105 research outputs found

    Hardware-efficient on-line learning through pipelined truncated-error backpropagation in binary-state networks

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) trained using backpropagation are powerful learning architectures that have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various benchmarks. Significant effort has been devoted to developing custom silicon devices to accelerate inference in ANNs. Accelerating the training phase, however, has attracted relatively little attention. In this paper, we describe a hardware-efficient on-line learning technique for feedforward multi-layer ANNs that is based on pipelined backpropagation. Learning is performed in parallel with inference in the forward pass, removing the need for an explicit backward pass and requiring no extra weight lookup. By using binary state variables in the feedforward network and ternary errors in truncated-error backpropagation, the need for any multiplications in the forward and backward passes is removed, and memory requirements for the pipelining are drastically reduced. Further reduction in addition operations owing to the sparsity in the forward neural and backpropagating error signal paths contributes to highly efficient hardware implementation. For proof-of-concept validation, we demonstrate on-line learning of MNIST handwritten digit classification on a Spartan 6 FPGA interfacing with an external 1Gb DDR2 DRAM, that shows small degradation in test error performance compared to an equivalently sized binary ANN trained off-line using standard back-propagation and exact errors. Our results highlight an attractive synergy between pipelined backpropagation and binary-state networks in substantially reducing computation and memory requirements, making pipelined on-line learning practical in deep networks.Comment: Now also consider 0/1 binary activations. Memory access statistics reporte

    Event-Driven Contrastive Divergence for Spiking Neuromorphic Systems

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and Deep Belief Networks have been demonstrated to perform efficiently in a variety of applications, such as dimensionality reduction, feature learning, and classification. Their implementation on neuromorphic hardware platforms emulating large-scale networks of spiking neurons can have significant advantages from the perspectives of scalability, power dissipation and real-time interfacing with the environment. However the traditional RBM architecture and the commonly used training algorithm known as Contrastive Divergence (CD) are based on discrete updates and exact arithmetics which do not directly map onto a dynamical neural substrate. Here, we present an event-driven variation of CD to train a RBM constructed with Integrate & Fire (I&F) neurons, that is constrained by the limitations of existing and near future neuromorphic hardware platforms. Our strategy is based on neural sampling, which allows us to synthesize a spiking neural network that samples from a target Boltzmann distribution. The recurrent activity of the network replaces the discrete steps of the CD algorithm, while Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) carries out the weight updates in an online, asynchronous fashion. We demonstrate our approach by training an RBM composed of leaky I&F neurons with STDP synapses to learn a generative model of the MNIST hand-written digit dataset, and by testing it in recognition, generation and cue integration tasks. Our results contribute to a machine learning-driven approach for synthesizing networks of spiking neurons capable of carrying out practical, high-level functionality.Comment: (Under review

    Stochastic Synapses Enable Efficient Brain-Inspired Learning Machines

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    Recent studies have shown that synaptic unreliability is a robust and sufficient mechanism for inducing the stochasticity observed in cortex. Here, we introduce Synaptic Sampling Machines, a class of neural network models that uses synaptic stochasticity as a means to Monte Carlo sampling and unsupervised learning. Similar to the original formulation of Boltzmann machines, these models can be viewed as a stochastic counterpart of Hopfield networks, but where stochasticity is induced by a random mask over the connections. Synaptic stochasticity plays the dual role of an efficient mechanism for sampling, and a regularizer during learning akin to DropConnect. A local synaptic plasticity rule implementing an event-driven form of contrastive divergence enables the learning of generative models in an on-line fashion. Synaptic sampling machines perform equally well using discrete-timed artificial units (as in Hopfield networks) or continuous-timed leaky integrate & fire neurons. The learned representations are remarkably sparse and robust to reductions in bit precision and synapse pruning: removal of more than 75% of the weakest connections followed by cursory re-learning causes a negligible performance loss on benchmark classification tasks. The spiking neuron-based synaptic sampling machines outperform existing spike-based unsupervised learners, while potentially offering substantial advantages in terms of power and complexity, and are thus promising models for on-line learning in brain-inspired hardware

    Conversion of Artificial Recurrent Neural Networks to Spiking Neural Networks for Low-power Neuromorphic Hardware

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    In recent years the field of neuromorphic low-power systems that consume orders of magnitude less power gained significant momentum. However, their wider use is still hindered by the lack of algorithms that can harness the strengths of such architectures. While neuromorphic adaptations of representation learning algorithms are now emerging, efficient processing of temporal sequences or variable length-inputs remain difficult. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are widely used in machine learning to solve a variety of sequence learning tasks. In this work we present a train-and-constrain methodology that enables the mapping of machine learned (Elman) RNNs on a substrate of spiking neurons, while being compatible with the capabilities of current and near-future neuromorphic systems. This "train-and-constrain" method consists of first training RNNs using backpropagation through time, then discretizing the weights and finally converting them to spiking RNNs by matching the responses of artificial neurons with those of the spiking neurons. We demonstrate our approach by mapping a natural language processing task (question classification), where we demonstrate the entire mapping process of the recurrent layer of the network on IBM's Neurosynaptic System "TrueNorth", a spike-based digital neuromorphic hardware architecture. TrueNorth imposes specific constraints on connectivity, neural and synaptic parameters. To satisfy these constraints, it was necessary to discretize the synaptic weights and neural activities to 16 levels, and to limit fan-in to 64 inputs. We find that short synaptic delays are sufficient to implement the dynamical (temporal) aspect of the RNN in the question classification task. The hardware-constrained model achieved 74% accuracy in question classification while using less than 0.025% of the cores on one TrueNorth chip, resulting in an estimated power consumption of ~17 uW

    Forward Table-Based Presynaptic Event-Triggered Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity

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    Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) incurs both causal and acausal synaptic weight updates, for negative and positive time differences between pre-synaptic and post-synaptic spike events. For realizing such updates in neuromorphic hardware, current implementations either require forward and reverse lookup access to the synaptic connectivity table, or rely on memory-intensive architectures such as crossbar arrays. We present a novel method for realizing both causal and acausal weight updates using only forward lookup access of the synaptic connectivity table, permitting memory-efficient implementation. A simplified implementation in FPGA, using a single timer variable for each neuron, closely approximates exact STDP cumulative weight updates for neuron refractory periods greater than 10 ms, and reduces to exact STDP for refractory periods greater than the STDP time window. Compared to conventional crossbar implementation, the forward table-based implementation leads to substantial memory savings for sparsely connected networks supporting scalable neuromorphic systems with fully reconfigurable synaptic connectivity and plasticity.Comment: Submitted to BioCAS 201

    Gibbs Sampling with Low-Power Spiking Digital Neurons

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks have been successfully used in a wide variety of applications including image classification and speech recognition. Inference and learning in these algorithms uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure called Gibbs sampling. A sigmoidal function forms the kernel of this sampler which can be realized from the firing statistics of noisy integrate-and-fire neurons on a neuromorphic VLSI substrate. This paper demonstrates such an implementation on an array of digital spiking neurons with stochastic leak and threshold properties for inference tasks and presents some key performance metrics for such a hardware-based sampler in both the generative and discriminative contexts.Comment: Accepted at ISCAS 201

    Clinical prognostic indicators of dysphagia following prolonged orotracheal intubation in ICU patients

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    Introduction The development of postextubation wallowing dysfunction is well documented in the literature with high prevalence in most studies. However, there are relatively few studies with specific outcomes that focus on the follow-up of these patients until hospital discharge. The purpose of our study was to determine prognostic indicators of dysphagia in ICU patients submitted to prolonged orotracheal intubation (OTI). Methods We conducted a retrospective, observational cohort study from 2010 to 2012 of all patients over 18 years of age admitted to a university hospital ICU who were submitted to prolonged OTI and subsequently received a bedside swallow evaluation (BSE) by a speech pathologist. The prognostic factors analyzed included dysphagia severity rate at the initial swallowing assessment and at hospital discharge, age, time to initiate oral feeding, amount of individual treatment, number of orotracheal intubations, intubation time and length of hospital stay. Results After we excluded patients with neurologic diseases, tracheostomy, esophageal dysphagia and those who were submitted to surgical procedures involving the head and neck, our study sample size was 148 patients. The logistic regression model was used to examine the relationships between independent variables. In the univariate analyses, we found that statistically significant prognostic indicators of dysphagia included dysphagia severity rate at the initial swallowing assessment, time to initiate oral feeding and amount of individual treatment. In the multivariate analysis, we found that dysphagia severity rate at the initial swallowing assessment remained associated with good treatment outcomes. Conclusions Studies of prognostic indicators in different populations with dysphagia can contribute to the design of more effective procedures when evaluating, treating, and monitoring individuals with this type of disorder. Additionally, this study stresses the importance of the initial assessment ratings