75 research outputs found

    Epidemiological changes of hepatocellular carcinoma at the beginning of the twenty-first century: from the emerging role of metabolic diseases as etiological factors to the need of a revision of the staging system

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    Introduzione e scopo: la rapida diffusione delle malattie dismetaboliche sta modificando l’epidemiologia dell’epatocarcinoma (HCC). Scopo della tesi è, attraverso quattro studi, analizzare l’impatto di questi cambiamenti nella gestione clinica del paziente affetto da HCC. Materiali e metodi: quattro studi di coorte, condotti con analisi retrospettiva del database ITA.LI.CA. Studio 1:3658 pazienti arruolati tra il 01-01-2001 ed il 31-12-2012 suddivisi in base alla data di diagnosi:2001-2004 (954 pazienti), 2005-2008 (1122 pazienti), 2009-2012 (1582 pazienti). Studio 2:analisi comparativa tra 756 pazienti con HCC-NAFLD e 611 pazienti con HCC-HCV. Studio 3:proposta di quattro modelli alternativi al BCLC originale con validazione di una proposta di sottostadiazione dell’intermedio, considerando 2606 pazienti arruolati tra il 01-01-2000 e il 31-12-2012 e riallocati secondo gradi diversi di perfomance status (PS). Studio 4:analisi di 696 pazienti con HCC in stadio intermedio diagnosticato dopo il 1999 stratificati per trattamento. Risultati: studio 1:progressivo aumento dell’età alla diagnosi e delle eziologie dismetaboliche; più frequente esordio dell’HCC in stadio precoce e con funzione epatica più conservata; aumento della sopravvivenza dopo il 2008. Studio 2:i pazienti con HCC-NAFLD mostrano più frequentemente un tumore infiltrativo diagnosticato fuori dai programmi di sorveglianza, con prognosi peggiore rispetto ai pazienti HCC-HCV. Questa differenza di sopravvivenza si elimina rimuovendo i fattori di confondimento attraverso propensity analysis. Studio 3:il PS1 non è un predittore indipendente di sopravvivenza. Il modello 4 (considerando PS1=PS0 e con la sottostadiazione proposta), ha la migliore capacità discriminativa. Studio 4:i trattamenti curativi riducono la mortalità più della TACE, anche dopo propensity analysis. Conclusioni: l’aumento delle patologie dismetaboliche comporterà diagnosi di malattia ad uno stadio più avanzato, quando sintomatica, rendendo necessario stabilire un programma di sorveglianza. Inoltre per una migliore stratificazione e gestione dei pazienti, bisogna riconsiderare il ruolo del PS ed offrire un ventaglio di opzioni terapeutiche anche per il pazienti in stadio intermedio.Background and aim: the rapid spread of metabolic diseases is changing the epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Aim of the present thesis is, through four studies, to analyze the impact of these changes in the clinical management of patients with HCC. Materials and methods: four cohort studies, conducted with retrospective analysis of the ITA.LI.CA database. Study 1:3658 patients enrolled between 01-01-2001 and 31-12-2012 and divided by date of diagnosis: 2001 to 2004 (954 patients), 2005-2008 (1122 patients), 2009-2012 (1582 patients ). Study 2: comparative analysis of 756 patients with HCC-NAFLD and 611 patients with HCC-HCV. Study 3: proposal of four alternative models to original BCLC and validation of a proposed intermediate substaging, considering 2606 patients enrolled between 01-01-2000 and 31-12-2012 and reallocated according to different degrees of performance status (PS ). Study 4: analysis of 696 patients with HCC in intermediate stage diagnosed after 1999 and stratified by treatment. Results: Study 1: increasing of age at diagnosis and metabolic etiologies; more frequent onset of HCC in early stage and with more preserved liver function; increased survival after 2008. Study 2: patients with NAFLD-HCC show most frequently infiltrative tumour, diagnosed out of surveillance, with worse prognosis than patients HCC-HCV. This survival difference is eliminated by removing confounding factors through propensity analysis. Study 3: PS1 is not an independent predictor of survival. Model 4 (which considers PS0=PS1 and the proposed of substaging), has the best discriminative capacity. Studt 4: curative treatments reduce mortality more than TACE, even after propensity analysis. Conclusions: The widespread of metabolic diseases will involve an HCC diagnosis in a more advanced stage, when symptomatic, making it necessary to establish a screening program. T better stratify and manage patients, we must reconsider the role of PS and offer a range of treatment options for patients in the intermediate stage

    The Influence of Gd-EOB-DTPA on T2 Signal Behavior: An Example from Clinical Routine

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    In the literature, it has repeatedly been stated that the introduction of hepatospecific contrast agents in Magnetic Resonance Imaging prolongs the acquisition time due to the hepatobiliary phase, normally acquired 15-20 min after injection. Many efforts have been made to shorten the time-consuming protocols, and it was demonstrated that T2-Weighted Images (T2WI) and Diffusion-Weighted Images (DWI) acquired after Gd-EOB-DTPA show a comparable diagnostic capability to pre-contrast T2WI and DWI in the detection and characterization of hepatic tumors. Therefore, T2WI and DWI are usually acquired after the acquisition of vascular phases, in the dead time until the acquisition of the hepatobiliary phase. Unfortunately, contrast agents, especially Gd-EOB-DTPA, reduce the hydrogen nuclei's relaxation time and modify signal intensity. We report a case in which, due to these limitations of the acquisition protocol, two hemangiomas showed an inhomogeneous, low signal on T2WI and DWI that was not visible in a follow-up scan a few days later. In conclusion, when liver lesions of unknown nature must be characterized, and there is a lack of previous radiological investigations, it could be useful to acquire pre-contrast T2WI and DWI to avoid diagnostic confusion, especially in non-tertiary centers

    MRI Appearance of Focal Lesions in Liver Iron Overload

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    Liver iron overload is defined as an accumulation of the chemical element Fe in the hepatic parenchyma that exceeds the normal storage. When iron accumulates, it can be toxic for the liver by producing inflammation and cell damage. This can potentially lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as to other liver lesions depending on the underlying condition associated to liver iron overload. The correct assessment of liver iron storage is pivotal to drive the best treatment and prevent complication. Nowadays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the best non-invasive modality to detect and quantify liver iron overload. However, due to its superparamagnetic properties, iron provides a natural source of contrast enhancement that can make challenging the differential diagnosis between different focal liver lesions (FLLs). To date, a fully comprehensive description of MRI features of liver lesions commonly found in iron-overloaded liver is lacking in the literature. Through an extensive review of the published literature, we aim to summarize the MRI signal intensity and enhancement pattern of the most common FLLs that can occur in liver iron overload

    Comparison of pollutants effect on cutaneous inflammasomes activation

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    The skin is the outermost layer of the body and, therefore, is exposed to a variety of stressors, such as environmental pollutants, known to cause oxinflammatory reactions involved in the exacerbation of several skin conditions. Today, inflammasomes are recognized as important modulators of the cutaneous inflammatory status in response to air pollutants and ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. In this study, human skin explants were exposed to the best-recognized air pollutants, such as microplastics (MP), cigarette smoke (CS), diesel engine exhaust (DEE), ozone (O3), and UV, for 1 or 4 days, to explore how each pollutant can differently modulate markers of cutaneous oxinflammation. Exposure to environmental pollutants caused an altered oxidative stress response, accompanied by increased DNA damage and signs of premature skin aging. The effect of specific pollutants being able to exert different inflammasomes pathways (NLRP1, NLRP3, NLRP6, and NLRC4) was also investigated in terms of scaffold formation and cell pyroptosis. Among all environmental pollutants, O3, MP, and UV represented the main pollutants affecting cutaneous redox homeostasis; of note, the NLRP1 and NLRP6 inflammasomes were the main ones modulated by these outdoor stressors, suggesting their role as possible molecular targets in preventing skin disorders and the inflammaging events associated with environmental pollutant exposure

    Ubiquitination as a key regulatory mechanism for O3-induced cutaneous redox inflammasome activation

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    NLRP1 is one of the major inflammasomes modulating the cutaneous inflammatory responses and therefore linked to a variety of cutaneous conditions. Although NLRP1 has been the first inflammasome to be discovered, only in the past years a significant progress was achieved in understanding the molecular mechanism and the stimuli behind its activation. In the past decades a crescent number of studies have highlighted the role of air pollutants as Particulate Matter (PM), Cigarette Smoke (CS) and Ozone (O3) as trigger stimuli for inflammasomes activation, especially via Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) mediators. However, whether NLRP1 can be modulated by air pollutants via oxidative stress and the mechanism behind its activation is still poorly understood. Here we report for the first time that O3, one of the most toxic pollutants, activates the NLRP1 inflammasome in human keratinocytes via oxidative stress mediators as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 4-hydroxy-nonenal (4HNE). Our data suggest that NLRP1 represents a target protein for 4HNE adduction that possibly leads to its proteasomal degradation and activation via the possible involvement of E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR2. Of note, Catalase (Cat) treatment prevented inflammasome assemble and inflammatory cytokines release as well as NLRP1 ubiquitination in human keratinocytes upon O3 exposure. The present work is a mechanistic study that follows our previous work where we have showed the ability of O3 to induce cutaneous inflammasome activation in humans exposed to this pollutant. In conclusion, our results suggest that O3 triggers the cutaneous NLRP1 inflammasome activation by ubiquitination and redox mechanism

    Evaluation of the impact of transient interruption of antiangiogenic treatment using ultrasound-based techniques in a murine model of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Development of escape pathways from antiangiogenic treatments was reported to be associated with enhanced tumor aggressiveness and rebound effect was suggested after treatment stop. Aim of the study was to evaluate tumor response simulating different conditions of administration of antiangiogenic treatment (transient or definitive treatment stop) in a mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma. METHODS: Subcutaneous tumors were created by inoculating 5 7 10(6) Huh7 cells into the right flank of 14 nude mice. When tumor size reached 5-10 mm, mice were divided in 3 groups: group 1 was treated with placebo, group 2 was treated with sorafenib (62 mg/kg via gavage) but temporarily suspended from day +5 to +9, whereas in group 3 sorafenib was definitively stopped at day +5. At day +13 all mice were sacrificed, collecting masses for Western-Blot analyses. Volume was calculated with B-mode ultrasonography at day 0, +5, +9, +11 and +13. VEGFR2-targeted contrast-enhanced ultrasound using BR55 (Bracco Imaging) was performed at day +5 and +13 and elastonosography (Esaote) at day +9 and +11 to assess tumor stiffness. RESULTS: Median growth percentage delta at day +13 versus day 0 was 197% (115-329) in group 1, 81% (48-144) in group 2 and 111% (27-167) in group 3. Median growth delta at day +13 with respect to day +5 was 79% (48-127), 37% (-14128) and 81% (15-87) in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Quantification of targeted-CEUS at day +13 showed higher values in group 3 (509 Arbitrary Units AI, range 293-652) than group 1 (275 AI, range 191-494) and group 2 (181 AI, range 63-318) (p=0.033). Western-Blot analysis demonstrated higher VEGFR2 expression in group 3 with respect to group 1 and 2. CONCLUSIONS: A transient interruption of antiangiogenic treatment does not impede restoration of tumor response, while a definitive interruption tends to stimulate a rebound of angiogenesis to higher level than without treatment

    Years of life that could be saved from prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) causes premature death and loss of life expectancy worldwide. Its primary and secondary prevention can result in a significant number of years of life saved. AIM: To assess how many years of life are lost after HCC diagnosis. METHODS: Data from 5346 patients with first HCC diagnosis were used to estimate lifespan and number of years of life lost after tumour onset, using a semi-parametric extrapolation having as reference an age-, sex- and year-of-onset-matched population derived from national life tables. RESULTS: Between 1986 and 2014, HCC lead to an average of 11.5 years-of-life lost for each patient. The youngest age-quartile group (18-61 years) had the highest number of years-of-life lost, representing approximately 41% of the overall benefit obtainable from prevention. Advancements in HCC management have progressively reduced the number of years-of-life lost from 12.6 years in 1986-1999, to 10.7 in 2000-2006 and 7.4 years in 2007-2014. Currently, an HCC diagnosis when a single tumour <2 cm results in 3.7 years-of-life lost while the diagnosis when a single tumour 65 2 cm or 2/3 nodules still within the Milan criteria, results in 5.0 years-of-life lost, representing the loss of only approximately 5.5% and 7.2%, respectively, of the entire lifespan from birth. CONCLUSIONS: Hepatocellular carcinoma occurrence results in the loss of a considerable number of years-of-life, especially for younger patients. In recent years, the increased possibility of effectively treating this tumour has improved life expectancy, thus reducing years-of-life lost

    Development and Validation of a New Prognostic System for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Background: Prognostic assessment in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains controversial. Using the Italian Liver Cancer (ITA.LI.CA) database as a training set, we sought to develop and validate a new prognostic system for patients with HCC. Methods and Findings: Prospective collected databases from Italy (training cohort, n = 3,628; internal validation cohort, n = 1,555) and Taiwan (external validation cohort, n = 2,651) were used to develop the ITA.LI.CA prognostic system. We first defined ITA.LI.CA stages (0, A, B1, B2, B3, C) using only tumor characteristics (largest tumor diameter, number of nodules, intra- and extrahepatic macroscopic vascular invasion, extrahepatic metastases). A parametric multivariable survival model was then used to calculate the relative prognostic value of ITA.LI.CA tumor stage, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status, Child–Pugh score (CPS), and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in predicting individual survival. Based on the model results, an ITA.LI.CA integrated prognostic score (from 0 to 13 points) was constructed, and its prognostic power compared with that of other integrated systems (BCLC, HKLC, MESIAH, CLIP, JIS). Median follow-up was 58 mo for Italian patients (interquartile range, 26–106 mo) and 39 mo for Taiwanese patients (interquartile range, 12–61 mo). The ITA.LI.CA integrated prognostic score showed optimal discrimination and calibration abilities in Italian patients. Observed median survival in the training and internal validation sets was 57 and 61 mo, respectively, in quartile 1 (ITA.LI.CA score ≤ 1), 43 and 38 mo in quartile 2 (ITA.LI.CA score 2–3), 23 and 23 mo in quartile 3 (ITA.LI.CA score 4–5), and 9 and 8 mo in quartile 4 (ITA.LI.CA score > 5). Observed and predicted median survival in the training and internal validation sets largely coincided. Although observed and predicted survival estimations were significantly lower (log-rank test, p < 0.001) in Italian than in Taiwanese patients, the ITA.LI.CA score maintained very high discrimination and calibration features also in the external validation cohort. The concordance index (C index) of the ITA.LI.CA score in the internal and external validation cohorts was 0.71 and 0.78, respectively. The ITA.LI.CA score’s prognostic ability was significantly better (p < 0.001) than that of BCLC stage (respective C indexes of 0.64 and 0.73), CLIP score (0.68 and 0.75), JIS stage (0.67 and 0.70), MESIAH score (0.69 and 0.77), and HKLC stage (0.68 and 0.75). The main limitations of this study are its retrospective nature and the intrinsically significant differences between the Taiwanese and Italian groups. Conclusions: The ITA.LI.CA prognostic system includes both a tumor staging—stratifying patients with HCC into six main stages (0, A, B1, B2, B3, and C)—and a prognostic score—integrating ITA.LI.CA tumor staging, CPS, ECOG performance status, and AFP. The ITA.LI.CA prognostic system shows a strong ability to predict individual survival in European and Asian populations
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