640 research outputs found

    Can Agent Oriented Software Engineering Be Used to Build MASs Product Lines?

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    On the one hand, the Software Product Lines (SPL) field is devoted to build a core architecture for a family of products from which concrete products can be derived rapidly by means of reuse. On the other hand, Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) is a software engineering paradigms dedicated to build software applications composed of organizations of agents. Bringing AOSE to the industrial world may prettily benefit from SPL advantages. Using SPL phi losophy, a company will be able to define a core MAS from which concrete prod ucts will be derived for each customer. This can reduce time-to-market, costs, etcetera. In this paper, we expose the similarities between AOSE and SPL con cluding the viability of future research in Multi-Agent Systems Product Lines (MAS-PL)

    Las espectaculares grietas de Puerto Lumbreras

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    Especies de rhabdítidos (Nematoda, Rhabditida) citadas en España peninsular y las Islas Baleares

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    Previous records of species belonging to the order Rhabditida in peninsular Spain and Balearic Islands is presented as compilation. Eighty species of forty genera and twelve families are listed. Information concerning each species contains scientific name, synonymy, distribution and remarks. Distributional data include localities and/or geographical areas where the species have been collected and the corresponding references. A short discussion on current knowledge on rhabditid nematodes in the Iberian geography is also made. Majority of species are defficiently known, being necessary additional taxonomic and/or faunistic studies of this taxon.Se presenta una recopilación de citas previas de especies pertenecientes al orden Rhabditida en la España peninsular e Islas Baleares. Se listan ochenta especies de cuarenta géneros y doce familias. La información que concierne a cada especie contiene el nombre científico, sinonimia, distribución y observaciones. Los datos de distribución incluyen las localidades y/o áreas geográficas donde las especies han sido recolectadas, y las referencias correspondientes. También se realiza una breve discusión sobre el conocimiento de los nematodos rhabdítidos en el área ibérica, concluyéndose que la mayor parte de las especies se conocen deficientemente, siendo necesario un estudio taxonómico y/o faunístico adicional del taxon

    The Urban Water Cycle in Bogotá, Colombia: Current Status and Challenges for Sustainability

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    Conocer los componentes y el comportamiento del ciclo urbano del agua permite gestionar de manera adecuada los recursos ambientales y económicos de una ciudad, pues este concepto integra elementos hidrológicos, hídricos, de abastecimiento, de distribución, uso del agua, de recolección, tratamiento y reutilización. En Bogotá, las tasas de crecimiento poblacional y geográfico aumentan de manera acelerada, a tal punto que el ciclo urbano del agua cada vez adquiere mayor importancia para administraciones públicas, privadas y para los habitantes debido a la búsqueda de fuentes de abastecimiento, a la ampliación de la infraestructura de saneamiento básico y al aporte de contaminantes a ríos. Con base en lo anterior, este artículo ofrece un diagnóstico del estado actual de los componentes del ciclo urbano del agua en Bogotá, además presenta diferentes retos que tiene la ciudad para un futuro ambiental, social y económico sostenible.Understand the components and the behavior of the Urban Water Cycle is useful to management the environmental and economic resources of a city. This concept integrates hydrological, water supply, distribution, water use, water pollution, harvesting, treatment and reuse. In Bogotá the rates of population and geographic growth are going to accelerated pace, to the point that the urban water cycle is gaining greater importance in public and private administrations, because is necessary search new sources of water supply, extension of basic sanitation infrastructure and the control of pollutants in Bogotá’s rivers. According to the above, this paper presents an analysis of the current state of the components of the urban water cycle in Bogotá, additionally presents different challenges facing the city for sustainable environmental, social and economic future

    Business Family Engineering. Managing the Evolution of Business Driven Systems

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    Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a software system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continuous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve. Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional software systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software product line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a systematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be introduced. in this paper, we propose to adapt SPL techniques, oriented to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development (BDD), oriented to reuse processes, across different businesses; we call this proposal Business Family Engineering (BFE). We present a first approach to build a SPL of BDD systems that evolves at runtim

    Business Family Engineering. Does It Make Sense ?

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    Nowadays most companies in whichever field have a software system that helps managing all the aspects of the company, from the strategic management to daily activities. Companies are in continuous evolution to adapt to market changes, and consequently, the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure that supports it must also evolve. Thus, software companies are currently supporting this evolution with ad hoc techniques. We think that, as it is being done for traditional software systems (non-oriented to business process) in the software product line (SPL) field, institutionalized techniques for performing a systematic reuse of business processes across different businesses can be introduced. in this paper, we explore the feasibility of adapting SPL techniques, oriented to reuse software, to Business-Driven Development (BDD), oriented to reuse processes, across different businesses; we call this approach Business Family Engineering (BFE). As a result of our study, we show some of the problems we have identified and some of the key aspects needed to enable this new field

    Towards clarifying the importance of interactions in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering

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    Interactions between subparts of a system have been recognized as the source of complexity in many fields ranging from physics, sociology, neurology, to software engineering. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) was born under the promise of conquering complexity and enabling the development of more complex software. However, current AOSE approaches do not provide enough engineering tools to deal with the complexity derived from interactions. More mature fields such as economy or component-based software systems have recognized that interactions present a predominant role in the determination of the desired outcome providing mature background that can be applied to AOSE. AOSE may improve its ability to deal with complex systems by improving the tools applied to manage agent’s interactions in the overall design of the system. In this paper, we justify this assessment and propose some principles to improve AOSE methodologies regarding complexit

    Venga le digo algo

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    Venga le digo. Benhur Sánchez Suárez. EditoriaJ La Oveja Negra, Bogotá, 1986, 76 págs