32 research outputs found


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    Sekolah Gracia adalah suatu badan usaha yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan. Persaingan yang makin ketat menyebabkan sekolah Gracia harus memikirkan strategi yang tepat agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing. Oleh karena itu dilakukan benchmarking untuk mengetahui keunggulan dan kelemahan sekolah ini dibandingkan pesaing serta pengukuran kinerja dengan menggunakan metode Balanced scorecard. Metode Balanced Scorecard merupakan suatu metode pengukuran kinerja yang terdiri dari empat perspektif yaitu finansial perspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective dan learning and growth perspective. Berdasarkan strategi yang telah ditetapkan dengan matriks SWOT, ditentukan tolok ukur untuk masing-masing perspective Balanced Scorecard. Tiap tolok ukur ditentukan bobot kepentingan dengan menggunakan metode Pair Comparison Scorecard yang dirancang mencakup Strategi, tolok ukur (Key Performance Indicator - KPI), bobot, target yang ingin dicapai dan skala penilaian (digunakan skala l-3). Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran rancangan Balanced Scorecard, diperoleh kinerja sekolah Gracia pada periode I adalah cukup baik dengan nilai 1.1337, sedangkan pada periode 2 nilai kinerja meningkat menjadi 2.1981 Peningkatan ini terjadi karena adanya peningkatan kinerja pada customer perspektif, internal business process perspective, dan learning and growth perspective dari hasil pengukuran kinerja ditetapkan inisiatif perbaikan terhadap tolok ukur yang pencapaiannya belum baik Melalui metode Quality Function Deployment dengan membuat House of Quality dapat diperoleh inisiatif yang memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar bagi perbaikan kinerja sekolah yaitu melakukan pengembangan dan perbaikan fasilitas, meningkatkan promosi, meningkatkan jumlah jam bahasa asing, mangadakan training seluruh guru dalam bahasa asing dan merancang sistem pengupahan yang sesuai dengan jabatan dan tugasnya. Selanjutnya dibuat matriks departemen untuk mengetahui bagian mana yang paling berkaitan dengan inisiatif perbaikan


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    Surabaya as one of the biggest cities in Indonesia has great demands for retail industry. There are 5 hypermarkets in Surabaya, with 3 of them dominate 88.5% total revenue in 2009. This competition has causes every hypermarket to rearrange and refresh their marketing strategies in order to win the competition. The questions that the hypermarket X’s manager has to answer are mostly about these 3 questions. The first one is ‘Does my brand is the first retrieved brand?’. Using Top-of-Mind Awareness concept, a self-administered questionnaire was used to gain the data from 150 respondents, with 138 were completely filled. The result is Carrefour leads with 43.48%, meanwhile Hypermarket X only gains 20.29%. The second one is ‘Do consumers purchase at the first retrieved brand?’ The Chi-square test with significant level below 0.05 proves that there is a relationship between TOMA Hypermarket and future purchased hypermarket. And the last question is ‘How my hypermarket will be able to be the first retrieved brand?’ Paired t-test, Chi-square, Discriminant, and Quadrant analysis will explain it. Hypermarket X needs to maintain their ‘empathy', improve their ‘reliability’ and ‘price guarantee’ by ‘advertisement’, in order to win the competition

    Penerapan Metode P-C-P untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan: Studi Kasus di Restoran Ayam Goreng Mama Surabaya

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    Ketatnya persaingan memicu perlunya strategi-strategi yang menitikberatkan pada usaha-usaha perbaikan kualitas layanan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan konsumen. Salah satu metode yang banyak digunakan untuk pmgukuran kepuasan pelanggan adalah SERVQUAL. Aplikasi SERVQUAL menggolongkan kualitas layanan menjadi 5 dimensi yang berbeda yaitu: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Namun, metode ini mempunyai beberapa kelemahan, yaitu: tidak dapat mmgukur keunikan dari industri jasa, kelima dimensi SERVQUAL tidaklah cukup untuk mengukur idiosyncrasises of individual services, dan Pengukuran harapan dan persepsi membuat kuesioner menjadi terlalu panjang. Metode P-C-P dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk mengeliminir kelemahan kelemahan SERVQUAL tersebut. Selain itu metode P-C-P juga mengevaluasi experiential marketing dari indurtri yang bersangkutan. Model ini dapat digambarkan sebagai piramid dengan puncaknya pivotal amibutes, bagian tengah: core attributes dan dasarnya: peripheral attributes. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mnggambarkan implementhsi model P-C-P pada restoran Ayam Goreng Mama Surabaya

    What Customer Want From Online Bookstore?

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    Nowadays, retail must run multichannel store to increase its revenue and satisfy the customer. Besides the physical store, they also need an online store to accommodate the customer who chooses Internet as their way to shop. X Store, as the biggest bookstore in Indonesia, realized about this trend and since 2002 they built their online shop, it is named X Online. This research has an objection to give suggestions for factors that influence the customer buying interest, based on a statistical test series. It will help the X Online to do some effective ways and win the competition. We did the descriptive analysis to check the respondent demography and customer score for each variable, for satisfaction and importance factors with Likert scale from 1 to 5. To see the relationship between customer demography and the variables, we used the Crosstab analysis. Followed by Manova test to see the difference between satisfaction and importance level, then the last was Quadrant analysis, to find which factors are weak, so X Online must focus on it. The result showed that the customer felt satisfied for on time delivery. Crosstab analysis showed there was a relationship between X Store customer and X Online customer. They who have ever shopped at X Store with the minimum frequency once a month, also shopped at X Online. From Quadrant analysis, we knew that the strengths of X Online were collected, wide range delivery, guarantee, on time delivery, book condition, and data security. The weaknesses were product availability, price and discount, simplicity and order procedure

    Perancangan Fasilitas Belajar Dan Bermain Yang Ergonomis Bagi Anak Usia Balita

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    Saat ini pada beberapa TK masih banyak dijumpai adanya berbagai fasilitas kelas dan penunjangnya yang masih kurang ergonomis dan kurang aman. Selain itu, belum tersedia data anthropometri anak usia balita. yang sesuai dengan ukuran tubuh balita Indonesia ataupun Jawa khususnya. Oleh karena itu makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi perancangan meja & kursi, rak prakarya. loker, pijakan papan tulis, warna dinding, penerangan, dan layout kelas serta ayunan kursi dan merry-go-round. Selain itu juga dirancang program database anthropometri. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam perancangan adalah ergonomi, Be-safe, Kansei Engineering, dan QFD. Survei setelah implementasi perancangan menunjukkan bahwa hasil rancangan baru lebih aman dan nyaman bagi siswa


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    Nowadays, we could find many advertising medias. such as newspaper, television. radio, billboard Another good advertising media is Point-Of-Purchase Advertising (POP Advertising). POP Advertising is a media to promote consumer goods in a supermarket where customers come to buy something. POP Advertising displays are categorized into 4 kinds, i.e. shelfvision. cart advertising, hang mobile and wire stands. The benefit of this advertising media is influencing customers in supermarket. especially impulse buyers (customers who buy something without planning before). The aims of this paper are to analysis the effectiveness of four kinds of POP Advertising for toiletries products and design better/effective POP Advertising using ergonomics approach This paper is based on a research conducted in a hypermarket in Surabaya To evaluate the effectiveness of the POP advertising, we distributed questionnaires to the respondents in this hypermarket. From this research we find out that the most effective POP advertising is shelfision We re-designed one brand's shelfision using ergonomics approach. We used ergonomics approach to analyze advertising elements such as content of the advertising. position. picture, color. size of media, height and size of alphabets). Finally. we proved that an ergonomic advertising will become an effective advertising


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    QWERTY keyboard is intended to use by all user groups. However, when it is used to type in Bahasa Indonesia, there are discomfort problem, i.e., alphabet that frequently used is not ergonomically placed so that it will cause "weak" finger overloaded. The objective of this study is to design the special keyboard for Indonesians who usually type in Bahasa Indonesia. Ten users, who have equal typing rate, were interviewed and observed when they typed standard article with QWERTY's Standard and Dvorak's arrangement Keyboard. This result used to enrich the development of alternative keyboard Usability indicators (i.e., Time to learn. Speed of performance, Rate of errors by users and Subjective satisfaction) were used to compare the performance of QWERTY's Standard Keyboard and alternative keyboard. The result showed that alternative keyboard is better than QWERTY 's when it is used to type in Bahasa Indonesi

    Feasibility Study of Public Health Center X

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    Public Health Center X is the first level health facility service provider in subdistrict X. Established in 1975, UPT Puskesmas X has never conducted a feasibility study which has been regulated since 2014. Based on these problems, this study aims to conduct a feasibility study on a new building. Aspects contained in Permenkes No. 75 of 2014 namely aspects of location, buildings, facilities and infrastructure, health equipment, personnel, and organization. There is a health center design stage which is made in accordance with the criteria of the Minister of Health No. 75 of 2014. Based on the results of research conducted on the new building of Public Health Center X, it is known that the location aspect meets 87.5% of the location criteria, the building aspect meets 100% of the building suitability, the facilities and infrastructure aspect meets 100% of the eligibility criteria, the equipment aspect only meets 34% of the equipment that must be owned, the manpower aspect fulfills 73% of the total workforce owned, and the organizational aspect meets 100% of the conformity of the organizational structure, so that overall Public Health Center X has a feasibility percentage of 82.4%. Public Health Center X needs to evaluate and improve. Improvements were made to the location aspect, namely, parking facilities by increasing the capacity of the parking lot. Then do the procurement and purchase of medical equipment because there are still 66% of equipment that is lacking, as well as adding health workers to the positions of public health workers, environmental health workers, and workers

    Pengendalian Risiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Dengan Metode HIRARC (Studi Kasus: IUIPHKK PT. Belantara Subur)

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    IUIPHKK (izin usaha pemanfaatan hasil hutan kayu dalam hutan alam) PT. Belantara Subur adalah suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang produksi kayu. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan di perusahaan ini berupa pemotongan, pembelahan, pengangkatan dan pengemasan kayu. Tempat produksi pada perusahaan ini baru saja berjalan di awal tahun 2020 sehingga belum memiliki sistem K3 yang baik dan pengawasan K3 terhadap pekerja yang juga kurang. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya risiko hingga kecelakaan kerja. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya, menilai risiko dan memberikan usulan pengendalian risiko pada bagian produksi PT. BS. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode HIRARC. Dari penilaian risiko yang dilakukan di tempat produksi terdapat empat level risiko yaitu rendah, sedang, tinggi, dan ekstrim. Hasil yang didapatkan dari observasi dan wawancara kepada para pekerja yaitu terdapat 59 potensi bahaya dan 72 risiko dengan 25 risiko level rendah (34,72%), 21 risiko level sedang (29,17%), 22 risiko level tinggi (30,56%) dan 4 risiko level ekstrim (5,56%). Pengendalian risiko yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah pengendalian secara eliminasi dengan menghilangkan sumber bahaya, substitusi dengan mengganti alat dan bahan, teknis dengan disertai gambar 2D dan 3D, administratif seperti safety talk dan pemberian sanksi, serta pengendalian dengan penggunaan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri)


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    Improving productivity is an activity that needs to be conducted continuously in order to strengthen an organizations competitive edge. High productivity resulted in optimal fulfillment of market demand. PT. Sinar Surya, a company that is involved in producing cassava s chip, discovered that its production is under capacity. This problem resulted from the working facilities in the grating, drying, packaging department; drying methods in the drying department; and high absenteeism. This paper purpose is to describe how an ergonomics approach can be utilized to improve the productivity of PT. Sinar Surya, Sidoarjo. The study showed that the productivity increased by re-designing the handle and angle of the grater-a tool for peeling the cassava's skin; using a diesel-oven to dry the cassava s batter instead of the sun shine; providing canvass and a supporting wood-chair to reduce the number of crushed chips in the drying department; and providing a scraper to unload the chips packages in the packaging department. These improvement efforts increased the productivity into of PT Sinar Surya 140.83% more than the best-period that they have achieved