4 research outputs found

    Update on radiactive iodine treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer

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    Radioiodine (RAI) therapy of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) has been used for more than seventy years. However, there is no consensus regarding indications, doses, procedures, and other aspects related to the clinical care of the patients considered for 131I therapy. Futhermore, in recent years the need for additional therapy with RAI in patients with DTC after surgery has been questioned, as has been done by the 2015 American Thyroid Association (ATA) guidelines. Guidelines that were not endorsed by the European and American Nuclear Medicine Societies (EANM and SNMIM, respectively), which led to meetings (Martinique Encounters) between EANM, SNMIM and the American (ATA) and European Thyroid (ETA) Societies. Two meetings have been held, in 2018 and 2019, in which some principles were established (Principles of Martinique). These principles and the results of the most recent publications, regarding the potential of RAI therapy in patients with DTC, will be the object of development in this work to carry out an update on the treatment of DTC with RAI.El tratamiento del carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) con radioyodo (RAI) se viene realizando durante más de 70 años. Sin embargo, no existe consenso en cuanto a indicaciones, dosis y otros aspectos relacionados con el cuidado de los pacientes. Es más, en los últimos años se ha cuestionado la necesidad de terapia adicional con RAI en los pacientes con carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) tras la cirugía, como lo ha hecho la guía ATA 2015. Cuestionamiento que no ha sido suscrito por las sociedades Europea y Americana de Medicina Nuclear (EANM y SNMIM, respectivamente), lo que ha dado lugar a se produzcan encuentros (Encuentros de La Martinica) entre la EANM, la SNMIM y las Sociedades Americana (ATA) y Europea de Tiroides (ETA). Se han celebrado dos encuentros, en 2018 y 2019, en los que se establecieron unos principios (Principios de La Martinica). Estos principios y los resultados de las publicaciones más recientes, en cuanto a la potencialidad de la terapia con RAI en pacientes con CDT, van a ser objeto de desarrollo en este trabajo para llevar a cabo una actualización del tratamiento del CDT con RAI

    PET-CT in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma and other aggressive histological subtypes

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    [EN]Introduction and objective: The aggressive histological subtypes of thyroid cancer are less common and have a worse prognosis than well –differentiated ones (DTC). The most important aggressive subtypes are Hürtle cell carcinoma (CHH), anaplasic and poorly differentiated carcinoma. In this review, we are going to evaluate the role of PET-CT, especially with 18F-FDG, in these aggressive histological lines, as well as in aggressive subtypes of DTC (tall cells, diffuse sclerosing…) and in radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Synthesis: Although the main indication for 18F-FDG PET in thyroid cancer is suspected recurrence, in patients with DTC with elevated serum thyroglobulin and radioiodine-negative whole-body scan (WBS), this technique has increasing applications in DTC. Likewise, 18F-FDG PET is also an efficient diagnostic tool in the study of anaplastic carcinoma, poorly differentiated and other aggressive lines It is recommended, in current clinical guidelines, as part of the initial staging in anaplastic, poorly differentiated, and invasive HCC. And it is increasingly used in other indications such as prognostic assessment, evaluation of treatment response, and even during the follow-up of high-risk patients. It is recommended, in current clinical guidelines, as part of the initial staging in anaplastic, poorly differentiated, and invasive HCC. And it is increasingly used in other indications such as prognostic assessment, evaluation of treatment response, and even during the follow-up of high-risk patients. The use of other PET tracers, such as 68Ga-PSMA and 68Ga-DOTATATE have not clearly demonstrated their clinical benefit over 18F-FDG. They are usually limited to cases in which it is necessary to assess the density of somatostatin analogs and PSMA receptors prior to metabolic therapy. Conclusions: 18F-FDG PET-CT is the most effective functional diagnostic technique in the study of poorly differentiated and aggressive thyroid neoplasms, since they show little or no avidity for radioiodine and however high affinity for 18F-FDG. The role of other PET tracers for the evaluation of these tumors is promising, although it still needs studies with a larger number of patients. t is recommended, in current clinical guidelines, as part of the initial staging in anaplastic, poorly differentiated, and invasive HCC. And it is increasingly used in other indications such as prognostic assessment, evaluation of treatment response, and even during the follow-up of high-risk patients. 18F-FDG PET-CT is the most effective functional diagnostic technique in the study of poorly differentiated and aggressive thyroid neoplasms, since they show little or no avidity for radioiodine and however high affinity for 18F-FDG. The role of other PET tracers for the evaluation of these tumors is promising, although it still needs studies with a larger number of patients

    Análisis de sobrevida en pacientes sometidos a angioplastia coronaria con balón en comparación a colocación de stent, diagnosticados de infarto agudo de miocardio...

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    Objetivo.- Analizar el perfil epidemiológico y la sobrevida de los pacientes sometidos a angioplastia coronaria con balón comparado a la colocación de stent coronario, hasta un año posterior al procedimiento, en el Hospital Vozandes de Quito, en el período del 2007 al 2009. Metodología.- Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo con el universo de pacientes que acudieron al Hospital Vozandes de Quito, con diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio y que se realizaron angioplastia con balón y/o colocación de stent durante los años 2007 al 2009 que fueron en total 417 pacientes, con quienes se realizó el perfil epidemiológico. Posteriormente, para el análisis de sobrevida se escogieron a todos los pacientes que permanecieron hospitalizados en la misma institución y que tenían registro de seguimiento posterior al año del procedimiento, quedando 130 pacientes..

    Medicina Nuclear: Diagnóstico de la patología de tiroides y paratiroides

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    Introduction and objective: Nuclear Medicine has a relevant role in the study of thyroid and parathyroid gland pathology. The aim of this work is to review the imaging techniques available nowadays in Nuclear Medicine, to study this pathology. Synthesis: Thyroid scinthigraphy is, even today, a useful tool in the study of thyroid pathology, such us in the thyroid nodule or in congenital hypothyroidism. SPECT-CT, compared to whole body scintigraphy (WBS) with radioiodine, improve the diagnosis and change the therapeutic management in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer, at the same time that, added to the parathyroid scintigraphy, it helps planning the surgery, especially in ectopic adenomas. PET-CT with FDG and other tracers has a relevant role in several indications and histology types of thyroid cancer, although mainly in the suspicion of recurrence. In addition, Fluorocholine PET-CT is an excellent alternative, with high successful localization rate, in cases with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) and negative conventional techniques. Conclusions: With technical advances in the area of Nuclear Medicine, and particularly with hybrid imaging, the study of thyroid pathology has improved, especially in thyroid cancer, as well as pre-surgical localization of pHPT.Introducción y objetivo: La Medicina Nuclear tiene un papel destacado en el estudio de la patología de tiroides y paratiroides. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión de las técnicas de imagen disponibles actualmente en Medicina Nuclear, para el estudio de dicha patología. Síntesis: La gammagrafía de tiroides sigue siendo una técnica útil en el estudio de la patología tiroidea, como, por ejemplo, en el nódulo tiroideo o el hipotiroidismo congénito. El SPECT-CT mejora el diagnóstico, frente al rastreo corporal total (RCT) con radioyodo, en pacientes con cáncer diferenciado de tiroides y cambia el manejo terapéutico, a la vez que, añadido a la gammagrafía de paratiroides, ayuda a la planificación de la cirugía, sobre todo en adenomas ectópicos. El PET-CT con 18F-FDG y con otros trazadores, tiene un papel relevante en varias indicaciones y tipos histológicos de cáncer de tiroides, aunque principalmente en la sospecha de recidiva. Así mismo, el PET-CT con fluorocolina es una alternativa excelente, con cifras elevadas de localización exitosa, en los casos de hiperparatiroidismo primario (HPTp) con pruebas convencionales negativas. Conclusiones: Con los avances técnicos de los últimos años en el ámbito de la Medicina Nuclear y, particularmente, con la imagen híbrida, se ha mejorado el estudio de la patología tiroidea, fundamentalmente del cáncer de tiroides, así como la localización prequirúrgica del HPTp