304 research outputs found

    Struggles and pacification in the history of american kinesiology

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    En este artículo estudiamos la disputa epistemológica y pedagógica sobre la kinesiología/educación física que ha tenido lugar en las universidades de Estados Unidos desde 1990 hasta la actualidad. Hemos recogido el pensamiento de una muestra amplia de autores involucrados, con el propósito de obtener una visión de conjunto de un proceso que, de acuerdo con Morrow (2006), trata de esclarecer ¿de dónde venimos?, ¿qué somos?, ¿a dónde vamos? Tras el cotejo y análisis de la documentación más relevante concluimos que el periodo 1990-2013, caracterizado por una enconada pugna de paradigmas –en la que han estado implicados humanistas, positivistas, crosdisciplinaristas y subdisciplinaristas–, ha dado como resultado el dominio del paradigma integrador de Kretchmar (2007, 2008)In this article we review the epistemological and pedagogical debate on Kinesiology and Physical Education that has been going on in the universities of the US from 1990 to the present. We have compiled the opinions of a wide sample of authors, with the intention of getting the most complete picture of a process that, according to Morrow (2006), seeks to answer the questions "where we come from, who we are, and where we are going". After comparing and analysing the most relevant documents, we conclude that the period 1990-2013, characterized by a bitter struggle between paradigms fought by humanists, positivists, cross-disciplinarists, and sub-disciplinarists, has revealed the eventual predominance of the integrative paradigm of Kretchmar (2007, 2008

    Culture of paso de la amada, creator of ‘mesoamerican ballgame’

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    Se realiza una revisión sobre el origen del juego de pelota mesoamericano en el preclásico temprano (ca.1.700-1.000 a.C.). Por la antigüedad propuesta para sus vestigios sobre el juego de pelota, son candidatos a ser los ‘creadores del juego’ las culturas de Paso de la Amada, los pre-olmecas de San Lorenzo y El Opeño. Los vestigios referidos son fundamentalmente, la cancha de Paso de la Amada, las pelotas de hule de Manatí y las figurillas de El Opeño. Se concluye que la gran cancha de Paso de la Amada, la mayor construcción de Mesoamérica de su tiempo, aparece como el vestigio más antiguo del juego, y se le relaciona con la aparición de la primera sociedad no igualitaria en Mesoamérica. Se sugiere que los pobladores de Paso de la Amada, hacia 1650 a.C., fueron los creadores del juego y no los olmecas como generalmente se ha defendidoWe study here the origin of the Mesoamerican ballgame during the early formative period (ca. 1700 B.C.). We select as candidates for the creators of the Mesoamerican ballgame the cultures of Paso de la Amada, pre-Olmec at San Lorenzo, and El Opeño, as they have the oldest vestiges of the ballgame. These vestiges are, to be exact, a ball court at Paso de la Amada, some rubber balls at Manati, and ceramic figurines at El Opeño. We conclude that the great ball court at Paso de la Amada, the biggest building of Mesoamerica at that time, appears as the oldest vestige of the game and it is in relation with the emergence of ranked societies in Mesoamerica. We suggest that the people of Paso de la Amada, around 1650 BC, were the creators of the game, and not the Olmecs, as generally defende

    CAFE: Calar Alto Fiber-fed Echelle spectrograph

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    We present here CAFE, the Calar Alto Fiber-fed Echelle spectrograph, a new instrument built at the Centro Astronomico Hispano Alem\'an (CAHA). CAFE is a single fiber, high-resolution (RR\sim70000) spectrograph, covering the wavelength range between 3650-9800\AA. It was built on the basis of the common design for Echelle spectrographs. Its main aim is to measure radial velocities of stellar objects up to VV\sim13-14 mag with a precision as good as a few tens of ms1m s^{-1}. To achieve this goal the design was simplified at maximum, removing all possible movable components, the central wavelength is fixed, so the wavelentgth coverage; no filter wheel, one slit and so on, with a particular care taken in the thermal and mechanical stability. The instrument is fully operational and publically accessible at the 2.2m telescope of the Calar Alto Observatory. In this article we describe (i) the design, summarizing its manufacturing phase; (ii) characterize the main properties of the instrument; (iii) describe the reduction pipeline; and (iv) show the results from the first light and commissioning runs. The preliminar results indicate that the instrument fulfill the specifications and it can achieve the foreseen goals. In particular, they show that the instrument is more efficient than anticipated, reaching a S/NS/N\sim20 for a stellar object as faint as VV\sim14.5 mag in \sim2700s integration time. The instrument is a wonderful machine for exoplanetary research (by studying large samples of possible systems cotaining massive planets), galactic dynamics (high precise radial velocities in moving groups or stellar associations) or astrochemistry.Comment: 12 pages, 23 figures; Acepted for publishing in A&A, 201

    Morphologies and stellar populations of galaxies in the core of Abell 2218

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    SUMMARIZED ABSTRACT: We present a study of the stellar populations and morphologies of galaxies in the core of the galaxy cluster Abell 2218. Integral field spectroscopy was obtained using PMAS/[email protected] CAHA to obtain a complete flux limited sample of cluster members within its field-of-view (~74"X64"). In addition of 31 galaxies with known redshifts in the outer regions, we built up a final sample of 59 spectroscopically confirmed cluster members. Multiban photometry and detailed morphologies were obtained using deep images taken with the HST/ACS camera in the BVRI and z-bands. The CM diagram shows that the E-type galaxies cover the range of brighter and redder colors. A large fraction of spiral galaxies (\sim50%) is found. They cover a wide range in colors. This result, together with the distributions of ages, metallicities and masses, indicates that E-type galaxies are more massive and have older stellar populations, while L-type galaxies are less massive and have a wider range of stellar Our results agree with a proposed two-step scenario for the evolution of galaxies in clusters. In addition, an extremely blue merging galaxy system is found at the core, with the nominal redshift of the cluster.Comment: 29 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publishing in MNRAS. (HST/ACS composite image: http://www.caha.es/sanchez/abell2218/BRI_big.jpg

    Digital multiplexed analysis of circular RNAs in FFPE and fresh non-small cell lung cancer specimens

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    We would like to thank Stephanie Davis for her language editing assistance. The investigators also wish to thank the patients for kindly agreeing to donate samples to this study. We thank all the physicians who collaborated by providing clinical information. Graphical Abstract, Figs 1A, 8A and Fig. S1 were created with Biorender.com. This project has received funding from a European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie SklodowskaCurie grant agreement ELBA No 765492.Although many studies highlight the implication of circular RNAs (circRNAs) in carcinogenesis and tumor progression, their potential as cancer biomarkers has not yet been fully explored in the clinic due to the limitations of current quantification methods. Here, we report the use of the nCounter platform as a valid technology for the analysis of circRNA expression patterns in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) specimens. Under this context, our custom-made circRNA panel was able to detect circRNA expression both in NSCLC cells and formalin-fixed paraffinembedded (FFPE) tissues. CircFUT8 was overexpressed in NSCLC, contrasting with circEPB41L2, circBNC2, and circSOX13 downregulation even at the early stages of the disease. Machine learning (ML) approaches from different paradigms allowed discrimination of NSCLC from nontumor controls (NTCs) with an 8-circRNA signature. An additional 4-circRNA signature was able to classify early-stage NSCLC samples from NTC, reaching a maximum area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.981. Our results not only present two circRNA signatures with diagnosis potential but also introduce nCounter processing following ML as a feasible protocol for the study and development of circRNA signatures for NSCLC.European Commission 76549

    Nasal spray formulations based on combined hyalurosomes and glycerosomes loading zingiber officinalis extract as green and natural strategy for the treatment of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis

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    A total green nanotechnological nasal spray has been manufactured and proposed as an alternative treatment of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. It was obtained by combining the strengthening effect of liposomes on barrier function, the hydrating and lubricating properties of sodium hyaluro-nan and the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of the extract of Zingiber officinalis. To this purpose, the extract was loaded in special phospholipid vesicles immobilized with hyaluronic acid (hyalurosomes), which were further enriched with glycerol in the water phase. Liposomes and glycerosomes were prepared as well and used as reference. Vesicles were oligolamellar and multi-compartment, as confirmed by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) observation, small in size (~140 nm) and negatively charged (~-23 mV). Spray characteristics were evaluated by using the Spraytec® and instant images, from which the plume angle was measured. The range of the droplet size distribution and the narrow spray angle obtained suggest a good nebulization and a possible local deposition in the nasal cavity. In vitro studies performed by using human keratinocytes confirmed the high biocompatibility of vesicles and their ability to effectively counteract oxidative damage on cells induced by hydrogen peroxide. The overall collected data suggest that our vesicles are suitable as nasal spray. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs - Photospheric parameters of target stars from high-resolution spectroscopy

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    The new CARMENES instrument comprises two high-resolution and high-stability spectrographs that are used to search for habitable planets around M dwarfs in the visible and near-infrared regime via the Doppler technique. Characterising our target sample is important for constraining the physical properties of any planetary systems that are detected. The aim of this paper is to determine the fundamental stellar parameters of the CARMENES M-dwarf target sample from high-resolution spectra observed with CARMENES. We also include several M-dwarf spectra observed with other high-resolution spectrographs, that is CAFE, FEROS, and HRS, for completeness. We used a {chi}^2 method to derive the stellar parameters effective temperature T_eff, surface gravity log g, and metallicity [Fe/H] of the target stars by fitting the most recent version of the PHOENIX-ACES models to high-resolution spectroscopic data. These stellar atmosphere models incorporate a new equation of state to describe spectral features of low-temperature stellar atmospheres. Since T_eff, log g, and [Fe/H] show degeneracies, the surface gravity is determined independently using stellar evolutionary models. We derive the stellar parameters for a total of 300 stars. The fits achieve very good agreement between the PHOENIX models and observed spectra. We estimate that our method provides parameters with uncertainties of {sigma} T_eff = 51 K, {sigma} log g = 0.07, and {sigma} [Fe/H] = 0.16, and show that atmosphere models for low-mass stars have significantly improved in the last years. Our work also provides an independent test of the new PHOENIX-ACES models, and a comparison for other methods using low-resolution spectra. In particular, our effective temperatures agree well with literature values, while metallicities determined with our method exhibit a larger spread when compared to literature results