976 research outputs found

    Bin Packing and Related Problems: General Arc-flow Formulation with Graph Compression

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    We present an exact method, based on an arc-flow formulation with side constraints, for solving bin packing and cutting stock problems --- including multi-constraint variants --- by simply representing all the patterns in a very compact graph. Our method includes a graph compression algorithm that usually reduces the size of the underlying graph substantially without weakening the model. As opposed to our method, which provides strong models, conventional models are usually highly symmetric and provide very weak lower bounds. Our formulation is equivalent to Gilmore and Gomory's, thus providing a very strong linear relaxation. However, instead of using column-generation in an iterative process, the method constructs a graph, where paths from the source to the target node represent every valid packing pattern. The same method, without any problem-specific parameterization, was used to solve a large variety of instances from several different cutting and packing problems. In this paper, we deal with vector packing, graph coloring, bin packing, cutting stock, cardinality constrained bin packing, cutting stock with cutting knife limitation, cutting stock with binary patterns, bin packing with conflicts, and cutting stock with binary patterns and forbidden pairs. We report computational results obtained with many benchmark test data sets, all of them showing a large advantage of this formulation with respect to the traditional ones

    Do industrial ao pós-industrial: Transição e diversidade urbana - LX/BCN

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    Nesta comunicação propomos uma discussão focada na transformação da “cidade industrial” para a “cidade pós-industrial”. Baseando-nos numa leitura interdisciplinar, propomos uma reflexão sobre os períodos de transição, como momentos de construção de identidades e oportunidades futuras. Na problemática actual da cidade, o crescimento da escala metropolitana, as distintas formas de organização espacial, social, económica e cultural e a diversidade dos contextos urbanos emergentes, não permitem traduzir facilmente, num modelo único, a ideia de “cidade pós-industrial”. A instabilidade das mutações da cidade contemporânea manifestase em contextos de incerteza, que levam a questionar o planeamento e geram maio dificuldade no desenho urbano. A inconstância da transição parece trazer, não só aos profissionais do desenho, mas também aos decisores, agentes, actores e aos próprios habitantes, indeterminações, dificuldades de entendimento, de leitura e de aceitação da transformação. Podemos observar estas questões e tensões, patentes no próprio espaço público: nas intervenções, nos discursos produzidos e nos símbolos criados. Concretamente apoiamos a análise em exemplos de transformação pós-industrial: - Na Margem Sul do Tejo, o território expectante de centralidade e protagonismo na antiga Cintura Industrial da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa; - Em Barcelona, o projecto 22@Barcelona, operação de transformação de usos e regeneração no bairro industrial do Poblenou. Concluímos com a avaliação da diversidade ou heterogeneidade urbana, como conceito e factor estratégico para manter várias possibilidades e alternativas em aberto, nos momentos indefinidos das mutações da cidade e das identidades colectivas. Avançamos uma hipótese de trabalho: no processo de transição podemos trabalhar com a sobreposição de ciclos de transformação (emergentes e decadentes), resultando o processo, menos da substituição ou da dominância dos modelos, e mais da base da adaptabilidade da cidade.In this communication we discuss the transformation of the “industrial city” to the “post-industrial city.” Based on an interdisciplinary approach, we propose a reflection about transition periods - as times of construction of identities and future opportunities. In the contemporary city, the growth of metropolitan scale, different forms of spatial, social, economic and cultural organization, and the diversity of emerging urban contexts, do not allow to define the idea of “post-industrial city”, in a single model. The instability of the mutations on the contemporary city is manifested in uncertainty contexts, questioning the action of planning and generating difficultiesin urban design. The fickleness of transition seems to carry – to professional designers, decision-makers, agents, actors and even inhabitants - indeterminacies, difficulties in understanding, in reading and accepting change. We can observe these issues and tensions reflected in the public space: in new projects, in the discourses produced and symbols created. Specifically we support the analysis in examples of post-industrial transformation: - On Margem Sul do Tejo (South Bank of Tagus Estuary), a territory expectant for centrality, in the old Industrial belt of Lisbon’s Metropolitan Area; - In Barcelona, 22@Barcelona project, a operation of uses transformation and regeneration of the industrial neighborhood of Poblenou. We conclude with an assessment of urban diversity or heterogeneity, as a concept and a strategic factor for maintaining multiple possibilities and options open, in undefined moments of mutations of the city and its collective identities. We present a working hypothesis: in the transition process, we can work with the overlay of cycles (emerging and declining), there resulting a process of less replacement of models and more adaptable base of the city.En esta comunicación discutimos la transformación que va de la “ciudad industrial” a la “ciudad posindustrial”. Basándonos en una lectura interdisciplinar, proponemos una reflexión sobre los periodos de transición, como momentos de construcción de identidades y de oportunidades futuras. En la problemática actual de la ciudad, el crecimiento de la escala metropolitana, las distintas formas de organización espacial, social, económica y la diversidad de los contextos urbanos emergentes, no permiten traducir fácilmente, en un único modelo, la idea de “ciudad posindustrial”. La inestabilidad de las mutaciones de la ciudad contemporánea se manifiesta en contextos de incertidumbre, que cuestionan el planeamiento y generan una mayor dificultad en el diseño urbano. La inconstancia de la transición parece traer - no solo a los profesionales del diseño, sino también a los gestores, agentes, actores y a los propios habitantes - indeterminaciones, dificultades de entendimiento, de lectura y de aceptación de la transformación. Podemos observar estas cuestiones y tensiones, en el propio espacio público: en las intervenciones, en los discursos y en los símbolos creados. Concretamente suportamos el análisis en ejemplos de transformación posindustrial: - En la Margem Sul do Tejo (orilla Sur del Estuario del Tajo), un territorio expectante de centralidad e protagonismo, en el antiguo cinturón industrial de la Área Metropolitana de Lisboa; - En Barcelona, el proyecto 22@Barcelona, una operación de transformación de usos y regeneración en el barrio industrial del Poblenou.Concluimos con una evaluación de la diversidad o la heterogeneidad urbana, como concepto y factor estratégico para mantener varias posibilidades y alternativas en abierto, en los momentos indefinidos de las mutaciones de la ciudad y de las identidades colectivas. Avanzamos sobre una hipótesis de trabajo: en el proceso de transición podremos trabajar con la superposición de ciclos de transformación (emergentes y decadentes), resultando el proceso, menos de la substitución o de la supremacía de los modelos y más de la base de la adaptabilidad de la ciudad

    Lisbon images and 4 metaphisical dissertations on waterfront urban design: vision, move, ethics, and interdisciplinarity.

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    Representations of urban utopia, so relevant in recent waterfront projects, challenges us before anything else to understand change - the inevitable mutability of cities. Public art, architecture, landscape design and other urban design disciplines that operate the new kind of postindustrial urban projects, must question themselves about their own actions, in the processes of change. Being obvious that i won´t be able to do these things alone, i purpose myself to start with two lines of thought - that certainly will be returned to in the debates, first about city as image and movement, following the two parts of the sentence: The eyes that see // moving cities. After that, a set of thopics on the theory of interdisciplinarity regarding city questions and on the importance of ethics in it, as it is a fact that ethic values draw a significative role in all design cultures, specially when they are concerned with cities, and life in them. To preface it all, the visual cenario of Lisbon’s waterfront, and some short inspirations


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    Alan Turing : from the need for computation, the Turing machine to computing

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    Estudo da importância de Alan Turing na Segunda Guerra Mundial, o papel decisivo no avanço da computação, a sua criação abstrata de inteligência artificial. A forma como foi tratado pelas autoridades britânicas. As teorias do seu principal opositor académico: Gödel.Study of the importance of Alan Turing in World War II, the decisive role in the advancement of computing, his abstract creation of artificial intelligence. The way it was handled by the British authorities. The theories of its main academic opponent: Gödel.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cloud Computing: Fundamentals

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    Abstract Deepening the concept of Cloud Computing, describing and analyzing the underlying technologies in this concept’s technological implementation. The relationship of distributed computing and virtualization with Cloud Computing. The need for automation in Cloud Computing