77 research outputs found


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    Small economies, such as the Peruvian and Chilean, are immersed in the global arena of emergent economies, so evaluating them from a home based point of view (Porter, 1990) would be limited and of little use. This fact turns Porter’s national diamond framework insufficient for that purpose (Moon, Rugman and Verbeke, 1998). This paper analyzes these economies from a global view that would include local as well as foreign markets; in other words, it applies the International Competitiveness Double Diamond approach proposed by Moon, Rugman & Verbeke (1998), and Moon & Lee (2004). Information from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, the Inter-American Development Bank and other sources was gathered to draw up the double diamond. The empirical analyses show that Chile is more competitive globally, while Peru is locally. To sum up, the results imply that Chile is more attractive to direct foreign investment than Peru.Double diamond; global competitiveness; emergent economies; competitive pillars; competitiveness of Chile and Peru.

    Comparative analysis of competitiveness on the Peruvian and Chilean economies from a global view

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    Las economías pequeñas como la peruana y la chilena se encuentran inmersas en la arena global de las economías emergentes por lo que evaluarlas desde un punto de vista puramente local (homed based, Porter, 1990) sería un enfoque bastante limitado y poco útil; por ello el diamante nacional de Porter (1990) resulte a todas luces insuficiente para este propósito (Moon, Rugman y Verbeke, 1998: 135). Este artículo analiza estas economías desde un enfoque global que incluye tanto el mercado local como el extranjero, es decir, desde la perspectiva del doble diamante de la competitividad internacional propuesto por Moon, Rugman y Verbeke (1998) y Moon y Lee (2004). Para la elaboración del doble diamante se utilizó información procedente del Banco Mundial, el Fondo Monetario Internacional, el Foro Económico Mundial, el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y otros. Los análisis empíricos muestran que Chile es más competitivo globalmente, mientras que el Perú lo es más localmente. En resumen, el resultado implica que Chile es más atractivo que el Perú para la inversión directa extranjera.Small economies, such as the Peruvian and Chilean, are immersed in the global arena of emergent economies, so evaluating them from a home based point of view (Porter, 1990) would be limited and of little use. This fact turns Porter’s national diamond framework insufficient for that purpose (Moon, Rugman and Verbeke, 1998). This paper analyzes these economies from a global view that would include local as well as foreign markets; in other words, it applies the International Competitiveness Double Diamond approach proposed by Moon, Rugman & Verbeke (1998), and Moon & Lee (2004). Information from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, the Inter-American Development Bank and other sources was gathered to draw up the double diamond. The empirical analyses show that Chile is more competitive globally, while Peru is locally. To sum up, the results imply that Chile is more attractive to direct foreign investment than Per

    Pobreza, inequidad y crisis económica. Pasado, presente y futuro. Un análisis crítico

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    This article from diverse points of view (economic, politic and religious) make a critic analysis of the past, present, and future of poverty and inequality. This manuscript mainly focuses on the respond of three question few discussed by the academic community: Why are the poor, poor? What will happen to the poor in 2050?. Will there be any solution?. Furthermore, the paper is useful for any person with a low level of specialization, since it has been carried out with a language very simple and with a little orientation in Latin America.El presente artículo hace un análisis desde diversos puntos de vista del pasado, presente y futuro de la pobreza y la inequidad y centra su atención en responder fundamentalmente tres interrogantes poco discutidos por los académicos: ¿por qué los pobres son pobres? ¿Qué pasarácon los pobres en el 2050? ¿Habrá alguna solución a la pobreza? Este artículo resulta útil para personas poco especializadas en el tema, ya que con un lenguaje sencillo aborda el problema de la pobreza, con un ligero enfoque en Latinoamérica

    Empowerment y gestión del talento humano, en empresas consultoras en recursos humanos

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar como el empowerment incide en la gestión del talento humano, en empresas consultoras de recursos humanos, a través de la aplicación de la estrategia de gestión Empowerment como se puede mejorar el proceso de reclutamiento y selección de personal, por lo tanto, se potencia el trabajo en equipo, haciéndolo más grato para el trabajador, si se le permite crecer, aprender y desarrollarse de acuerdo con sus habilidades, conocimientos, además, si se le otorga autonomía, en el desarrollo de sus tareas, podrá tomar sus propias decisiones con responsabilidad y compromiso, por consiguiente, esta herramienta administrativa será el éxito para la organización, de la misma manera, generará un gran impacto en las empresas pequeñas, medianas o grandes, asimismo, se logrará minimizar los gastos económicos, se maximizará la productividad y aumentara la rentabilidad. El método que se utilizó será desde el enfoque en una investigación cuantitativa, de tipo cuasi experimental de corte transversal, se utilizó la escala de Likert, los datos recolectados se procesaron con el software de SPSS y en Excel. La población y muestra fue de ochenta (80) participantes, para recolectar la información se utilizó la técnica de encuesta y como instrumento fue el cuestionario. Según los resultados conseguidos se concluyó que, el empowerment incide en la gestión del talento humano en las empresas consultoras en recursos humanos, según otras investigaciones corroboraron que estrategias administrativas como el empowerment, repercuten de forma positiva en los resultados deseados de toda organización, lo que se afirma, que es necesario la participación e integración del talento humano

    Collectivist culture as a determining of organizational performance through human resource practices

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    Esta investigación pretende mostrar si el predominio de culturas individualistas o colectivistas en una organización puede moderar los efectos de las políticas de recursos humanos sobre el rendimiento empresarial, relación a la que la literatura existente ha prestado muy poca atención. Para dicho estudio se ha evaluado una muestra de 102 empresas, situadas en el sur de España, con más de 100 empleados. De acuerdo con el análisis estadístico realizado con Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) los resultados ponen de manifiesto la existencia del referido efecto moderador.This research intends to show whether the prevalence of individualistic or collectivist cultures in an organization can moderate the effects of the human resource policies on business performance. To date, there is a lack of literature which analyzes this relationship. A sample of 102 companies, situated in southern of Spain, with more than 100 employees was used for this study. In accordance with the statistical analysis conducted using Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) results reveal the existence of the moderating effect

    Análisis comparativo de la competitividad de las economías del Perú y Chile en un enfoque global

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    Small economies, such as the Peruvian and Chilean, are immersed in the global arena of emergent economies, so evaluating them from a home based point of view (Porter, 1990) would be limited and of little use. This fact turns Porter’s national diamond framework insufficient for that purpose (Moon, Rugman and Verbeke, 1998). This paper analyzes these economies from a global view that would include local as well as foreign markets; in other words, it applies the International Competitiveness Double Diamond approach proposed by Moon, Rugman & Verbeke (1998), and Moon & Lee (2004). Information from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Economic Forum, the Inter-American Development Bank and other sources was gathered to draw up the double diamond. The empirical analyses show that Chile is more competitive globally, while Peru is locally. To sum up, the results imply that Chile is more attractive to direct foreign investment than Peru.Las economías pequeñas como la peruana y la chilena se encuentran inmersas en la arena global de las economías emergentes por lo que evaluarlas desde un punto de vista puramente local (homed based Porter 1990) sería un enfoque bastante limitado y poco útil; por ello el diamante nacional de Porter (1990) resulte a todas luces insuficiente para este propósito (Moon Rugman y Verbeke 1998: 135). Este artículo analiza estas economías desde un enfoque global que incluye tanto el mercado local como el extranjero es decir desde la perspectiva del doble diamante de la competitividad internacional propuesto por Moon Rugman y Verbeke (1998) y Moon y Lee (2004). Para la elaboración del doble diamante se utilizó información procedente del Banco Mundial el Fondo Monetario Internacional el Foro Económico Mundial el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y otros. Los análisis empíricos muestran que Chile es más competitivo globalmente mientras que el Perú lo es más localmente. En resumenel resultado implica que Chile es más atractivo que el Perú para la inversión directa extranjera

    The mediator role of hierarchical distance on social processes-HRM practices: An empirical analysis of Spanish firms

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    The literature pays little attention to non-linear models, especially regarding dimensions such as organizational culture. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to test the role of hierarchical distance in the relationship between HRM practices and social processes. With a sample of 102 Spanish firms and using partial least squares structural equation modeling assessed this relationship. Results suggested mediation of hierarchical distance between HRM practices and social processes. Such results recommend that HR managers should consider hierarchical distance more carefully especially when creating HRM practices to improve relationships among employees. Thus, the politics of commitment function better when organizations are more horizontal and when tasks are commonly delegated, managers question employees frequently prior to making decisions, discussions are encouraged, and social relationships – both in and out of work – are valued, appear to provide the most benefit regarding competitive advantages generated through HRM practices

    The mediator role of hierarchical distance on social processes-HRM practices: An empirical analysis of Spanish firms

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    The literature pays little attention to non-linear models, especially regarding dimensions such as organizational culture. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to test the role of hierarchical distance in the relationship between HRM practices and social processes. With a sample of 102 Spanish firms and using partial least squares structural equation modeling assessed this relationship. Results suggested mediation of hierarchical distance between HRM practices and social processes. Such results recommend that HR managers should consider hierarchical distance more carefully especially when creating HRM practices to improve relationships among employees. Thus, the politics of commitment function better when organizations are more horizontal and when tasks are commonly delegated, managers question employees frequently prior to making decisions, discussions are encouraged, and social relationships – both in and out of work – are valued, appear to provide the most benefit regarding competitive advantages generated through HRM practice

    Análisis Comparativo del Escenario de las Economías de Perú y Chile, desde la perspectiva del Doble Diamante de Moon, Rugman y Verbeke, en la Competitividad Global

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    Las pequeñas economías como la peruana y chilena, se encuentran inmersas en la arena global de las economías emergentes, por lo que evaluarlas desde un punto de vista puramente local (homed based; Porter, 1992), sería un enfoque bastante limitado y poco útil. Este hecho hace que el diamante nacional de Porter (1992) resulte a todas luces insuficiente para dicho propósito (Moon, Rugman y Verbeke, 1998: 135). Este articulo analiza las economías mencionadas desde un enfoque más global que incluye tanto el mercado local como el extranjero, es decir, evaluarlo desde la perspectiva del doble diamante de la competitividad internacional propuesta por Moon, Rugman y Verbeke, (1998) y Moon y Lee (2004: 138).The small economies like the Peruvian and Chilean, nowadays they are already very immense in the global arena of the emergent economies, therefore evaluating them from a purely local point of view (homed based; Porter, 1992), would be a focus completely very limited and a option not very useful. This fact makes, the national diamond Porter’s (1992) clearly insufficient for this purpose (Moon, Rugman and Verbeke, 1998: 135), This article, analyzes the mentioned economies from a more global perspective, that includes both the local market and the foreign market, this is, evaluating it from the perspective of the double diamond of the international competitiveness proposed by Moon, Rugman and Verbeke (1998) y Moon and Lee (2004: 138

    Hierarchical distance and employees’ commitment as conditioning of team-based work in the Spanish public sector

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    Team-based work (TBW) plays a crucial role in the success and quality of public services. In the context of the Spanish public sector, our study evaluates if a low level of hierarchical distance (HD) in public organizations condition the public employees’ commitment (EC) as well as TBW, assessed in terms of participation and consensus among team members. Simultaneously, we evaluated to what extent EC help to enhance TBW. Employing a sample of 213 government organizations from the south of Spain through a model of structural equations, we were able to answer the above questions. Our results revealed that team-based work functions more successfully within public organizations where there exists little verticality in their structures, norms, values and rules – in simplest terms, where there is minimal organizational HD. Such results also suggest that although regulations exist in the Spanish public sector, should public organizations attempt to be less vertical and more horizontal, they would perhaps have public servants that were more committed to their organizations. As a result, servants view the organization as their own and remain loyal. Finally, from an academic perspective, this study could be one of few to research and evaluate the hierarchical role and employees’ commitment to the functioning of public employees based on participation and consensus in their work teams
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