57 research outputs found

    Young workers in the building industry - an analysis of the working conditions in a selected work group

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    Tematem opracowania była weryfikacja stanu wiedzy pracowników młodocianych zatrudnionych w przemyśle budowlanym w zakresie wymagań zdrowotnych oraz prawidłowych warunków pracy. Przeprowadzono wywiad ankietowy wśród reprezentatywnej grupy 110 pracowników młodocianych sektora budowlanego. Ankieta zawierała 82 pytania i została podzielona na sześć części (Szkoła, Umowa, Szkolenia, Pracodawca, Miejsce Pracy, Stanowisko Pracy). Głównymi nieprawidłowościami wskazanymi przez ankietowanych były: brak wyposażenia pracowników w odzież ochronną oraz obuwie robocze, brak wyznaczenia stref niebezpiecznych na budowie, nieprzestrzeganie czasu pracy oraz nieudzielanie urlopu przysługującemu młodocianym i dopuszczanie do prac niedozwolonych pracownikom młodocianym.The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge and awareness of young workers in the building industry regarding their health requirements and working conditions. A questionnaire survey was conducted among a representative group of 110 young employees in the building industry. It consisted of 82 questions divided into six sections (school, contract, training, employer, workplace, workstation). The main problems the young employees listed were as follows: no protective clothing and footwear, no indication of danger zones in construction sites, disregard for work time and not granting the leave young workers are entitled to, and permitting young people do work they should not be doing

    Effect of treatment with N-acetylcysteine on non-enzymatic antioxidant reserves and lipid peroxidation in workers exposed to lead

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    There are no published studies examining the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) administration on the non-enzymatic defence systems in humans exposed to lead. In view of this, it was decided to measure the levels of uric acid (UA), albumin, bilirubin and alpha-tocopherol before and after treatment with NAC. An estimation was also made of the degree of oxidative stress by measuring the ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), the levels of conjugated dienes (CD) and lipid hydroperoxides (LHP). Male employees who worked with lead were randomized into two groups. The first group included workers who were not administered any drugs (n=49), while the second group (n=122) consisted of workers who were treated with NAC at three different doses (200 mg, 400 mg and 800 mg) for 12 weeks. The administration of NAC (400 mg, 800 mg) resulted in significant decreases in the LHP levels. Similarly, a strong tendency toward lower levels of CD was observed in the same groups. The UA levels were significantly lower only in the group receiving the 200 mg dose of NAC. However, the alpha-tocopherol levels were significantly elevated after treatment with NAC (400 mg, 800 mg). NAC administration did not significantly affect the levels of bilirubin and albumin, but a tendency toward higher values was observed for FRAP. NAC reduced the extent of lipid peroxidation in a dose-dependent manner. Elevated concentrations of alpha-tocopherol may have enhanced the beneficial effects of NAC. Treatment with NAC may contribute to the restoration of non-enzymatic antioxidant reserves when administered to lead-exposed workers

    Dissociation or cyclization : options for a triad of radicals released from oxime carbamates

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    A set of oxime carbamates, having N-alkyl- and N,N-dialkyl-substituents, was prepared via carbonyldiimidazole intermediates. It was shown by EPR spectroscopy that they underwent clean homolysis of their NO bonds on UV photolysis. During photolysis of acetophenone O-allylcarbamoyl oxime the corresponding oxazolidin-2-onylmethyl radical was detected by EPR spectroscopy, providing the first evidence that N-mono-substituted carbamoyloxyl radicals can hold their structural integrity. N,N-Di-substituted carbamoyloxyl radicals dissociated rapidly at the lowest accessible temperatures. Above room temperature both types of oxime carbamate acted as selective new precursors for aminyl and iminyl radicals. Rate parameters were measured for 5-exo-cyclization of N-benzyl-N-pent-4-enylaminyl radicals; the rate constant was smaller than for C-centered and O-centered analogs. Oxime carbamates derived from the volatile diethylamine afforded aryl-iminyl radicals that proved convenient for phenanthridine preparations.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe