8 research outputs found

    Cerebral palsy and obstetric-neonatological interventions

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    Cerebral palsy is a disease that puts a great mental burden on caregivers and generates very high social costs. Children withCP require many years of rehabilitation and medical care. The etiology of the disease is undoubtedly multifactorial, and thepathogenesis is associated with focal damage to the central nervous system. One can find descriptions of well-documentedinterventions in the literature that reduce the risk of CP in certain groups of pregnant and neonatal patients, and interventionsthat have a potentially protective effect. In this review, we have analyzed the available literature in terms of prenataland postnatal interventions that may have an impact on reducing the incidence of this condition in children

    Cerebrovascular accident as the cause of neurological disorders in patients with lung cancer. A report of two cases

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    Rak płuca jest w Polsce najczęściej występującym nowotworem złośliwym i przyczyną największej liczby zgonów pochodzenia nowotworowego. Objawy neurologiczne u chorych na raka płuca występują bardzo często i zwykle są wynikiem rozsiewu choroby do mózgu lub stanowią zespół paranowotworowy. W pracy opisano przypadki dwóch chorych na raka płuca, u których przyczyną objawów neurologicznych był niedokrwienny udar mózgu. Obie pacjentki wcześniej leczono cytostatykami. Kliniczne objawy udaru były typowe — zaburzenia mowy i motoryki. Obecność zmian niedokrwiennych w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym potwierdziły wyniki badań obrazowych. Po włączeniu leczenia objawowego u obu pacjentek uzyskano nieznaczną poprawę stanu ogólnego i ustąpienie części ubytków neurologicznych. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2011; 7, 1: 43–48In Poland, lung cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm and the first cause of cancer-related deaths. Neurologic manifestations are often observed in lung cancer patients and usually result from dissemination of neoplasm to brain or are the part of paraneoplastic syndrome. In this paper two women with lung cancer and neurologic manifestations caused by ischaemic cerebrovascular accident are described. Both patients were previously treated with chemotherapy. Clinical manifestations of the cerebrovascular accidents were typical — speech disorders and disturbances in motor activity. The cerebrovascular accidents were diagnosed by imaging procedures. After symptomatic treatment a performance status of both patients improved slightly and some neurologic deficits subsided. Onkol. Prak. Klin. 2011; 7, 1: 43–4

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    INVENIO: PUBDB for publication appointees

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    JuSER – Volltextrepositorium und mehr

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    JuSER ist die Jülicher Instanz der gemeinsam mit dem Deutschen Elektronensyncrotron (DESY, Hamburg), der Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI, Darmstadt), der RWTH Aachen und der Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum (MLZ, München) entwickelten Publikationsdatenbank

    A systematic review of fault prediction performance in software engineering

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    This is a post-print of the article accepted for publication. The definitive version can be accessed at the link below.Background: The accurate prediction of where faults are likely to occur in code can help direct test effort, reduce costs and improve the quality of software. Objective: We investigate how the context of models, the independent variables used and the modelling techniques applied, influence the performance of fault prediction models. Method: We used a systematic literature review to identify 208 fault prediction studies published from January 2000 to December 2010. We synthesise the quantitative and qualitative results of 36 studies which report sufficient contextual and methodological information according to the criteria we develop and apply. Results: The models that perform well tend to be based on simple modelling techniques such as Naïve Bayes or Logistic Regression. Combinations of independent variables have been used by models that perform well. Feature selection has been applied to these combinations when models are performing particularly well. Conclusion: The methodology used to build models seems to be influential to predictive performance. Although there are a set of fault prediction studies in which confidence is possible, more studies are needed that use a reliable methodology and which report their context, methodology and performance comprehensively.This research was supported by the UK's Engineering and Physical Science Research Council grant EPSRC EP/E063039/1 and the Science Foundation Ireland grant 3/CE2/I303