21 research outputs found


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    This paper describes the fractions of humus compounds present in the organic and mineral horizons of the forest soils in the area of the Karkonosze Mountains. Soil profiles that represented the mountain Podzols and Dystric Cambisol were located on the northern slope along an altitude gradient from 890 to 1255 m a.s.l. Two soils were located under the spruce forest, and one in the subalpine meadow. Soil samples were taken both from the surface organic layers (the ectohumus layer) and from the mineral horizons. Fractionation of humus compounds was made using the modified Turin method. The soils had the texture of loamy sand and sandy loam, an acidic or strongly acidic reaction, low base saturation, and the predomination of aluminum among exchangeable cations. A significant increase in the fulvic fraction (Ia) with depth in the soil profiles was observed that confirmed the high mobility of this fraction in the acid mountain soils, higher in the forest soils, and lower in the meadow soils. The content of fraction I decreased generally with depth in the soil profile; however, a secondary increase was observed in an illuvial Bh horizon of the Podzols. Fulvic acids predominated over the humic acids and this predominance increased with depth in the soil profile. The ratio of the humic to the fulvic acids in fraction I in the ectohumus horizons was influenced by the composition of a biomass inflow. TheCHA:CFA ratio had the highest values under a spruce forest compared to a mixed stand and a subalpine meadow. In the surface horizons of the forest soils, a predominance of humic over fulvic acids was always observed, while in the subalpine meadow soils, the fulvic acids predominated over the humic acids in all soil horizons. Based on this study, it can be stated that thevegetation type and the dominant soil-forming process rather than simply climate factors influence the fractional composition of humus in the mountain soils of the Karkonosze Mountains

    Spatial distribution of lead in the surface layers of mountain forest soils, an example from the Karkonosze National Park, Poland

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    ), and correlated strongly with the stocks of organic matter, both being significantly higher in the lowest altitudinal zone (500-750 m a.s.l.) compared to the highest zone (1250-1380 m a.s.l.). Nevertheless, there was no simple correlation of Pb pools vs. altitude. The largest pools of Pb are stored in the layer 0-10 cm. The pools of accumulated Pb determined in this study are much higher than those assessed on the basis of available data on former and present Pb deposition rates. These findings may be assigned to a seeder-feeder effect and horizontal transport of pollutants. The highest amounts of Pb were identified in three distinct areas (hot spots), in particular in the vicinities of mountain passes, which may be explained by meteorological factors as well as by the influence of local pollution

    Omówienia i sprawozdania

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    3 mówienia i 2 sprawozdania

    Polski system medialny 1989-2011

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPublikacja składa się z trzech części. Pierwsza, zatytułowana „U źródeł transformacji systemu medialnego Polski”, została poświęcona okresowi przemian systemu medialnego zapoczątkowanych w 1989 r. Druga część publikacji omawia media „głównego nurtu”. Na trzecią część publikacji składają się rozdziały poświęcone mediom spoza głównego nurtu, często niszowym i mało znanym, co nie znaczy, że mniej ważnym

    Cooperation between private sector and the non-govermental organizations as a source of bilateral image benefits

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    Głównym celem pracy jest odpowiedź na pytanie czy współpraca sektora prywatnego z organizacjami pozarządowym jest źródłem obustronnych korzyści wizerunkowych. W części teoretycznej zawarte są dwa rozdziały, których celem jest definicja współpracy oraz wizerunku. Trzeci rozdział przedstawia badania przeprowadzane na podstawie największej polskiej akcji CSR „Podaruj Dzieciom Słońce”. Badania odpowiadają na postawione w pracy pytania badawcze oraz potwierdzają postawioną w tytule pracy tezę.The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to answer the question if the cooperation between private sector and the non-govermental organizations is a source of bilateral image benefits. Theoretical part of this thesis includes two chapter which aim to define image and cooperation. Third chapter brings forward the researches which were conducted on the basis of the biggest Polish CSR action „Podaruj Dzieciom Słońce”. The researches answer the research questions which are highlighted in the thesis and confirm the argument included in the title of this bachelor thesis

    Arsenic Content in Arable Land of the Ząbkowice District

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    The aim of this study was to determine the content of arsenic in soils used for agriculture in the Ząbkowicki district. The content of arsenic in collected soil samples ranged 1.1-569.5 mg·kg-1. The standard for arable lands of Group B has been exceeded in 24 out of 231 test points. The highest concentrations occurred in the Złoty Stok commune. This is due to the output of arsenic and gold in this area. Exceeding the standard also occurred in neighboring communes: Kamieniec Ząbkowicki and Ziębice. This is due to the blowing and washing pollutions form the source of contamination, the arsenic mines in the Złoty Stok commune