23 research outputs found

    «Tan verídica como patriota»: La pugna sobre traducción entre Rodolfo Lenz y Manuel Manquilef

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    This article will discuss ethnographic discourse in late 19th-early 20th C. Chile from the standpoint of translation studies. The translation thinking and strategies employed by Rodolfo Lenz and Manuel Manquilef will be analyzed and the differences between ethnographic and autoethnographictranslation will be explored drawing upon the definition proposed by Pratt (1991). We will suggest implications for the representation of the Mapuche language and culture as well as for the constitution of a narrative on the Mapuche people that might have contributed to a national discourse.En este trabajo pretendemos problematizar el discurso etnográficode fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX en Chile desde la perspectivade los estudios de traducción. Se analizará el pensamiento sobre la traducción y las estrategias de traducción empleadas por Rodolfo Lenz y Manuel Manquilef, caracterizando las diferencias entre traducción etnográficay autoetnográfica a partir de la definición propuesta por Pratt (1991). Se expondrán sus implicaciones para la representación de la lengua y la culturamapuches y para la constitución de un relato sobre el pueblo mapuche que pudiera haber contribuido al discurso nacional

    'As truthful as it is patriotic' : The dispute between Rodolfo Lenz and Manuel Manquilef over translation

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    This article will discuss ethnographic discourse in late 19th-early 20th C. Chile from the standpoint of translation studies. The translation thinking and strategies employed by Rodolfo Lenz and Manuel Manquilef will be analyzed and the differences between ethnographic and autoethnographic translation will be explored drawing upon the definition proposed by Pratt (1991). We will suggest implications for the representation of the Mapuche language and culture as well as for the constitution of a narrative on the Mapuche people that might have contributed to a national discourse

    «Tan verídica como patriota»: La pugna sobre traducción entre Rodolfo Lenz y Manuel Manquilef

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    This article will discuss ethnographic discourse in late 19th-early 20th C. Chile from the standpoint of translation studies. The translation thinking and strategies employed by Rodolfo Lenz and Manuel Manquilef will be analyzed and the differences between ethnographic and autoethnographictranslation will be explored drawing upon the definition proposed by Pratt (1991). We will suggest implications for the representation of the Mapuche language and culture as well as for the constitution of a narrative on the Mapuche people that might have contributed to a national discourse.En este trabajo pretendemos problematizar el discurso etnográficode fines del siglo XIX y comienzos del siglo XX en Chile desde la perspectivade los estudios de traducción. Se analizará el pensamiento sobre la traducción y las estrategias de traducción empleadas por Rodolfo Lenz y Manuel Manquilef, caracterizando las diferencias entre traducción etnográficay autoetnográfica a partir de la definición propuesta por Pratt (1991). Se expondrán sus implicaciones para la representación de la lengua y la culturamapuches y para la constitución de un relato sobre el pueblo mapuche que pudiera haber contribuido al discurso nacional

    "In Comitiis Generalibus seu. Hueupin": composición poética en mapudungun para un Parlamento General (B. de Havestadt, Chilidugu sive tractatus linguae chilensis, vol. II, Ed. J. Platzmann, 1883, pp. 598-599).

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    El jesuita B. de Havestadt (1714-1781) incluyó varias composiciones poéticas y musicales en mapudungun en su Chilidugu, alguna bilingüe mapudungun-latín y, en cuanto a género, casi todas de carácter religioso. La que aquí presentamos es una excepción. Lleva por título In Comitiis Generalibus Seu. Hueupin, y es una composición inspirada en un modelo autóctono, el weupin, pieza de oratoria tradicional mapuche. Según lo indica el título, Havestadt la concibió para ser recitada en un Parlamento General, es decir, durante una asamblea, o coyag, hispanomapuche del máximo nivel de asistencia y representatividad

    Andres Febres, an exile linguist in Sardinia (1783 ca - 1790)

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    After his arrival in Sardinia in the first half of 80's decade, the expatriated Jesuit Andres Febres (Manresa, 1732 - Cagliari, 1790) seems to rediscover the linguistic interests he had already expressed with the Arte de la lengua general del reyno de Chile (Lima, 1765). In the island, hiding from Papal and Spanish agents and operating under the name of Bonifacio d'Olmi, engaged in a clandestine printing activity against the suppression of the Company, he conceived a language planning project of the Sardinian language, that included a grammar of Sardinian language varieties and at least one work in verses on which to experiment his orthographic, lexical and morphological innovations. The project largely halted as the ruling authorities in the island refused the printing permission for the grammar. Only a few handwritten pages of the grammar at the moment are known. Our purpose is to describe the outlines of Febres' attempt


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    Two years before the decree of expulsion, the Jesuit Andres Febres (Manresa, 1732-Cagliari, 1790), published in Lima his Mapudungun compilation of grammar, lexicons and translations, entitled the Art of the General Language of the Chilean Kingdom (Arte de la lengua general del reino de Chile). It is considered to be the main publication for the language of the Mapuche during colonial times, that would serve as the basis for future studies of the mapuche language. In the absence of a more complete biographical and bio-bibliographical work, this is an attempt to compile and systematize data scattered throughout various sources, and to present information and documents, some of them until now unknown, which clarify his identity and fate in exile. An analysis and aspects of his personality and the value of his work will be proposed

    Inquiries on the Meaning of Gold in Mapuche Culture. A review of sources and something more

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    This paper is part of an interdisciplinary project (ethnohistory, archaeology, translation studies) of which one of the objectives is the identification of gold extracting sites south of the city of Concepcion. It develops the hypothesis, put forward by archaeological studies, of possible gold mining by the Incas or even earlier, as opposed to an historiographical theory which claims that the Incas did not cross the Biobio river. Against this background, and considering that in the sixteenth century Mapudungun was spoken in a much larger area than the one covered by our project, i.e. Araucania, we inquire on the conspicuous presence of the word milla (gold) in Mapudungun, and the extent of its significance in mapuche society, a society that, according to records, does not seem to have given gold the symbolic and material importance it had in Andean cultures. Through a historical linguistics and translation studies approach, we undertake a review of the state of the question and systematize linguistic data provided by primary and secondary sources, from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, in an attempt to resolve, as much as possible, the uncertainties surrounding the word milla and the cultural significance of gold in mapuche society

    Vicisitudes de algunas equivalencias en el discurso de la diplomacia hispano-mapuche en el Chile colonial

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    Los parlamentos hispano-mapuches fueron conferencias de paz entre el ejército colonial español y las autoridades mapuche en el sur de Chile, que dieron lugar a un vocabulario político específico, producto de la relación entre las dos comunidades. Se analiza aquí la ocurrencia de la palabra parlamento en los tratados de paz, en sus dos acepciones principales – discurso y reunión – presentes durante todo el siglo XVII, observando cómo, a lo largo del XVIII, la segunda acepción se va imponiendo y la palabra entra definitivamente en el vocabulario político de las modalidades de interacción entre la corona española y los mapuche. Este estudio del trayecto temático-discursivo de la palabra parlamento y su red de significados, así como de algunos otros vocablos que fueron designando a los actores y al espacio físico donde se realizaba el acto, descansa en una reflexión traductológica con un enfoque sociohistórico y discursivo, y recurre asimismo a instrumentos y conceptos de la terminología. El trabajo, que se centra en un caso particular de equivalencia de traducción, pretende aportar tanto a la historia de la traducción como a la historia general y la historia de los conceptos políticos.Les parlamentos hispano-mapuche furent des conférences de paix tenues au sud du Chili entre l’armée coloniale espagnole et les autorités mapuche. Ces traités ont engendré un vocabulaire politique particulier, produit de la relation entre les deux communautés. Le présent article aborde l’occurrence, dans les traités de paix, du vocable parlamento, dans ses deux acceptions principales présentes tout au long du XVIIe – discours et réunion– pour devenir au cours du XVIIIe un terme clé du vocabulaire politique des modalités d’interaction entre la couronne espagnole et les Mapuches. L’étude du trajet thématique et discursif de ce vocable et de ses usages, ainsi que de celui d’autres vocables désignant les acteurs et l’espace physique de la cérémonie, repose sur une réflexion traductologique, à l’aune d’une approche sociohistorique et discursive, tout en recourant à certains outils et concepts de la terminologie. Le présent travail, sur un cas précis d’équivalence de traduction, prétend contribuer à l’histoire de la traduction, à l’histoire générale et à celle des concepts politiques.The Mapuche – Spanish parlamentos were peace assemblies held during the colonial period between the Spanish army and the Mapuche authorities in southern Chile. The interaction between these two communities led to the creation a specific political vocabulary. This article examines the occurrence of the word parlamento by addressing the two main senses attributed to it – speech and assembly/gathering – in the peace treaties of the seventeenth century. Our argument is twofold. Firstly, we contend that, over the course of the eighteen century, the latter sense imposed over the former. Secondly, we argue that, during the same period, the word entered the political vocabulary of the interaction modalities between the Spanish Crown and the Chilean Mapuche. Drawing both on socio-historical and discursive approaches and on terminology concepts and tools, this article examines the thematic trajectory of the word parlamento and its network of meanings, as well as that of other words that referred to the actors and the physical settings where said assemblies took place. Hence, by analyzing a particular case of translation equivalence, it aims to contribute to the history of translation, general history, as well as to the history of political concepts