78 research outputs found

    Особливості формування техногенних родовищ вапняку

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    Segregation laws become important in the formation of man-made deposits. The theoretical basis of the physical mechanism of the phenomenon of segregation of the rock mass in the formation of dumps and the storage of minerals or finished products in the embankments allow to take into account the initial distribution of the fractional composition of the rock mass, which has important practical application in the development of man-made deposits or shipments of finished products to the customer

    Local Goals Driven Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

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    * This research was partially supported by the Latvian Science Foundation under grant No.02-86d.Efficient exploration is of fundamental importance for autonomous agents that learn to act. Previous approaches to exploration in reinforcement learning usually address exploration in the case when the environment is fully observable. In contrast, the current paper, like the previous paper [Pch2003], studies the case when the environment is only partially observable. One additional difficulty is considered – complex temporal dependencies. In order to overcome this additional difficulty a new hierarchical reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed. The learning algorithm exploits a very simple learning principle, similar to Q-learning, except the lookup table has one more variable – the currently selected goal. Additionally, the algorithm uses the idea of internal reward for achieving hard-to-reach states [Pch2003]. The proposed learning algorithm is experimentally investigated in partially observable maze problems where it shows a robust ability to learn a good policy

    Особливості формування техногенних родовищ вапняку

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    Segregation laws become important in the formation of man-made deposits. The theoretical basis of the physical mechanism of the phenomenon of segregation of the rock mass in the formation of dumps and the storage of minerals or finished products in the embankments allow to take into account the initial distribution of the fractional composition of the rock mass, which has important practical application in the development of man-made deposits or shipments of finished products to the customer

    General Aspects of Constructing an Autonomous Adaptive Agent

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    There are a great deal of approaches in artificial intelligence, some of them also coming from biology and neirophysiology. In this paper we are making a review, discussing many of them, and arranging our discussion around the autonomous agent research. We highlight three aspect in our classification: type of abstraction applied for representing agent knowledge, the implementation of hypothesis processing mechanism, allowed degree of freedom in behaviour and self-organizing. Using this classification many approaches in artificial intelligence are evaluated. Then we summarize all discussed ideas and propose a series of general principles for building an autonomous adaptive agent

    The lichens and allied fungi of the southern part of the Kenozersky National Park (Arkhangelsk Region, NW Russia)

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    The paper presents the first data on lichen diversity in the Kenozersky National Park (Arkhangelsk Region, Northwest Russia). As a result of the study, 263 species and 1 subspecies of lichens and allied fungi were found in the southern part of the national park. Seventeen lichen species are reported for the first time for Arkhangelsk Region. Biatora albidula is a new species for Northwest European Russia. Two recorded species are included in the Red Data Book of Russian Federation and 7 in the Red Data Book of Arkhangelsk Region. Pycnothelia papillaria can be recommended for inclusion to the Red Data Book of Arkhangelsk Region

    Water balance in the aeration zone at the irrigation of red beets in the Russian Non-Chernozem area

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    Basing on experimental data, we obtained the correlation results between the water balance elements in the aeration zone and the calculated layer at the irrigation of red beets on sod-podzolic soils. We provided a methodology to conduct research on experimental plots and in lysimeters. The water balances for the aeration zone in the lysimeters and for the calculated soil layer on the experimental plots are presented. It is shown that the amount of precipitation during the growing season 2010–2011 (97, 195 mm) and the sum of average daily air humidity deficits (12.1, 9.6 mb) influence water consumption (510, 498 mm) and irrigation norms (414, 318 mm). Soil moisture at the conditions of sod-podzolic soil of watershed territories in Moscow Oblast at sprinkler irrigation has a significant impact on all the components of the water balance, especially on the irrigation norm and water consumption of red beets. We stated the relation between the irrigation norm for red beets and the moisture content of the calculated layer of sod-podzolic soil. The correlation coefficient of the considered values is 0,996+0,031. A relation between the water consumption of red beets and the moisture content in the watershed sod-podzolic soil was obtained. The correlation coefficient of the considered values is 0,991+0,053

    Дослідження сегрегації для розробки техногенних покладів з метою вдосконалення якості продукції

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    Виявлено теоретичне підґрунтя ефекту сегрегації при складуванні відходів збагачення з урахуванням високоякісного опису різних фракцій, проведені розрахунки щодо визначення основних параметрів технологічного процесу складування та подальшої розробки техногенного родовища з урахуванням рекомендацій щодо застосування результатів у гірничодобувній промисловості.Приведены теоретические основы сегрегации при складировании отходов обогащения с учетом качественного описания различных фракций, составлены расчеты по определению основных параметров технологического процесса складирования и последующей разработки техногенного месторождения, учитывая рекомендации по применение результатов в горнодобывающей промышленности.The use of the process of segregation of rock mass on the inclined surface of the tier of the dump during the formation of the storage cone to develop technology for separating the "commodity" fraction from the "non-standard" fraction

    Дослідження та обґрунтування ефективності відпрацювання уступу драглайном з одного положення з переміщення грунту на кут до 220 градусів при відпрацюванні пологих родовищ

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    Визначено оптимальні параметри елементів системи розробки пологих родовищ вогнетривких глин із застосуванням драглайна ЕШ 10/70 (ЕШ 11/70) з одного робочого положення при підготовці пласта корисної копалини до виймання. Наведено результати експериментальних спостережень роботи ЕШ 10/70 на кар'єрі Західний-1 Андріївського родовища вогнетривких глин. Встановлено залежність площі підготовлених до виймання запасів від параметрів виробки.Определены оптимальные параметры элементов системы разработки пологих месторождений огнеупорных глин с применением драглайна ЭШ 10/70 (ЭШ 11/70) с одного рабочего положения при подготовке пласта полезного ископаемого к выемке. Приведены результаты экспериментальных наблюдений работы ЭШ 10/70 на карьере Западный-1 Андреевского месторождения огнеупорных глин. Установлена зависимость площади подготовленных к выемке запасов от параметров выработки.The optimum parameters of elements of the system of development of flat deposits of refractory clay with the use of dragline ESH 10/70 (ESH 11/70) from one working position in the preparation of a reservoir of minerals for extraction have been determined. The results of experimental observations of the work of ES 10/70 on the career of West-1 Andreevsky deposit of fire extinguishers and the production of natural clay are given. The dependence of the area prepared for the removal of stocks from the parameter is established

    Composición en ácidos grasos de los lípidos del polen de palmeras Cycas revoluta

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    The fatty acid (FA) composition of total extractable and non extractable with chloroform lipids of C. revoluta pollen was determined. Among other minor FAs, unusual Δ5 polymethylene-interrupted FA, Δ5, 11-octadecadienoic acid was found. This FA was found in the seed lipids of C. revoluta earlier, but it was discovered for the first time in pollen lipids.Se determinó la composición en ácidos grasos (AG) de los lípidos totales extraíbles y no extraíbles con cloroformo del polen de la palmera C. revoluta. Entre otros ácidos grasos menores se encontró un AG Δ5 inusual, el ácido octadecadienoico, Δ5,11-polimetilen-interrumpido. Este AG ya fue descrito en los lípidos de semillas de C. revoluta, pero en los lípidos del polen es la primera vez que se describen