19 research outputs found

    Uso de telas pela população pediátrica e seus impactos oftalmológicos a curto e a longo prazo: uma revisão sistemática : Use of screens by the pediatric population and its short and long-term ophthalmological impacts: a systematic review

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    Ao se discorrer sobre a formação e formatação da nossa sociedade, pode-se notar que cada vez mais esta está permeada pela tecnologia e pelos sistemas integrativos, processo esse benéfico para comunicação, gestão e tomada de decisões para além de ser uma ferramenta de trabalho e entretenimento, porém, com a progressiva quantidade de horas que ficamos expostos a este tipo de tecnologia também podem acarretar prejuízos a acuidade visual dos usuários. Juntamente a isso, nota-se que as crianças estão tendo cada vez mais precocemente acesso os equipamentos eletrônicos e deixando de lado as brincadeiras, desta forma a partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa, feita a partir de um levantamento bibliográfico, pode-se dispor que esta busca compreender quais são os sintomas e efeitos do uso excessivo deste tipo de ferramenta e algumas formas de tratamento e profilaxia que podem ser dispostas sobre o tema, com enfoque na população pediátrica

    Gesture-based interaction: concept map and application scenarios.

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    Abstract?Nowadays the new interaction forms proposed tend not to be limited by graphic interfaces and make human computer interaction . Nowadays, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is not limited by Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). There is a tendency to make it more natural and human. This paper presents a novel interaction approach within the scope of gesture-based interfaces, and some practical consequences of adopting this approach. Thus, we redefine the concept of gesture based on the sum of three interrelated concepts (the Para-language, the Body language and the Sound language). The relationships among these concepts are expressed in a conceptual map through parameterized links. Finally the article shows how the combination of the link parameters yields to the definition of a specific application scenario. The result of the identification of these scenarios opens new horizons towards the identification of new ways of gesture-based interaction. Keywords-Human-computer interaction; gesture-based interfaces; User information access information

    Metodológica para especificar escenarios de interacción a partir de modos de interacción

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    Abstract. Los avances tecnológicos favorecen cada vez más, el uso de nuevos modos de interacción persona-ordenador que aumente las posibilidades de interacción del usuario más allá de la consolidada terna pantalla-teclado-ratón. Para entender y desarrollar nuevas formas de interacción se hace necesario revisar conceptos como interfaz de usuario, modos de interacción. Además, el uso de nuevos modos de interacción, crea la necesidad de utilizar metáforas de interacción acertadas para conseguir que el usuario se familiarice con el sistema. En este artículo se propone una metodología para definir y especificar escenarios de interacción a partir de la definición e identificación de modos de interacción. Además de la propuesta realizada se muestran resultados obtenidos al realizar su evaluación. Keywords: Interacción persona-ordenador, modos de interacción, metáforas de interacción, escenarios de interacción

    Interacción basada en la posición: mapa de conceptos y escenarios de aplicación

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    Abstract. Las nuevas formas de interacción que se proponen hoy en día destacan, entre otros, por estos dos aspectos: no se ven limitadas por las interfaces gráficas (GUI), y se basan en la posición del usuario. En este artículo se presenta una concepción novedosa de la interacción basada en la posición y se presentan algunas consecuencias prácticas. Del análisis del concepto de Posición, se obtiene su redefinición como el compendio de otros tres conceptos interrelacionados: Ubicación, Intervención y History o Trazabilidad. Estas complejas relaciones las expresamos en un mapa conceptual, en él se plasman los conceptos con sus líneas comunicantes, con sus respectivos elementos parametrizables. Finalmente, cada combinación de valores de todos parámetros da como resultado un escenario concreto. Esta multiplicidad de identificación de escenarios, abre nuevos horizontes a la identificación de nuevas formas de interacción basada en la posición. Keywords: Posición, ubicación, sensibilidad al contexto, interacción, mapa conceptual, escenarios de interacción, interfaces

    The Town Crier: A Use-Case Design and Implementation for a Socially Assistive Robot in Retirement Homes

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    The use of new assistive technologies in general, and Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in particular, is becoming increasingly common for supporting people’s health and well-being. However, it still faces many issues regarding long-term adherence, acceptability and utility. Most of these issues are due to design processes that insufficiently take into account the needs, preferences and values of intended users. Other issues are related to the currently very limited amount of long-term evaluations, performed in real-world settings, for SARs. This study presents the results of two regional projects that consider as a starting hypothesis that the assessment in controlled environments and/or with short exposures may not be enough in the design of an SAR deployed in a retirement home and the necessity of designing for and with users. Thus, the proposed methodology has focused on use-cases definitions that follow a human-centred and participatory design approach. The main goals have been facilitating system acceptance and attachment by involving stakeholders in the robots design and evaluation, overcoming usage barriers and considering user’s needs integration. The implementation of the first use-case deployed and the two-phase pilot test performed in a retirement home are presented. In particular, a detailed description of the interface redesign process based on improving a basic prototype with users’ feedback and recommendations is presented, together with the main results of a formal evaluation that has highlighted the impact of changes and improvements addressed in the first redesign loop of the system

    Residual ST-segment elevation to predict long-term clinical and CMR-derived outcomes in STEMI

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    [EN] Residual ST-segment elevation after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has traditionally been considered a predictor of left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and ventricular aneurism. However, the implications in terms of long-term prognosis and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR)-derived structural consequences are unclear. A total of 488 reperfused STEMI patients were prospectively included. The number of Q wave leads with residual ST-segment elevation> 1 mm (Q-STE) at pre-discharge ECG was assessed. LV ejection fraction (LVEF, %) and infarct size (IS, % of LV mass) were quantifed in 319 patients at 6-month CMR. Major adverse cardiac events (MACE) were defned as all-cause death and/or re-admission for acute heart failure (HF), whichever occurred frst. During a mean follow-up of 6.1 years, 92 MACE (18.9%), 39 deaths and 53 HF were recorded. After adjustment for baseline characteristics, Q-STE (per lead with> 1 mm) was independently associated with a higher risk of long-term MACE (HR 1.24 [1.07¿1.44] per lead, p = 0.004), reduced (< 40%) LVEF (HR 1.36 [1.02¿1.82] per lead, p = 0.04) and large (> 30% of LV mass) IS (HR 1.43 [1.11¿1.85] per lead, p = 0.006) at 6-month CMR. Patients with Q-STE¿ 2 leads (n= 172, 35.2%) displayed lower MACE-free survival, more depressed LVEF, and larger IS at 6-month CMR (p< 0.001 for all comparisons). Residual ST-segment elevation after STEMI represents a universally available tool that predicts worse longterm clinical and CMR-derived structural outcomes.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-funded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (Grants PI20/00637 and CIBERCV16/11/00486, postgraduate contract FI18/00320 to C.R.-N. and CM21/00175 to V.M.-G.), Generalitat Valenciana (Grant PROMETEO/2021/008), and by Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia (Grant SEC/FECINV-CLI 21/024). J. G. acknowledges financial support from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (Grant FJC2020-043981-I/AEI/).Merenciano-Gonzalez, H.; Marcos-Garces, V.; Gavara-Doñate, J.; Pedro-Tudela, A.; Lopez-Lereu, MP.; Monmeneu, JV.; Pérez, N.... (2022). Residual ST-segment elevation to predict long-term clinical and CMR-derived outcomes in STEMI. Scientific Reports. 12(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-26082-511212