30 research outputs found

    The chosen socio-economic problems of protecting valuable agricultural land in Natura 2000 areas in Poland

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    Purpose: Intensive development of agriculture has led to the loss of many valuable ecosystems and thus to a significant impoverishment of biodiversity in rural areas. In the context of the analysed research problem, i.e. the functioning of agriculture in N2000 areas, Poland is a special country where there are semi-natural unique habitats disappearing in the European landscape. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of conservation measures financed under the EU CAP on agricultural land located on N2000 areas. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analytical material consisted of the results of surveys using a standardized questionnaire which carried out among 292 farmers (152 organic farmers and 140 conventional farmers) from the the area of N2000 "Biebrza Valley" PLH200008. The assumptions were verified based on the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA analysis and gamma rank correlation. The analytical material also consisted of EUROSTAT data on the area of the N2000 network and the area of agricultural land covered by this form of protection in EU countries. These data were subject to horizontal and vertical (years 2009-2017) comparative analysis. Findings: Polish experience regarding the implementation of conservation measures on naturally valuable agricultural land (N2000) allows to state that environmental policy should be based on the idea of socially sustainable agriculture, including ecological sustainability (proper delimitation of areas predestined for protection, their environmental valorisation, development of conservation measures and their implementation, a bonus system for the sustainability of agri-environmental commitments), economic sustainability (the system of agricultural subsidies and/or other solutions to meet the basic living needs of farmers and their families), social sustainability (effective inclusion of local communities in information, education and decision-making processes at the stages of development, deployment and implementation of protection programs). Practical Implications: The recommendations resulting from the conducted research and analyses may be adopted by the institutions responsible for the creation of an environmental protection policy which can improve the effectiveness of active forms of protection in valuable natural habitats that are used for agriculture. Originality/Value: The article indicates the recommendations based on building a lasting relationship between farmers and the protection of the environment.peer-reviewe

    Sublinear Average-Case Shortest Paths in Weighted Unit-Disk Graphs

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    We consider the problem of computing shortest paths in weighted unit-disk graphs in constant dimension dd. Although the single-source and all-pairs variants of this problem are well-studied in the plane case, no non-trivial exact distance oracles for unit-disk graphs have been known to date, even for d=2d=2. The classical result of Sedgewick and Vitter [Algorithmica '86] shows that for weighted unit-disk graphs in the plane the AA^* search has average-case performance superior to that of a standard shortest path algorithm, e.g., Dijkstra's algorithm. Specifically, if the nn corresponding points of a weighted unit-disk graph GG are picked from a unit square uniformly at random, and the connectivity radius is r(0,1)r\in (0,1), AA^* finds a shortest path in GG in O(n)O(n) expected time when r=Ω(logn/n)r=\Omega(\sqrt{\log n/n}), even though GG has Θ((nr)2)\Theta((nr)^2) edges in expectation. In other words, the work done by the algorithm is in expectation proportional to the number of vertices and not the number of edges. In this paper, we break this natural barrier and show even stronger sublinear time results. We propose a new heuristic approach to computing point-to-point exact shortest paths in unit-disk graphs. We analyze the average-case behavior of our heuristic using the same random graph model as used by Sedgewick and Vitter and prove it superior to AA^*. Specifically, we show that, if we are able to report the set of all kk points of GG from an arbitrary rectangular region of the plane in O(k+t(n))O(k + t(n)) time, then a shortest path between arbitrary two points of such a random graph on the plane can be found in O(1/r2+t(n))O(1/r^2 + t(n)) expected time. In particular, the state-of-the-art range reporting data structures imply a sublinear expected bound for all r=Ω(logn/n)r=\Omega(\sqrt{\log n/n}) and O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) expected bound for r=Ω(n1/4)r=\Omega(n^{-1/4}) after only near-linear preprocessing of the point set.Comment: Full version of a SoCG'21 paper. Abstract truncated to meet arxiv requirement

    The chosen socio-economic problems of protecting valuable agricultural land in natura 2000 areas in Poland

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    Purpose: The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of conservation measures financed under the EU CAP on agricultural land located on N2000 areas. Design/Methodology/Approach: The analytical material consisted of the results of surveys using a standardized interview questionnaire which were carried out among 292 farmers (152 organic farmers and 140 conventional farmers) from the the area of N2000 "Biebrza Valley" PLH200008. The assumptions were verified based on the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA analysis and Gamma rank correlation. The analytical material also consisted of EUROSTAT data on the area of the N2000 network and the area of agricultural land covered by this form of protection in EU countries. These data were subject to horizontal and vertical (years 2009-2017) comparative analysis. Findings: Environmental policy should be based on the idea of socially sustainable agriculture, including ecological sustainability, economic sustainability, and social sustainability in terms of effective inclusion of local communities in information, education and decision-making processes at the stages of development, deployment and implementation of protection programs. Practical Implications: The recommendations resulting from the conducted research and analyses may be adopted by the institutions responsible for the creation of environmental protection policies to improve the effectiveness of active forms of protection in valuable natural habitats that are used for agriculture. Originality/Value: The article indicates the recommendations based on building a lasting relationship between farmers and the protection of the environment.peer-reviewe

    Where Are All the Black Teachers? Discrimination in the Teacher Labor Market

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    In this article, Diana D\u27Amico, Robert J. Pawlewicz, Penelope M. Earley, and Adam P. McGeehan examine the racial composition of one public school district\u27s teacher labor market through teacher application data and subsequent hiring decisions. Researchers and policy makers have long noted the lack of racial diversity among the nation\u27s public school teachers and identified supply as the root cause. Using a historical framework and problem definition theory, the authors question this supposition and explore the issue as a function of demand. Investigating a unique data set comprising all of the applications for teaching positions in a single, large school district, they analyze the extent to which race is associated with principals\u27 hiring decisions. They explore the rates at which Black and White candidates apply for teaching positions and compare those to the rates at which they are hired and the school demographics in which they are placed. Through a logistic regression analysis, the authors present evidence of discrimination in teacher hiring. Ceteris paribus, Black applicants were significantly less likely than their White counterparts to receive a job offer. Further, they find evidence of workforce segregation: when hired, Black teachers were significantly more likely to be placed in schools with large populations of children of color and children in poverty or schools characterized as struggling. The authors call for researchers, policy makers, and school leaders at the district and building levels to examine hiring practices, which may be symptomatic of broader institutional biases, so that they may identify and eliminate inherent prejudices

    Economic sustainability of dairy farms in the EU

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    Purpose: The objective of this research is to evaluate changes in the economic sustainability of dairy farms in the European Union (EU) countries during 2007-2016 when dairy quotas were being removed in the EU. We wanted to answer the question what is the economic sustainability of dairy farms in the EU, and how has the economic sustainability in the EU countries changed after the accession of new member states in 2004 and 2017. Design/Approach/Methodology: An economic sustainability assessment of farms was conducted using the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) census data with several economic efficiency indicators. We analyzed variables using the Hellwig method. Findings: Results indicate that milk production increased in almost all the countries of the EU, as did their economies. The largest annual increase in standard output (SO) was in Denmark, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Sweden and United Kingdom. In turn, the smallest annual increase in SO was in Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia and Poland. Dairy farms in the Czech Republic and Denmark had the highest economic sustainability, while dairy farms in Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania and Slovenia had the lowest economic sustainability. Practical Implications: While not providing a comprehensive assessment, the indicators used do provide important information about economic impacts related to the scale and distribution of production, difference in labor cost, sources of income and maintenance of farms. Originality/Value: Modern dairy farms must have production efficiency and environmental compliance to achieve sustainability. Much of the current literature focuses on the efficiency and environmental aspects of sustainability and there is a lack of data that assesses economic sustainability.peer-reviewe

    Impact of new member accession to the European Union on food trade

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    Purpose: The main focus is on the export and import of agricultural products in the EU in the years 2002-2017 outside the EU (extra-EU). Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper investigates the impact of EU (European Union) enlargement on food trade using descriptive statistics. First, EU-28 exports, imports, and trade balance of agricultural products outside the EU (extra-EU) are presented for 2002-2017. Findings: The trade balance between EU countries for food, beverages, and tobacco are also presented. Accession has led to the elimination of trade tariffs and accelerated improvements in trade. The most exported products by EU countries were alcoholic beverages (spirits and liquors, wine, and vermouth), bakery products, and wheat. Most of the export of agri-food products is directed to other EU countries, Russia, China, and various countries in South America, Africa, and Asia. Imports to EU countries comprised mostly of vegetables and fruits, coffee, tea, cocoa, and various fish products. Practical implications: The results will fill in the gap concerning the food trade of agricultural products in the EU. Originality/Value: The new information about extra EU trade of agricultural products and a GARCH (Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroscedastic) model was presented.peer-reviewe

    Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne produkcji ekologicznej w Polsce

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    Poland has favourable natural conditions for development of the ecological agriculture. The aim of this article is to display and evaluate the spatial differentiation of production of raw material for food products coming from organic farms as well as of processing of these products in Poland. A comparative analysis was conducted using the GUS statistical data, the IJHARS data as well as those from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, related to organic farming as well as to food processing plants producing the organic food in Poland. / Synopsis. Polska posiada sprzyjające warunki naturalne do rozwoju rolnictwa ekologicznego. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i ocena zróżnicowania przestrzennego produkcji surowców żywnościowych pochodzących z gospodarstw produkującymi metodami ekologicznymi oraz przetwórstwa tych produktów w Polsce. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą, wykorzystując dane statystyczne z opracowań GUS, IJHARS oraz Ministerstwa Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, dotyczące gospodarstw produkujących metodami ekologicznymi oraz przetwórni produkujących ekologiczną żywność w Polsce

    Interregional Diversity of Social Capital in the Context of Sustainable Development—A Case Study of Polish Voivodeships

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    The relationship between social capital and sustainable development challenges is of special importance. However, social capital is a complex phenomenon that is analyzed in different contexts and cannot be investigated with the use of a single variable. Social capital is difficult to define, which is why the selection of variables for measuring social capital can be problematic. The aim of this study was to analyze variations in social capital at the regional level. The study was conducted in Poland, and it covered all 16 Polish voivodeships (regions) where social capital was evaluated based on five measures: civic engagement in political and social life, degree of selfless behavior, sense of security and social confidence, formation of social structures, and the observance of social norms (external factors), and attitudes (internal factors) that foster desirable social interactions. The correlations between the above measures were also determined. Composite indicators of the analyzed measures were developed with the use of the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The results were used to rank Polish voivodeships and group them into three classes based on the corresponding values of the adopted measures. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used in the correlation analysis. The analysis involved a total of 26 indicators based on the data provided by Statistics Poland, the National Election Committee, Social Diagnosis project, and Moja Polis website. Polish voivodeships not only differ considerably in terms of the evaluated measures of social capital, but are also characterized by significant internal variation within each measure. The majority of Polish voivodeships were grouped in class II denoting average values of the evaluated measures, which could suggest that Poland is deficient in social capital. The Pomeranian voivodeship scored highest and the Łódź voivodeship scored lowest in the analyzed measures of social capital. A significant correlation was observed only between civic engagement in political and social life versus the formation of social structures and the observance of norms and attitudes that foster desirable social interactions

    The Risk of Agricultural Land Abandonment as a Socioeconomic Challenge for the Development of Agriculture in the European Union

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    In this article, the risk of agricultural farmland abandonment was assessed with the use of a synthetic measure of socioeconomic problems as challenges to the quality of life in rural areas in the European Union. To determine the direction and dynamics of changes in farmland abandonment in the EU countries, variables based on EUROSTAT and FADN data were analyzed using Hellwig’s method, and data for 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 were compared. The EUROSTAT methodology for the agri-environmental indicator “risk of land abandonment” was adapted for the needs of this study. Agricultural land is abandoned for many reasons, including conversion to other uses, but also abandonment of farming. The results of the analysis indicate that the risk of farmland abandonment was highest in countries with difficult farming conditions, such as Greece, Spain, Portugal, Romania, and Finland. In turn, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands, i.e., the most economically developed countries, were most resilient to this risk. An analysis of the factors that contribute to farmland abandonment demonstrated that the likelihood of this risk decreases with a rise in agricultural investments, farm income, population density, prices of agricultural land, road quality, and density. A high proportion of ageing farm owners was the only factor that increased the risk of agricultural land abandonment

    The influence of Natura 2000 sites on the investment attractiveness of Polish regions

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    This article evaluates the influence of the Natura 2000 network (N2K) of protected areas on the investment attractiveness of Polish regions. Natura 2000 sites were analyzed with the use of the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), a linear ordering method with a common pattern and anti-pattern of development, and correlation analysis (Pearson’s correlation coefficient). The basic unit of analysis was the county (Polish: powiat, the second-level unit of local government and administration in Poland). Poland is divided into 16 regions (known as voivodeships) with a total of 380 counties. The results of the analysis were used to determine synthetic values describing the level and potential of investment attractiveness in Polish counties, and the strength of correlations between the evaluated phenomena. Indicators of investment attractiveness of Polish counties were selected based on published data and analyzed in view of several criteria: labor resources, technical infrastructure, social infrastructure, market support and administrative support. The correlations between the investment attractiveness of Polish counties and the presence of N2K sites in those counties were analyzed statistically. Data for analysis were acquired from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office. The analysis revealed that the presence of N2K sites in the examined territorial units does not significantly influence their investment attractiveness