15,527 research outputs found

    Trumpet Slices in Kerr Spacetimes

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    We introduce a new time-independent family of analytical coordinate systems for the Kerr spacetime representing rotating black holes. We also propose a (2+1)+1 formalism for the characterization of trumpet geometries. Applying this formalism to our new family of coordinate systems we identify, for the first time, analytical and stationary trumpet slices for general rotating black holes, even for charged black holes in the presence of a cosmological constant. We present results for metric functions in this slicing and analyze the geometry of the rotating trumpet surface.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; version published in PR

    Fully covariant and conformal formulation of the Z4 system in a reference-metric approach: comparison with the BSSN formulation in spherical symmetry

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    We adopt a reference-metric approach to generalize a covariant and conformal version of the Z4 system of the Einstein equations. We refer to the resulting system as ``fully covariant and conformal", or fCCZ4 for short, since it is well suited for curvilinear as well as Cartesian coordinates. We implement this fCCZ4 formalism in spherical polar coordinates under the assumption of spherical symmetry using a partially-implicit Runge-Kutta (PIRK) method and show that our code can evolve both vacuum and non-vacuum spacetimes without encountering instabilities. Our method does not require regularization of the equations to handle coordinate singularities, nor does it depend on constraint-preserving outer boundary conditions, nor does it need any modifications of the equations for evolutions of black holes. We perform several tests and compare the performance of the fCCZ4 system, for different choices of certain free parameters, with that of BSSN. Confirming earlier results we find that, for an optimal choice of these parameters, and for neutron-star spacetimes, the violations of the Hamiltonian constraint can be between 1 and 3 orders of magnitude smaller in the fCCZ4 system than in the BSSN formulation. For black-hole spacetimes, on the other hand, any advantages of fCCZ4 over BSSN are less evident.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    How the Polyakov loop and the regularization affect strangeness and restoration of symmetries at finite T

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    The effects of the Polyakov loop and of a regularization procedure that allows the presence of high momentum quark states at finite temperature is investigated within the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The characteristic temperatures, as well as the behavior of observables that signal deconfinement and restoration of chiral and axial symmetries, are analyzed, paying special attention to the behavior of strangeness degrees of freedom. We observe that the cumulative effects of the Polyakov loop and of the regularization procedure contribute to a better description of the thermodynamics, as compared with lattice estimations. We find a faster partial restoration of chiral symmetry and the restoration of the axial symmetry appears as a natural consequence of the full recovering of the chiral symmetry that was dynamically broken. These results show the relevance of the effects of the interplay among the Polyakov loop dynamics, the high momentum quark sates and the restoration of the chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature.Comment: Talk given at XIII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron 2009), Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 29 Nov - 4 Dec, 200

    Reheating via a generalized non-minimal coupling of curvature to matter

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    In this work one shows that a generalized non-minimal coupling between geometry and matter is compatible with Starobinsky inflation and leads to a successful process of preheating, a reheating scenario based on the production of massive particles via parametric resonance. The model naturally extends the usual preheating mechanism, which resorts to an {\it ad-hoc} scalar curvature-dependent mass term for a scalar field χ\chi, and also encompasses a previously studied preheating channel based upon a non-standard kinetic term.Comment: 12 page

    The Creation of Defects with Core Condensation

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    Defects in superfluid 3He, high-Tc superconductors, QCD colour superfluids and cosmic vortons can possess (anti)ferromagnetic cores, and their generalisations. In each case there is a second order parameter whose value is zero in the bulk which does not vanish in the core. We examine the production of defects in the simplest 1+1 dimensional scalar theory in which a second order parameter can take non-zero values in a defect core. We study in detail the effects of core condensation on the defect production mechanism.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, small corrections, 2 references added, final version to be published in PR

    Dynamical properties across a quantum phase transition in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model

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    It is of high interest, in the context of Adiabatic Quantum Computation, to better understand the complex dynamics of a quantum system subject to a time-dependent Hamiltonian, when driven across a quantum phase transition. We present here such a study in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick (LMG) model with one variable parameter. We first display numerical results on the dynamical evolution across the LMG quantum phase transition, which clearly shows a pronounced effect of the spectral avoided level crossings. We then derive a phenomenological (classical) transition model, which already shows some closeness to the numerical results. Finally, we show how a simplified quantum transition model can be built which strongly improve the classical approach, and shed light on the physical processes involved in the whole LMG quantum evolution. From our results, we argue that the commonly used description in term of Landau-Zener transitions is not appropriate for our model.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; corrected reference

    Anti-de Sitter wormhole kink

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    The metric describing a given finite sector of a four-dimensional asymptotically anti-de Sitter wormhole can be transformed into the metric of the time constant sections of a Tangherlini black hole in a five-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime when one allows light cones to tip over on the hypersurfaces according to the conservation laws of an one-kink. The resulting kinked metric can be maximally extended, giving then rise to an instantonic structure on the euclidean continuation of both the Tangherlini time and the radial coordinate. In the semiclassical regime, this kink is related to the existence of closed timelike curves.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in IJMP

    General Pattern Search Applied to the Optimization of the Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

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    The literature has different implementations and results for the mono-objective and multiobjective optimization of the shell and tube heat exchanger (STHE), most of them using evolutionary computation. However, there is a gap to find the optimal solution of this problem through direct search methods (numerical optimization). So, this paper uses the Pattern Search algorithm of MATLAB toolbox applied to this case study