74 research outputs found

    Reprodukcija gamuta u tehnikama digitanog tiska

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    U ovom diplomskom radu će se objasniti pojam gamuta te kako pojedini parametri utječu na njega prilikom otiskivanja u tehnikama digitalnog tiska. Glavni cilj svakog tiska jest postizanje Å”to vjerodostojnijeg otiska. Å to je mogućnost reprodukcije gamuta u tisku veća, veća je i mogućnost Å”to vjerodostojnijeg otiska. Odabrane su dvije najzastupljenije tehnike digitalnog tiska. Ink jet i elektrofotografija, na kojima je obavljen eksperimentalan dio. Za ink jet su odabrana dva tehnički različita stroja, Epson Stylus Photo R2400 te Roland Versa UV LEC 300. Za elektrofotografiju su odabrani, Indigo HP5500 te Konica Minolta C450, takoĎer tehnički različiti. Svaki otisak ja obavljen na dvije različite papirne tiskovne podloge. Agrippina 190 g/m2, ofsetni papir (ne premazani), te Magno Satin 200 g/m2, kunstdruck papir (premazani). Dobiveni rezultati, pokazat će kako se mijenja volumen gamuta (V) kroz ā€žink jetā€œ i ā€želektrofotografijuā€œ na različitim strojevima, te koje su razlike s obzirom na različitu tiskovnu podlogu Å”to je ujedno i cilj ovog rada

    Softveri za glazbenu tehnologiju u usvajanju nastavnih sadržaja na satovima glazbene kulture

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    The paper examines the use of music technology software in music classes among younger pupils.Ā  The sample consists of the fourth grade primary school pupils (E-65, C-64) from Serbia.Ā  The experiment was carried out in classes in which pupils\u27 intellectual processes (learning, attention, and memory) were encouraged through the use of music technology software. While the E group achieved better results regarding all examined parameters, a decline was recorded in the C group regarding some parameters.Ā  The results of this research also provide a basis for further research which would be aimed at pupils of all age groups. Ā  Keywords: music via technology, educational software, pupils\u27 achievementU radu se istražuje koriÅ”tenje softvera za glazbenu tehnologiju u usvajanju nastavnih sadržaja i realizaciji nastave glazbene kulture. Uzorak se sastoji od 129 učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne Å”kole podijeljenih u dvije skupine, eksperimentalni (E-65 učenici) i kontrolni (K-64 učenici). Eksperiment se temelji na konceptu nastave u kojoj se učenici potiču na poticanje intelektualnih procesa (učenje, pažnja, pamćenje) koriÅ”tenjem glazbene tehnologije. Rezultati ove studije pokazuju da postoji značajna razlika između dviju skupina u pogledu razine usvojenog sadržaja. Ovaj je rad temelj daljnjih istraživanja koja bi bila usmjerena na učenike svih uzrasta, kao korisnike novih tehnologija u nastavi glazbene kulture

    Connection of depression, anxiety and impulsivity with the way of using modern mobile phones among students

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    Introduction: There is growing evidence that confirms the addictive nature of using a smartphone. Also, there is evidence that shows the correlation between different psychopathological manifestations and tendencies with the addictive usage of smartphones. Aim: Within this research we are investigating effects of anxiety, depression and impulsivity in relation to addictive usage of smartphones. This research has three goals: 1) Researching the level of correlation between these personality characteristics, individual anxiety, depression and impulsivity and addictive usage of smartphones; 2) Detecting the ways in which anxiety, depression, and impulsiveness predict the addictive usage of smartphones. 3) Researching the total effect of these personality characteristics in relation to addictive usage of smartphones. Material and methods: Sample is composed of 482 students from University of Belgrade, 55.4% female. The research method is correlating and non-experimental. The data was collected by questionnaire method. For the anxiety was used questionnaire STAI-Y, for the depression - DL, for the impulsivity - BIS11 and for the addictive usage of smartphones -SABAS. Results: 1) All three personality characteristics are correlating on a statistically significant level with the addictive usage of smartphones, correlation ranging from 0.30 to 0.32; 2) Depression and impulsivity appeared as significant and independent predictors of addictive usage of smartphones, while the anxiety showed the redundant effect on prediction. Correlation between the anxiety and addictive usage is completely explained by the connection of two other predictors with criteria variable. 3) The research showed that the subjects who simultaneously have two or more enhanced characteristics are more inclined to addictive usage of smartphone. Conclusion: The research results implicate that the depression and impulsiveness represent significant predisposing factors for addictive usage of smartphones. More research is needed within the given subject with the goal of determining the causes and ways the given personality characteristics correlate

    Phosphate and nitrite - the most commonly used additives in the meat industry

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    Related to a Serbian-language version of the following article: [https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3925


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    At their young age pupils learn the contents of natural sciences by combining different methods and forms of work. This study examined the effect of computer-aided learning on the quality of pupils\u27 knowledge about the natural habitats. A total of 168 third grade primary school pupils (9-year-old) from the Republic of Serbia took part in this research (84 pupils comprising the control group and 84 pupils comprising the experimental group). Causal, descriptive and comparative methods were used in this study. Initial test, final test and retest were used as tools for the measurement of the pupilsā€™ knowledge about the habitats. On the basis of the results obtained, it was concluded that the experimental group of pupils, who had used computers in the learning process, obtained better knowledge about habitats, when compared to the control group of pupils who had been taught in the traditional way. The experimental group pupils achieved better results at the levels of application, analysis, synthesis and the evaluation of knowledge.Učenici već u ranoj dobi uče o sadržajima prirodnih znanosti povezujući različite metode i oblike rada. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja utjecaja računalno potpomognutog učenja na kvalitetu učeničkog znanja o životnim staniÅ”tima. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 168 učenika trećih razreda osnovnih Å”kola (devetogodiÅ”njaci) iz Republike Srbije (84 učenika činilo je kontrolnu skupinu, a ostalih 84 ispitnu). U analizi su upotrijebljene kauzalna, deskriptivna i komparativna metoda. Inicijalni test, finalni test i ponovljeno testiranje upotrijebljeni su kao sredstva mjerenja znanja o životnim staniÅ”tima. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da je ispitna skupina učenika učeći pomoću računala postigla bolje znanje o životnim staniÅ”tima, za razliku od kontrolne skupine učenika koja je podučavana tradicionalnim načinom. Učenici u ispitnoj skupini postigli su bolje rezultate na razini primjene, analize, sinteze i evaluacije znanj

    Effect of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging on the content of total volatile nitrogen and sensory evaluation of minced meat

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    Pakovanjem se produžava održivost mesa, odnosno sprečava kontaminacija i odgađa kvar. Pored broja mikroorganizama, pokazatelji kvara mogu biti sadržaj ukupnog isparljivog azota i senzorna ocena prihvatljivosti mirisa, zbog čega je cilj ovog rada bio ispitivanje sadržaja ukupnog isparljivog azota i senzorna ocena mirisa mlevenog mesa. MeÅ”ano goveđe i svinjsko mleveno meso, u odnosu 50:50 procenata, pakovano je u vakuum, modifikovanu atmosferu sa 20% O2/ 50% CO2/ 30% N2 i modifikovanu atmosferu sa 20% O2/ 30% CO2/ 50% N2, Čuvano tokom 13 dana, pri temperaturi frižidera od 3Ā±1Ā°C i ispitivano nultog, trećeg, sedmog, desetog i trinaestog dana. U sve tri grupe uzoraka mlevenog mesa desetog dana skladiÅ”tenja sadržaj ukupnog isparljivog azota bio je iznad preporučenih vrednosti (25 mg N/100 g), a najznačajniji porast zabeležen je sedmog dana skladiÅ”tenja. Veći sadržaj ukupnog isparljivog azota zabeležen je u uzorcima mlevenog mesa pakovanog u vakuum u odnosu na obe grupe uzoraka pakovane u modifikovanu atmosferu, ali bez statističke značajnosti. Senzorna ocena prihvatljivosti mirisa trinaestog dana dostigla je vrednost manju od preporučene kod svih grupa uzoraka mlevenog mesa. Zabeležene su veće ocene prihvatljivosti mirisa uzoraka mlevenog mesa pakovanog u modifikovanu atmosferu, u odnosu na uzorke pakovane u vakuum, ali bez statističke značajnosti.Packaging prolong meat shelf life, prevent contamination and delay spoilage. Beside number of microorganisms, indicators of spoilage can be the content of total volatile nitrogen and sensory evaluation of odour. The aim of this study was to investigate the content of total volatile nitrogen and sensory evaluation of odour of minced meat. Mixed pork and beef, in ratio 50:50 percent, was packaged in vacuum, modified atmosphere with 20% O2/50% CO2/ 30% N2 and modified atmosphere with 20% O2/30% CO2/ 50% N2, refrigerated at 3Ā±1 Ā°C and examined on zero, 3rd, 7th, 10th and 13th day of storage. In all groups of samples of minced meat total volatile nitrogen content was above recommended value (25 mg N / 100 g) on the tenth day of storage, and the most significant increase was found on the seventh day of storage. Higher content of total volatile nitrogen was found in vacuum packaged minced meat samples than in both groups of meat samples packaged in a modified atmosphere, but without statistical significance. Sensory evaluation of odour acceptability reached lower value than recommended in all minced meat group of samples on the thirteenth day of storage. Odour acceptability value of minced meat samples packaged in modified atmosphere was higher than odour acceptability value of vacuum packaged minced meat samples, but without statistical significance

    Laser interaction of interest for materials in systems and components in energy transformation in linear and nonlinear ranges

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    Materijali, sistemi i komponente za transformaciju energije su veoma različiti po dimenzijama i principima funkcionisanja. Nekoliko generacija u mnoÅ”tvu sistema i transformacija, proÅ”irilo se, čak generiÅ”ući nova imena od nekadaÅ”njih samo pretvarača, do aktuatora, senzora. Među savremenim sistemima i dalje su u upotrebi merni uređaji i komponente, koji se koriste u naučnim institutima, kompanijama, aplikacijama u mass-media primenama, ali i dugogodiÅ”nji fotomultiplikatori sa organskim i neorganskim kristalima. Tanki filmovi doživljavaju Å”irenje aplikacija i oblika. Pored rada nekih sistema, u ovom radu se razmatraju vreme života za razmatrane slučajeve, snopne tehnike i različite kombinacije tehnika. Razmatrani su neki režimi rada, kao Å”to su rad u Q-switch režimu, režimu slobodne generacije, i cw, kao i izloženost kratkim impulsima elemenata na bazi Si / solarnih ćelija i drugih savremenih materijala, koji se tiču transformacija energije. Razmatraju se povrede nastale određenim vrstama lasera.Material, systems and components for energy transformation are very different in dimensions and principles of operation. Several generations in a multitude of systems and transformations, have expanded, even generating new names, from former to actuators and sensors. Among contemporary systems, measuring devices and components, used in scientific institutes, companies, mass-media applications etc., but also long-standing photomultipliers with organic and inorganic crystals, are still in use. Thin films are experiencing expansion of applications and forms. Besides operation of some systems, in this paper are considered the time of life for considered cases, beam techniques and various technique combinations. Some operation regimes, as operation in - switch mode, free generation regime, as well as cw, are considered, as well as exposures to short pulses of elements based on Si / solar cells and other contemporary materials, concerning energy transformations. The damages caused with certain types of lasers are considered.11th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources : November 2-3, Belgrade, 2023

    Tea sausage - Safety and quality

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    Čajna kobasica je verovatno najzastupljenija kobasica iz grupe fermentisanih (sirovih) kobasica na tržiÅ”tu republika bivÅ”e SFR Jugoslavije. S obzirom na to da se nadev ove kobasice puni u creva užeg dijametra, proizvodni proces nije dug i omogućava proizvođačima brz obrt uloženog kapitala. Kobasica je jedinstvenog, blagog ukusa, dobro i lako se narezuje i prihvatljiva je za većinu potroÅ”ača. U radu su prikazane najčeŔće bioloÅ”ke i hemijske opasnosti koje se vezuju za ovu vrstu kobasice kao i pokazatelji kvaliteta ove kobasice koji su definisani propisima.Tea sausage is probably the most common sausage from the group of fermented (raw) sausages on the market in the republics of former Yugoslavia. Since the filling of the sausage is stuffed into the casings of narrow diameter, the production process is not long and allow the manufacturers a quick turnover of invested capital. Tea sausage has a unique, mild taste, it has good cutting and slicing characteristics and it is acceptable to most consumers. The paper describes the most common biological and chemical hazards that are associated with this type of sausage and the sausage quality indicators defined by regulations

    Uticaj izbora omotača na odabrane parametre bezbednosti i kvaliteta fermentisanih kobasica

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    The production of fermented sausages in households in our region has a long tradition, especially in Vojvodina and in some parts of Serbia (Sandžak, Zlatibor, Pirot). In this experiment, the impact of the selected casings (natural and artificial) of different diameters (broader or narrower) produced in the traditional way (uncontrolled conditions), used in the production of fermented sausages, on the microbiological status (total number of bacteria, total number of lactic acid bacteria, the total number of enterobacteria) and changes of physical properties (pH and water activity). The results show that the microbiological status depended on the diameter of fermented sausages, wherein the total number of bacteria at the end of the ripening was significantly higher in the sausage of a wider diameter as compared to the smaller diameter of the sausage. The average total number of lactic acid bacteria increased during the ripening process, and at day 31 of the testing statistically significant difference between the examined groups of sausages were determined. At the end of the manufacturing process, the smaller diameter sausages had higher pH value as compared to sausages of a wider diameter. The average value of water activity had a trend of decline among all groups of fermented sausages during the manufacturing process. The production of traditional fermented sausages, despite uncontrolled conditions, is justified not only because of the quality of these products, but also because of the authentic production which is an integral part of the tradition of our people.Proizvodnja fermentisanih kobasica u domaćinstvima na naÅ”im prostorima ima dugu tradiciju, posebno u Vojvodini, ali i u pojedinim delovima Srbije (Sandžak, Zlatibor, Pirot). U ovom ogledu je ispitan uticaj izbora omotača (prirodni i veÅ”tački) fermentisanih kabasica različitih dijametara (uži i Å”iri) proizvedenih na tradicionalan način (nekontrolisani uslovi) na mikrobioloÅ”ki status (ukupan broj bakterija, ukupan broj bakterija mlečne kiseline, ukupan broj enterobakterija) i promene fizičkih osobina (pH vred- nost i aktivnost vode). Rezultati pokazuju da je mikrobioloÅ”ki status zavisio od dijametra fermentisanih kobasica, pri čemu je ukupan broj bakterija na kraju zrenja bio statistički značajno veći kod kobasica Å”ireg dijametra u odnosu na kobasice užeg dijametra. Prosečan ukupan broj bakteija mlečne kiseline je rastao tokom procesa zrenja, gde su 31. dana ispitivanja utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između poređenih grupa kobasica. Na kraju proizvodnog procesa, kobasice užeg dijametra su imale viÅ”u vrednost pH u odnosu na kobasice Å”ireg dijametra. Prosečna vrednost aktivnosti vode je imala trend opadanja kod svih ispitivanih grupa fermentisanih kobasica, tokom proizvodnog procesa. Proizvodnja tradicionalnih fermentisanih kobasica proizvedenih u domaćinstvu i pored nekontrolisanih uslova, ima svoja opravdanja, ne samo zbog kvaliteta ovih proizvoda, već i zbog autentične proizvodnje koja je sastavni deo tradicije naÅ”eg naroda
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