58 research outputs found

    Designing training for teaching environmental toxicology to specialized pharmacists

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    ntroduction: The Toxicology Unit at the University of Alcala (Spain) started to provide a novel short-term training course in environmental toxicology for pharmacists enrolled in the postgraduate specialty "Specialist in Industrial Pharmacy and Galenicals" in 2013-2014. This specialty is only available to state-board certified pharmacists considering enrolling in a specialized health training program. Objective: The objective was to create a short, dynamic, and interactive highly specialized training workshop to introduce future professionals to the subject of environmental toxicology and public health. The success of this novel short training course and the interest of the students in environmental toxicology were also analyzed. Methods: A specialized training workshop in environmental toxicology was developed for pharmacists who often have a limited knowledge of environmental health. The training workshop consisted of both theoretical and practical sessions. The practical exercise was highly dynamic and involved identifying potential human risks from pharmaceuticals and care products in water environments as well as the development of a protection and remediation strategy. Results: Following successful training pharmacists demonstrated good understanding of the source-pathway-receptor model and were capable of tailoring strategies to protect human health and future generations. Conclusions: The novel short training course was successful in developing postgraduate students' knowledge of environmental toxicology by providing a practical introduction to environmental health. The methods described here may be used for designing longer training events or courses of environmental toxicology for pharmacists who wish to work in the industry

    Development of a formulation of potassium iodide tablets as an antidote against nuclear incidents

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    Objectives: Potassium iodide (KI) is a treatment to neutralize radioactive agents that could be inhaled or ingested in nuclear incidents. The inorganic salt KI constitutes a source of iodine, which in the body acts by accumulating in the thyroid gland, producing its saturation, and thus preventing the fixation of radioactive iodine species. In Spain, the Military Defence Pharmacy Centre (CEMILFARDEF) was challenged to develop this antidote to be distributed among the population surrounding nuclear power plants, in only one new solid pharmaceutical form for oral administration, in order to replace the two pharmaceutical forms available, which are capsules for adults and oral solution for children, considered less versatile.Methods: A selection of excipients was carried out to achieve pharmacotechnical behaviour suitable for the industrial manufacture of potassium iodide in tablets, complying with the pre-established process and finished product quality parameters. The development allowed the preparation of three industrial-sized batches on which the stability of the developed formulation was studied.Results: An uncoated 65 mg double-scored potassium iodide tablet was developed using easily accessible excipients in the formulation and direct compression as the manufacturing method. The formula com-plied with the stability tests, with which the development carried out can respond to the eventual demand that its elaboration would entail in the event of nuclear incidents.Conclusions: The developed formulation of a 65 mg double-scored potassium iodide tablet allows the great variability of user needs, from infants to adults with a single pharmaceutical form, which addition-ally implies logistical benefits in distribution, stock control and appropriate renewal according expiration dates, among the population surrounding nuclear power plants and available to deployed military personnel, in the event of potential nuclear incidents

    Raman spectral signatures for the differentiation of benzodiazepine drugs

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    The identification of benzodiazepine drugs is important in the forensics field because they are used in drugfacilitated crimes. Raman spectroscopy has been proven as a non-invasive, fast and reliable technique highly promising for the analysis of drug products. Until recently, attention has been paid to active ingredients, but the spectral drug product signature has rarely been used in spite of having potential valuable information. In this work, confocal Raman microscopy was used to obtain the spectral signature of the most widely used benzodiazepine products. Firstly, the study aimed at determining appropriate Raman mapping spectra to obtain each benzodiazepine signature with low sampling error. Then, PCA scores and loadings showed that the variability, measured on the variance, among batches of the same benzodiazepine drug was similar to the variability of the spectral signature of the same tablet (or capsule content) and the same batch, mainly attributed to the heterogeneity of such drug products. Interestingly, differentiation among doses of the same active ingredient (AI), benzodiazepine drugs with different AIs manufactured by the same pharmaceutical company, and drugs with the same AI but manufactured by different companies were demonstrated. It is remarkable that for low doses, the active ingredient is almost absent of the spectral signature, but the differentiation is mainly achieved by excipients. As a consequence, the spectral signature obtained by confocal Raman microscopy can be used for discriminating among these benzodiazepine drugs without requiring a clearly identifiable band related to the active ingredient in the corresponding Raman spectra

    Diseño e implementación de un taller de aprendizaje transversal basado en la resolución de problemas en Histología y Anatomía Patológica Veterinarias

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    Mediante el desarrollo de un taller práctico empleando las técnicas de aprendizaje basado en la resolución de problemas y deducción de pruebas, los alumnos de tres asignaturas diferentes pero relacionadas (Histología Veterinaria, Anatomía Patológica General y Especial), del grado en veterinaria, participaron en su propio proceso de aprendizaje, trabajando en equipo, desarrollando habilidades deductivas y críticas al resolver y analizar supuestos reales, que les ayudarán a estar mejor preparados para su futuro profesional

    The Effect of Diffuse Film Covers on Microclimate and Growth and Production of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in a Mediterranean Greenhouse

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    The efficient use of light is one of the most important factors for the development of greenhouse crops. It is increasingly necessary to use film covers that enhance transmittance and the proportion of diffuse light to generate a more homogeneous light distribution. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect that an experimental film cover with high transmittance and high light diffusivity produces on the microclimate and the growth and yield of tomato crops (Solanum lycopersicum L.), compared with a commercial thermal film cover. The trial was developed during a spring–summer growing cycle in a multispan greenhouse divided into two compartments (sectors) separated by a vertical polyethylene sheet. In the East sector, a commercial film was installed (transmittance of 85% and diffusivity of 60%) and in the West sector, an experimental film was used (transmittance of 90% and diffusivity of 55%). The results show an increase in the marketable yield of 0.25 kg·m−2 in the sector with the experimental film, which represents 3.2% growth with respect to the commercial film. The photosynthetic activity measured in tomato leaves was 21.5% higher in plants growing in the sector with the experimental film, with had the highest transmittance. The increase in radiation transmittance of 14% produced greater photosynthetic activity without generating a higher inside air temperature at the crop level (at the height of 2 m above the floor). However, the mean temperature of the soil surface was statistically higher on the side with the diffuse experimental cover film, as a logical consequence of the higher level of intercepted solar radiatio

    Desarrollo de metodologías transversales en un ámbito reflexivo

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    EIDUVIII 2016, Encuentro de Innovación en Docencia Universitaria, 25-16 de abril 2016, Campus externo, Alcalá de HenaresSe describen los resultados obtenidos en la evolución de una estrategia de innovación educativa, denominada originariamente Semanarios Reflexivos, encaminada a modificar la práctica docente y profundizar en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la educación universitaria. Para ello, siete profesores de diferentes áreas de la Universidad de Alcalá hemos implementado esta herramienta en las diferentes asignaturas que hemos impartido a lo largo de los cambios en los Planes de Estudio, y que fundamentalmente se basa en que los alumnos aprendan a reflexionar sobre el contenido, su propia manera de aprender y nuestra manera de enseñar. Nuestro grupo de innovación ha introducido diferentes modificaciones en dicha estrategia a lo largo de los años alcanzando su considerable mejora. En esta comunicación se recogen los resultados obtenidos por los profesores del grupo y se analiza en profundidad la aplicación de la herramienta a la asignatura de Histología Humana que se ha adecuado a las características de los alumnos de 1º curso de Medicina. Actualmente seguimos incidiendo en la adquisición de habilidades y competencias informacionales (Information Literacy) centradas en la utilización responsable de fuentes bibliográficas con objeto de gestionar la información necesaria para la elaboración de los Semanarios Reflexivos u otros trabajos académicos

    The Influence of Different Cooling Systems on the Microclimate, Photosynthetic Activity and Yield of a Tomato Crops (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) in Mediterranean Greenhouses

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of different evaporative cooling systems compared to natural ventilation on the microclimate, photosynthetic activity and yield of a tomato crop (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) in a spring-summer cycle. In this study, the expenditure of electricity and water caused by the different refrigeration systems and their economic cost was analysed. The study was carried out in three multi-span greenhouses: (i) a greenhouse with evaporative pads and fans and natural ventilation (PS + NV); (ii) a greenhouse with a fog system and natural ventilation (FS + NV); (iii) a greenhouse only with natural ventilation (NV). The photosynthetic activity was higher in the greenhouse with natural ventilation (14.7 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1) than in the greenhouse with the pad-fan system (14.6 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1; without a statistically significant difference) and in the greenhouse with fog system (13.4 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1; with a statistically significant difference). The production was higher in the greenhouse with the pad-fan system (5.0 kg m−2) than in the greenhouse with natural ventilation (4.8 kg m−2; without a statistically significant difference) and in the greenhouse with a fog system (4.5 kg m−2; with a statistically significant difference). In general, photosynthetic activity and crop production increased as the maximum temperature (and the number of hours of exposure to high temperatures) decreased. It has been observed that the improvement in temperature conditions inside the greenhouses in spring-summer cycles produces increases in the photosynthetic activity of the tomato crop and, consequently, growth in production. The energy and water consumption derived from the use of active-type cooling systems have not been offset by a representative improvement in photosynthetic activity or crop production

    Effects of Cover Whitening Concentrations on the Microclimate and on the Development and Yield of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Inside Mediterranean Greenhouses

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    This work analyzes the influence of whitening a greenhouse roof on the microclimate and yield of a tomato crop. In the west sectors of two multi-span greenhouses, a whitening concentration of 0.250 kg L−1 was used as a control. In an autumn–winter cycle, a lower (0.125 kg L−1) and an increased (0.500 kg L−1) concentration were used in the east sectors of greenhouses 1 and 2. In a spring–summer cycle, the whitening concentrations in the east were varied depending on outside temperature. The effect of whitening on photosynthetic activity, production, plants’ morphological parameters, and the quality of the fruits were also analyzed. To evaluate the effect on microclimate, solar and photosynthetically active (PAR) radiations, air and soil temperatures, and heat flux in the soil were measured in greenhouse 1. Results show that excessive whitening leads to reductions of inside PAR radiation that decreases photosynthesis and crop yield. A whitening concentration of 0.500 kg L−1 is proposed at the beginning of the autumn–winter crop cycle, washing the cover when inside temperature drops to 35 °C. At the end of the spring–summer cycle, a concentration of 0.125 kg L−1 is recommended when inside temperature increases to 35 °C

    Adaptación de las asignaturas básicas de primer curso de la ETSI Navales de la UPM: Actividades 2008-2009

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    En el marco de la reforma de las titulaciones con motivo del Espacio Europeo de Educación un grupo de profesores hemos coordinado, durante el curso 2008-2009, todas las asignaturas básicas de primer curso y una más de segundo curso en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales. Las actividades realizadas son: a) Coordinación de todas las asignaturas básicas de primer curso, con reuniones periódicas de coordinación horizontal y el establecimiento de una página web de moodle para profesores como espacio para el trabajo cooperativo. Particularmente importante es el establecimiento de un calendario conjunto de pruebas de evaluación continua. b) Redacción de guías de aprendizaje, con un formato común para todas las asignaturas, incluyendo los objetivos formativos, los contenidos, las actividades formativas, los enlaces y la bibliografía. c) Establecimiento de una plataforma de teleeducación común para todas las asignaturas, uno de los objetivos fundamentales del proyecto, ya que coexistían dos plataformas distintas. Igualmente importante ha sido reforzar los contenidos y las actividades que se podían realizar en la plataforma. d) Seguimiento del tiempo dedicado por los alumnos, hemos ido siguiendo el tiempo dedicado por los alumnos a las distintas asignaturas, para detectar si el tiempo que se dedica está en los márgenes establecidos en los créditos ECTS. Igualmente, hemos hecho dos encuestas a la mitad de cada semestre, para recoger las opiniones de los alumnos sobre las asignaturas y sobre los aspectos relevantes del proyecto. e) Organización de actividades de nivelación, para los alumnos de nuevo ingreso, con la organización de cursos cero y la participación y coordinación en la Plataforma de Punto de inicio de la UPM. f) Organización de actividades formativas, para poder llevar a cabo estas tareas, hemos organizado, en colaboración con el Centro y el Gabinete de Tele-Educación (GATE) actividades formativas relacionadas con la plataforma moodle, métodos de evaluación y de formación en competencias.En la presentación haremos una descripción de las actividades realizadas, así como una primera evaluación de las mismas. Por último, describiremos las tareas a desarrollar en los próximos cursos