68 research outputs found

    Standards for scrotal ultrasonography

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    The paper presents a description of essential equipment requirements for scrotal ultrasonography, including current ultrasound techniques, as well as a review of the most common scrotal pathologies. Patient preparation for the examination as well as ultrasound methodology for the assessment of scrotal and inguinal canal structures are discussed. The standard for scrotal ultrasound examination includes a precise B-mode evaluation, including testicular volumetric assessment performed using automatic measurement options based on the formula of a rotating ellipsoid or three measurements perpendicular to one another. Also, criteria for morphological assessment of abnormalities within testicular or epididymal parenchyma, including a precise evaluation of lesion size, delineation, shape and vascular pattern obtained with Doppler US, have been proposed. Standard assessment further includes epididymal evaluation, including epididymal size in the case of enlargement. The paper additionally discusses the method of ultrasonographic examination and describes the most common pathologies occurring within scrotal structures, including a quantitative analysis of hydrocele and other abnormal fluid reservoirs. We have also presented criteria for the assessment of varicocele as well as color and spectral Doppler flows in scrotal pathologies. Furthermore, we have proposed key components of scrotal ultrasound documentation, so that the contained data could be used to establish appropriate diagnosis, allowing for both adequate clinical management and the reproducibility of subsequent US evaluations performed by either the same or a different examiner. The most common causes of diagnostic errors have also been discussed

    Research on influence of damages of car vehicle combustion engine on noise level

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    The article addresses results of the research on the preliminary research on influence of chosen damages of car vehicle engine on noise generated level. The diagnostics experiment was conducted and the noise levels were measured in defined measure points placed outside the vehicle. For the experiments vehicles with damages of the engine and its equipments were chosen. The measures were conducted before and after the repair. The research had preliminary character, so evaluation of the influence of damages of car vehicle engine on noise generated level have had qualitative dimension

    Aerobic motor skills and the effectiveness of football players on the example of German Club BSC Eintracht Südring Berlin

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    Constant development and commercialization of football makes it somewhat compelling to look for proven solutions in order to determine both the represented players’ level of competence and the most important components of the effectiveness or efficiency of a game. Evolution of walking distance over the years directs attention towards the aerobic motor skills.In this report, there have been made attempts to determine the relationship between the effectiveness of the game and the endurance of the tested football players of the BSC Eintracht Südring Berlin club.The research covered a group of 22 players from the Berlin club. The tests were carried out in the autumn round of the 2018/2019 season in Berlin in the period from July to November 2018. The endurance was measured with the help of the Cooper Test, while the players’ performance was evaluated by the method of competent judges. The results of the study were statistically analyzed in the Statistica 13.1 program. Descriptive statistics were carried out, the minimum (min), maximum (max), average (X) and standard deviation (SD) values were calculated, and the coefficient correlation was determined.It was noted a significant correlation between the effectiveness of the game and the endurance

    Lokalizacja taśmy u pacjentek z niepowodzeniem leczenia wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu za pomocą slingu podcewkowego

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    Objectives: The high-pressure zone of the urethra (HPZ), which is crucial for the continence mechanism, extends between the point of the maximum urethral closure pressure and the urethral knee, and has been calculated to lie between 53% and 72% of the functional urethral length. According to recent studies the best results of suburethral slings are achieved when tapes are positioned under this zone. The aim of the study was to determine the location of tapes relative to the urethral length in patients seeking help due to recurrent stress urinary incontinence (SUI) following sling procedures. Material and methods: The study group comprised 61 patients suffering from recurrent SUI following suburethral slings performed from 6 months to 5 years earlier. Forty-nine (80.3%) women were initially treated with a transobturator sling and 12 (19.7%) with a retropubic procedure. Twenty patients had the original sling performed at our department whereas, the other 41 in other institutions. The position of the tapes was determined at the sagittal plane by 3-D transvaginal ultrasound using a linear transducer. The length of the urethra was measured from the bladder neck to the external urethral meatus following the urethral lumen, taking into account its curve. The position of the tapes relative to the percentage of the urethral length was calculated assuming the bladder neck as the proximal end of the urethra. The reference point was set at the midpoint on the tape. Results: Only 13 (21.3%) patients had tapes positioned at 50%-75% of the urethral length. In 45 (73.8%) of women examined the tapes were found under proximal half of the urethra and in 3 (4.9%) distally to the 75% of the urethral length. Conclusions: In most patients in whom slings procedures proved unsuccessful the tapes are located under theproximal half of the urethra, that is outside the HPZ. The position of a tape outside the HPZ may be considered as a cause of suburethral sling failure.Cel pracy: Badania ultrasonograficzne, oceniające położenie taśmy pod cewką moczową u pacjentek leczonych z powodu wysiłkowego nietrzymania moczu (WNM) za pomocą slingu podcewkowego wykazały, że najlepsze rezultaty obserwowane są w przypadku umiejscowienia taśmy pod odcinkiem cewki moczowej odpowiadającym strefie wysokiego ciśnienia (SWC). SWC rozciąga się pomiędzy punktem maksymalnego ciśnienia zamykającego cewkę moczową, a jej kolankiem i obejmuje odcinek pomiędzy 53% a 72% funkcjonalnej długości cewki moczowej. Celem pracy była ultrasonograficzna ocena położenia taśm podcewkowych u pacjentek z niepowodzeniami leczenia WNM. Materiały i metody: Badaniem objęto 61 pacjentek po nieskutecznym leczeniu WNM za pomocą slingow podcewkowych. Zabiegi były wykonane od 6 miesięcy do 5 lat przed momentem badania ultrasonograficznego. Z dostępu przez otwory zasłonione wykonano 49 zabiegow (80,3%), a 12 (19,7%) z dostępu załonowego. U 20 pacjentek wykonano zabiegi w II Klinice Ginekologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie, a 41 w innych ośrodkach. nPołożenie taśm oceniano za pomocą przezpochwowej ultrasonografii wykorzystując sondę liniową o częstotliwości 9-12 MHz. Po uzyskaniu trojwymiarowego obrazu mierzono długość cewki moczowej, w odniesieniu do której określano pozycję taśmy, przyjmując szyję pęcherza moczowego jako początek cewki. Wyniki: Jedynie u 13 (21,3%) pacjentek taśmy były umiejscowione pomiędzy 50 a 75% długości cewki moczowej. U 45 (73,8%) pacjentek, taśmę uwidoczniono pod proksymalną częścią cewki (poniżej 50% jej długości), a u 3 (4,9%) dystalnie do 75% długości cewki moczowej. Wnioski: U większości pacjentek z niepowodzeniem leczenia WNM za pomocą slingow podcewkowych taśmy zlokalizowane są pod proksymalnym odcinkiem cewki moczowej, a więc poza SWC cewki. Dlatego rozważając przyczyny niepowodzenia zabiegow slingowych u pacjentek z nawrotem nietrzymania moczu należy brać pod uwagę nieprawidłowe położenie taśmy

    Assessment of early toxicity of concomitant radio-chemotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer

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    IntroductionThe aim of this paper was to assess early toxicity and feasibility of concomitant radiochemotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer in daily routine clinical practise.Material and methodsBetween 1st of May 2000 and 15th of November 2000, twenty one patients suffering from stage IIB and IIIB (FIGO classification) cervical carcinoma were treated in the Radiotherapy Department of the Holycross Cancer Centre by concomitant radio-chemotherapy. Early toxicity of the skin, the lower gastrointestinal system and the genitourinary system was assessed according to acute radiation morbidity scoring criteria EORTC/RTOG. Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, nausea, vomiting and nephrotoxicity were scored according to the WHO scale.ResultsThere were no treatment-related deaths and no treatment breaks in radiotherapy due to acute toxicity. Only 48% of patients completed all 6 courses of cis-platin. The main causes of withdrawals from consecutive cycles of chemotherapy were: leucopenia - grade 2 or 3, thrombocytopenia - grade 3 and patient refusal. One patient developed acute renal failure. Other adverse effects did not exceed grade 2.ConclusionsConcomitant radio-chemotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced cervical cancer was feasible and featured acceptable toxicity. Haematologic adverse effects were the main reasons of discontinued chemotherapy. Radiotherapy was well tolerated and all patients completed the whole course

    Podsumowanie rocznych wyników kontroli odtwarzalności napromieniania w świętokrzyskim centrum onkologii

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    PurposeTo study the accuracy of patients positioning treated with external beams in the Holycross Cancer Centre in Kielce.Material and methodsDisplacements between digitised reference-simulator film and portal film were measured with the Port-Pro and home made programme AutoPort. Based on the data obtained for patients treated in the Holycross Cancer Centre and those published reaction levels for every localisation were defined: 5 mm for patients treated in the pelvic region – and also 5 mm for lung, breast and brain cancer patients. If the reaction level was exceeded the analysis of the set-up procedure was performed and the portal control was repeated. All the results were presented to the radiotherapists during the check meeting once a week. Over one year 524 pairs of film were compared for in 307 patients.ResultsIn 42 patients the action levels were exceeded during the last year. Twenty-four of them were irradiated in the pelvic region, 11 were irradiated for the breast, 3 were treated for brain tumours and the remaining 4 for lung cancer. In all cases portal verification was repeated. In 10 cases the difference larger than the action level was also observed so the simulation was performed once again.ConclusionsThe results showed that of patient preparation and implementation of radiotherapy provides a clinically acceptable reproducibility of patient set-up. The results stress the continuous need for paying attention to every patient's positioning and to the need of for the analysis of portal verification data collected over a long period of time. The data of the analysis showed the need for the implementation of specific control procedures for breast irradiation in our hospital.CelPrezentacja wyników odtwarzalności napromieniania pacjentów leczonych radykalnie, przy pomocy napromieniania wiązkami zewnętrznymi w Świętokrzyskim Centrum Onkologii w okresie jednego roku.Materiał i metodyZastosowano technikę oceny przesunięcia pomiędzy cyfrowo przetworzonym zdjęciem z symulatora (zdjęcie odniesienia) a cyfrowo przetworzonymi zdjęciami sprawdzającymi, z wykorzystaniem programu PIPSpro oraz własnego programu AutoPort. Na podstawie wstępnej analizy i w oparciu o dane literaturowe wybrano poziomy reagowania dla poszczególnych lokalizacji: dla pacjentów napromienianych w rejonie miednicy mniejszej 5 mm, dla pacjentów z nowotworem płuc – 5 mm, dla pacjentów z nowotworem piersi 4 mm i nowotworem mózgu 4 mm. W przypadkach przekroczenia poziomu reagowania podejmowano działania wyjaśniające i powtarzano procedurę sprawdzenia. Wyniki uzyskane opisaną techniką prezentowano radioterapeutom w ramach cotygodniowych przeglądów zdjęć odniesienia i sprawdzających. W przeciągu jednego roku przebadano 524 pary filmów dla 307 pacjentów.WynikiDla 42 pacjentów został przekroczony poziom reagowania. W tym dla 24 pacjentów napromienianych w rejonie miednicy, 11 napromienianych z powodu nowotworu piersi, 3 z powodu nowotworu mózgu i dla 4 z nowotworem płuca. W 10 przypadkach ponownie stwierdzono przekroczenie poziomu reagowania. Dla 5 pacjentów napromienianych w rejonie miednicy wykryto błąd systematyczny.WnioskiProcedura przygotowania i realizacji teleradioterapii w Świętokrzyskim Centrum Onkologii jest realizowana prawidłowo. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na ogromną wagę realizowania kontroli powtarzalności napromieniania dla każdego pacjenta, jak również gromadzenia danych i analizowania ich w dłuższym okresie czasu. Podjęto decyzję o opracowaniu odrębnego protokołu jej przeprowadzenia dla pacjentek napromienianych z powodu nowotworu piersi

    Characteristics of the competitive loads of Polish National Amputee Football Team. Pilot studies

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    Background: Information about competitive loads of amputee soccer players are very limited. This element should be one of the base to prepare appropriate training program according to individual needs of players, as well aims of season. The main aim of this pilot study was to describe the characteristics of selected elements of the internal competitive load of football players after unilateral amputations. Methods: The subject involved a group of 15 Polish National Amp Football (PNAF) players after unilateral amputations of t he upper or lower limbs. The age, height and weight were 27.1±8.4 years, 176.2±7.3 cm, 72.0±14.2 kg, respectively. The information were recorded during match between PNAF Team and representative of Polish Clubs, using Polar Team 2Pro System. The data base was analyzed using standard tools and differences among variables was checked by Wilcoxon test. Results: During whole games value of HRmean was 132.6±10.56 bpm with a range from 87.3±10.6 bpm to 182.3±10.69 bpm and energy expenditure was 612.7±164.86 kcal. General, Values of observed variables were higher in the 2nd part of the match but differences among them was not significance. Conclusion: Characterizing the competitive effort will allow to diagnose and determine the nature of the work to use it as specific requirements of the discipline. It can be expected that these information will contribute to the improvement the training process for AMP Footballers and optimize training of the disabled people

    Research on influence of damages of car vehicle combustion engine on noise level

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    The article addresses results of the research on the preliminary research on influence of chosen damages of car vehicle engine on noise generated level. The diagnostics experiment was conducted and the noise levels were measured in defined measure points placed outside the vehicle. For the experiments vehicles with damages of the engine and its equipments were chosen. The measures were conducted before and after the repair. The research had preliminary character, so evaluation of the influence of damages of car vehicle engine on noise generated level have had qualitative dimension

    Profiles of phenotype resistance to antibiotic other than β-lactams in Klebsiella pneumoniae ESBLs-producers, carrying blaSHV genes.

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    Extended spectrum β-lactamases production is one of the most common mechanism of resistance to extended spectrum β-lactam antibiotics is increasing worldwide. Twenty five strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from clinical specimens were tested. Based on the phenotypic confirmatory test all these strains were defined as ESBL producers named ESBL(+). The plasmid DNA from each strains was used to investigate the presence of blaSHV genes responsible for extended spectrum β-lactamases production. Moreover, susceptibility of these strains to antibiotic other than β-lactams in was tested

    Organizational structure of the german club Berliner TSC

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    Football is one of the most popular sports disciplines in the world. Rules and regulations are well known but football clubs differ in terms of their level. There are many variables that can influence the success of football clubs. In this paper we made an attempt to describe how the football club from East Germany functions. Teams in a german club Berliner TSC served as our research material. The research was conducted in Berlin in 2017/2018 season. It was shown that recruiting strategies are similar in the german club and in polish clubs. What is different is their selection and goals of the clubs. It is considered that it is worth to adapt some of the solutions applied in german clubs to polish clubs