68 research outputs found

    The moduli stack of affine stable toric varieties

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    Let X be an irreducible affine T-variety. We consider families of affine stable toric T-varieties over X and give a description of the corresponding moduli space as the quotient stack of an open subscheme in a certain toric Hilbert scheme under the action of a torus.Comment: 10 page

    The Laser-only Single-event Effects Test Method for Spacecraft Electronics Based on Ultrashort-pulsed-laser Local Irradiation

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    The substantive laser method for studying the radiation hardness of semiconductor devices, not requiring calibration by ions, called ”local irradiation”, is described. The essence of the local approach is in irradiating the sample sensitive volume with the ultrashort-pulsed laser beam at some distance from its focus plane, where the beam becomes rather wide and divergent. Assuming the single-photon absorption, the relationship between the laser pulse energy and the excess charge actually generated in irradiated sensitive volume is obtained by accurate measurement of the electrical response, that makes possible to take into account non-uniform optical losses and avoid additional calibration by ions. Some results, obtained using both the front-side and the backside local irradiation of devices, are presented. Comparison with results obtained by traditional methods using focused laser radiation with subsequent calibration by ions showed that laser-only measurements, based on described local irradiation, give the correct estimates of radiation hardness parameters. Keywords: Ultrashort laser pulse, single-event effect, local laser irradiation, semiconductor device, integrated circuit

    Review of laser scanning methods for microelectronic semiconductor structures investigation

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    The development and widespread of high-tech microelectronic products impose increased requirements on the quality and reliability of microcircuits. The most effective methods for reliability improvement of electronic systems include diagnostic non-destructive testing (NDT) methods and selective destructive testing in special cases. Studies using visual inspection and electrical testing, consisting of functional and parametric testing, do not provide enough information to detect latent defects (for example, macro-defects in SiO 2 layers in CMOS chips) and to detect fakes and counterfeits. A fake integrated circuit (IC) may contain an undeclared malicious modification of the circuit, called hardware bugs. The common ICs studying tools are systems based on microfocus X-ray sources, scanning acoustic microscopes, optical and scanning electron microscopes, and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopes. Products destruction avoidance is a fundamental point, for example, for the technological process control in crystal manufacturing. Investigation of ICs using a light microscope is one of the most accessible and widespread method of microchip NDT. Semiconductor ICs structure scanning from the side of the device layer is limited by the shielding effect of metallization, since the metal is opaque for light. This limitation can be overcome by an alternative approach to microchip scanning based on irradiating the IC from the side of the substrate with laser sources in the near-IR range. This paper provides a brief overview of the major methods used in laser scanning microscopy to analyze the structures, responses, and features of the operating modes of semiconductor circuits. The main advantages and limitations in the use of optical methods are described, as well as what information about the product can be obtained as a result of laser scanning

    Hazards of Polyethylene Production and its Impact on Human Safety

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    В данной работе рассматривается производство полиэтилена на примере ПАО “Казаньоргсинтез”. На основании медицинских исследований описано влияние производственного процесса на безопасность и здоровье персонала. Предложены идеи по экологизации производства и повышении уровня соблюдения техники безопасности рабочими.In this paper, the production of polyethylene is considered on the example of Kazanorgsintez PJSC. Based on medical research, the impact of the production process on the safety and health of personnel is described. Ideas for greening production and increasing the level of compliance with safety regulations by workers are proposed

    Application of machine vision technology for focused laser effect accuracy improvement in microelectronic structures research and semiconductor microprocessing

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    Machine vision is a field of artificial intelligence that deals with processing images and videos using special algorithms. This allows devices to analyze visual information. Machine vision helps with tasks such as pattern recognition, image segmentation, object detection, and tracking. In microscopy, machine vision plays an important role, particularly in laser scanning microscopy (LSM). Laser scanning microscopy, laser scribing, and laser correction of the topology of semiconductor crystals are important technological processes in the production, control and adjustment of semiconductor crystals both on debug samples and as part of a test batch on a wafer. Laser exposure allows not only mechanically separate crystals, but also carry out more delicate and minimally invasive actions, in particular, adjustments to the values of thin-film resistors or burning of bridges necessary to adjust the circuit and disable unused blocks of the crystal. The paper lists the main parameters of the positioning system as part of the laser scanning setup, their impact on the quality of scanning and exposure to focused radiation at control points. The principles of machine vision algorithms when working with the image of the scanned object and the results of testing in the task of automated laser burning of bridges on a semiconductor wafer are described. Since the number of bridges can reach tens of thousands, and positioning systems have significant errors, machine vision allows you to correct the area and accuracy of laser exposure at any stage of scanning, which significantly improves the quality and efficiency of the process

    Development of Immune-Chromatographic Monoclonal Test-System for the Detection of <i>Yersinia pseudotuberculosis</i>, Serogroup I

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    Objective of the study was to develop monoclonal immunoassay for the detection of the pseudotuberculosis agent, serogroup I. Materials and methods. Specific components, that were used for immune-chromatographic test-system development were mouse monoclonal antibodies of hybrid cell lines, obtained to lipopolysaccharide antigen of the outer membrane of the pathogen’s «cold» variant (YP-101N2V4, YP-105S5A10); and rabbit anti-species antibodies against murine immunoglobulins. Particles, (30±2) nm in the diameter, were used to prepare colloidal gold-antibody conjugate. Antibody concentration for conjugation was 10-15 % greater than the D580 exit point on the plateau. For the production of immune-chromatographic test-system a set of membranes - MDI Easypack - manufactured by «Advanced Microdevice», India was deployed. Finished conjugate was applied onto the membrane by means of impregnation. Antibodies in the selected quantities were applied onto the analytical and control membranes via Dispensers. Substrates coated with the conjugate and ready-made working membranes were vacuum dried in a heat cabinet. Assembled immune-chromatographic test-systems were cut off 4.5 mm each and tested for specificity and sensitivity. Results and conclusions. Developed has been immune-chromatographic test-system for the detection of pseudotuberculosis pathogen, serogroup I. Utilized have been monoclonal antibodies of the hybrid cell line YP-105C5A10 in colloidal gold conjugate and monoclonal antibodies of the hybrid cell line YP-101H2B4 in the test line. The test-system allows for the detection of Y. pseudotuberculosis strains, serogroup I, at concentrations varying from 500 ths. m.c.·cm-3 (8 of the 11 strains under study) up to 4 million m.c.·cm-3 and does not identify closely related yersinia and heterologous microorganisms in quantities of 100 million m.c.·cm-3


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    Objective of study is to prepare hybridomas-producers of monoclonal antibodies to brucellosis agent antigens. Materials and methods. B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis strains from the State collection of microorganisms of the 48th Central Research Institute Affiliated Branch and BALB/c mice. Hybridization was performed as described by G.Kohler and C.Milstein in modification by Fazekas De St. and Scheidegger D. The study of specific activity of immune sera, hybridoma supernatants, ascites fluid, and monoclonal antibody preparations was performed using ELISA. Results and conclusions. Obtained and characterized have been hybridomas-producers of monoclonal antibodies to specific antigens of brucellosis agent. They are active and stable antibody producers in the repeated passaging both, in vitro and in vivo. Obtained have also been the ascites fluid and preparations of monoclonal antibodies of brucellosis agent. Carried out has been substantiated selection of antibodies which could provide for the most sensitive ELISA. It is established that the monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridomas 232B6H7, 232G12F7, 233B2C5 in combination with brucellosis rabbit immunoglobulins allow for the identification of microbial cells of type strains of various Brucella species in concentrations ranging from 0,25·106 mc·sm–3 up to 1,0·106 mc·sm–3 and gave negative results with cultures of heterologous microorganisms in the contents of 1,0·108 mc·sm–3. Hybridomas-producers of monoclonal antibodies are planned to be used for the construction and manufacturing of immunodetection test-systems

    Obtaining and Characterization of Hybridomas Producing Monoclonal Antibodies against Coronavirus SARS-CоV-2

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    The aim of the work was to obtain and characterize hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies to antigens of coronavirus SARS‑CoV‑2, promising for the construction of diagnostic immunochemical tests. Materials and methods. Recombinant nucleocapsid and receptor binding fragment of spike protein of SARS‑CoV‑2 were used for immunization of BALB/c mice. Antigens were absorbed on aluminium hydroxide gel and injected subcutaneously to BALB/c mice at a 7-day-interval. Immune splenocytes and myeloma cells SP2/0-Ag14 were fused by polyethylene glycol 1450. Cell cultures producing specific antibodies against nucleocapsid and receptor binding fragment were selected applying indirect ELISA in 96-well plates sensitized by desired antigens. Clones of hybridomas were obtained using the method of limiting dilutions. Production properties were studied through in vitro cultivation in 24-well culture plates. Immune-ascitic fluids were collected during the cultivation of hybrid cells in peritoneal cavities of BALB/c mice. Monoclonal antibodies were purified by affinity chromatography on protein A sepharose sorbent, conjugated with horseradish peroxidase, and tested for the possibility to be used in sandwich ELISA for detection of inactivated SARS‑CoV‑2 coronavirus strain “Isolate B”. Results and discussion. As a result of hybridization and selection of clones, hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies to nucleocapsid and receptor binding fragment of SARS‑CoV‑2 have been obtained. During the in vitro and in vivo cultivation the clones maintained the consistent proliferative and antibody producing activity. The application of monoclonal antibody 415D12 as a capture one and 411D12 antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase as a detector antibody in ELISA allows for identifying SARS‑CoV‑2 coronavirus at a minimum concentration of 1·103 PFU per ml

    Great Thinkers of Antiquity and Sports

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    Цель настоящего исследования — показать, как происходит формирование личности на примере древнегреческой состязательной культуры, Олимпийских игр. С помощью исторического, биографического, компаративного методов представлено своеобразие агональной культуры древних греков как одной из форм общения людей с богами и высших форм общественной жизни. Доказано, что занятия самосовершенствованием, физическим и духовным, осуществлялось для того, чтобы добиться расположения богов и стать достойным гражданином полиса. На конкретных примерах биографий великих мыслителей древности прослеживается эллинистическая система воспитания и обучения, которая строилась на гармонии интеллектуального и физического развития.The purpose of this study is to show how personality is formed at the dawn of the ancient Greek competitive culture, the Olympic Games. identification of historical, biographical, comparative methods, represented by the peculiar agonal cultures of the ancient Greeks as one of the forms of communication between people and the gods and the highest manifestation of life manifestations. It is proved that self-improvement, physical and spiritual, was carried out in order to achieve the location of the gods and become a worthy citizen of the policy. On specific examples of the biographies of the great thinkers of antiquity, the Hellenistic system of education and training, which was built on the harmony of intellectual and physical development, can be traced

    Development of Immuno-Enzymatic Monoclonal Tests-Systems for the Detection of Glanders and Melioidosis Agents

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    Objective of the study was the development of immune-enzymatic monoclonal test-kit for detecting glanders and melioidosis agents. Materials and methods. We used microbial cultures and hybrid cell lines obtained from the collection of the «48th Central Research Institute» of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Hybridoma cells were incubated in the peritoneal cavity of BALB/c mice. Preparations of glanders and melioidosis monoclonal antibodies were isolated from the ascetic fluids through precipitation with ammonium sulfate and purification by means of ion-exchange chromatography. Specific components of the test-kits were subjected to freeze drying in corresponding protective media. Study of diagnostic properties of the developed test systems was performed using ELISA. Results and conclusions. We have obtained preparations of monoclonal antibodies in vivo, as well as isolated and purified immunoglobulins from ascetic fluids. We also selected the pairs of monoclonal antibodies for manufacturing specific components. Experimental series of immune-enzymatic monoclonal test-systems allowing for specific detection of glanders and melioidosis causative agents in concentrations ranging from 0.5·106 CFU/ml and higher were made. The absence of cross-reactivity with closely related saprophytes and heterologous microorganisms in concentrations of 1,0·108 CFU/ml was shown. Demonstrated was the possibility in principle to differentiate between Burkholderia malleiand Burkholderia pseudomallei using ELISA. Test systems are promising for follow up state registration as medical products for in vitro diagnostics