16 research outputs found

    Emprego de soluções adocicadas no alívio da dor neonatal em recém-nascido prematuro: uma revisão integrativa Empleo de soluciones edulcoradas en el manejo del dolor neonatal en recién nacido prematuro: una revisión integrativa Use of sweet solutions for neonatal pain relief in premature newborns: an integrative review

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    As experiências dolorosas repetida em recém-nascidos podem ter efeito a curto e a longo prazo, especialmente nos prematuros. Como uma medida de alívio da dor, tem sido recomendado o uso de soluções adocicadas em procedimentos dolorosos. Este estudo objetiva avaliar as evidências do efeito da sacarose e da glicose oral no alívio da dor aguda em recém-nascidos prematuros. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa, nas bases de dados MEDLINE e LILACS, no período de 2005 a 2010, foram selecionados oito artigos. A análise destes revelou o efeito analgésico da glicose e da sacarose em procedimentos agudos. Nenhum efeito colateral foi encontrado nos recém-nascidos que receberam a glicose/sacarose. Ressalta-se a importância do uso da escala de avaliação da dor que mais se identifique com a população predominante nas unidades neonatais, que seja de fácil aplicação e manuseio pelos profissionais de saúde.<br>Repetidas experiencias dolorosas en los recién nacidos pueden tener un efecto en el corto y largo plazo, especialmente en recién nacidos prematuros. Como una medida de aliviar el dolor, se ha recomendado el uso de soluciones azucaradas durante los procedimientos dolorosos. Así, este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la evidencia del efecto de la sacarosa o glucosa oral en el alivio del dolor agudo en niños recién nacidos prematuros. Se realizó una revisión integrativa en las bases de datos: MEDLINE y LILACS en el período 2005 a 2010, habiendo sido seleccionados ocho artículos. El análisis reveló el efecto analgésico de la glucosa y la sacarosa en los procedimientos agudos. No se encontró ningún efecto colateral significativo en los recién nacidos que recibieron la glucosa/sacarosa. Se resalta la importancia del uso de la escala de evaluación del dolor que más se identifique con la población predominante en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales y que sea de fácil aplicación y manipulación para los profesionales de la salud.<br>The repeated painful experiences in newborns may have short- and long-time effects, especially in premature infants. The use of sweetened solutions during painful procedures has been recommended as a measure of pain relief. This study aims to evaluate the evidence of the effect of oral sucrose or glucose for acute pain relief in premature infants. An integrative review was conducted in the MEDLINE and LILACS databases. Eight articles were selected from 2005 to 2010. The analyzis of these articles revealed the analgesic effect of glucose and sucrose in acute procedures. No significant side effects were found in infants who received glucose/sucrose. We emphasize the importance of the use of the pain assessment scale most closely related to the predominant population in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, a scale easy to be used and handled by health professionals

    Effect of tape stripping and adjuvants on immune response after intradermal DNA electroporation

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    PURPOSE: DNA vaccines require both efficient delivery methods and appropriate adjuvants. Based on their mechanisms of action, we hypothesised that some adjuvants could enhance vaccine immunogenicity or direct the response towards Th1 profile after intradermal DNA electroporation. METHODS: After intradermal electroporation of plasmid DNA encoding luciferase, mice received hyaluronidase, imiquimod, monophosphoryl lipid A or were tape stripped in order to modulate the immune response against the encoded protein. We measured total immunoglobulin G, IgG1, IgG2a titres and the cytokines produced by splenocyte cultures to assess both humoral and cellular response. The effect of tape stripping on the response against intradermally delivered ovalbumin protein was also assessed. RESULTS: Neither hyaluronidase nor imiquimod improved the immune response against the encoded luciferase. Monophosphoryl lipid A did not modify the cytokines production but increased the anti-luciferase IgG2a titres. Tape stripping significantly increased anti-luciferase IgG2a and IFN-gamma responses. It also enhanced the humoral response after intradermal injection of the ovalbumin protein. CONCLUSIONS: Tape stripping is able to increase the Th1 immune response against both DNA and protein vaccines. Therefore, tape stripping appears to have interesting adjuvant effect on intradermal vaccination

    Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity of bacteria associated with cystic fibrosis

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    In patients afflicted with cystic fibrosis (CF), morbidity and mortality are primarily associated with the adverse consequences of chronic microbial bronchial infections, which are thought to be caused by a few opportunistic pathogens. However, recent evidence suggests the presence of other microorganisms, which may significantly affect the course and outcome of the infection. Using a combination of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, bacterial culturing and pyrosequencing of barcoded 16S rRNA amplicons, the microbial communities present in CF patient sputum samples were examined. In addition to previously recognized CF pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, >60 phylogenetically diverse bacterial genera that are not typically associated with CF pathogenesis were also detected. A surprisingly large number of fermenting facultative and obligate anaerobes from multiple bacterial phyla was present in each sample. Many of the bacteria and sequences found were normal residents of the oropharyngeal microflora and with many containing opportunistic pathogens. Our data suggest that these undersampled organisms within the CF lung are part of a much more complex microbial ecosystem than is normally presumed. Characterization of these communities is the first step in elucidating potential roles of diverse bacteria in disease progression and to ultimately facilitate advances in CF therapy