39,104 research outputs found

    Sufficient Conditions for Tuza's Conjecture on Packing and Covering Triangles

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    Given a simple graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a subset of EE is called a triangle cover if it intersects each triangle of GG. Let νt(G)\nu_t(G) and τt(G)\tau_t(G) denote the maximum number of pairwise edge-disjoint triangles in GG and the minimum cardinality of a triangle cover of GG, respectively. Tuza conjectured in 1981 that τt(G)/νt(G)2\tau_t(G)/\nu_t(G)\le2 holds for every graph GG. In this paper, using a hypergraph approach, we design polynomial-time combinatorial algorithms for finding small triangle covers. These algorithms imply new sufficient conditions for Tuza's conjecture on covering and packing triangles. More precisely, suppose that the set TG\mathscr T_G of triangles covers all edges in GG. We show that a triangle cover of GG with cardinality at most 2νt(G)2\nu_t(G) can be found in polynomial time if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) νt(G)/TG13\nu_t(G)/|\mathscr T_G|\ge\frac13, (ii) νt(G)/E14\nu_t(G)/|E|\ge\frac14, (iii) E/TG2|E|/|\mathscr T_G|\ge2. Keywords: Triangle cover, Triangle packing, Linear 3-uniform hypergraphs, Combinatorial algorithm

    Hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for heating: A review

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    The debate on low-carbon heat in Europe has become focused on a narrow range of technological options and has largely neglected hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, despite these receiving strong support towards commercialisation in Asia. This review examines the potential benefits of these technologies across different markets, particularly the current state of development and performance of fuel cell micro-CHP. Fuel cells offer some important benefits over other low-carbon heating technologies, and steady cost reductions through innovation are bringing fuel cells close to commercialisation in several countries. Moreover, fuel cells offer wider energy system benefits for high-latitude countries with peak electricity demands in winter. Hydrogen is a zero-carbon alternative to natural gas, which could be particularly valuable for those countries with extensive natural gas distribution networks, but many national energy system models examine neither hydrogen nor fuel cells for heating. There is a need to include hydrogen and fuel cell heating technologies in future scenario analyses, and for policymakers to take into account the full value of the potential contribution of hydrogen and fuel cells to low-carbon energy systems

    Reconnaissance surveying of Bechevin Bay, AK using satellite-derived bathymetry

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    Recently, a remote sensing study has been conducted over Bechevin Bay Channel, Alaska as part of a collaboration project between NOAA and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The goal of the study to develop a procedure to prioritize survey areas and plan the annual deployment of Aids to Navigation (AtoN) along the channel. Bechevin Bay is considered a priority for marine surveying because it constitutes the easternmost passage through the Aleutians from the Bering Sea to the Gulf of Alaska. The channel is located in a mud flat area, where every winter the passage is closed due to ice cover. As a result, the path of the channel may change after sea ice has melted. Because of the geographic location of Bechevin Bay, many resources are required in order to conduct an annual survey to map the channel’s path. The surveys are typically conducted by the USCG buoy tenders using small boats and reconnaissance-style single beam lines. This paper presents the use of single-image satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) as an economic alternative approach. The study compares the performance using different band ratios. Datasets that were used in the study included Landsat 8 and WorldView 2 (WV-2) imagery

    Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Using Multiple Images: The Alaska North Slope Case Study

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    Currently, charting data in much of the U.S. Arctic North Slope is inadequate or nonexistent and most of its areas have not been updated since the early-1950s. Although the charting infrastructure is out of date, ship transportation (such as, fishing and transit between the towns) has increased. NOAA conducted a preliminary multibeam survey in 2013 that reached Point Barrow, AK. However, all the Arctic North Slope remained untouched. Previous studies have shown that satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) is a useful reconnaissance tool in tropical and sub-tropical waters in clear water conditions, especially over sandy seafloor. However, it is very difficult to extract good information over the Arctic using a single satellite image, especially over the U.S. North Slope. The glacial powder from land reduces the water clarity that limits the light penetration depth. Also, this turbidity is not uniform along the coast line and may affect the calculations. In this paper, a new SDB approach was developed that compiles multiple satellite images to extract only areas that were identified clear by comparison (i.e., minimum water clarity change between two satellite images). Preliminary results using Landsat 7 imagery from 1999-2002 and Landsat 8 imagery from 2013 are presented

    Strategies for estimating human exposure to mycotoxins via food

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    In this review, five strategies to estimate mycotoxin exposure of a (sub-) population via food, including data collection, are discussed with the aim to identify the added values and limitations of each strategy for risk assessment of these chemicals. The well-established point estimate, observed individual mean, probabilistic and duplicate diet strategies are addressed, as well as the emerging human biomonitoring strategy. All five exposure assessment strategies allow the estimation of chronic (long-term) exposure to mycotoxins, and, with the exception of the observed individual mean strategy, also acute (short-term) exposure. Methods for data collection, i.e. food consumption surveys, food monitoring studies and total diet studies are discussed. In food monitoring studies, the driving force is often enforcement of legal limits, and, consequently, data are often generated with relatively high limits of quantification and targeted at products suspected to contain mycotoxin levels above these legal limits. Total diet studies provide a solid base for chronic exposure assessments since they provide mycotoxin levels in food based on well-defined samples and including the effect of food preparation. Duplicate diet studies and human biomonitoring studies reveal the actual exposure but often involve a restricted group of human volunteers and a limited time period. Human biomonitoring studies may also include exposure to mycotoxins from other sources than food, and exposure to modified mycotoxins that may not be detected with current analytical methods. Low limits of quantification are required for analytical methods applied for data collection to avoid large uncertainties in the exposure due to high numbers of left censored data, i.e. with levels below the limit of quantification

    Quantum noise and mixedness of a pumped dissipative non-linear oscillator

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    Evolutions of quantum noise, characterized by quadrature squeezing parameter and Fano factor, and of mixedness, quantified by quantum von Neumann and linear entropies, of a pumped dissipative non-linear oscillator are studied. The model can describe a signal mode interacting with a thermal reservoir in a parametrically pumped cavity with a Kerr non-linearity. It is discussed that the initial pure states, including coherent states, Fock states, and finite superpositions of coherent states evolve into the same steady mixed state as verified by the quantum relative entropy and the Bures metric. It is shown analytically and verified numerically that the steady state can be well approximated by a nonclassical Gaussian state exhibiting quadrature squeezing and sub-Poissonian statistics for the cold thermal reservoir. A rapid increase is found in the mixedness, especially for the initial Fock states and superpositions of coherent states, during a very short time interval, and then for longer evolution times a decrease in the mixedness to the same, for all the initial states, and relatively low value of the nonclassical Gaussian state.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Comparison Criteria for Argumentation Semantics

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    Argumentation reasoning is a way for agents to evaluate a situation. Given a framework made of conflicting arguments, a semantics allows to evaluate the acceptability of the arguments. It may happen that the semantics associated to the framework has to be changed. In order to perform the most suitable change, the current and a potential new semantics have to be compared. Notions of difference measures between semantics have already been proposed, and application cases where they have to be minimized when a change of semantics has to be performed, have been highlighted. This paper develops these notions, it proposes an additional kind of difference measure, and shows application cases where measures may have to be maximized, and combined