100 research outputs found

    Taxation of Capital Gains in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada

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    Taxation of Capital Gains in the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada

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    We show that the discrete anomaly constraints governing popular non-Abelian symmetries of use in (e.g.) flavoured, supersymmetric, and dark matter model building typically subdivide into two classes differentiated by the simple restrictions they impose on the number of fields transforming under certain irreducible representations of the relevant groups. These constraints lead us both to generic conclusions for common Beyond-the-Standard-Model constructions (including rather powerful statements for Grand Unified theories) as well as to simplified formulae that can be rapidly applied to determine whether a given field and symmetry content suffers from gauge and gravitational anomalies

    Health Districts as Quality Improvement Collaboratives and Multi-Jurisdictional Entities

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    Research Objective: The Georgia Public Health PBRN assessed the utility of the Multi-county Health District as a structured Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC), and as multi jurisdictional entities for purposes of meeting standards for accreditation by the Public Health Accreditation Board. Data Sets and Sources: Data were collected from online surveys followed up with phone interviews or paper surveys to maximize participation. A newly developed clinical care QIC instrument (Schouten et al, 2010) was modified to collect data with a revised focus on QICs for public health. We retained QI culture constructs in the instrument while shifting the focus from healthcare to public health essential services related to accreditation standards. Study Design: Data was collected from a purposeful sample of local public health key informants in Georgia who were identified by the District Directors’ office as local key informants. Invitations Key informants included county and district staff and county board of health members. Analysis: Psychometric testing of the QIC assessment instrument included tests for validity and reliability. Census-based and self-reported demographic characteristics were used to compare responses. Principal Findings: Strong consensus emerged across various constituencies that Districts were critical for local public health to provide essential services. Key opinion leaders from both the rural and non-rural counties agreed that the Districts were important. Conclusion: Regionalization using Georgia Districts has major potential for supporting QI and meeting quality assurance standards associated with accreditation. Implications for Field of PHSSR: Accreditation has the potential to substantially clarify and enhance the role of public health in the 21st century. But local public health agencies, based on small municipality or county populations, are unlikely to possess and sustain capacity to meet the challenges of comprehensive essential services. Regionalization of local public health capacity is a critical emerging issue with the launching of public health accreditation

    Clarifying and Expanding Concepts of Cross-Jurisdictional Sharing: Early Lessons Learned from Conducting QI with Georgia’s Health Districts

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    Research Objective: Assess the legal and organization cultural foundations for Cross-Jurisdictional Sharing (CJS) in support of local public health accreditation and QI in Georgia. Data Sets and Sources: Archival data (primarily state statutes), secondary data from previous qualitative comparative research on Deep South public health organization, secondary data from previous surveys, and oral interviews and written communication. Study Design: Primarily Qualitative design combining ethnographic and participatory research methods. Analysis: Qualitative Content analysis based on predetermined and emergent themes. Principal Findings: Georgia’s Health Districts have emerged as major CJS entities that support delivery of essential services and local public health (LPH) QI and LPH accreditation readiness, driven primarily by local organizational leadership and culture that is facilitated through enabling statutes in contrast to more top-down state-mandating statutes, regulations and directives. Conclusion: Georgia’s use of districts as multi-county public health entities serves as a primary structure for providing local public health services and has become a critical structure to address the looming demands for QI and accreditation, even though the statutes clearly establish the county as the primary local public health entity. Implications for the Field of PHSSR: This CJS structure to facilitate public health QI and accreditation in Georgia illustrates how agency cultures can emerge from local demands for economies of scale, more than formal policies generated at state level. This is a model that could be very important for advancing CJS in other regions of the country

    Effect of Inhaled Endotoxin on Mucociliary Clearance and Airway Inflammation in Mild Smokers and Nonsmokers

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    Background: In healthy nonsmokers, inhaled endotoxin [lipopolysaccharide (LPS)] challenge induces airway neutrophilia and modifies innate immune responses, but the effect on mucociliary clearance (MCC), a key host defense response, is unknown. Although smokers are chronically exposed to LPS through inhaled tobacco smoke, the acute effect of inhaled LPS on both MCC and airway inflammation is also unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of inhaled LPS on MCC in nonsmokers and mild smokers with normal pulmonary function

    Effects of ex vivo γ-Tocopherol on Airway Macrophage Function in Healthy and Mild Allergic Asthmatics

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    Elevated inflammation and altered immune responses are features found in atopic asthmatic airways. Recent studies indicate gamma-tocopherol (GT) supplementation can suppress airway inflammation in allergic asthma. We studied the effects of in vitro GT supplementation on receptor-mediated phagocytosis and expression of cell surface molecules associated with innate and adaptive immunity on sputum-derived macrophages. Cells from non-smoking healthy (n = 6) and mild house dust mite-sensitive (HDM) allergic asthmatics (n = 6) were treated ex vivo with GT (300 μM) or saline (control). Phagocytosis of opsonized Zymosan A bioparticles (S. cerevisiae) and expression of surface molecules associated with innate and adaptive immunity were assessed using flow cytometry. GT caused significantly decreased (P < 0.05) internalization of attached Zymosan bioparticles and decreased (P < 0.05) macrophage expression of CD206, CD36 and CD86 in allergic asthmatics but not in controls. Overall, GT caused down-regulation of both innate and adaptive immune response elements and atopic status appears to be an important factor

    Fluticasone Propionate Protects against Ozone-Induced Airway Inflammation and Modified Immune Cell Activation Markers in Healthy Volunteers

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    BackgroundOzone exposure induces airway neutrophilia and modifies innate immune monocytic cell-surface phenotypes in healthy individuals. High-dose inhaled corticosteroids can reduce O3-induced airway inflammation, but their effect on innate immune activation is unknown.ObjectivesWe used a human O3 inhalation challenge model to examine the effectiveness of clinically relevant doses of inhaled corticosteroids on airway inflammation and markers of innate immune activation in healthy volunteers.MethodsSeventeen O3-responsive subjects [> 10% increase in the percentage of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in sputum, PMNs per milligram vs. baseline sputum] received placebo, or either a single therapeutic dose (0.5 mg) or a high dose (2 mg) of inhaled fluticasone proprionate (FP) 1 hr before a 3-hr O3 challenge (0.25 ppm) on three separate occasions at least 2 weeks apart. Lung function, exhaled nitric oxide, sputum, and systemic biomarkers were assessed 1–5 hr after the O3 challenge. To determine the effect of FP on cellular function, we assessed sputum cells from seven subjects by flow cytometry for cell-surface marker activation.ResultsFP had no effect on O3-induced lung function decline. Compared with placebo, 0.5 mg and 2 mg FP reduced O3-induced sputum neutrophilia by 18% and 35%, respectively. A similar effect was observed on the airway-specific serum biomarker Clara cell protein 16 (CCP16). Furthermore, FP pretreatment significantly reduced O3-induced modification of CD11b, mCD14, CD64, CD16, HLA-DR, and CD86 on sputum monocytes in a dose-dependent manner.ConclusionsThis study confirmed and extended data demonstrating the protective effect of FP against O3-induced airway inflammation and immune cell activation

    Ab-Externo AAV-Mediated Gene Delivery to the Suprachoroidal Space Using a 250 Micron Flexible Microcatheter

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    The current method of delivering gene replacement to the posterior segment of the eye involves a three-port pars plana vitrectomy followed by injection of the agent through a 37-gauge cannula, which is potentially wrought with retinal complications. In this paper we investigate the safety and efficacy of delivering adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector to the suprachoroidal space using an ab externo approach that utilizes an illuminated microcatheter.6 New Zealand White rabbits and 2 Dutch Belted rabbits were used to evaluate the ab externo delivery method. sc-AAV5-smCBA-hGFP vector was delivered into the suprachoroidal space using an illuminated iTrackTM 250A microcatheter. Six weeks after surgery, the rabbits were sacrificed and their eyes evaluated for AAV transfection using immunofluorescent antibody staining of GFP.Immunostaining of sectioned and whole-mounted eyes demonstrated robust transfection in all treated eyes, with no fluorescence in untreated control eyes. Transfection occurred diffusely and involved both the choroid and the retina. No apparent adverse effects caused by either the viral vector or the procedure itself could be seen either clinically or histologically.The ab externo method of delivery using a microcatheter was successful in safely and effectively delivering a gene therapy agent to the suprachoroidal space. This method presents a less invasive alternative to the current method of virally vectored gene delivery