83 research outputs found

    Charity in the russian orthodox church

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    Almost two thousand years ago the question was asked, "And who is my neighbor?", and Jesus answered it with the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10. 29-37), and so the idea of charity was inseparably linked with Christianity. However, it is almost a common opinion that Western Christianity and Russian Orthodoxy have quite different approaches to this item. According to that opinion, the Catholic Church had more concern about one's bodily needs and explicit welfare, while the Russian Orthodoxy paid less attention to the ''explicit man" and took more care of "the inner man". The Russian Orthodox tradition - though it has its own method in ascetism, apotheosis, general and private prayer - pays too little attention to the needy and deprived members of society. To raise the question about mollification of the deprived people's torments and to see it as a way towards the Kingdom of God seems alien to the very essence of Russian Orthodoxy. Did the Russian Orthodox Church ever refuse to help beggars and cripples? Or do the facts still show another picture? Since when did Russian Orthodox Church start to neglect that task? Which reasons have proved that charity has been unable to flourish in the Orthodox Church and especially Russian Orthodox Church as flourished her spirituality and arts: icon painting, choral singing, and church architecture? Let us have a brief outlook on the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and find out if there are any reasons to explain the reason

    Russian orthodox church to-day

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    After years and years of persecution, we can say that the continuing and all-embracing revival of church life of the Russian Orthodox Church is going on and the general tendency to the development of all aspects of her diocese, parish and social activities is becoming more and more vivid. There have been some most important events – landmarks of starting the new epoch of Russian Orthodox Church: 1988 – Celebration of the Festival of Thousand Years of Baptizing Rus. 2000 – The Archpriests Council: Canonization of the Tsarist Family of Nicolas II; Attitude to the other Christian Confessions; Social Doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church. There are 128 dioceses now (instead of 67 ones in 1989) and 19000 parishes (instead of 689 ones in 1989) in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church. ..

    Functional Materials for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

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    A review on the analysis of characteristics of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) is provided. DSSC design, materials that are used for the manufacture of functional layers and the characteristics of elements depending on their properties are analyzed. The basic disadvantages DSSC, the factors leading to their appearance, as well as solutions to eliminate or reduce the impact of these factors are revealed

    The steppe elephant Mammuthus trogontherii (Pohlig) from the Irtysh region near Omsk

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    A Pleistocene elephant skeleton was found in 1989 in the alluvial beds of the Tobolsk age on the Om River near the village of Ust’-Tarka (Ust’-Tarkskii District, Novosibirsk Region). The forelimbs and some thoracic and caudal vertebrae are not preserved. Judging from the heavy wear of M3/m3, this animal was about 50–60 years of individual age. The skeleton is about 3.5 m high at the withers. The geological age of the beds enclosing the skeleton and its morphological features suggest that it should be assigned to Mammuthus trogontherii


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    В статье рассматриваются возможности многостороннего использования текста белорусской народной сказки «Краденым сыт не будешь» для формирования различных компонентов коммуникативной компетенции иностранных учащихся.=In the article Belarusian folk fairy tale «You won’t get enough of stolen goods», that may be used as a source of important country-specific information, is discussed. So Belarusian folk tale is a good instrument for the developing of different components of language competence of the foreign students


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    В статье рассматриваются возможности многостороннего использования текста белорусской народной сказки «Краденым сыт не будешь» для формирования различных компонентов коммуникативной компетенции иностранных учащихся.=In the article Belarusian folk fairy tale «You won’t get enough of stolen goods», that may be used as a source of important country-specific information, is discussed. So Belarusian folk tale is a good instrument for the developing of different components of language competence of the foreign students

    Information and Educational Environment of the University in the Process of Training for the Federal Contract System of the Russian Federation

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    At the present stage of development of society the most important is the formation of a federal contract system. Formation of flexible accountable to society of lifelong learning providing current and future needs of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation is a priority of the state. In this context it should be a system of qualification evaluation of state and municipal employees, employees of state and local government agencies in terms of the relevant skills. As part of the Samara State University of Economics actively improving aspects of strategic development of business education. The University has the status of federal innovative platform that allows SSEU implement training and retraining of specialists in the field of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs. These programs are carried out and the use of modern information and educational environment of the University using e-learning technologies and telepresence, which has a positive impact on the process of preparation and its outcom

    The conceptual model of sustainable development of the rubal sector

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    On the one hand, the relevance of the studied issue is determined by growing lag of rural territorial units in socioeconomic development, and one the other by their significance in such important aspects of the country, as ensuring food supply security, preservation of the available land, production, ecological, demographic and human potential. The aim of the article is to develop the conceptual model of sustainable development of rural areas, which is based on the system of indicators of quality of living of rural population. The leading method for studying this issue is modeling, which allows to consider it as a targeted and organized process of formation of the concept of sustainable development of the rural sector of the regional economy using the example of the studies of experience of sustainable development of the Kinel-Cherkassky municipal district of the Samara region. The results: the analysis of consistence and tendencies of development of agrarian potential of rural areas of the Samara region was carried out for the purpose of implementation of the conceptual model of sustainable development and assessment of further prospects in the production sphere of the village; the main reasons for disproportion in sustainable development of rural areas of the Samara region are identified. The materials of this article can be used for theoretical conclusions, methodological developments and working knowledge in activities of bodies of the regional government and local self-government when developing the concept and programs of sustainable development of rural municipalities. © 2016 Belyaeva et al

    Assessment of critical success factors transformation in ERP projects

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    The high value of ERP projects for business, as well as the high risks associated with these projects implementation, requires studying the success drivers of ERP projects and developing a methodology to assess potential transformation of success factors into risk factors in a phased project diagnosis on different life cycle stages. The paper defines and systematizes the key factors, which influence the results of ERP system implementation. The main approaches used are as follows: logical modeling, statistical techniques, heuristic techniques, such as questionnaires, interviews of representative groups of IT project managers, human resource managers, heads of technical and business units, that allowed to authors prove the most important critical success factors relating to human resources management. Research of the 22 autonomous critical factors grouped by key players and activities; the authors defined two independent criteria that determine the nature of critical factors effects on project results and present a methodology to assess the potential human-related (“soft”) critical success factors of ERP projects and their transformation into factors of risk. The results could be of use to business executives, business consultants, managers and professionals, providing them with an effective tool to identify and eliminate causes that threaten the project success. © 2016 Pecherskaya et al

    Methodology of contract managers’ project competency formation in CPE

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    The paper defines and systematizes the key methods, which influence the results of continuing professional education (further referred to as “CPE”) implementation and quality control of CPE process. All this will allow providing coaches, tutors, business consultants, contract managers and professionals with an effective tool to identify and improve project competency of contract managers (contract officers, specialists in procurement further referred to as “contract managers”). The key methodused is a logicalmodeling, which allows to examine the problem of project competency formation as a purposeful and conscious process of forming professional skills of contract managers. The following approaches were also used: statistical and heuristic techniques, such as questionnaires, interviews of representative groups of contract managers. The authors introduce a study on key points in formation of project competency of contract managers at different levels: as a specialist in procurement and expert in procurement, according to professional standards, adopted by the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation № 625n and № 626n of 10.09.2015. The authors give some recommendations on project competency formation of contract managers, taking into consideration competency-based and business oriented training. The mentioned above approach in CPE, in authors’s opinion, contributes to the efficient development of competencies (competency clusters) of contract managers according to the expectations and interests of employers on the labour market. Aspects of project competency and stages of formation of such competency are considered from several perspectives. In order to cover above-mentioned issues the specially developed questionnaire was suggested by authors. The authors used a systematic literature review approach, starts with literature review, problems identification, selection process, assess, synthesize and write down the ideas proposed, and then make conclusions. © 2016 Pecherskaya et al