34 research outputs found

    Funkcionalni poremećaji Å”titaste žlezde u farmaceutskoj praksi - kako možemo pomoći naÅ”im pacijentima?

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    Functional thyroid disorders (hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism) are amongst the most common endocrine disorders pharmacists encounter on a daily basis. They are highly prevalent in iodine-replete areas, and affect women about 10 times more often than man. Hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency) is usually caused by Hashimotoā€™s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder that leads to gradual thyroid destruction. The drug-of-choice for treating hypothyroidism is levothyroxine, a synthetic form of thyroxine. Key points which need to be discussed with patients who are prescribed levothyroxine for the first time are when/how to administer this drug, how its effects are monitored, what drugs may affect its efficacy, and the importance of properly treating hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Hyperthyroidism (increased production of thyroid hormones) is most often caused by Gravesā€™ disease, another thyroid autoimmune disorder in which stimulatory autoantibodies against the TSH receptor lead to increased thyroid function. Gravesā€™ disease is most commonly treated with thionamide drugs (thiamazole, carbimazole or propylthiouracil) and patients using these drugs should be advised on the monitoring requirements, duration of treatment, and how to recognize possible serious adverse effects (agranulocytosis and hepatotoxicity), and informed that these drugs must be used during pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of adverse outcomes for the mother and baby.Funkcionalni poremećaji Å”titaste žlezde (hipotiroidizam i hipertiroidizam) spadaju u najčeŔće endokrine poremećaje sa kojima se farmaceuti svakodnevno susreću. Ovi poremećaji su veoma prevalentni u područjima sa adekvatnim unosom joda i pogađaju žene oko 10 puta čeŔće nego muÅ”karce. Hipotiroidizam (nedostatak tiroidnih hormona) je obično posledica HaÅ”imotovog tiroiditisa, autoimunskog poremećaja koji dovodi do postepene destrukcije Å”titaste žlezde. Lek izbora za lečenje hipotiroidizma je levotiroksin, sintetski oblik hormona tiroksina. Ključne tačke o kojima treba razgovarati sa pacijentima kojima je prvi put propisan levotiroksin su kada/kako da se primeni ovaj lek, kako se prate njegovi efekti, koji lekovi mogu uticati na njegovu efikasnost i važnost pravilnog lečenja hipotiroidizma tokom trudnoće. Hipertiroidizam (povećana proizvodnja tiroidnih hormona) najčeŔće je uzrokovan Grejvsovom boleŔću, joÅ” jednim autoimunskim poremećajem Å”titaste žlezde, u kojem stimulatorna autoantitela na TSH receptore dovode do povećane funkcije Å”titaste žlezde. Grejvsova bolest se najčeŔće leči tioamidima (tiamazol, karbimazol, propiltiouracil), a pacijenti koji koriste ove lekove treba da budu obaveÅ”teni o načinu praćenja efikasnosti, trajanju lečenja, kako da prepoznaju moguće ozbiljne neželjene efekte (agranulocitozu i hepatotoksičnost), kao i da se ovi lekovi moraju koristiti tokom trudnoće kako bi se smanjio rizik od Å”tetnih ishoda za majku i bebu

    CGRP antagonisti i terapija migrene ā€“ novi heroji protiv starog neprijatelja

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    Migraine is one of the most common neurological diseases and about 20% of patients suffer from frequent episodic or chronic forms of the disease, which represent a significant global cause of chronic disability. Despite its high prevalence, the pathophysiology of migraine is still not completely understood. However, it has been known for several decades that the development of migraine attacks is dependent on the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), a neuropeptide that modulates nociceptive signaling within neuronal pathways important for migraine pain. Drugs that reduce the effects of CGRP (CGRP antagonists) have recently become available and include small-molecule CGRP-receptor antagonists (so-called gepants) that are approved for acute treatment and/or prevention of migraine attacks (ubrogepant, atogepant, rimegepant), as well as monoclonal antibodies, which are approved for prevention of migraine attacks (anti-CGRP antibodies: fremanezumab, galcanezumab, eptinezumab; anti-CGRP receptor antibody: erenumab). The effectiveness of gepants in alleviating migraine attacks is somewhat lower compared to triptans (standard drugs for treating migraine attacks), but gepants are considered safer than triptans with regard to cardiovascular side effects and the risk of medication-overuse headache. Monoclonal anti- CGRP antibodies have been shown to be useful drugs for patients who have not responded to standard prophylactic therapy (e.g., Ī²-blockers or antiepileptics), but their high cost limits widespread use. Although the effectiveness of CGRP antagonists has been unequivocally proven, it will take time to precisely define the role of these drugs in modern migraine pharmacotherapy, and it is especially important to examine the safety of their long-term use.Migrena spada u najčeŔća neuroloÅ”ka oboljenja i oko 20% pacijenata ima čestu epizodičnu ili hroničnu formu bolesti, koje predstavljaju značajan uzrok hronične onesposobljenosti na globalnom nivou. Uprkos visokoj prevalenciji, patofiziologija migrene je joÅ” uvek nedovoljno razjaÅ”njena. Međutim, već nekoliko decenija je poznato da u nastanku napada migrene veliku ulogu igra peptid srodan kalcitoninu (engl. calcitonine gene related peptide ā€“ CGRP), neuropeptid koji moduliÅ”e nociceptivnu signalizaciju u okviru neuronskih puteva značajnih za nastanak migrenoznog bola. Lekovi koji smanjuju efekte CGRP-a (CGRP antagonisti) su nedavno postali dostupni i obuhvataju antagoniste CGRP-receptora male molekulske mase (tzv. gepanti) koji su odobreni za akutni tretman i/ili prevenciju napada migrene (ubrogepant, atogepant, rimegepant), kao i monoklonska antitela koja su odobrena za prevenciju napada (anti-CGRP antitela: fremanezumab, galkanezumab, eptinezumab; anti- CGRP receptorsko antitelo: erenumab). Efikasnost gepanta u ublažavanju napada migrene je neÅ”to niža u poređenju sa triptanima (standardnim lekovima za tretman napada), međutim smatra se da su gepanti bezbedniji od triptana u pogledu kardiovaskularnih neželjenih efekata i rizika od izazivanja glavobolje prekomerne upotrebe analgetika. Monoklonska anti- CGRP antitela su se pokazala kao korisni lekovi za pacijente koji nisu odgovorili na standardnu profilaktičku terapiju (npr. Ī²-blokatorima ili antiepilepticima), međutim visoka cena ograničava njihovu Å”iru upotrebu. Iako je efikasnost CGRP antagonista nesumnjivo dokazana, za precizno definisanje uloge ovih lekova u savremenoj farmakoterapiji migrene će biti potrebno vreme, a posebno značajno je ispitati bezbednost njihove dugoročne primene.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Examination of effects, mechanisms of action and interactions of eslicarbazepine acetate and metformin in experimental pain models

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    Bol je kompleksno senzorno iskustvo koje ima jasnu zaÅ”titnu ulogu, ali pod određenim uslovima može da postane hronično stanje koje značajno naruÅ”ava kvalitet života. Postojeći analgetici, iako nesumnjivo korisni u terapiji različitih bolnih stanja, neretko su nedovoljno efikasni ili bezbedni. Zato postoji potreba za razvojem novih ili otkrivanjem efikasnih kombinacija postojećih analgetika kako bi se poboljÅ”ala terapija bola. Ciljevi ovog rada su bili ispitivanje efekata, mehanizama dejstva i interakcija dva potencijalna alternativna analgetika, antiepileptika eslikarbazepin acetata (ESL) i antidijabetika metformina u modelima inflamatornog i neuropatskog bola. Efekti ESL i metformina su ispitani u modelima inflamatornog trigeminalnog, visceralnog i somatskog bola, kao i modelu bolne dijabetesne neuropatije. Mehanizmi dejstva ESL u modelu trigeminalnog bola su ispitani farmakoloÅ”kim pristupom, koriŔćenjem antagonista receptora značajnih za modulaciju bola. Vrsta interakcije između ESL/metformina i analgetika u modelima inflamatornog i neuropatskog bola je utvrđena izobolografskom analizom. ESL i metformin su pokazali efikasnost u svim koriŔćenim modelima inflamatornog bola i u modelu bolne dijabetesne neuropatije. Utvrđeno je da ESL ublažava trigeminalni bol posredstvom serotoninskih 5-HT1B/1D, Ī±2/Ī²1-adrenergičkih, muskarinskih, CB1/CB2 kanabinoidnih i opioidnih receptora. ESL i metformin stupaju u aditivne ili sinergističke interakcije sa različitim analgeticima u modelima inflamatornog i neuropatskog bola. Efikasnost ESL i metformina u modelima bola bi mogla da ukaže na njihovu potencijalnu kliničku primenu kao analgetika. Dodatno, poznavanje mehanizama dejstva ESL može doprineti uspeÅ”noj primeni ovog leka u terapiji bola. Na kraju, oba leka stupaju u povoljne interakcije sa postojećim analgeticima. Ovaj nalaz ukazuje na potencijalno bolju efikasnost i/ili bezbednost kombinovane u odnosu na monoterapiju, kao i koji analgetici bi mogli biti povoljan izbor za lečenje bola kod ljudi koji već primenjuju ESL/metformin zbog komorbiditeta.Pain is a complex sensory experience, which has a clear protective role, but under certain circumstances pain can become a chronic condition that significantly impairs the quality of life. Existing analgesics, although undoubtedly useful in the treatment of various painful conditions, are often insufficiently effective or safe. Therefore, there is a need to develop new drugs or to discover effective combinations of existing drugs in order to improve pain therapy. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects, mechanisms of action, and interactions of two potential alternative analgesics, the antiepileptic eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) and the antidiabetic metformin in models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. The effects of ESL and metformin were examined in models of inflammatory trigeminal, visceral and somatic pain, as well as in a model of painful diabetic neuropathy. The mechanisms of action of ESL in the model of trigeminal pain were examined by a pharmacological approach, using antagonists of different receptors important for pain modulation. The type of interaction between ESL/metformin and analgesics in models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain was determined using isobolographic analysis. ESL and metformin were effective in all models of inflammatory pain that were used, as well as in the model of painful diabetic neuropathy. ESL was found to relieve trigeminal pain by activating serotonin 5-HT1B/1D, Ī±2/Ī²1-adrenergic, muscarinic, CB1/CB2 cannabinoid and opioid receptors. ESL and metformin interacted in an additive or synergistic manner with different analgesics in models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. The efficacy of ESL and metformin in pain models may indicate their potential clinical application as analgesics. In addition, knowledge of the mechanisms of action of ESL may contribute to the successful use of this drug in the treatment of pain. Finally, both drugs interact favorably with existing analgesics. This finding indicates potentially better efficacy and/or safety of combination therapy compared to monotherapy, as well as which analgesics could be a favorable choice for the treatment of pain in people already using ESL/metformin due to comorbidities

    Lekovi i nefarmakoloŔke mere za ublažavanje simptoma infekcija respiratornog trakta u pedijatrijskoj populaciji

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    In the pediatric population, acute respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are the most common reason for seeking professional help from a physician or a pharmacist. Alleviation of symptoms is the only therapeutic measure in viral RTIs and is an adjunct to antibiotic therapy in bacterial RTIs. This article discusses pharmacologic and non- pharmacologic options for treating nasal congestion, cough, fever and sore throat in RTIs and clinical evidence on their efficacy and safety in the pediatric population. In general, clinical studies conducted in children for most of these drug groups are few or nonexistent, making it difficult to create evidence-based recommendations. Nasal decongestants, cough suppressants, mucolytics, expectorants, antipyretics/analgesics and sore throat local preparations are available in suitable pharmaceutical forms and strengths for the certain age. As many of them are over-the-counter (OTC) preparations, it is necessary to strictly take into account the age of the child in whom they may be used and dose properly. Multicomponent preparations carry the risk of taking unnecessary medications and of their side effects. The use of multiple OTC medicines is associated with the risk of an overdose of a component that may be present in different preparations. Appropriate non-pharmacological measures (e.g. oral hydration, nasal saline application or irrigation, honey) may be helpful and should be used whenever possible due to their safety.U pedijatrijskoj populaciji, akutne infekcije respiratornog trakta (IRT) su najčeŔći razlog traženja stručne pomoći od lekara ili farmaceuta. Ublažavanje simptoma je jedina terapijska mera kod virusnih i dodatak je antibiotskoj terapiji kod bakterijskih IRT. Ovaj članak govori o farmakoloÅ”kim i nefarmakoloÅ”kim opcijama za lečenje nazalne kongestije, kaÅ”lja, poviÅ”ene telesne temperature i upale grla kod IRT i kliničkim dokazima o njihovoj efikasnosti i bezbednosti u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. UopÅ”teno govoreći, kliničke studije sprovedene kod dece za većinu ovih grupa lekova su malobrojne ili ih uopÅ”te nema, Å”to otežava pripremu preporuka zasnovanih na dokazima. Dostupni su nazalni dekongestivi, antitusici, mukolitici, ekspektoransi, antipiretici/analgetici i lokalni preparati za ublažavanje simptoma upale grla, u odgovarajućim farmaceutskim oblicima i jačinama za određeni uzrast. Kako se mnogi od njih izdaju bez lekarskog recepta (OTC), potrebno je striktno voditi računa o uzrastu deteta u kome se smeju koristiti i pravilnom doziranju. ViÅ”ekomponentni preparati nose rizik od primene nepotrebnih lekova i njihovih neželjenih efekata. Primena viÅ”e OTC lekova nosi rizik od predoziranja komponente koja može biti sastojak različitih preparata. Odgovarajuće nefarmakoloÅ”ke mere (npr. oralna hidratacija, primena fizioloÅ”kog rastvora u nos ili ispiranje nosa, med) mogu biti od pomoći i treba ih koristiti kad god je to moguće zbog njihove bezbednosti

    Neopioidni analgetici u savremenom lečenju bola

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    Pain is a symptom of most diseases that can significantly impair the patient's quality of life. In many diseases it is impossible to eliminate the cause of pain therefore the real goal of treatment is the removal of pain as a symptom, by application of analgesics. Contemporary pharmacotherapy employs conventional (opioid and non-opioid analgesics - NSAIDs and paracetamol) and adjuvant analgesics (antiepileptics, antidepressants and others). Analgesic effect of non-opioid analgesics is mainly the consequence of prostaglandin synthesis inhibition. They are effective for pain of mild/moderate intensity. In acute pain there is no difference in efficiency between NSAIDs and paracetamol, so the choice of the drug is individual. In chronic pain, when inflammation is present, NSAIDs are more effective than paracetamol. Long-term use of high doses of NSAIDs is often accompanied by side effects. In order to reduce their frequency, a careful assessment of risk for each patient should be made, a drug with a low risk of certain side effects should be chosen, the dose and duration of treatment should be limited and the possibility of topical application should be considered. The need for long-term use of NSAIDs should be reviewed periodically.Bol je simptom većine oboljenja koji može značajno naruÅ”iti kvalitet života pacijenta. Kod mnogih oboljenja nemoguće je otkloniti uzrok bola, stoga je realni cilj lečenja uklanjanje bola kao simptoma, primenom analgetika. Savremena farmakoterapija raspolaže klasičnim (opioidni i ne-opiodini analgetici: NSAIL i paracetamol) i adjuvantnim analgeticima (antiepileptici, antidepresivi i drugi). Analgetičko dejstvo ne-opioidnih analgetika uglavnom je posledica inhibicije sinteze prostaglandina. Efikasni su kod bola blagog/umerenog intenziteta. Kod akutnog bola nema razlike u efikasnosti između NSAIL i paracetamola pa je izbor leka individualan. NSAIL su efikasniji kod hroničnih bolnih stanja u kojima je prisutna inflamacija, ali njihovu dugotrajnu primenu često prate neželjena dejstva. Kako bi se smanjila učestalost neželjenih efekata NSAIL, treba izvrÅ”iti pažljivu procenu rizika za svakog pacijenta, odabrati lek sa niskim rizikom za određeno neželjeno dejstvo, ograničiti dozu i trajanje tretmana i razmotriti mogućnost topikalne primene. Potrebu za dugotrajnom primenom NSAIL treba povremeno preispitivati

    Synergism between metformin and analgesics/vitamin B12 in a model of painful diabetic neuropathy

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    Metformin (a widely used antidiabetic drug) has demonstrated efficacy in models of painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN), as well as certain clinical efficacy in relieving/preventing PDN. This study aimed to determine the type of interaction between metformin and duloxetine/oxycodone/eslicarbazepine acetate [ESL]/vitamin B12 in relieving diabetic pain hypersensitivity. Antihyperalgesic efficacy was determined using a Von Frey apparatus in mice with streptozotocin-induced PDN. We examined metforminā€™s efficacy following oral (acute and prolonged 7-day treatment) and local (spinal and peripheral) application. The examined analgesics were administered in a single oral dose, whereas vitamin B12 was intraperitoneally administered for 7 days. In combination experiments, metformin (prolonged treatment) and analgesics/vitamin B12 were co-administered in fixed-dose fractions of their ED50 values and the type of interaction was determined using isobolographic analysis. Metformin produced dose-dependent antihyperalgesic effects in diabetic mice after oral (acute and prolonged 7-day treatment) and local spinal/peripheral application. Two-drug metformin combinations with analgesics/vitamin B12 also dose- dependently reduced mechanical hyperalgesia. The isobolographic analysis revealed that metformin synergises with analgesics/vitamin B12, with a 6ā€“7 fold dose reduction of both drugs in the examined combinations. In conclusion, metformin reduces hyperalgesia in diabetic animals, most likely by acting at the spinal and pe- ripheral level. Additionally, it synergizes with duloxetine/oxycodone/ESL/vitamin B12 in reducing hyperalgesia. Metformin co-treatment may increase analgesic efficacy and enable the use of lower (and potentially safer) analgesic doses for treating PDN. Combined metformin-vitamin B12 use may provide more effective pain relief and mitigate metformin-induced vitamin B12 deficiency

    Multimodalna kontrola hroničnog bola i komorbiditeta sa atipičnim analgeticima ā€,,viÅ”e muva jednim udarcemā€œ

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common rheumatic disease, affecting over 300 million people worldwide. It causes chronic pain, disability and is commonly associated with comorbid diseases (CMD) that cause worse health outcomes, more complex management, and increased healthcare costs. Current treatments (typical/atypical analgesics) have limited efficacy and/or tolerability and usually do not affect or can even worse CMD. In era of longer life expectancy, extended professional life and reduced pension funds in Serbia and Europe, there is a compelling need for maintaining functionality and working capability of older population. Our aim is to search for novel treatments that could concomitantly treat chronic pain and its major CMD: depression, cognitive impairment and/or cardiovascular disease (CVD). It was planned to test the effects of vortioxetine, a novel antidepressant with multimodal mechanism of action, on pain, depressive and cognitive-impairment behaviour and CV status in rat model of knee OA. Its effects will be compared to the effects of duloxetine, the only antidepressant used for pain relief in OA. Next, we will test the effects of 2-component combinations of vortioxetine/duloxetine with adjuvant treatments (regular exercise/metformin/nicotinamide), that showed the potential to alleviate pain, depression, reduced cognition and/or CVD in preclinical/clinical research. If proved effective and well tolerated, new treatment(s) could be implemented in clinical practice much faster and with significantly less investment, than those required to develop brand new drug, as they consist of drugs already approved for human use and safe, widely available and inexpensive non- pharmacologic measures.Osteoartritis (OA) je najčeÅ”cĢ a reumatska bolest, koja pogađa preko 300 miliona ljudi Å”irom sveta. Prouzrokuje hronični bol, invaliditet i obično je povezan sa komorbiditetima koji dovode do loÅ”ijih zdravstvenih ishoda, složenijeg lečenja i povecĢanja troÅ”kova zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Trenutno dostupne terapijske opcije (tipični/atipični analgetici) imaju ograničenu efikasnost i/ili loÅ”u podnoÅ”ljivost, i obično ne utiču ili čak mogu pogorÅ”ati komorbiditete. U vremenu kada su ljudski i radni vek produženi, a penzioni fondovi u Srbiji i Evropi smanjeni, postoji velika potreba za održavanjem funkcionalnosti i radne sposobnosti starije populacije. NaÅ” cilj je da pronađemo nove terapijske opcije koje bi istovremeno mogle da leče hronični bol i njegove glavne komorbiditete: depresiju, kognitivno oÅ”tecĢenje i/ili kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB). Planirano je ispitivanje efekata vortioksetina, novog antidepresiva sa multimodalnim mehanizmom delovanja, na bol, depresivno ponaÅ”anje, kognitivno oÅ”tecĢ enje i kardiovaskularni status pacova u modelu OA kolena. Efekti vortioksetina biće poređeni sa efektima duloksetina, jedinog antidepresiva koji se koristi za ublažavanje bola kod OA. Zatim će biti ispitani efekti dvokomponentnih kombinacija vortioksetina/duloksetina sa adjuvantnim tretmanima (redovna fizička aktivnost/metformin/nikotinamid), koji su pokazali efikasnost u ublažavanju bola, depresije, naruÅ”ene kognicije i/ili KVB u pretkliničkim/kliničkim istraživanjima. Ukoliko se pokaže da su efikasne i da se dobro toleriÅ”u, nove terapijske opcije bi se mogle implementirati u kliničku praksu mnogo brže i sa znatno manje finansijskih ulaganja u poređenju sa vremenom i ulaganjima koja su potrebna za razvoj novog leka, jer se sastoje od lekova koji su vecĢ odobreni za ljudsku upotrebu i bezbednih, Å”iroko dostupnih i ekonomski povoljnih nefarmakoloÅ”kih mera.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Efikasnost vortioksetina u modelu osteoartritisa kod pacova

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    Osteoarthritis is the most common rheumatic degenerative condition, with chronic joint pain being the major source of disability. Currently, available treatment options for alleviating pain are often ineffective and/or associated with unfavorable safety profiles (1). Vortioxetine is a novel multimodal antidepressant, an inhibitor of serotonin reuptake, but also an agonist, partial agonist, or antagonist of several serotonin (5-HT) receptors subtypes involved in pain modulation (2). The study aimed to examine the efficacy of vortioxetine compared to duloxetine, an antidepressant recommended for the treatment of osteoarthritis, in the rat model of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis was induced by intra-articular injection of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA; 2 mg/25 Ī¼L) in the right knee of male Wistar rats. Vortioxetine/duloxetine was administered orally for 28 days following MIA injection. The antinociceptive effect of vortioxetine/duloxetine was assessed using von Frey, acetone, and weight-bearing test. The influence of treatments on animalsā€™ well-being and motor performance was examined in the burrowing and rotarod test, respectively. Vortioxetine (2 and 10 mg/kg) and duloxetine (15 and 25 mg/kg) significantly reduced mechanical and cold allodynia, and improved weight borne on the ipsilateral hind paw in von Frey, acetone, and weight-bearing test, respectively. Vortioxetine had no significant effect on burrowing behavior, whereas duloxetine significantly reduced this inherent rodent activity. The rotarod test did not demonstrate a significant effect of treatment on motor performance/sedation. This study suggests comparable antinociceptive efficacy of vortioxetine with duloxetine, a referent drug, as well as a better impact on the animalsā€™ well-being of vortioxetine.Osteoartritis predstavlja najčeŔće reumatsko degenerativno oboljenje, praćeno hroničnim bolom, glavnim uzrokom onesposobljenosti pacijenata. Postojeće terapijske opcije za otklanjanje bola su neretko nedovoljno efikasne i/ili udružene sa brojnim neželjenim efektima (1). Vortioksetin je noviji antidepresiv multimodalnog mehanizma dejstva; inhibira transporter za preuzimanje serotonina, a deluje i kao agonist, parcijalni agonist ili antagonist različitih podtipova serotoninskih (5-HT) receptora uključenih u modulaciju bola (2). Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati efikasnost vortioksetina u poređenju sa duloksetinom, antidepresivom preporučenim za lečenje osteoartritisa, u modelu osteoartritisa kod pacova. Osteoartritis je indukovan intraartikularnom injekcijom natrijum-monojodacetata (MIA; 2 mg/25 Ī¼L) u desno koleno mužjaka pacova Wistar soja. Vortioksetin/duloksetin je primenjivan oralno svakodnevno tokom 28 dana nakon injekcije MIA. Procena antinociceptivne efikasnosti vortioksetina/duloksetina ispitivana je koriŔćenjem von Frey, aceton testa i testa raspodele težine (eng. weightā€bearing). Uticaj tretmana na dobrobit životinja (eng. wellā€being), kao i motornu spretnost ispitivan je u testu kopanja i rotarod testu, redom. Vortioksetin (2 i 10 mg/kg) i duloksetin (15 i 25 mg/kg) su značajno smanjili mehaničku i hladnu alodiniju, i poboljÅ”ali oslanjanje životinja na ipsilateralnu Å”apu u von Frey, aceton i testu raspodele težine, redom. Vortioksetin nije imao značajan uticaj na aktivnost životinja u testu kopanja, dok je duloksetin značajno smanjio ovu inherentnu aktivnost glodara. U rotarod testu nije pokazan značajan uticaj tretmana na motorne performanse/sedaciju životinja. Ova studija je pokazala da su antinociceptivni efekti vortioksetina i referentnog leka duloksetina uporedivi, kao i povoljniji uticaj vortioksetina na opÅ”tu dobrobit životinja.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    UčeŔće serotonergičkih mehanizama u antinociceptivnom dejstvu metformina

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    Metformin, a well-known antidiabetic drug, has been shown to possess analgesic properties in inflammatory pain models, but the mechanisms of its antinociceptive effects are not completely understood (1,2). We aimed to examine the involvement of serotonergic mechanisms in metformin-induced antinociception in a model of inflammatory pain, using the formalin test in mice. Firstly, we examined the antinociceptive effects of intraperitoneally administered metformin in the first and second phase of the test. Then, the involvement of serotonergic receptors was evaluated by intraperitoneally pretreating mice with a 5-HT1B/1D (GR127935) or 5-HT1A receptor antagonist (WAY100635). Further, we examined the effect of metformin after depletion of endogenous serotonin with a tryptophan-hydroxylase inhibitor (PCPA; applied intraperitoneally for 4 days). Additionally, to avoid misinterpretation of motor incoordination, we performed the rotarod test with the highest tested metformin dose. Metformin (50-200 mg/kg) produced significant and dose-dependent antinociceptive effects (17-81%) in the second (inflammatory) phase of the test. Pretreatment with antagonists significantly reduced the antinociceptive effect of metformin (150 mg/kg). GR127935 inhibited the effects of metformin by 67% (1 mg/kg) and 100% (3 mg/kg), whereas the inhibitory effects for WAY100635 were 19% (1 mg/kg) and 68% (3 mg/kg). Depletion of serotonin with PCPA (100 mg/kg/day) significantly reduced the antinociceptive effects of higher metformin doses (150 and 200 mg/kg). Metformin (200 mg/kg) had no influence on rotarod performance. This study demonstrates that 5-HT1B/1D and 5-HT1A receptors are involved in metforminā€™s antinociceptive effects and that metforminā€™s action on these receptors seems to be indirect (mediated by endogenous serotonin released by metformin).Metformin je dobro poznat antidijabetik, za koji je pokazano da poseduje analgetička svojstva u modelima inflamatornog bola. Međutim, mehanizmi njegovog antinociceptivnog dejstva nisu u potpunosti rasvetljeni (1,2). Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati učeŔće serotonergičkih mehanizama u antinociceptivnom dejstvu metformina u inflamatornom modelu bola ā€“ koriŔćenjem formalinskog testa kod miÅ”eva. Inicijalno su ispitani antinociceptivni efekti metformina, nakon intraperitonealne primene, u prvoj i drugoj fazi testa. Uključenost serotoninskih receptora je procenjena nakon intraperitonealne primene antagonista 5-HT 1B/1D (GR127935) ili 5-HT1A (WAY100635) receptora. U nastavku eksperimenata, efekat metformina je ispitan nakon deplecije endogenog serotonina, primenom inhibitora triptofan-hidroksilaze (PCPA; primenjen intraperitonealno tokom 4 dana). Dodatno, efekat najveće testirane doze metformina je ispitan u rotarod testu, kako bi se isključila mogućnost pogreÅ”nog tumačenja motorne inkoordinacije. Metformin (50-200 mg/kg) je pokazao značajno i dozno-zavisno antinociceptivno dejstvo (17-81%) u drugoj (inflamatornoj) fazi testa. Primena antagonista je značajno smanjila antinociceptivni efekat metformina (150 mg/kg). GR127935 je inhibirao efekte metformina za 67% (1 mg/kg) i 100% (3 mg/kg), dok su inhibitorni efekti WAY100635 bili 19% (1 mg/kg) i 68% (3 mg/kg). Deplecija serotonina koriŔćenjem PCPA (100 mg/kg/dan) je značajno smanjila antinociceptivne efekte metformina primenjenog u većim dozama (150 i 200 mg/kg). Metformin (200 mg/kg) nije imao značajan uticaj na performanse miÅ”eva u rotarod testu. Ova studija je pokazala uključenost 5-HT1B/1D i 5-HT1A receptora u antinociceptivnom dejstvu metformina, koje je verovatno posledica indirektnog uticaja leka na receptore (posredstvom oslobađanja endogenog serotonina od strane metformina).VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Aktivacija perifernih serotoninskih 5ā€HT1A i 5ā€HT 1B/1D receptora doprinosi antinociceptivnom dejstvu metformina

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    Several lines of (pre)clinical evidence have emerged that the antidiabetic drug metformin can alleviate inflammatory/neuropathic pain (1). Although the mechanism is not completely understood, there are reports that metformin can affect neurotransmitters involved in pain modulation, such as its ability to increase peripheral serotonin release (2). Here, we evaluated metforminā€™s efficacy following local peripheral administration in an inflammatory pain model and examined the potential involvement of serotonin receptors. We used the formalin test in mice, where we measured duration of nociceptive behavior in the first and second phase of the test. First, we examined the metforminā€™s antinociceptive effects following intraplantar administration. Additionally, the highest tested metformin dose was applied contralateral to the formalin-injected side, to exclude possible systemic effects. In the second part, we evaluated the effects of a 5-HT1A (WAY100635) and 5-HT1B/1D antagonist (GR127935) on the antinociceptive effects of a fixed, effective dose of metformin (antagonists were co-administered intraplantarly with metformin). Metformin (0.1-2 mg/paw) produced significant and dose-dependent antinociceptive effects (32-72%) in the second (inflammatory) phase. Contralateral application of metformin (2 mg/paw) had no significant antinociceptive effects. Both antagonists significantly reduced the antinociceptive effects of metformin (1 mg/paw). The levels of inhibition of metforminā€™s antinociceptive effect produced by WAY100635 were 56% (5 Ī¼g/paw) and 82% (7.5 Ī¼g/paw), whereas GR127935 inhibited metforminā€™s efficacy by 24% (3.75 Ī¼g/paw) and 80% (5 Ī¼g/paw). This study demonstrates that peripheral metformin application can produce antinociceptive effects against inflammatory pain and that activation of peripheral 5-HT 1A and 5-HT1B/1D receptors contributes to these effects.Postoje brojni dokazi iz (pre)kliničkih studija da metformin, lek iz grupe antidijabetika, može ublažiti inflamatorni/neuropatski bol (1). Iako mehanizam dejstva nije u potpunosti razjaÅ”njen, podaci ukazuju da metformin može uticati na neurotransmitere uključene u modulaciju bola, poput sposobnosti da poveća oslobađanje serotonina na periferiji (2). U ovom radu je ispitana efikasnost metformina nakon lokalne periferne primene u modelu inflamatornog bola, kao i potencijalna uključenost serotoninskih receptora. KoriŔćen je formalinski test kod miÅ”eva, u kome je mereno vreme provedeno u nociceptivnom ponaÅ”anju, u prvoj i drugoj fazi testa. Prvo su ispitani antinociceptivni efekti metformina nakon intraplantarne primene. Dodatno, najveća testirana doza metformina je primenjena kontralateralno u odnosu na mesto injektovanja formalina, kako bi se isključili mogući sistemski efekti. U drugom delu studije, ispitani su efekti antagoniste 5-HT 1A (WAY100635) i 5-HT1B/1D (GR127935) receptora na antinociceptivno dejstvo fiksne, efektivne doze metformina (antagonisti su primenjeni intraplantarno, istovremeno sa metforminom). Metformin (0,1-2 mg/Å”api) je ispoljio značajan i dozno-zavisan antinociceptivni efekat (32-72%) u drugoj (inflamatornoj) fazi testa. Kontralateralna primena metformina (2 mg/Å”api) nije imala značajan antinociceptivni efekat. Primenjeni antagonisti su značajno smanjili antinociceptivne efekte metformina (1 mg/Å”api). Stepeni inhibicije antinociceptivnog dejstva metformina koje je postigao WAY100635 su bili 56% (5 Ī¼g/Å”api) i 82% (7,5 Ī¼g/Å”api), dok je GR127935 inhibirao efikasnost metformina za 24% (3,75 Ī¼g/Å”api) i 80% (5 Ī¼g/Å”api). Ova studija je pokazala da periferna primena metformina proizvodi antinociceptivni efekat kod inflamatornog bola i da aktivacija perifernih 5-HT1A i 5- HT1B/1D receptora doprinosi ovom efektu.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učeŔćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra