4,124 research outputs found

    The COINS Sample - VLBA Identifications of Compact Symmetric Objects

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    We present results of multifrequency polarimetric VLBA observations of 34 compact radio sources. The observations are part of a large survey undertaken to identify CSOs Observed in the Northern Sky (COINS). Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) are of particular interest in the study of the physics and evolution of active galaxies. Based on VLBI continuum surveys of ~2000 compact radio sources, we have defined a sample of 52 CSOs and CSO candidates. In this paper, we identify 18 previously known CSOs, and introduce 33 new CSO candidates. We present continuum images at several frequencies and, where possible, images of the polarized flux density and spectral index distributions for the 33 new candidates and one previously known but unconfirmed source. We find evidence to support the inclusion of 10 of these condidates into the class of CSOs. Thirteen candidates, including the previously unconfirmed source, have been ruled out. Eleven sources require further investigation. The addition of the 10 new confirmed CSOs increases the size of this class of objects by 50%.Comment: 24 pages, incl 8 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Figure quality degraded in the interests of space, full gzipped PS version also available at http://www.ee.nmt.edu/~apeck/papers

    Implications of Food Subsistence for Monetary Policy and Inflation

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    The chapter introduces subsistence requirements in food consumption into a simple New Keynesian model with flexible food and sticky non-food prices. It shows how the endogenous structural transformation that results from subsistence affects the dynamics of the economy, the design of monetary policy, and the properties of inflation at different levels of development. A calibrated version of the model encompasses both rich and poor countries and broadly replicates the properties of inflation across the development spectrum, including the dominant role played by changes in the relative price of food in poor countries. The authors derive a welfare-based loss function for the monetary authority and show that optimal policy calls for complete (in some cases near-complete) stabilization of sticky-price non-food inflation, despite the presence of a food-subsistence threshold. Subsistence amplifies the welfare losses of policy mistakes, however, raising the stakes for monetary policy at earlier stages of development.</p

    Geological Surprises at Itezhitezhi Dam, Zambia

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    An outburst of warm springs together with the development of an extensive area of high pore-water pressures occurred during the first filling of the 50m high earth and rock fill Itezhitezhi Dam on the Kafue River in Zambia. These and other unanticipated events led to extensive geological and hydrogeological investigations that resulted in the implementation of unusual remedial measures. The remedial work was completed before the reservoir reached its full supply level. The dam has since performed successfully. The problems are reviewed in terms of the significance of the site geology. The hydrogeologic problems were found to be caused by the presence of a modified karstic terrane developed on a mineralized, faulted and deeply weathered bedrock of granite and associated rocks. Small differences between the river levels and the piezometric levels in deep porings contributed to a delay in problem identification. The problems encountered and their causes are thought to be without precedent

    Refractive Index of Humid Air in the Infrared: Model Fits

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    The theory of summation of electromagnetic line transitions is used to tabulate the Taylor expansion of the refractive index of humid air over the basic independent parameters (temperature, pressure, humidity, wavelength) in five separate infrared regions from the H to the Q band at a fixed percentage of Carbon Dioxide. These are least-squares fits to raw, highly resolved spectra for a set of temperatures from 10 to 25 C, a set of pressures from 500 to 1023 hPa, and a set of relative humidities from 5 to 60%. These choices reflect the prospective application to characterize ambient air at mountain altitudes of astronomical telescopes.Comment: Corrected exponents of c0ref, c1ref and c1p in Table

    Measurement of the ΔS=-ΔQ Amplitude from K_(e3)^0 Decay

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    We have measured the time distribution of the π^+e^-ν and π^-e^+ν modes from initial K^0's in a spark-chamber experiment performed at the Bevatron. From 1079 events between 0.2 and 7 K_S^0 lifetime, we find ReX=-0.069±0.036, ImX=+0.108_(-0.074)^(+0.092). This result is consistent with X=0 (relative probability = 0.25), but more than 4 standard deviations from the existing world average, +0.14 -0.13i

    SMA Imaging of CO(3-2) Line and 860 micron Continuum of Arp 220 : Tracing the Spatial Distribution of Luminosity

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    We used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to image 860 micron continuum and CO(3-2) line emission in the ultraluminous merging galaxy Arp 220, achieving a resolution of 0.23" (80 pc) for the continuum and 0.33" (120 pc) for the line. The CO emission peaks around the two merger nuclei with a velocity signature of gas rotation around each nucleus, and is also detected in a kpc-size disk encompassing the binary nucleus. The dust continuum, in contrast, is mostly from the two nuclei. The beam-averaged brightness temperature of both line and continuum emission exceeds 50 K at and around the nuclei, revealing the presence of warm molecular gas and dust. The dust emission morphologically agrees with the distribution of radio supernova features in the east nucleus, as expected when a starburst heats the nucleus. In the brighter west nucleus, however, the submillimeter dust emission is more compact than the supernova distribution. The 860 micron core, after deconvolution, has a size of 50-80 pc, consistent with recent 1.3 mm observations, and a peak brightness temperature of (0.9-1.6)x10^2 K. Its bolometric luminosity is at least 2x10^{11} Lsun and could be ~10^{12} Lsun depending on source structure and 860 micron opacity, which we estimate to be of the order of tau_{860} ~ 1 (i.e., N_{H_2} ~ 10^{25} cm^{-2}). The starbursting west nuclear disk must have in its center a dust enshrouded AGN or a very young starburst equivalent to hundreds of super star clusters. Further spatial mapping of bolometric luminosity through submillimeter imaging is a promising way to identify the heavily obscured heating sources in Arp 220 and other luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: ApJ. in press. 26 pages, 10 figure

    Disentangling the Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A: III. An Inner Molecular Ring, Nuclear Shocks and the CO to warm H2 interface

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    We present the distribution and kinematics of the molecular gas in the circumnuclear disk (CND, 400 pc x 200 pc) of Centaurus A with resolutions of ~5 pc (0.3 arcsec) and shed light onto the mechanism feeding the Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) using CO(3-2), HCO+(4-3), HCN(4-3), and CO(6-5) observations obtained with ALMA. Multiple filaments or streamers of tens to a hundred parsec scale exist within the CND, which form a ring-like structure with an unprojected diameter of 9 x 6 arcsec (162pc x 108pc) and a position angle PA = 155deg. Inside the nuclear ring, there are two leading and straight filamentary structures with lengths of about 30-60pc at PA = 120deg on opposite sides of the AGN, with a rotational symmetry of 180deg and steeper position-velocity diagrams, which are interpreted as nuclear shocks due to non-circular motions. Along the filaments, and unlike other nearby AGNs, several dense molecular clumps present low HCN/HCO+(4-3) ratios (~0.5). The filaments abruptly end in the probed transitions at r = 20pc from the AGN, but previous near-IR H2 (J=1-0) S(1) maps show that they continue in an even ~1000 K), winding up in the form of nuclear spirals, and forming an inner ring structure with another set of symmetric filaments along the N-S direction and within r = 10pc. The molecular gas is governed primarily by non-circular motions, being the successive shock fronts at different scales where loss of angular momentum occurs, a mechanism which may feed efficiently powerful radio galaxies down to parsec scales.Comment: 46 pages. Accepted for publication in Ap

    X-ray emission from massive stars in Cyg OB2

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    We report on the analysis of the Chandra-ACIS data of O, B and WR stars in the young association Cyg OB2. X-ray spectra of 49 O-stars, 54 B-stars and 3 WR-stars are analyzed and for the brighter sources, the epoch dependence of the X-ray fluxes is investigated. The O-stars in Cyg\,OB2 follow a well-defined scaling relation between their X-ray and bolometric luminosities: log(Lx/Lbol) = -7.2 +/- 0.2. This relation is in excellent agreement with the one previously derived for the Carina OB1 association. Except for the brightest O-star binaries, there is no general X-ray overluminosity due to colliding winds in O-star binaries. Roughly half of the known B-stars in the surveyed field are detected, but they fail to display a clear relationship between Lx and Lbol. Out of the three WR stars in Cyg OB2, probably only WR144 is itself responsible for the observed level of X-ray emission, at a very low log(Lx/Lbol) = -8.8 +/- 0.2. The X-ray emission of the other two WR-stars (WR145 and 146) is most probably due to their O-type companion along with a moderate contribution from a wind-wind interaction zone.Comment: Accepted for an ApJS Special Issue devoted to the Chandra Cygnus OB2 Legacy Surve

    Searches for New Quarks and Leptons Produced in Z-Boson Decay

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    We have searched for events with new-particle topologies in 390 hadronic Z decays with the Mark II detector at the SLAC Linear Collider. We place 95%-confidence-level lower limits of 40.7 GeV/c^2 for the top-quark mass, 42.0 GeV/c^2 for the mass of a fourth-generation charge - 1/3 quark, and 41.3 GeV/c^2 for the mass of an unstable Dirac neutral lepton

    Measurement of Z Decays into Lepton Pairs

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    We present measurements by the Mark II experiment of the ratios of the leptonic partial widths of the Z boson to the hadronic partial width. The results are Γ_(ee)/Γ_(had)=0.037_(-0.012^()+0.016),Γ_(µµ)/Γ_(had)=0.053-_(0.015)^(+0.020), and Γ_(ττ)/Γ_(had)=0.066_(-0.017)^(+0.021), in good agreement with the standard-model prediction of 0.048. From the average leptonic width result, Γ_(ll)/Γ_(had)=0.053_(-0.009)^(+0.010), we derive Γ_(had)=1.56_(-0.24)^(+0.28) GeV. We find for the vector coupling constants of the tau and muon v_τ^2=0.31±0.31_(-0.30)^(+0.43) and v_μ^2=0.05±0.30_(-0.23)^(+0.34)