14 research outputs found

    M茅todos alternativos de fungicidas para control de Botrytis Cinerea en fresa (Fragaria Vesca)

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    The study evaluates alternative methods to control Botrytis cinerea in strawberrycrops (Fragaria vesca) with the use of plant extracts of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)and horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.). The research carried out in an established strawberryculture of 8 months of age, Albion variety, applying the extracts obtained by the steamdistillation method. The doses evaluated were 250ml / liter, 500ml / liter, 750ml / liter and1000ml / liter respectively, measuring the inhibitory effect of B. cinerea in the field 40 daysafter the first application. The analyzed variables were severity, incidence and weight of thefruit, finding a better fungicidal effect with cinnamon extract with a dose of 1000ml / liter,being a new alternative for fungal control taking advantage of the use of the secondarymetabolites of the plants and having a less harmful effect on environmental pollution thatdoes not affect the health of the farmerEl estudio eval煤a los m茅todos alternativos para controlar Botrytis cinerea encultivos de fresa (Fragaria vesca) con el aprovechamiento de los extractos vegetales decanela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) y cola de caballo (Equisetum arvense L.). La investigaci贸nse realiz贸 en un cultivo establecido de fresa de 8 meses de edad, variedad Albi贸n, aplicandolos extractos obtenidos por el m茅todo de destilaci贸n por arrastre de vapor. Las dosisevaluadas fueron 250ml/lt, 500ml/lt, 750ml/lt y 1000ml/lt respectivamente, midiendo elefecto inhibitorio de B. cinerea en el campo a los 40 d铆as de la primera aplicaci贸n. Lasvariables analizadas fueron severidad, incidencia y peso del fruto, encontrando un mejorefecto fungicida con extracto de canela con una dosis de 1000ml/lt, siendo una nuevaalternativa para el control f煤ngico aprovechando el uso de los metabolitos secundarios de lasplantas y teniendo un efecto menos nocivo en la contaminaci贸n ambiental que no afecta lasalud del agriculto

    Efecto de los extractos hidro-etan贸licos de canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) y cola de caballo (Equisetum arvense L.) sobre la incidencia y severidad de Botrytis cinerea en fresa

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    The effect of application of three dosages (5, 10 and 15 mL/L) and two frequencies (each 6 and 8 days) of ethanoicextracts obtained from cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) and common horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) onincidence and severity of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on strawberry crop (Fragaria ananassa cv. Albion) was evaluated. Experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with factorial arrangement 2 x 3 x 2 + 1, with three replications. Lower incidence and severity percentage in flower and fruit (10.24 and 24.43%, respectively) were observed afterapplication of cinnamon extract at 15 mL/L at 6 days interval. Similarly, lower fruit severity (11.86%) was observed withthe same treatment. In general, reduction in B. cinerea incidence and severity was lower when common horsetail extractwas used, compared to cinnamon extracts. According to our results, using of cinnamon hydro-ethanoic extracts could beconsidered as sustainable alternative for grey mold management in strawberry crops.Se evalu贸 el efecto de la aplicaci贸n de tres dosis (5, 10 y 15 mL/L) y dos frecuencias (cada 6 y 8 d铆as) de extractosetan贸licos obtenidos de canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) y cola de caballo (Equisetum arvense L.) sobre laincidencia y severidad de la pudrici贸n gris (Botrytis cinerea) en el cultivo de fresa (Fragaria ananassa cv. Albi贸n). Elexperimento fue conducido en un dise帽o de bloques al azar con arreglo factorial de 2 x 3 x 2 + 1, con tres repeticiones.Los menores porcentajes de incidencia en flores y frutos (10.24 y 24.43%, respectivamente) fueron observados con laaplicaci贸n del extracto de canela con una dosis de 15 mL/L y una frecuencia de aplicaci贸n de 6 d铆as. De manera similar,la menor severidad en frutos (11.86%) fue observada con el mismo tratamiento. En general la reducci贸n de la incidenciay severidad de B. cinerea con la aplicaci贸n de extracto de cola de caballo fue inferior a los observados con el uso delextracto de canela. De acuerdo con los resultados, el uso de extractos hidro-etan贸licos de canela podr铆a ser consideradauna alternativa sustentable para el manejo de la pudrici贸n gris en cultivos de fresa

    Antimicrobial efficacy of thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris) on a Staphylococcus aureus strain

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    El trabajo de investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficacia antimicrobiana in vitro del aceite esencial de tomillo (Thymus vulgaris) sobre Staphylococcus aureus. Se evaluaron concentraciones al 1, 5, 10, 30, 50, 70 y 90% en diluci贸n en etanol al 96.8%. Se determin贸 la Concentraci贸n M铆nima Inhibitoria mediante el m茅todo de microdiluci贸n en caldo. El in贸culo bacteriano se estandariz贸 al 0.5 de la escala de MacFarland en espectofot贸metro, teniendo como resultado que el tubo al 1% de aceite de tomillo no present贸 turbidez. Este, al ser sembrado en agar Mueller-Hinton determin贸 la Concentraci贸n Bactericida M铆nima donde no se observ贸 crecimiento de colonias. Los resultados indican que los tratamientos al 5 y 10% no son significativamente diferentes (p<0.05) con valores de halos de inhibici贸n de 15.35 mm y 15.9 mm, respectivamente, en comparaci贸n al 1% que present贸 12.2 mm de halo de inhibici贸n.The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris) on Staphylococcus aureus. Concentrations at 1, 5, 10, 30, 50, 70 and 90% were evaluated in 96.8% dilution in ethanol. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration was determined by the broth microdilution method. The bacterial inoculum was standardized to 0.5 of the MacFarland scale in spectrophotometer, with the result that the 1% tube of thyme oil did not present turbidity. This, when cultured on Mueller-Hinton agar, determined the Minimum Bactericidal Concentration where no colony growth was observed. The results indicate that treatments at 5 and 10% were not significantly different (p<0.05) with values of inhibition halos of 15.35 mm and 15.9 mm, respetively compared to 1% concentration that presented 12.2 mm of halo of inhibition

    Actividad anti f煤ngica (in vitro) de extractos vegetales para el control de antracnosis (Colletotrichum acutatum)

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    The antifungal effect of five plant extracts: nettle (Urtica dioica), chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), frame (Artemisiavulgaris), lavender (Lavandula officinalis) and chamico (Datura ferox) were evaluated at laboratory level for control ofanthracnose (Colletotrichum acutatum) of the tree tomato (Solanum betaceum), using two methods of extraction (maceration and steam trapping), in the results obtained, statistical differences were observed in the percentage of inhibition ofmycelial growth of the fungus, the treatment with lavender extract obtained by the steam trapping method presented thegreatest efficiency for anthracnose control (66.23%). The other treatments tested also showed effectiveness against theanthracnose pathogen in the following order of inhibition: chamomile (52.78%), frame (21.63), chamico (24.14%), nettle(12.94), the ability of various species to inhibit certain fungal diseases, taking into account the different content of secondary metabolites that have each of the plant species, constituting new clean production alternatives that reduce the useof chemical pesticides for the control of fungal diseases.Se evalu贸 el efecto anti f煤ngico de la aplicaci贸n de cinco extractos vegetales: ortiga (Urtica dioica), manzanilla (Chamaemelum nobile), marco (Artemisia vulgaris), lavanda (Lavandula officinalis) y chamico (Datura ferox), a nivel delaboratorio para control de antracnosis (Colletotrichum acutatum) del tomate de 谩rbol (Solanum betaceum), utilizandodos m茅todos de extracci贸n (maceraci贸n y arrastre de vapor), en los resultados obtenidos, se observa diferencias estad铆stica en el porcentaje de inhibici贸n de crecimiento micelial del hongo, el tratamiento con extracto de lavanda obtenido porel m茅todo de arrastre de vapor, present贸 la mayor eficacia para control de antracnosis (66.23%). Los dem谩s tratamientosensayados tambi茅n present贸 actividad contra el pat贸geno de la antracnosis, en el siguiente orden de inhibici贸n: manzanilla (52.78 %), marco (21.63), chamico (24.14 %), ortiga (12.94), la capacidad de diversas especies de inhibir ciertasenfermedades f煤ngicas, asumi茅ndose al contenido diferente de metabolitos secundarios que tienen cada una de las especies vegetales, constituyendo en una alternativa de producci贸n limpia, que reduzcan la utilizaci贸n de pesticidas qu铆micospara el control de las enfermedades f煤ngicas

    Evaluaci贸n comparativa de los par谩metros reproductivos entre el m茅todo de auto inseminaci贸n cervical GEDIS y el tradicional en cerdas mult铆paras

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    The research was carried out in Ecuador, in the province of Tungurahua, Cevallos county. A comparison of reproductive parameters between the cervical selfinsemination method and the traditional one in multiparous sows was performed using 12 sows (hybrid females between the second and fourth calving), dividingIn two groups of 6 sows respectively, using the insemination protocol 12h - 24h - 36h. Fresh semen was prepared with long-term diluent + bidistilled water, at aconcentration of 3 x 109spermatozoa/mL in total volume per 100 mL straw. At the time of insemination the amount of seminal reflux was determined and whenthe Student's T test was applied with paired observations in the results, they statistically reported a significant difference at 5% among the evaluated methods, thecalculated T value was 9.50 Which is greater than the T of tables at 5% of 2.57. The duration of each method was determined, results that reported similaritybetween the two methods (15 min). At 21 days post insemination pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasound and evaluation of no return of heat, results that reportedin both methods 100% effectiveness. Subsequently, at the time of delivery, the number of total born piglets was evaluated, using the Student's T-test with pairedobservations that statistically there was no significant difference at 5% between the two methods, the calculated T value was 0, 14 which is less than the T oftables at 5% of 2.57. We also determined the weight of piglets at birth, reported by Student's t-test with paired observations that there is a statistically significantdifference to 5% among the evaluated methods, the calculated T value was 5.17, which is higher than the T Of tables at 5% of 2.57. As for costs there is noconsiderable difference.La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en Ecuador, provincia de Tungurahua, cant贸n Cevallos, se evalu贸 comparativamente lospar谩metros reproductivos entre el m茅todo de auto inseminaci贸n cervical y el tradicional en cerdas mult铆paras, se utiliz贸12 cerdas (hembras h铆bridas entre el segundo y cuarto parto), dividi茅ndose en dos grupos de 6 cerdas respectivamente,utilizando el protocolo de inseminaci贸n 12h - 24h - 36 h. Se prepar贸 semen fresco con diluyente de larga duraci贸n + aguabidestilada, a una concentraci贸n de 3 x 109 de espermatozoides/mL en volumen total por pajuela de 100 mL. Al momentode la inseminaci贸n se determin贸 la cantidad de reflujo seminal y al aplicar la prueba T de Student con observacionespareadas en los resultados, estos reportaron estad铆sticamente una diferencia significativa al 5% entre los m茅todos evaluados, el valor de T calculado fue 9.50 que es superior al T de tablas al 5% de 2.57. Se determin贸 el tiempo de duraci贸n decada m茅todo, resultados que reportaron similitud entre los dos m茅todos (15 min). A los 21 d铆as post inseminaci贸n sediagnostic贸 pre帽ez mediante ultrasonido y evaluaci贸n del no retorno de celo, resultados que reportaron en los dos m茅todos el 100% de efectividad. Posteriormente, al momento del parto se evalu贸 la cantidad de lechones nacidos totales,resultados que al utilizar la prueba T de Student con observaciones pareadas reportaron que estad铆sticamente no existediferencia significativa al 5% entre los dos m茅todos, el valor de T calculado fue 0.14 que es inferior al T de tablas al 5%de 2.57. Tambi茅n se determin贸 el peso de lechones al nacimiento, report谩ndose mediante la prueba T de Student conobservaciones pareadas que existe estad铆sticamente una diferencia significativa al 5% entre los m茅todos evaluados, elvalor de T calculado fue de 5.17, que es superior al T de tablas al 5% de 2.57. En cuanto a los costos no existe diferenciaconsiderable

    Caracter铆sticas socio-econ贸micas de peque帽os productores de compost en el Cant贸n Puyo, Ecuador

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    The socio-economic characterization of the production of organic fertilizers is considered as a diagnostic tool to establishpossible corrective measures that lead to the improvement of a productive activity. The socio-economic attributes of theproducers of organic fertilizers of the Producers Association in the Puyo axis in the Province of Pastaza (Ecuador) wereevaluated. For this purpose, a survey was applied in 12 greenhouses belonging to the Association, in which five peoplewere randomly selected for each greenhouse, totalizing 60 partners surveyed in order to detect possible weaknessesand/or strengths present in the production process. The structured questions were referred to social (sex, age composition, culture, predominant language and number of family members) or economic (time dedicated to the compost production, origin of the used supplies, number of sacks produced, sale frequency, equitability in the distribution of resourcesamong the partners, place of commercialization, part of the production destined to self-consumption and part of the profitdestined to the satisfaction of basic needs, income for sales concept) parameters. According to the results, the majority ofthe workers are of advanced age, who dedicate from 25 to 50% of the working day to this activity. On the other hand,there was a clear dependence on productive activity for external inputs, making it a dependent activity, which compromises its sustainability and profitability. Considering these findings, it is suggested to conduct a profitability study inorder to establish critical points that can be improved in conjunction with the advice of technical specialists in the area.La caracterizaci贸n socio-econ贸mica de la producci贸n de abonos org谩nicos se plantea como una herramienta de diagn贸stico para establecer posibles correctivos que conlleven al mejoramiento de una actividad productiva. Se evaluaron losatributos socio-econ贸micos de los productores de abonos org谩nicos de Asociaci贸n de Productores en el eje Puyo en laProvincia de Pastaza (Ecuador). Para ello se aplic贸 una encuesta en 12 cobertizos de la Asociaci贸n, dentro de ellos seseleccion贸 al azar cinco personas encuestadas por cada cobertizo, totalizando 60 socios encuestados con el fin de detectarposibles debilidades y/o fortalezas presentes en el proceso productivo. Las preguntas estructuradas fueron referidas al谩mbito social (sexo, composici贸n et谩ria, cultura, idioma predominantemente y n煤mero de miembros familiares) y eco- n贸mico (tiempo dedicado a la producci贸n de compost, origen de los insumos usados, n煤mero de sacos producidos,frecuencia en la venta, equitatividad en la distribuci贸n de los recursos entre los socios, lugar de comercializaci贸n, partede la producci贸n destinada al autoconsumo y parte de la ganancia destinada a la satisfacci贸n de necesidades b谩sicas,ingreso por concepto de ventas). De acuerdo con los resultados, la mayor铆a de los trabajadores son de avanzada edad,quienes dedican a esta actividad entre 25 y 50% de la jornada laboral. Por otra parte, se evidenci贸 una clara dependenciade la actividad productiva por insumos externos, haci茅ndola una actividad dependiente, lo cual compromete su sustentabilidad y rentabilidad. Considerando estos hallazgos, se sugiere hacer un estudio de rentabilidad de modo de establecerpuntos cr铆ticos que puedan ser mejorados en conjunto con la asesor铆a de los t茅cnicos especialistas en el 谩rea

    Efecto antimicrobiano del extracto crudo oleoso de Rosmarinus Officinalis sobre cepa de Escherichia coli

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    The objective of the research work was to evaluate in vitro the antimicrobial efficacy of the crude oil extract of rosemary(Rosmarinus officinalis) on Escherichia coli. Concentrations were evaluated at 20%, 40%, 60 and 80% in dilution in96.8% ethanol.The MIC was determined by the broth microdilution method, the bacterial inoculum of the strain ATCC 25922 wasactivated in the differential agar for MacConkey Enterobacteria and it was standardized to 0.5 of the MacFarland scale inspectrophotometer, having as a result that the 60% tube and 80% oil extract of rosemary did not present turbidity, whichwhen planted on Mueller-Hinton agar determined the MBC in which no colony growth was observed.The measurement of the inhibition rings formed from the OXOID disks impregnated with the concentrations of therosemary oil extract plus the 70% ethanol solvent was carried out and it was concluded that the 60% and 80% oil extracthad the highest antibacterial effect when forming halos of 9.10 mm and 10.90 mm respectively.El trabajo de investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo evaluar in vitro la eficacia antimicrobiana del extracto oleoso crudo deromero (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) sobre Escherichia coli. Se evaluaron concentraciones al 20%, 40%, 60 y 80% endiluci贸n en etanol al 70%.Se determin贸 la CIM mediante el m茅todo de microdiluci贸n en caldo, el in贸culo bacteriano de la cepa ATCC 25922 seactiv贸 en el agar diferencial para Enterobacterias MacConkey y se la estandariz贸 al 0.5 de la escala de MacFarland enespectrofot贸metro, teniendo como resultado que el tubo al 60% y 80% de extracto oleoso de romero no presentaronturbidez, los cuales al ser sembrados en agar Mueller-Hinton determin贸 la CMB en la que no se observ贸 crecimiento decolonias.Se realiz贸 la medici贸n de los halos de inhibici贸n formados a partir de los discos OXOID impregnados con las concentraciones del extracto oleoso de romero m谩s etanol y se concluye que el extracto oleoso al 60% y 80% presentaron el mayorefecto antibacteriano al formar halos de 9.10 mm y 10.90 mm respectivament

    Inhibici贸n de la brotaci贸n del tub茅rculo de papa: una revisi贸n de los m茅todos empleados

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    The potato is a tuberous plant cultivated around the world, its tubers can be conserved for a long time, after having beenharvested and without losing its parameters of quality, consumption and processing. There are several treatments thatallow delay the appearance of outbreaks as the use of plant hormones these are; abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, indoleacetic acid, ethylene and cytokinins that intervene in the physiological phases of the seed tuber, especially in the dormancy process. External agents such as Chlorpropham, maleic acid hydrazide, essential oils and tannins also play an important role in the inhibition of outbreaks. The plants elaborate compounds that are used to regulate different physiological processes, among them the one of the generation of shoots, that is why the obtaining of vegetal extracts and the studyof their active compounds help to the reduction of the use of chemical products among them the walnut extract that by itscompounds alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins and anthroquinines that are in different parts of the tree block the metabolicand hormonal processes of the tuber allowing to decrease the active growth of the shoots and lengthen the dormancyprocess. The objective of this article is to review some of the treatments that are used to lengthen the sprouting process ofpotato seed tubers.La papa es una planta tuberosa cultivada alrededor del mundo, sus tub茅rculos pueden conservarse por largo tiempo,despu茅s de haber sido cosechados y sin perder sus par谩metros de calidad, consumo y procesamiento. Existen variostratamientos que permiten retrasar la aparici贸n de brotes como la utilizaci贸n de hormonas vegetales como, 谩cido absc铆sico, 谩cido giber茅lico, 谩cido indol ac茅tico, etileno y citoquininas que intervienen en las fases fisiol贸gicas del tub茅rculosemilla especialmente en el proceso de dormancia. Agentes externos como el Chlorpropham, hidracida del 谩cido maleico, aceites esenciales y taninos tambi茅n juegan un rol importante sobre la inhibici贸n de los brotes. Las plantas elaborancompuestos que son empleados para regular diferentes procesos fisiol贸gicos, entre ellos el de la generaci贸n de brotes, espor eso que la obtenci贸n de extractos vegetales y el estudio de sus compuestos activos ayudan a la reducci贸n del uso deproductos qu铆micos entre ellos el extracto de nogal que por sus compuestos alcaloides, flavonoides, cumarinas y antroquininas que se encuentran en diferentes partes del 谩rbol bloquean los procesos metab贸licos y hormonales del tub茅rculopermitiendo disminuir el crecimiento activo de los brotes y alargar el proceso de dormancia. El presente art铆culo tienecomo objetivo revisar algunos de los tratamientos que se utilizan para alargar el proceso de brotaci贸n de los tub茅rculos- semilla de papa

    Diario de Burgos : de avisos y noticias: A帽o XXXVII N煤mero 11039 - 1927 junio 22

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    Copia digital. Espa帽a : Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirecci贸n General de Coordinaci贸n Bibliotecaria, 201

    Effect of hydro-ethanolic extracts of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) and common horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) on incidence and severity of Botrytis cinerea on strawberry

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    The effect of application of three dosages (5, 10 and 15 mL/L) and two frequencies (each 6 and 8 days) of ethanoic extracts obtained from cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) and common horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) on incidence and severity of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on strawberry crop (Fragaria ananassa cv. Albion) was evaluated. Experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with factorial arrangement 2 x 3 x 2 + 1, with three replications. Lower incidence and severity percentage in flower and fruit (10.24 and 24.43%, respectively) were observed after application of cinnamon extract at 15 mL/L at 6 days interval. Similarly, lower fruit severity (11.86%) was observed with the same treatment. In general, reduction in B. cinerea incidence and severity was lower when common horsetail extract was used, compared to cinnamon extracts. According to our results, using of cinnamon hydro-ethanoic extracts could be considered as sustainable alternative for grey mold management in strawberry crops