6,174 research outputs found

    Ultra-Light Scalar Fields and the Growth of Structure in the Universe

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    Ultra-light scalar fields, with masses of between m=10^{-33} eV and m=10^{-22} eV, can affect the growth of structure in the Universe. We identify the different regimes in the evolution of ultra-light scalar fields, how they affect the expansion rate of the universe and how they affect the growth rate of cosmological perturbations. We find a number of interesting effects, discuss how they might arise in realistic scenarios of the early universe and comment on how they might be observed.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Domestic Impact of Internationalisation: The case of JM

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    The influence of internationalisation processes in the domestic activities of firms’ has not been considered as an important issue in existing models, because they tend to focus on a partial and restricted view of the firm. The purpose of this paper is to challenge that view by attempting a dynamic view of the firm is which primal importance is given to the relationship between international and domestic activities. The main research question is whether domestic activities can be significantly affected by international activities, namely knowledge transfer. Results confirm the dynamic approach adopted by firms however there are no definitive answers in terms of the domestic impact of internationalisation. Despite clear hints of evidence for the internationaldomestic relationship, there was no confirmation of this relationship at the financial level.

    Exploring the consistency of the SF-6D

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    Objective: The six dimensional health state short form (SF-6D) was designed to be derived from the short-form 36 health survey (SF-36). The purpose of this research was to compare the SF-6D index values generated from the SF 36 (SF-6D(SF-36)) with those obtained from the SF-6D administered as an independent instrument (SF-6D(Ind)). The goal was to assess the consistency of respondents answers to these two methods of deriving the SF-6D. Methods: Data were obtained from a sample of the Portuguese population (n = 414). Agreement between the instruments was assessed on the basis of a descriptive system and their indexes. The analysis of the descriptive system was performed by using a global consistency index and an identically classified index. Agreement was also explored by using correlation coefficients. Parametric tests were used to identify differences between the indexes. Regression models were estimated to understand the relationship between them. Results: The SF-6D(Ind) generates higher values than does the SF-6D(SF-36), There were significant differences between the indexes across sociodemographic groups. There was a significant ceiling effect in the SF-6D(Ind) a but not in the SF-6D(SF-36). The correlation between the indexes was high but less than what was anticipated. The global consistency index identified the dimensions with larger differences. Considerable differences were found in two dimensions, possibly as a result of different item contexts. Further research is needed to fully understand the role of the different layouts and the length of the questionnaires in the respondents' answers. Conclusions: The results show that as the SF-6D was designed to derive utilities from the SF-36 it should be used in this way and not as an independent instrument.Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Quintessence in a quandary: prior dependence in dark energy models

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    The archetypal theory of dark energy is quintessence: a minimally coupled scalar field with a canonical kinetic energy and potential. By studying random potentials we show that quintessence imposes a restricted set of priors on the equation of state of dark energy. Focusing on the commonly-used parametrisation, w(a)w0+wa(1a)w(a)\approx w_0+w_a(1-a), we show that there is a natural scale and direction in the (w0,wa)(w_0, w_a) plane that distinguishes quintessence as a general framework. We calculate the expected information gain for a given survey and show that, because of the non-trivial prior information, it is a function of more than just the figure of merit. This allows us to make a quantitative case for novel survey strategies. We show that the scale of the prior sets target observational requirements for gaining significant information. This corresponds to a figure of merit FOM200\gtrsim 200, a requirement that future galaxy redshift surveys will meet.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. For the busy reader, Fig. 1 is the money plot. v2: Minor changes, matches published version. Code open source at gitorious.org/random-quintessenc

    Tensor Detection Severely Constrains Axion Dark Matter

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    The recent detection of B-modes by BICEP2 has non-trivial implications for axion dark matter implied by combining the tensor interpretation with isocurvature constraints from Planck. In this paper the measurement is taken as fact, and its implications considered, though further experimental verification is required. In the simplest inflation models r=0.2r=0.2 implies HI=1.1×1014 GeVH_I=1.1\times 10^{14}\text{ GeV}. If the axion decay constant fa<HI/2πf_a<H_I/2\pi constraints on the dark matter (DM) abundance alone rule out the QCD axion as DM for ma52χ6/7μeVm_a \lesssim 52\chi^{6/7}\,\mu\text{eV} (where χ>1\chi>1 accounts for theoretical uncertainty). If fa>HI/2πf_a>H_I/2\pi then vacuum fluctuations of the axion field place conflicting demands on axion DM: isocurvature constraints require a DM abundance which is too small to be reached when the back reaction of fluctuations is included. High faf_a QCD axions are thus ruled out. Constraints on axion-like particles, as a function of their mass and DM fraction, are also considered. For heavy axions with ma1022 eVm_a\gtrsim 10^{-22}\text{ eV} we find Ωa/Ωd103\Omega_a/\Omega_d\lesssim 10^{-3}, with stronger constraints on heavier axions. Lighter axions, however, are allowed and (inflationary) model-independent constraints from the CMB temperature power spectrum and large scale structure are stronger than those implied by tensor modes.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. v2: Some discussion and references added. v3 Update on QCD discussion. Version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    A medição de preferências em saúde na população portuguesa

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    Introdução: um tema estudado pelos investigadores da economia da saúde é a medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde, em especial captando as preferências dos indivíduos em relação a determinados resultados em saúde. Este tipo de medição permite a sua incorporação em modelos de decisão clínica, de planeamento e de políticas de saúde. Nos últimos anos, têm sido desenvolvidos instrumentos genéricos de avaliação dos estados de saúde baseados na teoria multi-atributo de utilidade, fáceis de aplicar e que permitem o cálculo dos valores de utilidade que os indivíduos atribuem aos estados de saúde, como os questionários EuroQol (EQ-5D), Health Utilities Index (HUI) e o SF-6D. Métodos: com base numa amostra aleatória da população activa portuguesa residente no continente e formada por 2459 indivíduos, obteve-se a preferência dos portugueses em relação ao seu estado de saúde e qualidade de vida e calcularam-se os respectivos valores normais para Portugal continental. Foi utilizada a versão portuguesa do instrumento de medição SF-6D e o algoritmo econométrico desenvolvido por Brazier, para a geração de valores de utilidade, para os diversos estados de saúde. Resultados: o valor médio da utilidade obtido pelo SF-6D para toda a população foi 0,697, variando de 0,30 a 1,00 e associado a um desvio padrão de 0,143. Níveis mais elevados de défice foram encontrados nas dimensões «desempenho », «dor», «saúde mental» e «vitalidade». Valores mais baixos de utilidade foram apresentados pelas mulheres e pelos idosos. Os indivíduos com níveis mais baixos de instrução, a viver em áreas rurais, trabalhadores manuais e os viúvos, divorciados e separados apresentaram, em geral, também valores mais baixos de utilidade. Em relação às doenças crónicas, a utilidade média variou de 0,56 para os enfartes do miocárdio a 0,66 correspondente à hepatite. Conclusão: deste estudo conclui-se que o instrumento de medição SF-6D é útil e efectivo na medição da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde na comunidade. As normas portuguesas são úteis para contextualizar os valores obtidos pelo SF-6D, sempre que aplicado a doentes ou mesmo a indivíduos portugueses saudáveis

    Dissemination of contextual information for assisted driving

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesDriver assistance systems can be used to improve road and car safety, reduce driving fatigue and provide a more e cient driving experience. An important part of these systems is the communication between vehicles, and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. This work presents mechanisms enabling driving support, exploring the vehicular network to provide information about the drivers neighborhood. The network is composed by vehicles, tra c signals and xed stations along the road. Each car is equipped with a recording camera, a GPS receiver, as well as communication modules such as WiFi, WAVE and 3G/4G, allowing the exchange of data between the various nodes. The data exchanged is composed by positional data of neighboring vehicles, sensor information from tra c signals and video images incoming from other vehicles. This data is used to facilitate the driver in decision making, but can also provide an overview of the tra c density in the neighborhood. The tra c signals broadcast their position and if they are dynamic (such as tra c lights), their status is also transmitted. The xed stations are equipped with numerous sensors and are used to provide environmental data. The driver can access all the collected data via visual information, on a display screen that contains a map of the neighborhood along with the information available of the nearby nodes. The proposed system is evaluated through real vehicular experiments in two distinct scenarios: urban and highway. The results show that the communication delay is higher in the highway scenario, mainly due to the distance between vehicles and travelling speeds. However, promising results regarding the maximum delay and the average number of retransmissions foresee important inputs for future services of assisted-driving, in general, and carovertaking assistance, in particular.Os sistemas de condução assistida podem ser utilizados para melhorar a segurança rodoviária e automóvel, reduzir a fadiga da condução e proporcionar uma experiência de condução mais e ciente. Uma parte importante desses sistemas e a comunicação entre veículos e comunicação veiculo infraestrutura. Este trabalho propõe mecanismos que permitem o suporte a condução, explorando a rede de veicular para fornecer informações sobre a vizinhança do condutor. A rede e composta por veículos, sinais de transito e estações fixas ao longo da estrada. Cada carro esta equipado com uma camera de gravação, um receptor GPS, bem como módulos de comunicação, como WiFi, WAVE e 3G/4G, permitindo a troca de dados entre os vários nos. Os dados trocados são compostos por dados posicionais de veículos vizinhos, informações sensoriais de sinais de trânsito e imagens de vídeo provenientes de outros veículos. Esses dados s~ao usados para facilitar a tomada de decisões, mas também podem fornecer uma vis~ao geral da densidade de tráfego na vizinhança. Os sinais de transito transmitem a sua posição e, no caso de serem dinâmicos (como semáforos), o seu estado actual também e transmitido. As estações fixas estão equipadas com vários sensores e sao usadas para fornecer dados ambientais. O condutor pode aceder a todos os dados recolhidos através de informações visuais, num ecrã que contém um mapa da sua redondeza junto com a informação disponível dos nos vizinhos. O sistema proposto e avaliado através de testes reais em dois cenários distintos: urbano e auto-estrada. Os resultados mostram que o atraso da comunicação e maior no cenário da auto-estrada, principalmente devido as maiores distancias entre os veículos e as velocidades mais elevadas. No entanto, resultados promissores em relação ao atraso máximo e ao numero médio de retransmissões prevêem contribuições importantes para serviços futuros de condução assistida em geral, e assistência de ultrapassagem de veículos, em particular

    A tensor instability in the Eddington inspired Born-Infeld Theory of Gravity

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    In this paper we consider an extension to Eddington's proposal for the gravitational action. We study tensor perturbations of a homogeneous and isotropic space-time in the Eddington regime, where modifications to Einstein gravity are strong. We find that the tensor mode is linearly unstable deep in the Eddington regime and discuss its cosmological implications.Comment: 5 pages, approved by Phys. Rev. D, additional references and minor modification