sections in the northern Baltic. This paper presents a new scheme in which many new data on vertebrate distribution from the Baltica (Baltic region, NW Russia), Avalonia (southern Britain, eastern Canada), Laurentia (northern Canada, Greenland, Scotland) and Kara (Arctic Russia) palaeocontinents have been used. All the zones have been defined, and the geographical distribution and the reference stratum and locality for each zone have been given. The Llandovery part of the succession contains the Valyalepis crista, Loganellia aldridgei and L. scotica zones; the Wenlock part is represented by the Archipelepis bifurcata/Arch. turbinata, L. grossi, Overia adraini, L. einari and Paralogania martinssoni zones. The Par. martinssoni Zone continues in the Ludlow and is followed by the Phlebolepis ornata, Phl. elegans, Andreolepis hedei, Thelodus sculptilis and T. admirabilis zones. The last zone continues in the lower Přidoli and is followed by the Nostolepis gracilis, Poracanthodes punctatus and Trimerolepis timanica zones. The L. aldridgei and Arch. bifurcata zones are new, and the Arch. turbinata and O. adraini faunas have been raised from ‘faunal succession units’ to zones. The geographically widely distributed L. grossi Zone in the upper Sheinwoodian and the Par. martinssoni Zone in the upper Homerian–lowermost Gorstian allow the integration of regional successions into one Generalized Vertebrate Zonal Scheme. Possible correlations of conodont and vertebrate biozones, and gaps in sedimentation in the northern East Baltic Silurian sequence have been discussed, the most extensive hiatus being between the Paadla and Kuressaare stages
Retinal cell transplantation in the macula: New techniques
AbstractTransplantation of RPE allografts into the submacular space after the removal of neovascular membranes in “wet” forms of ARMD usually leads to chronic leakage around the transplant, whereas this seldom occurs in transplants in “dry” forms of ARMD. The former may be the result of chronic rejection because of a compromised blood/retinal barrier. This is supported by the fact that visual function remains over the transplant in the dry forms of ARMD at 6 months after transplantation. Whether this function can slow or reverse the progression of ARMD remains to be seen. The possibility of transplantation of photoreceptors in retinal degenerations is also reviewed
Doktorantide teadustöö keele valikutest
On language choices amongEstonian doctoral studentsEve-Liis Roosmaa, Triin Roosalu, Peep NemvaltsTallinn UniversityTo explain language choices in Estonian doctoral theses we conducteda survey on the views of doctoral students regarding the usage ofEstonian language in research and how this relates to their attitudestowards the usage of English language. We rely on the conceptof intercultural strategies, introduced by John Berry (1997) as anextension of his earlier concept of acculturation strategies. In ourstudy we consider Estonian doctoral students as members of smallEstonian language research community embedded in large albeit diverseEnglish language academic culture. We also assume that integrationwith academic world presumes in addition to understandingand knowledge building in English, wish to understand and expressscientific thoughts in Estonian too. It appears that doing researchin Estonian poses difficulties because doctoral students, especiallythose in natural sciences as compared to social sciences, cannot findright terms or concepts. However, doctoral students feel that scientificwriting is easier, more logical and nuanced in mother tongue.Still, more than third of all respondents admit having problems withsentence construction. We find that doctoral students who have practiceddifferent ways of doing science in Estonian (reading, writing,attending conferences), tend to assess their languages skills better.These are more likely social sciences doctoral students, as their researchtopics more often relate to studying Estonian specificity andthus overall scientific communication in Estonian is more intensein this field. Hence we find that doctoral students need systematicsupport in developing academic language in both Estonian and a foreign(often English) language
Nikli mesoosakeste süntees ja karakteriseerimine biomeditsiini rakenduste tarbeks
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